An Unseelie Understanding

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An Unseelie Understanding Page 13

by Amy Sumida

  “I love the way you taste,” he murmured. “Dark and sweet, all at once; like cherries and chocolate.”

  “And I love the way you look. Have I told you how handsome you are?” I whispered. “Your shining hair against this gorgeous skin, all these crazy muscles, and then those impossible eyes. Purple; who the hell has purple eyes?” I shook my head. “Even here—among all the beautiful fairies of Tirne—you are the most stunning man I've ever met.”

  Trenton gaped at me; his eyes searching my soft expression and then my gaze. Finally, he laid his lips to mine gently as he slipped inside me. I moaned as Trenton filled me completely and then began a steady rhythm.

  “Trenton,” I moaned.

  “Riley,” he whispered back. “I have never felt the way I do with you. No one has ever said such things to me.”

  “You've never been told that you're handsome?” I asked in surprise.

  Trenton brushed back my hair and stared down tenderly at me as he continued to rock into me.

  “No one has said it to me with such honesty,” he amended. “You genuinely find me attractive.”

  “Anyone with eyes would find you attractive,” I huffed.

  “No, sweetheart, not here,” he said with a smile. “Here, I am one of the shining throng. And I'm not even considered one of the more attractive members of my race. My body is too large—too muscular to be refined as a prince should be, my features are too similar to my sister's to be special, and my voice is too rough. It's only my title that wins me compliments and the interest of the ladies of Court. But all of those pretty words are false; I can see the lie in their eyes. Except for you, my sweet Riley, your eyes only hold truth in them.”

  “Trenton,” I whispered. “What's happening between us?”

  “Something magical, I think,” he whispered back before he kissed me again. “And something very real.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  From that day on, Trenton and I stopped playing games. When we were in public, he still treated me as a concubine, but he slowly adjusted his behavior until I was more like his consort than his slave. When we were alone, he was able to be himself, and it was even more exciting than when he gave me control. It turned out that Trenton didn't need to leave Tirne to be free of his issues; he only had to confront them.

  Every day brought new nuances to our relationship and revealed new facets of ourselves to each other. He was learning about me, and I was learning more about him. Prince Trenton of Seelie was the most honorable, kind, and sensitive man, who was also the fiercest, bad-ass soldier in all of Seelie. I hadn't known about the bad ass part until the day we wandered past the training courtyard.

  Trenton had been wrapped up in me from the moment I was given to him, and he hadn't spared any time for his usual activities; including his knight training. He hadn't gotten those muscles by lying around all day. My assessment of his form had been more accurate than I'd known; my prince was also a knight; more than that, he was the Commander of the Seelie Army. It was yet another thing about Trenton that all of those courtly ladies secretly found distasteful, and was also what Queen Tana had been referring to in that odd conversation between her and Trenton, my first morning in Seelie.

  Unseelie royals trained for battle and were admired for their prowess, but the Seelie Kingdom was supposed to be more genteel than its dark rival. In Seelie, they expected their prince to strut about like a peacock and order his knights to defend him. His job was to be a beautiful representative of the Light Court. But Trenton's parents had died in the last war because Unseelie soldiers had made it past their knights, and neither his father or his mother had known how to defend themselves. He had vowed to be strong enough to protect his sister, and not only had he sacrificed a life of luxury to achieve his status and skill, but he had also endured the disapproval and secret ridicule of his people.

  It was no wonder that Trenton felt the need to punish himself, and that the women of Court couldn't get him off; Trenton knew that their desire was false. How could he find satisfaction with a woman who only wanted him because of his status? He was simply too honorable for that. I couldn't understand those dumb bitches; Trenton was the most gorgeous man I'd ever laid eyes on, and he was built like a Roman gladiator. I could hardly believe that he wanted me, much less that other women didn't want him. Although, the “women not wanting him” part had changed a bit since Trenton had fucked me savagely in front of the Court. Yep; he had drenched a few panties with that display. The ladies were looking at him differently now, and at me with a fair amount of jealousy. They had seen the appeal of their warrior-prince.

  But—as I mentioned—Trenton hadn't taken the time to train since I'd come to Court.

  We were strolling through the halls when we passed the training courtyard, and his fellow knights called out to him. We stopped, and Trenton took me over to meet them all. The Seelie knights treated me like I was a lady of their court instead of a slave, and I was both shocked and pleased by their chivalry. I didn't have a lot of interaction with the other members of the Seelie Court, and I had assumed that they all viewed me as a servant at best and a whore at worst. But these men were gallant and obviously friends with Trenton, not just his soldiers. Whatever the ladies of the Light Court thought of their prince, his knights didn't share their opinions. They teased Trenton mercilessly until he finally gave in and shucked off his fine tunic in exchange for a padded one and some shiny, fairy armor.

  “This won't take long,” Trenton promised me as he led me to a bench against the wall.

  “Okay,” I said as I took a seat.

  My eyes strayed to the bits of silk and cords tied around the knights' belts. I knew what they were; favors. Ladies would give their lovers scraps of their clothing or ribbons from their hair, for their man to wear on his belt into battle. It was a symbol of their affection and was meant to inspire their men to greatness. The ladies may not have liked their prince fighting, but they still admired prowess in his knights, and every knight there had a favor on his belt. As contrary as the ladies of the Seelie Court were, I suddenly wanted to be one of them. I wanted to be someone Trenton could be proud to be with; someone respectable and worthy of his love and admiration.

  I waited until Trenton was armored up, and then approached him. My hands started to shake as he lifted a brow in question. What if he was offended by my audacity? What if it was against some fairy law for a slave to offer her favor to a prince. I suddenly felt my low status sharply. I was a human in the land of the Fey, and I owned nothing; not even the scrap of silk that I was about to offer Trenton. But I had decided to do this, and I wouldn't back down. I pulled a green ribbon from my hair, and my curls tumbled down around my waist.

  “Will you wear this while you fight?” I whispered; trying not to draw any attention to us, just in case I was making a faux pas.

  Trenton's eyes went to the ribbon and rounded. My heart started to pound in my throat as I panicked. Fuck; I had done it now. I had embarrassed and shocked him. Maybe I could pretend that the ribbon had come undone on its own. I started to take it back when Trenton lifted his stunning stare to mine, and I saw the happiness inside it. He sank down onto one knee and accepted the ribbon.

  “It would be my honor to wear your favor,” Trenton said in a clear voice that carried through the courtyard.

  The other men went quiet and turned to give us their full attention. They didn't stare in surprise but out of respect; as if they wanted to bear witness to the moment.

  “Oh, okay,” I stuttered with a nervous smile. “Great; thank you.”

  Trenton took my hand and kissed it lingeringly. “May my sword and my strength bring you honor, Lady Riley.”

  The knights smiled at each other and then at me. I felt like I should say something back to Trenton, but I didn't know what was appropriate. So—as usual—I just went with my instincts and blurted out what I felt.

  “I'm not giving you this favor to gain honor, Your Highness,” I said tenderly. “That matters little t
o me.”

  The knights inhaled sharply at what was no doubt a serious offense. But then I continued.

  “I give you this to show you that no matter where you are, or what you're doing, I am with you,” I said firmly. “If I could, I would be the steel that guards your heart”—I laid my hand on his breastplate—“as well as that which slays your enemies.” I nodded to the sword on his hip. “I would be your strength, and I would gladly sacrifice the honor you offer me in favor of defending you. But you don't need my affections to inspire you to valor, Prince Trenton, and you certainly don't need me to defend you. You have already become everything that any knight could ever hope to be; wise, strong, kind, and chivalrous. You will always have my admiration, but this token is to remind you that you fight for more than my honor; you fight for my life because it would be over if you didn't return to me.”

  Trenton made a choking sound of disbelief; his eyes misting as he swallowed convulsively. He shook his head in wonder as he surged to his feet and lifted me into an embrace. Trenton kissed me thoroughly as his knights cheered. When he lowered me back to my feet, his eyes were shining with pride, happiness, and...

  “I love you, Riley,” he whispered.

  “I love you too; it feels as if I always have,” I whispered back.

  “Sweet Goddess,” Sir Ardel said. “What I wouldn't give to hear a woman say that to me.”

  “Maybe we should start searching Earth instead of Tirne for a wife,” Sir Rannulf said.

  “Don't bother; you'll never find a woman like mine,” Trenton said confidently. “Now, you fools, prepare to get beaten horribly. I cannot fail when I carry my lady's favor with me.”

  “Indeed, Your Highness,” Ardel said, “perhaps you cannot. But your skills may have gotten rusty while you wallowed in her other favors.”

  “All right, Sir Ardel, you can be the first one I crush horribly.” Trenton smirked.

  Then Trenton proceeded to crush them all into the ground. They were still groaning when we left the training field, but they did so with smiles on their faces. You just couldn't help but be happy for Trenton when he won; even if it meant that you lost.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The next morning—after the most amazing sex, during which Trenton and I proclaimed our love for each other, over and over—we were summoned to the Queen's chambers. Trenton frowned uneasily as he helped me dress.

  “Hey.” I pushed at his wrinkled forehead. “It can't be anything bad, can it?”

  “Tana never summons me first thing in the morning,” he said. “She's too busy enjoying herself at breakfast. If she's not breaking her fast, then it's serious.”

  “Oh,” I whispered. “But why would she summon me along with you?”

  “I don't know, and that's what is truly worrisome.”

  Trenton escorted me to the Queen's chambers, and we found her sitting on her throne with her lover standing behind her. There was a man standing before the throne, and he looked vaguely familiar. As we drew abreast of him, I remembered where I'd seen him before; Castle Unseelie. I gasped and tightened my grip on Trenton's hand.

  Trenton squeezed me back; he knew the fairy wasn't of his court, and that left only one other option. Then I saw Conall; his arms were crossed as he leaned against the wall to the side of the throne. He smiled at me smugly as Trenton and I approached.

  “Sister, you sent for us?” Trenton asked.

  “I did,” Queen Tana said sadly. “I'm sorry, Brother, but King Drostan has sent for Riley. He wants her back.”

  A cold shiver ran through my body, and I began to tremble. That fucking bastard! After all this time, he wanted me back? Right when I finally found happiness?

  “Tana!” Trenton growled. “Tell King Drostan that we're keeping Riley.”

  “He has threatened war, Trenton,” Tana said gently. “I know you care for Riley, and I adore her too, but we cannot go to war over a human slave.”

  “I won't let him have her,” Trenton stubbornly declared.

  “Trenton, this is my decision and it has been made!” Tana snapped.

  “I love her!” Trenton shouted, and the entire room went silent.

  “I wish that were happy news,” Tana finally whispered. “But it changes nothing. I'm so sorry, Brother; we have to return Riley to Unseelie. King Drostan has the greater claim; he brought her to Tirne from Earth and entrusted our knight with her safekeeping. To betray that trust would be dishonorable, and would put King Drostan well within his rights to bring war to Seelie. We have our people to think of, Trenton. Riley must be returned to her true master.”

  “No,” I whispered. “I can't go back there. Please, Your Majesty. I want to be with Prince Trenton.”

  “I know that the Unseelie Court is harsher than our own,” Tana said gently. “And I wish that we could keep you, sweetling, but we can't. My hands are tied.”

  “I won't go!” I shouted and ran toward the door.

  I didn't make it halfway across the room before Conall caught me. He snatched me around the waist and chuckled in my ear. But before he could say anything, we were torn apart. Trenton punched Conall so hard that he went flying back into the wall he'd previously been leaning against. Conall shook his head and stared at Trenton in shock.

  “Touch her again, Sir Conall, and you will die,” Trenton vowed with cold intensity as he set himself before me. He calmly pulled his sword and settled into a warrior's stance. “Anyone else care to accost my beloved?”

  “Brother, please don't do this!” Tana cried. “I do not want you hurt.”

  “I won't be,” Trenton said confidently. “Not unless you take Riley from me.” To me, he said, “Run! Head into the forest; I will find you, my love.”

  I turned and ran. I wasn't about to waste Trenton's heroics on hesitation.

  No one outside of the Queen's chambers knew to stop me. I had become a normal fixture around the Seelie Court, and they all knew the freedoms that Trenton allowed me. So, I went running through the halls without anyone trying to impede my escape. In fact, I kept running out of the main doors of Castle Seelie, and then into the forest. I ran so fast and so desperately that there was no way they could find me.

  Except I couldn't find myself, either. I had gone so far that I didn't recognize the terrain, and I became hopelessly lost.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  After wandering for hours, I finally found a dry cave to curl up in and tried to sleep. I was on edge; constantly twitching awake at every sound. Then my exhausted body took over, and I passed out. When I woke, I was surrounded by large, rough-looking men. I lurched to my feet—ready to fight—but the men held up their hands warily.

  “We offer you no harm,” one of them said. “We were just wondering why you were sleeping outside of our den.”

  “Your den?” I lowered my arms.

  “Back there,” another of the men waved a hand behind me.

  I glanced over my shoulder and just barely made out a large wooden door in the shadows of the cave.

  “You live here?” I asked them in surprise.

  “Of course; we're Cu-sidhe,” a third one said. “What are you?”

  “She's human, you dolt,” a fourth huffed. “Just look at her; look at those curves.”

  “But she's dressed in fairy clothes,” the third said defensively. “Royal, from the looks of it.”

  “Why is she here?” A fifth one asked.

  Yeah; five against one. Those weren't the best odds.

  “I'm running away from someone,” I said. “A whole bunch of someones, I think.”

  “You think?” The first one edged closer. He had soft, kind eyes, and a chiseled face. “What's happened to you, my lady? Have you been attacked? Do you require assistance?”

  All of them were handsome, but this guy was especially so. They were all muscular as well; I didn't know what a cu-sidhe was, but it evidently came with the lumberjack package. Speaking of packages; they were only wearing loincloths, and they were packing some heat behind th
eir leather. I mentally shook myself; when had I become so focused on sex? Oh, right; when I'd been coerced into sexual slavery by the King of Unseelie.

  “I was sent to Seelie by King Drostan, but now he wants me back. I don't want to return to him, so I ran,” I explained.

  “King Drostan?” The first guy asked. “That's a hell of a guy to run from. He'll have soldiers all over these woods, looking for you.”

  “Not just King Drostan,” another said. “She said she ran from Seelie. That means Queen Tana will be searching for her as well.”

  “But we could hide you,” one of the others said.

  “If you were to offer us something to make it worth the risk,” a third added.

  “My name is Caleb.” The first guy said gently to me before he glared at the others. “These are my uncouth packmates; Ethan, Ruin, Rath, and Jack.”

  “Ruin and Rath?” I asked.

  “Nicknames,” Ruin explained with a smile. “What's your name?”


  “Riley, we've been without a mate for many years,” Caleb said. “It makes us a little blunt. So, please forgive our rudeness.”

  “You want me to fuck you in exchange for you hiding me from Drostan and Tana?” I asked blandly.

  The men blinked in surprise.

  “I guess she can be blunt too,” Ethan said with a chuckle.

  “We want more than sex,” Ruin said. “We want you to be our mate. We'll look after you, and you'll look after us.”

  “All of you?” I asked.

  “All of us.” Caleb nodded.

  “I ran away because I love Prince Trenton,” I said. “He helped me escape, and he'll be coming for me. I don't want to be your mate; I'm sorry, but my heart is already taken.”


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