Promising Forever

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by Ashley Wilcox

  “I never thought I’d say this,” Matt adds, “But Trav’s right. Girls get all weird sometimes for no reason at all. She’s probably just anxious for today. You’ve got nothing to worry about, bro. Summer’s got it bad for you. How? I have no fricken clue, but she does.”

  Rubbing my forehead again, I nod my head in agreement. They’re right. Summer and I are solid. We’ve got the best fricken relationship and love each other to death. She is just nervous.

  That’s what girls do.


  The day carries on without a second to breathe. We start with massages and facials, then manicures and pedicures, followed by lunch in the hotel restaurant. We’re finally heading back to our room where the hair and make-up team is setup, waiting for us. It isn’t until I take a look in the box lying on the bed, labeled “Summer”, that I’m able to allow myself a relaxing breath and time to remember what today is all about…marrying my soul mate. In the box is a beautiful rose pressed and framed between two sheets of glass. Attached is a note from Collin.

  My Beautiful Bride,

  I give to you the rose that I kept from our first official date. When I gave you this rose two years ago it symbolized a new beginning, a new adventure with a beautiful girl. Today I give you this rose as a symbol of a new beginning, of new adventures with my beautiful wife. Summer, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, what new adventures we’ll take together. You’re the love of my life and I can’t think of anything better than spending the rest of my life falling asleep by your side and waking up to your beautiful face. I love you so much, baby.

  I’ll see you at the altar.

  Love Always,


  The air in my lungs constricts as the tears flow fluently down my face. Never have I ever read anything so beautiful, or received a gift worth so much meaning. I can remember just like it was yesterday, the day he game me this rose. After weeks of just hanging out and acting as friends, he finally asked me out on a date. Trying to be as girly as possible, I got all dressed up and even pulled out the outfit that Kat referred to as the “just in case” dress. I was never one to get all made up and bother with those sort of things, but I really liked Collin. I knew he was someone I could see myself with, so I pulled out the dress and did my hair and make-up, only to find Collin on the other side of my apartment door in his pajamas, holding two bags of take-out and a single white rose clenched between his teeth. It was in that moment that I knew he wasn’t just someone I could see myself with, but I knew he was someone who I’d never be able to live without.

  Collin stole my heart that night and has had it ever since.

  Chapter 9


  It’s 5:00 p.m. by the time we get back to my parent’s house. One hour until go time. Thanks to my wonderful mom, we’ve had a photographer following us around, acting like the damn paparazzi for the last two hours. She tells me that I’ll thank her in twenty years when Summer and I look back at this day and smile at all the fun memories that were caught on camera. I guess I’ll take her word for it, even though the photographer has been a pain in my ass.

  With nothing to do, the guys and I hang out on the dock, drinking a couple of beers and shooting the shit. I got a random text from Summer not too long ago that just said,

  “See you at the altar


  Just those words alone were enough to calm my nerves and turn my excitement up another notch.

  I love her so fucking much.

  At around 5:30 p.m. the guests start rolling in. First my grandparents, followed by some more family. Within fifteen minutes, the backyard is full and almost every chair is occupied. We mingle around, saying hi to friends and family that I haven’t seen in a while and I stop to chat with Alexa and Nolan, see how their wedding plans are going. With all that we’ve been through, it’s nice that we’ve been able to put the past behind us and remain good friends.

  At five minutes to six, the harpist starts playing the introductory music, cuing me that we’re getting started. I’ve yet to hear if Summer and the girls have arrived, though I’m sure they have. Travis, Matt, and I line up next to the flower covered arch that my uncle built for us. Speaking of flowers, they’re everywhere! From the aisle to the chairs that are lining it, there are flowers everywhere you look. I have to say, my mom really outdid herself. The place looks stunning, straight out of a fairytale- hopefully Summer’s.

  At exactly 6:00 p.m. my grandmother is escorted down the aisle by my grandfather. Behind them is my parents. I meet them halfway, taking my mom’s arm and bringing them to their seat. As I remove her hand from my arm, she gently tugs my ear to her mouth.

  “Have you heard from the girls?” she asks.

  I look at her, confused.

  “No?” I respond with a pit in my stomach, but a smile still on my face, not wanting the guests to notice the scene that is playing out in my head.

  “All was fine when I left them earlier, but the limo…” she starts, but stops, noticing a white stretch limo pulling alongside of the house in the spot reserved for them.

  Not being able to hold it back, my body visibly relaxes and a relieved sigh escapes my mouth.

  Oh, thank god!

  Getting the answer she was looking for, my mom kisses my cheek before whispering how proud she is of me as I let her arm fall free and return to the front.

  The driver comes to the side of the limo as the music changes to the song Summer and I had picked out for the bridesmaids to enter to- god if I can remember the title. My nerves are shot and I’m chewing the hell out of my lip, so there’s no way I can remember something like that right now.

  Leah exits first, but instead of smiling and walking slowly with a bouquet of flowers in hand, she’s wearing a tight grin, fidgeting with her fingers and walking like her life depends on it down the aisle. I look to Matt at my side to see if he knows what the hell is going on, but he’s too wrapped up in watching Leah to notice that something’s not right.

  Silently cursing my mom for inviting so many guests and making the aisle long as fuck, I take the few extra steps that are now separating Leah and I.

  My heart is beating so hard that I can feel the blood swooshing in my ears. Although I need to hear what Leah has come to tell me, I panic, lost for words as I open my mouth to ask.

  “Um…Summer isn’t…” she begins, making every ounce of my soul sink like a ton of bricks down and throughout my body, “coming.”

  Not meaning to be so rough, I grab Leah’s elbow possessively. Maybe out of shock, maybe to catch me if I collapse...probably both.

  “What…what, do you mean she’s not coming?” I manage to choke out, feeling a knot of tears moving up my throat.

  She’s quick to answer, realizing what I’m thinking. “No! No, it’s not what you’re thinking- it’s her dad.”

  Snapping out of the depression that I was already climbing into, I ask in a worried tone, “Is he okay? Is she with him? What happened?”

  By this time, the harpist has stopped her music and Matt and my mom have come to our sides.

  Not even hearing Leah’s answer, I tell them, “I have to go. I have to be there…Where are they? What hospital?” I ask, already reaching for the keys in my pocket assuming that it had to be serious enough that that’s where they are.

  “St. Joseph’s,” is all I hear Leah say as I begin running for my car.


  I try calling Collin, then Matt, then even Travis and his mom, but all of their phones go straight to voicemail. I knew it was going to happen- Mrs. West gave us strict orders to shut off all cellphones before even stepping foot near the ceremony, but I try anyway. I don’t want Collin to think that I am standing him up- that I ran, even though that’s exactly what I’m doing. But it’s not away from him. It’s alongside the stretcher that’s carrying my father into the ER.

  Just as we were getting ready to leave the hotel, he collapsed, holding his chest as he cried out in pain. I immed
iately freaked, calling 911. Within seconds, paramedics were there, lifting him onto a gurney and covering his mouth with an oxygen mask. They think it was a heart attack, but they won’t be sure until they get test results. Whatever it was, he doesn’t look well at all. His skin has lost all of it’s coloring and his eyes look like they’re slowing sinking into his face. I’m scared.

  I’ve never been so frightened in all of my life.


  My head is blank as I drive as fast as my car will allow me to go- weaving in and out of traffic, desperately trying to get to the hospital as fast as I can. Pulling my cellphone out of my pocket, I hold down the power button to power it on. Immediately it blinks with numerous missed calls and voicemails. I don’t listen to any of them, knowing who they’re from. Instead, I hold down the number one button that will connect me immediately to Summer’s phone. Docking it into it’s base, the ringer sounds through the speakers of the car. My scared and frightened love picks up after the third ring.

  “Collin! I’m so sorry-” she cries out, but I immediately cut her off. There’s no reason for her to be sorry. She did what she had to do, be there with her Dad. I can’t hold that against her.

  I try and calm her down. “Baby, no. It’s okay. What happened? I’m almost there.”

  She takes a few seconds to catch her breath, to try and hide her fear.

  “I’m not sure...maybe a heart attack, but he looks awful, Collin.” She starts to breakdown again.

  “’s okay, baby. I’m pulling in right now. I’ll be there with you in just a second, okay?”

  I wish I could say that he’s going to be okay. That it’s nothing more than just a hiccup in his health, but I can’t. I know his time is limited. We’ve known the end is near and it’s a miracle that he’s made it this long.

  Pulling my car into the first empty spot that I see, I throw it in park and swing open the door, locking it with the keyless entry as I run towards the emergency room entrance, all the while trying to comfort Summer over the phone. As soon as I make my way past security, Summer stands outside of the waiting room doors, hearing me coming. My heart clenches when our eyes meet. Although her face is stricken with streams of black, she looks breathtaking in her fitted white gown. Dropping my phone in my coat pocket, I run to my beautiful bride, wrapping my arms around her and holding her head against my shoulder, letting her cry out the pain in her heart.

  We stand like that for what feels like hours until a man is a white jacket and scrubs interrupts, tapping Summer’s shoulder. “Ms. Walker?”

  Summer immediately straightens and wipes under her eyes.

  “Yes. I’m Ms. Walker,” she answers in an apprehensive tone, breaking every last bone in my body, hearing the heartache in each of her words.

  I can’t stand seeing her this way. My heart breaks more and more with every second that passes.

  “Ms. Walker, your father has experienced a severe heart attack. As the pumping of his heart became less effective, blood has backed up in other areas of his body, putting him in congested heart failure. We’ve controlled the bleeding and have been able to insert a VAD.”

  “A what?” Summer asks, confused.

  “It’s a ventricular assisting device. It’s used to take over the pumping function for one or both ventricles of the heart. In your dad’s case, it’s both. At the moment it’s working as it should, but given your father’s health, I’m not sure how long it will. In most cases, patients with this severe of heart disease need a heart transplant, but again, given your father’s health, he probably won’t be able to handle such an invasive surgery.”

  “So, are you saying that this is just buying us some time?” I ask.

  “It is, sir. I’m not sure how long it will remain effective.”

  “Heart disease?” Summer softly says, confused. “Since when does he have heart disease? He has cancer.”

  “You did not know this, Ms. Walker? According to his records, he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy last year.”

  Summer and I both look at each other in question. He never told either of us about this.

  Summer shakes her head no. “No…he never told us about this.”

  With a tight frown, he continues, “I do apologize, but yes, with his condition these types of situations may occur. He may not have wanted to scare you. His prognosis was already not looking good at the time of being diagnosed.”

  Summer nods her head, trying to wrap her head around it all. I squeeze her a little tighter into my side, knowing that’s probably exactly why he didn’t tell us. Getting this news soon after our engagement and knowing how much Summer and I wanted him at the wedding and by her side, he probably just brushed it under the table while pushing himself to the finish line- the wedding. That’s the kind of man that he is- a tough ass who will do anything for his daughter.

  “You guys are free to see him now. He’s in the ICU and still asleep from the surgery. Be aware that there are a lot of wires attached to your father’s chest that are connected to the VAD’s external power source.”

  Before asking if we have any further questions, he introduces us to a nurse who will show us to her father’s room. Rubbing sanitizer on our hands and taking a deep breath outside the door, we enter with caution, not really knowing what to expect. As soon as her dad comes into viewing, Summer’s breath hitches and her hand covers her mouth. Although his chest is moving, confirming his life, he looks like death has already claimed him- very pale, wires coming and going in every direction, oxygen being transferred into his nose…

  He doesn’t look good. He looks awful.

  Summer’s body fades out of my arms as she joins her father along the side of his bed. Taking a seat in the chair and holding his hand delicately in hers, the tears start streaming down her face again. I give her this time and stand at the foot of the bed, hands stuffed in my pants pocket. Although I can feel the tears threatening to fall, I hold them back, needing to stay strong for my girl. My phone buzzes in my pocket, reminding me of the wedding that is supposed to be happening at this very moment.

  “Sweetheart,” I whisper to Summer. “I’m going to go fill everyone in. Will you be okay for a minute?”

  Sniffling, she nods her head. “Yes. Tell your mom I’m sorry.”

  I shake my head in disagreement. “Do not feel bad about this. This is out of all of our hands.”

  Biting her lower lip and visibly fighting back more tears, I rush to her side and cradle her in my arms. “Everything’s ruined,” she sobs into my chest. “I’m so sorry, Collin.”

  I pull her in closer, running my hand over her hair and soothing her with my touch.

  “That’s just details,” I assure her. “They can all be replaced. You’re all I care about and nothing else matters…okay?” I gently kiss her head.

  She nods her head yes, sniffling again.

  “Alright. I’ll be right back.”

  She slowly lifts her head from my chest and wipes again under her eyes.

  “I love you, Summer.” I lift her chin so she can see the seriousness in my eyes. “There is always tomorrow with us. We can get married any other time.”

  A smile curls onto her lips as I see a faint twinkle in her eyes, melting my heart and reminding me for the millionth time why I love this woman so much.

  Kissing her forehead once more, I leave the room after assuring her again that I’ll be right back. The nurse sitting outside the door nods as I pass, making my way to the family sitting area right outside the ICU doors. I call my mom first, then Matt and Kat. Even though they’re all at the same place, I know they’re anxious to hear what has happened. This way, instead of having to find each other for updates, I inform them all myself. According to my mom the party still went on, moving everyone into cocktail hour. I could hear the concern in all of their voices, though, knowing that even though they’re all there, entertaining the guests, they all wish they were here at the hospital with us.

  As promised, I return to Summer within
a few short minutes. She’s still by his side, holding his hand with her cheek rested against it. I come up behind her, placing my hand on her back and rubbing it slowly from side to side for comfort. The nurse enters to check his vitals and make sure everything is okay.

  “When will he wake up?” Summer asks with a soft sweet voice.

  The nurse turns, tilting her head and looking sympathetically at Summer.

  “It can take up to forty-eight hours, but he may not. It all depends. The first twenty-four hours is touch and go.”

  Closing my eyes and squeezing Summer’s shoulder, I feel her body tremble beneath me. It’s not the news that she was hoping to hear.

  “I’m so sorry, honey,” she continues, seeing Summer start to breakdown. “He’s a tough cookie- you never know,” she adds, trying to be hopeful even though we all know the odds are against us. His journey is ending. He already fought the battle.

  Standing there for a moment longer, she smiles softly before leaving the room. Summer remains still, quietly sobbing into her father’s hand. Seconds later, she lifts her head, staring in to my eyes.

  “Let’s get married. Here,” she says in all seriousness.

  I look at her dumbfounded, not expecting her to say that.

  “What? Are you sure? We don’t have to. We have all the time in the world to get married.”

  “But not with dad here. His minutes are fading, and I need him here when I say I do, awake or not.”

  I look at her for a moment longer, not having the words to answer, but then they come- with a flood of emotions.

  “If that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do. I couldn’t care less where I marry you, Summer.” I cup her cheek with my hand. “I just want you as my wife.”

  With a grin spread across her face, she responds, “Then we’ll get married right here, right now, with my dad by our side.”


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