Stolen Ecstasy

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Stolen Ecstasy Page 44

by Janelle Taylor

  His gaze smoldered with leashed passion as he trained his midnight eyes on her beaming face. “We must wait out the storm. Will you mind being alone with me for several days?” he teased in return, his white teeth gleaming in the firelight. Like an adoring woman’s hand, the colorful flames lovingly caressed the bronze planes of his arresting face and the muscular ripples on his bulging arms. His deep voice was mellow and provocative.

  Rebecca realized how good these past months and rigorous activities had been for her love’s body and spirit. He was a man, a warrior. He exuded self-assurance and prowess. Even his stance revealed confidence. He was a bronze and black god who controlled her emotions and fate. It was sheer heaven to be so near to him. His sensual mood tantalized her. She shrugged and sighed playfully. “I suppose I can endure it, if I must,” she jested lightly, then grinned at him.

  “You must,” he retorted, chuckling in high spirits.

  Her tone waxed serious as she replied, “I can think of nothing I would enjoy more. I was so afraid I would never see you again,” she told him, her voice strained with emotion and her eyes misty.

  He laid the game aside and went to her, gathering her into his arms and holding her. “It is over, my heart. My people say you can live at my side, as my wife.”

  She looked up into his face. “You mean it?”

  ‘The vote was cast when I returned with Sun Cloud. I was waiting for Flaming Star to bring you home to me. I was not in camp when he arrived with the news of your capture by the white man. That is why Windrider came alone for you. Our camp was under attack by many foes. White Arrow, Flaming Star, and two Blackfeet warriors searched for you. They looked many weeks. When they returned, they told me you were with the Crow. The Crow had left their old camp; they did not know where to seek the new one. I feared you lost to me forever. Thunder Head’s confused words confirmed their findings.”

  Her hand rested over his heart. She looked into his intense gaze. “I didn’t know such things, my love. I could not understand why you refused to come to my side. I was so alone and afraid.”

  “When the Blackfeet told me you had gone to the Cheyenne camp, I was hurt. I thought you had chosen Windrider over me. I rode swiftly to force the truth from your lips. You were gone. I was too late. I was wrong,” he admitted hoarsely. Remorse and guilt were reflected in his midnight orbs.

  She inquired about Gray Eagle’s health. “Niyate kin toketu hwo?”

  “Tanyan yelo,” he replied, informing her of his father’s recovery. His hand reached up to caress her cheek. “What is my life without you at my side? Will you join to me, Rebecca? Will you end our pain and separation? Winyeya nanka hwo?” He asked if she were ready.

  “Han, winyeya mankelo. Do you even need to ask?” she murmured, lacing her fingers behind his neck. She raised herself to kiss him, murmuring, “Yes, yes, yes,” before meshing her lips to his.

  Her breath was stolen by the feverish kiss and their fierce embrace. He tasted her response, her eagerness, her unbridled passion, her love and commitment. She needed to touch him, to feel his flesh against hers. Her hands unlaced the ties on his shirt. She drew away to remove it, tossing it to the ground. She laid her face against smooth, coppery flesh that was hard and vital. Her lips placed kisses over his heart her tongue mischievously flicked over his taut nipples.

  Bright Arrow groaned in desire. His loins throbbed with instant arousal at her stimulating touch. He needed to touch her. He unlaced her garment and removed it. He untied the thongs of her breechclout and let it drop to the ground at her feet. He bent forward and captured a light brown peak in his mouth, then feasted on both for a time.

  “That feels so good,” she murmured. Rebecca’s head arched backward as she savored the blissful sensations. His hands drifted skillfully over her responsive body. She moaned in rising need to sate the ravenous demands of her womanhood. Her fingers played in his silky hair and mapped his shoulders. Bright Arrow grasped her buttocks and pressed her against his hard and aching manhood. Their burning bodies rubbed provocatively against each other as their mouths blended.

  “I want you, my heart. Is it too soon?” he asked cautiously, his manhood firm and erect, its heat calling out to her.

  “No, my love, the time is perfect. I shall die of starvation if you do not feed me this moment,” she coaxed as her palm rubbed over the bulging area in his breechclout.

  He spread the buffalo mats near the fire, adding more wood, then he held out his hand entreatingly. She took it and allowed him to pull her over to the mats. She lay down, sending him a visual invitation that sent fire coursing wildly through his whole body. He sat down beside her, passing his igneous gaze over her full length. Soon their hopes and dreams would be realized, and they would be united for all time. Such thoughts and emotions increased his rampant desire.

  “I love you, Rebecca Kenny,” he suddenly declared, leaning over to fasten his mouth to a tantalizing breast.

  Bright Arrow worked slowly and carefully, drawing out this special moment as long as possible. His hand tingled over her abdomen and slipped into an auburn forest, to play around a sensitive peak. His hand caressed the smoothness of her inner thighs. His lips nibbled at her collarbone and ears. His movements became more serious and deft, and he stimulated her senses to mindless, instinctive response.

  Finally, Rebecca could stand this rapturous torment no longer without giving him something in return. She rolled Bright Arrow to his back and removed his breechclout. Then she covered his face with kisses. She worked her way down his chest, her tongue teasing each hard mound and tiny dip on his well-developed body. She drifted lower, surrounding his groin with kisses and caresses. She drew soft, throaty groans from him as she stirred his passion to a mindless level. Up and down his pulsing shaft she dropped moist kisses. His manhood quivered as he writhed under her ministrations. He could barely master this rearing stallion that longed to gallop wildly into her dark canyon. She lovingly and excitedly worked until he shuddered with urgency.

  Turning her over, he pressed her gently to the soft mat. His mouth fused with hers as his hungry shaft sought appeasement. He entered and withdrew only three times before he halted briefly to cool the flames that she had kindled. With a tenuous hold on his passion, he continued his movements. She arched and matched his rhythm, and their bodies labored in ecstatic unison.

  Rebecca’s legs encircled his body and held him possessively.’Take me,” she murmured into his mouth, grinding her lower body against his.

  Bright Arrow increased his pace and power. She held him tightly as the blissful climax stirringly racked her senses. Her entire body experienced a rush of heat and tingling. The instant she tensed and indicated her release, he joined her, knowing there would be no retreat or denial for either. Together they rode out the wild and wonderful sensations. He continued his deft actions until every seed had been delivered into her enticing body and had blended with her release. They shared tender kisses and gentle caresses until their breathing slowed and contentment filled them, and they lay locked in each other’s arms for a long time.

  The cold had been forgotten in the heat of their passion. When Rebecca shivered, Bright Arrow propped himself up and gazed down at her. He smiled. Rebecca returned it. “I must see to Tasia and our game,” he stated reluctantly, not wishing to move from this delightful position. He cupped a breast and fondled it. He kissed the tips of her shoulders, then her chin and nose. “You are much too tempting, my wild heart.”

  Her fingernail teased down his chest to circle his sated manhood. “Not as much as you are. We have the rest of the day and all night,” she responded with a provocative grin.

  “No, mitawa cante, “ he laughingly corrected her. “We have the rest of our lives together. You are mine, woman.”

  She sighed peacefully. He hadn’t called her “my heart” in a long time. “Our dream is coming true, my love,” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he happily concurred. “Did I not tell you many times you were meant to be in
my life-circle? Now all know this and agree.”

  “We always knew it. We simply had a difficult time convincing everyone else,” she merrily retorted, joining in his playful mood.

  “When the storm passes, we will return to my camp. You will become my wife. It cannot come swiftly enough for me.”

  “Nor for me. Can it truly be over, Bright Arrow?” she inquired anxiously. “We’ve faced so many fences that I fear another will be built before we can enjoy our freedom.”

  “Do not worry, my heart. I will let nothing and no one come between us. I give you my word,” he vowed honestly.

  “I believe you. How I do love you, my fierce and handsome warrior. I am the luckiest woman alive.” She sat up to hug him, then nestled into the curve of his shoulder.

  “Rest and warm yourself. I will return shortly.” He pulled on his garments, then left the cave.

  Rebecca tossed two pieces of wood on the dwindling fire. She snuggled into the mat, drawing a blanket over her naked body, and stared into the colorful flames. She was so happy and content. She closed her eyes as needed slumber claimed her serene mind.

  Bright Arrow secured Tasia’s reins to a pointed rock near the entrance, then he walked over and gazed down at his sleeping love. He watched her for a time, relishing his victory. He inhaled deeply as the same sense of tranquility filled his mind, and he turned to prepare the game. He then placed the cleaned deer on a high rock where it would be protected from animals. The cold weather would keep it from spoiling. He constructed a forked holder and placed it over the fire, then skewered the rabbits to roast. When his love awakened, the meal would be ready to eat.

  Bright Arrow sat on a leather pouch across the fire from Rebecca. He couldn’t seem to look at her enough. He was the lucky one. He had everything he wanted and needed. From Rebecca’s actions and words, he knew she, too, was content. They would share a long and happy life together.

  It was two hours before Rebecca stretched and sighed. She opened her eyes to find her love’s warm gaze on her, and a radiant smile greeted him. She smelled the fragrant rabbit, and she grinned. “Now I know what woke me up,” she told him, sitting up as the blanket fell away from her nude form.

  “I had to tempt you. I was hungry,” he announced. Yet his greedy eyes were feasting on her body, not the roasting meat. “Loyacin hwo?” he asked playfully, inquiring if she were hungry.

  She laughed. “I am as ravenous as you, my love.” Her expression matched his; both radiated reborn passion and deep love.

  They joined in laughter. He cut a hunk oftender rabbit and passed it to her quivering hands. Glancing first at the meat, then at him, she giggled. “I thought you meant a different kind of hunger,” she teased, devouring the delectable tidbit.

  “I did. But we’ll need stamina to feed it.” He cut her another morsel. His laughing eyes surveyed her heartrending beauty.

  “How long can we stay here?” she asked suggestively.

  “Not long enough,” he replied. “A few days, as long as the storm is bad. I don’t want anyone out searching for us in this weather. I will give you a critical mission,” he announced mysteriously.

  “A mission?” she echoed as she nibbled at the roasted game.

  “I must send you into a marriage with a greedy and possessive warrior. You must make him happy for life. You must take care of his needs and hungers,” he ordered between chuckles and bites.

  “And what of my needs and hungers, my demanding captor?” she inquired as girlish giggles spilled forth to amuse him.

  “Perhaps he will find a way to satisfy them. Do you think he can accomplish such a large task?”

  “Yes,” she replied dreamily. Her gaze wandered over his face and frame. “Oh, yes, I’m positive he can.”

  “Then you will be a good match for this warrior,” he concluded, tugging on a fiery curl, then tickling her nose with it.

  “I am unskilled and inexperienced on the mats. I will require many lessons and much practice. Do you think I can learn to please him?” she questioned with feigned innocence. She moved closer to him and passed her hand over his smooth chest with its two scars from the Sun Dance. Her fingers traced little patterns on his bronze flesh.

  “Oh, yes, you positively can,” he said as he watched the whitened fingernail-drawn heart slowly vanish from his chest.

  They laughed and talked while they finished their meal. The winds howled around the entrance to the cave, and the snow began to fall again. It was as if they were sealed inside a private haven. The air was chilly, but the fire shared its warmth and light. Tasia seemed perfectly calm. They had food and wood. It seemed an enchanted time for them.

  “How large is this cave?” Rebecca asked, staring into the blackness that appeared to stretch for a long distance.

  “It is big and deep. It runs beneath the mountain. There is a stream back there. We will have plenty of water.

  “A stream?” she echoed excitedly. He nodded. “Gin I have a bath?” she asked with almost childlike enthusiasm.

  “The water is cold, my heart,” he warned her.

  “I’ve had plenty of cold baths. I have soap in my pack. Please,” she entreated, as if’needing his permission. She hadn’t had a real bath since Billy Culpepper had forced her to take one in that pond. She had washed off, but that wasn’t the same. She didn’t care if the water were freezing, for she knew an excellent way to warm up afterward.

  “I will light a torch,” he agreed. He took a large, dry piece of wood and held it in the flames until the end was burning.

  Rebecca gathered her things and followed him into the dark recess. It was a spooky place. The torchlight danced eerily on the cave walls of midnight rock. They reached a circular area where water ran down the wall and flowed into a small pool. She squealed with delight. After testing the water with her finger, she said, “It isn’t so cold.” Quickly she dropped her things and disrobed.

  Rebecca stepped down into the pool, delighted to find it was only waist deep. She didn’t wash her hair, as she knew it would remain wet too long and she might catch a chill, but she scrubbed her body from face to toes. She hummed merrily as she worked, perhaps to give her the courage to remain in the water long enough to complete her task.

  Bright Arrow observed her and his body alerted him to his rising desire. Her sun-kissed flesh still held its summer glow; it glistened with moisture. She smiled dreamily as she labored. When her tawny eyes landed on him, they darkened and reflected her own desire. He hunkered down beside the pool and watched her as overwhelming passion coursed through them both.

  He stripped off his garments and joined her in the small pool. The coldness closed around him, but it soon faded as his body adjusted to the temperature. He took the hunk of soap from her hand and began slowly and enticingly to bathe her. She did the same for him. His lathered hands slipped over her breasts, kneeding the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Her hands moved with slippery pleasure over his chest and shoulders. His head bent forward as his probing tongue touched hers; they savored the taste of each other.

  His hands squeezed the pleading mounds and sweetly tormented the thrusting peaks. His hands slid around her back and grasped her buttocks. As he fondled them, he pressed her snugly against his rapidly enlarging maleness. Bright Arrow caught Rebecca’s shoulders and pulled them beneath the surface to rinse away the soap. After he raised her upper torso above the water’s surface, his tongue circled her nipples and inflamed her senses.

  Bright Arrow’s hands teased down her sides, over her hips, and parted to go in separate directions. One hand caressed her buttocks as the other moved into her auburn triangle to gently stroke the straining peak there. He could feel the tension and throbbing within that pleasure point. As he lavished warm moisture and delight on her nipples, his finger entered her entreating womanhood. He moved expertly until her head thrashed wildly with mounting desire.

  Rebecca’s hands roved the hard, smooth body before her. They played over the taut, sinewy muscles acr
oss his chest and lining his shoulders. They roamed over and around his slim, flat stomach. Her fingertips playfully grazed his hips, then wandered to examine his firm buttocks. His actions were stealing her senses and control. Her hands shifted to weave through his groin area. She caressed the two round knobs beneath his bloodengorged shaft. Her hands ran up and down its length. It was so smooth and firm, so full of skill and need.

  Bright Arrow was starving for her. He lifted her and sat her on the edge of the pool, then he grabbed the blanket and tossed it beneath her. Their eyes met; she comprehended his sensual intention. She smiled and tingled with anticipation. He pushed her down upon the rumpled blanket. In the heat of their passion, the frigid water and cold air were ignored. She inhaled deeply to control the building suspense and her eagerness. She snuggled her back against the blanket, closed her eyes, and allowed him free rein over her body and senses.

  Bright Arrow’s gaze locked on her womanhood, its appeal calling out to him. He visually explored her most private area. His hand reached out to gently stimulate the tiny mound. He smiled when she trembled at his stirring touch. A finger eased within her secret recess to find it moist and eager. Heady power and pleasure surged through him.

  His other hand wandered up and down her silky thighs. He was fascinated by the beauty of his stimulation. He passed his tongue over his lips, and his manhood pulsed with a response. He pushed her fuzzy hair aside as his finger moved upward to make blissful contact with that peak, and he deftly massaged it until her hips undulated and she moaned unceasingly. His head bent forward and his tongue replaced his finger. He teased the extremely sensitive peak with his teeth, giving her exquisite pleasure.

  Rebecca groaned and her head thrashed against the blanket. Tension built within her. She wanted to relax, but couldn’t. Her stomach muscles tightened in almost painful anticipation. She was engulfed by passion’s flames. The peak throbbed and pulsed as Bright Arrow continued his erotic attack on her mindless senses.


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