The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March

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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March Page 2

by Adrienne Kama

  “And,” I prodded, when he seemed on the verge of stopping.

  “And nothing’s changed. But Robin said she and her fiancé want me there. She doesn’t care what dad thinks.”

  “How do you feel?”

  Dev shrugged. “I want to go. Of course I want to go, but I don’t want to ruin the wedding. I’m not that selfish.”

  “What about your sister? She knows your father as well as you do. If she’s willing to risk it, shouldn’t you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s her wedding, after all. Aren’t her feelings more important than your father’s?”

  “That’s what I said,” Jake interjected.

  Dev gazed across the room at nothing. “Yeah, of course Robin’s feelings are more important.”

  “I don’t have to go,” Jake said. “And I won’t be offended if you go alone. I know how things are with your father. Go and enjoy yourself.”

  Dev shook his head. “It doesn’t matter if I go alone or with you. Either way, whenever my dad looks at me he’ll see a gay man. He can’t stand to be around me, Jake. I know he’ll make a scene. I can’t do that to Robin. I won’t do that her.”

  “Then take Stella.”

  A bit of the wine I’d been sipping at eased down my windpipe, sending me into a frenzy of coughs.

  When the coughing fit had subsided, I didn’t miss a beat. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jake,” I said, wiping the last of my tears away. “If Dev’s father doesn’t like you, what do you think he’ll say about me? You may be a man, but you’re white…sort of.” Jake was Native-American and Puerto Rican, not exactly WASP material. “I’m black, Jake. African-American. A minority.”

  “I noticed,” Jake said dryly.

  Dev, who’d looked too much like he was contemplating this ridiculous idea, studied me. “I don’t know. It may work. My father is a man. I’m sure he’ll appreciate your…attributes. Anyway, that I know of, he’s never been a racist. A homophobe yes, but a racist, no.”

  Despite the fact that this had been his idea, Jake couldn’t keep himself from making a cynical remark. “I bet his best friend is black.”

  Dev grinned. “No, his best friend is white.”

  For the first time tonight, Dev was beginning to look like his usual self. I didn’t care, though. I wasn’t getting roped into this.

  “What do you say, Stella,” Dev said, looking hopefully at me. “Would you do this for me?”

  “What exactly would I have to do?”

  “Not much. Just come with me to Virginia where I grew up. It wouldn’t be for more than a few days. Three, maybe four…five at the most.”

  “Five days?”

  “Come on, kitten. Do this and I’ll make it more than worth your while.”

  I wanted to say no, wanted to refuse, nevertheless I heard myself give in. “Okay. Just let me know how many days when you know for sure so I don’t book too many clients for Ann to cover on her own.”

  Dev leaned toward me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “Thank you, Stella.”

  I didn’t get a chance to reply because the waitress appeared with our entrees.

  After our conversation, dinner was much more enjoyable. The food couldn’t have tasted better. The pasta was firm, the sauce spicy without being overwhelming, and the wine delicious. We were having a fantastic night. Jake shared a few anecdotes about his childhood, I spoke of my sisters and my mom, and Dev’s mood lightened considerably. That’s why what happened during dessert came as a complete and total surprise to me.

  “Take off your panties and give them to Dev,” Jake said, conversationally.

  I forced myself to remain silent and wait. Surely this had to be a joke.

  “Do it.”

  “My panties,” I whispered. “You want me to take them off?”

  Jake gave me one, decisive nod. “Right now.”

  I felt a brief impulse to demand, or what, but that would have been unnecessary. I knew what would happen if I didn’t do what was requested of me. I always knew what would happen. The threat had been hanging over my head since I met Dev. If I refused, Jake would let Dev have his way with me. This meant me, backside in the air, with Dev standing over me—whatever implement of punishment he preferred in hand. I could handle Jake with a paddle since he never hit me too hard, but both men had indicated that Dev would make no such assurances. Dev was a bit of a sadist when we came right down to it. If Jake turned him loose with a paddle, I didn’t doubt Dev would make sure it hurt.

  Instead of arguing, I eased my chair further under the table and pulled the tablecloth over my lap. I was wearing stockings, thankfully, so I wouldn’t have to struggle to free myself of pantyhose. Still, I couldn’t decide how I felt about this turn of events.

  “You’re taking a very long time, Stella,” Jake informed me.

  I swallowed, then nodded my ascent.

  As I squirmed out of my panties, I marveled out how quickly dinner had turned from Dev’s misery, to friendly conversation, and finally to my submission. I was often left reeling by how quickly, and unexpectedly Jake could exert his dominance. More shocking, though, was how much I enjoyed it. Though I was truly scandalized at the prospect of being panty-less in a public restaurant, the more I thought about it, the more I was thrilled at the idea. Even as my panties slid down my calves and I reached to clasp them, I knew I’d have a difficult time concentrating on my cheesecake for the remainder of dinner. A warm tingling had started in my abdomen and I felt light-headed with desire.

  I held my panties—Victoria’s Secret, thank the stars—balled in my fist, and placed them in Dev’s waiting hand.

  “Good girl,” Dev purred. “Now spread your legs. Nice and wide.”

  My face heated even as erotic need descended on me. I felt my breath seep out on a long sigh when Dev placed his hand on my thigh.

  My legs trembled and I struggled to obey. I wasn’t afraid, but I’d never done anything like this. What if someone saw what we were doing? I’d be horrified.

  Dev edged closer, slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. “That’s it,” he soothed into my ear. “Nice and wide.”

  When I spread my legs as wide as I could without drawing attention to myself, I chanced a look at Jake.

  His emerald eyes, hazy with lust, scorched me where I sat. Dragging his tongue over his lower lip, Jake transferred his gaze from me to Dev, then nodded.

  I had to bite down on my lip to keep from yelping in surprise when Dev pressed the fingers of his free hand against my clitoris. He rubbed me, bringing a surprised gasp from my throat. “You’re so wet already.”

  This was a fact I was well aware of.

  Removing his fingers, Dev turned to Jake and gave him a nearly imperceptible nod.

  Jake spooned a bite of cheesecake into his mouth and studied me for a moment. I waited impatiently, wondering if anyone could smell my arousal and praying it wasn’t so.

  “Ease lower in your chair, Stella,” Jake said as he chewed.

  Without pausing, I did. “Oh!” I chirped, but remained where I was. “Jake?”

  He wiggled his toe in answer.

  Pleasure oozed over me and a violent shudder shook my body. I had to grab the table to study myself.

  “That feel good, kitten?” Dev asked, lips to my ear.

  I gave him a frantic nod.

  Dear God, I had to get control of myself. I scanned the restaurant. Nobody seemed to be watching us, but they would if I made a spectacle of myself.

  Jake stroked my clit again, nearly sending me over the edge. Dev’s finger had felt wonderful a moment before, but Jake’s toe, sheathed in his dress sock, was like heaven. The rough material felt amazing.

  “The last few weeks have been great, Stella,” Jake said casually, as though he had no idea what was happening under the table. “Don’t you think?”

  I didn’t want to answer questions. I didn’t want to talk. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and lose myself in the eroti
c delight of what Jake was doing to me. Still, I forced myself to nod.

  “Dev? Does Stella seem distracted to you? I don’t think she’s listening to me. What do you think?” His toe froze, mid-rub, and I nearly screamed in protest.

  Dev rubbed the nape of my neck, much as I had rubbed his earlier, but for very different reasons. “I think she’s listening, but she does seem distracted.”

  Jake resumed his slow torture, rubbing his toes against my engorged nub and sending a riot of sensations flooding my body. It was such an exquisite pleasure, this secret torment, and I lost myself in the thrill of it.

  Dev pressed his lips to my ear and began whispering in his rich, baritone voice. “You know what I’d like right now? I’d like to take you out of here, bring you home with us. We’d make you lie in bed between us and fuck you senseless. Would you like that, kitten?”

  “Yes,” I hissed through my teeth.

  Jake edged lower in his own seat. Eyes steady on my face, he worked me with his toes. Stroking my clit in languorous circles that were close to sending me over the edge. I clutched at the edge of the table, gripped the wood and cloth tighter as Jake continued.

  “Come for me Stella,” Jake mouthed.

  As though he controlled the very functions of my body, the damn broke and a powerful orgasm ripped through me. I gasped at the force of it, had to bite my tongue to staunch a cry of pure joy. The sensations came at me in waves, thundering over me so forcefully that Dev had to wrap his arms around me to keep me from tumbling off my chair.

  I have no idea how much time passed before I was able to think a coherent thought again. But as the pleasure slowly receded, I realized Jake was watching me from across the table, smiling.

  “Can we have our check, please?” he asked the waitress when she returned to our table. “We have to get home.”

  Chapter Two

  11:01 p.m.

  I sat at the foot of the bed, gazing into the fireplace in Jake and Dev’s bedroom, trying to figure out where they’d gone. They’d left me in the bedroom nearly twenty minutes ago. What could be taking them so long?

  Clearly they were up to something.

  “Stella,” Jake said, pulling me from my silent musings.

  I looked up and nearly swallowed my tongue. Instantly I sat erect, and stared in admiration. Jake looked amazing. Though his expression was as grim as it had been the last time I’d seen him, there was something indescribably sexy about the tilt of his head and the full line of his lips. I couldn’t tell exactly what he was wearing, but it looked sort of like a jet-black, wet suit. It sheathed his body like a second skin, so deliciously tight I could make out every bulge and curve on him. His hair was loose, nearly unkempt in the way it flowed in unruly waves down his back. He was wearing boots. A pair of knee-high ass-kicker boots that made an already sinfully sexy outfit look downright lethal. “What are you wearing?” I asked, breathless.

  Jake advanced into the room and came to stand beside the bed. Setting large hands on his hips, he surveyed me. There was an eager gleam in his eyes, a feral hunger in the way he looked at me that had my heart racing.

  “Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” he asked, completely ignoring my question.

  Too busy gawking to respond, I nodded.

  “Good. And the food?”

  I had time to offer a single nod, then Dev appeared. Instantly I knew they had something fun planned.

  I didn’t know where on Dev to settle my greedy eyes first. Every inch of him was delectably perfect. Donning a body suit similar to Jake’s, Dev’s lithe body was just as enticing in the form-fitting suit as was Jake’s. Though instead of ass-kicker boots, Dev wore thigh-high boots with elaborate silver buckles and fastenings. His newly blonde hair was smoothed away from his face and clasped tightly at the nape of his neck. The overall affect was slightly menacing. He looked severe, nearly military, and extremely sexy.

  I felt the air spill out of me on a sigh. Lust would have driven me to my knees had I been standing.

  “Come here,” Jake said, motioning to a spot on the floor directly between them.

  “You both look amazing. What’s the occasion?”

  Jake frowned. “Come here, Stella,”

  I wet my tongue and swallowed. Careful the intense emotions racing through my body didn’t make me keel over, I got to my feet, then stumbled forward a step. Getting another, longer look at them as they stood side-by-side, I sighed yet again.

  Eventually, I made my way to the spot Jake had indicated.

  Standing so close to them made me feel faint.

  Dev took a step toward me, brushed his lips against my cheek. “Good girl,” he purred into my ear.

  I swallowed and strove for calm. I didn’t have a clue what they were up to, but I knew from experience the best thing I could do was follow directions.

  Folding his arms imperiously over his chest, Jake continued to gaze at me. “Do you want to know what we’re going to do to you, Stella?”

  My face heated as another, more powerful rush of lust surged deep inside of me. I nodded. Hell yeah I wanted to know what they were going to do.

  “First we’re going to make you take off your clothes. I want you naked. Then we’re gonna show you who that sexy little body belongs to.”

  My stomach clenched. I would never be able to explain to myself why such domineering talk always turned me on.

  Dev fingered the straps of my dress, then gave one a gentle tug. “I bet you’d like that. And I’ll bet she already knows whom she belongs to. Don’t you, kitten?”

  I nodded.

  “Don’t you?” Dev said, louder. There was a hint of steel in his voice that sent a shiver of anticipation through me. “Answer me.”

  I opened my mouth and was surprised by the squeak that came forth. “Yes.”

  Jake ran his fingers down my spine and leaned in close so he could whisper in my ear. “Who do you belong to?”

  Dear God, they wanted me to say it…out loud! I couldn’t actually say it. I could think it, maybe pantomime it, but say it when I wasn’t busy having an orgasm? That was too much.

  I stared desperately at Dev, hoping he’d see by my wide, pleading eyes this was beyond me. Unfortunately, Dev wasn’t in a very giving mood. He began tapping his toe impatiently. “Say it, beautiful. Tell us who your masters are.”

  Masters? When had we decided to use that word?

  I licked my lips, closed my eyes…

  “Open your eyes and look at us.”

  I opened them, then cleared my throat. “I belong,” I began, then stalled. “To you,” I exhaled, “and Jake.”

  “Every inch of you,” Jake said, coming up close behind me just as Dev was praising me with a “Good girl.”

  I stood still as stone, unsure of how I was supposed to react. To say I’d never been in this situation before was the understatement of the year.

  “Take your clothes of Stella,” Jake said, then stepped away from me.

  Dev stepped away as well. Neither went far, and both continued to stare at me expectantly.

  Getting out of my dress wasn’t difficult. It was only a matter of unzipping and letting the garment slide the length of my body to the floor. I stepped out of my heels and lost a good two inches of height. Getting out of the stockings took a little longer, but in mere minutes I was naked, save the rings on my fingers and the necklace at my throat.

  Watching me like a hawk, Jake smiled. “Very good. Now sit on the bed and show your masters’ their pussy.”

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “Sit on the bed,” Dev repeated, slowly enunciating each word. “Then spread your thighs so we can see our pussy.”

  I swallowed. Hard. It felt like something very large was caught in my throat. “You want me to do that now?”

  “Right now.”

  What was the big deal, I asked myself? I was dating two men, after all. I couldn’t walk to the bed and spread my legs?

  Aroused, nervous, and confused, I went to the bed an
d settled myself slowly atop the goose-down comforter. It was soft as cotton beneath me and made me feel I was sitting on fluffy clouds. Though my legs hung rigidly to the floor, I’d decided to do as they said. They hadn’t stirred me wrong yet, so I’d trust them.

  Forcing fear from my mind, I spread my thighs wide.

  One of them—I didn’t know which since I was staring at my feet—let out a slow breath.

  “Good girl.” That was Dev. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  “I have impeccable taste.”

  I could hear the muffled sound of boots against carpet as they approached.

  “Speaking of taste…” Dev began. His face came into my line of vision when he crouched before me. “I want you to scoot further back on the bed.”

  I met Dev’s gaze. Was he about to do it to me? Dear God, I wasn’t sure if I could handle having his mouth on me. “Dev—” I began.

  Dev shook his head. “Come on, kitten. Don’t be shy.”

  The bed dipped and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I’d been so focused on Dev I’d momentarily forgotten about Jake. I stiffened when I felt his hands on my waist, nearly cried out when he lifted me and pulled me to the center of the bed.

  Jake kneeled behind me, knees pressed to my hips with his chest flush against my back. I thought I’d melt into his warmth. Even encased in rubber, Jake’s body felt amazing.

  “Relax, Stella,” Jake said into my ear. “You’ll enjoy this. I promise.”

  Again, I marveled at what was about to happen, at what I thought Dev was about to do.

  “I want the taste of you in my mouth,” Dev said, as if reading my mind. He climbed onto the bed, the buckles on his boots jangling as he moved, and sprawled between my spread legs. “I want to feel your pussy on my tongue. So be a good girl and open wide.”

  I did as told, shuddering under the weight of anticipation.

  When Dev kissed my inner thigh, I sighed. When he ran his tongue over my skin, I cried out for more. Hot air peppered my spread quim as he trailed a path with his tongue up my inner thigh, sending a riot of sensations thrumming through my body.


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