The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March

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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March Page 7

by Adrienne Kama

  “Relax, Stella.” Dev said as he drove north on I-95. “This’ll be our little secret.”

  He glanced at me. A golden curl fell over an eye, making him seem boyishly innocent for a moment. Then he turned away to face the road again and the moment was gone.


  7:07 p.m.

  I turned on the lights in my foyer, and out of habit, nearly walked back to the office to check for messages. The place was dark, so I figured Ann had left for the day. Still, I thought it prudent to double check.

  “Ann!” I called, hoping I wouldn’t get an answer.

  I didn’t.

  Heaving a sigh of relief, I turned to Dev who’d already removed his coat and was holding it out to me. His face was flushed pink from the cold, but not even a blush on the cheeks was enough to disguise the lascivious desires clearly etched across his face. His lips twitched as he watched me, his eyes narrowed as if he were thinking of numerous ways he could entertain himself with me.

  I’d never been alone with Dev like this before. Always, whenever sex was a possibility it was either Jake and Dev, or just Jake. In the car the prospect thrilled me. Though I wasn’t any less aroused, I was beginning to feel tinges of doubt. Dev was a repressed Dom. For years he’d been forced to submit to another, this could very well be the first time in years that he was about to have sex with someone who he could have full control over. What if he went overboard? Or, what if he forced the anal issue? What if—

  When I didn’t take his coat, but continued staring up at him like a deer caught in headlights, he opened the coat closet and set it on a hanger himself. “I’m a bit harsher than Jake, I know that,” he began, as though he could read my mind. “If I do anything you don’t like, tell me and I’ll stop.” He held a hand out for my coat, so I squirmed out of it and handed it to him. “Understand? I want you to enjoy being alone with me. I don’t want you afraid of me.”

  After he set my coat in the closet beside his, he closed the distance between us. A shiver chilled me when he grasped my chin and angled my head back so I could stare directly into his eyes. “Understand?” he asked again.

  “You won’t make me have anal sex?”

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. And don’t be afraid to tell me if you’re uncomfortable with something. I won’t get angry.”

  Remembering my first time with Jake when he delivered a similar speech, I smiled. “Okay. I understand.”

  “Good.” His hold on my chin tightened and the cold leather gloves sent another chill through my body. As he stood over me, holding me in place, his genial countenance changed before my eyes. Dark intent was visible in his chocolate eyes. A wicked—or perhaps depraved was a better word—smile appeared on his face. With a free hand he rumpled his waves then gave his head a shake that made his hair tumble around his shoulders in loose curls.

  I’d never known anyone as animated as Dev. He was a man who wore every emotion like a badge of honor. Still, seeing his metamorphous from gentle lover to…Hell, I had no idea what he’d become, but whatever it was it was turning me on.

  “Stella.” He spoke in a rich, syrupy voice not entirely his own. It was deep, incredibly sensual, and so sexy I wanted to throw myself at him. “Take me to your room.”

  I nodded and started for the stairs. I’d only gone one step when I remembered the ridiculous outfit I was wearing. The stiletto Mary Jane’s, the microscopic, hot pink mini-skirt, and the nearly non-existent halter. There was a part of me—an enormous part of me—that felt like a damn fool gallivanting around Maryland in such a getup. But Dev liked it so I had to at least try to feel sexy in it for him.

  Since I knew Dev had a perfect, unobstructed view of my butt-cheeks peaking beneath the hem of the skirt, I made a point to put a little more swoosh in my walk as I ascended to my room.

  I could hear him breathing, smell his fruity shampoo in the air around me. The closer I came to my room, the more I realized how desperate I was for Dev. I loved being with both men, but having Dev to myself, even if it was only this one time, had been a secret craving I’d never given voice to.

  I managed to make it to my bedroom and turn on the lights without swooning from hormonal overload.

  This wasn’t the first trip to my bedroom Dev had taken, though it was his first when I hadn’t anticipated him. Only now, with Dev at my side surveying his surroundings, did I realize how ridiculous my bedroom was.

  The simple mint green and white color scheme was nice, as was my armoire and antique vanity. Even with the various perfumes, makeup, and other girly things scattered along its surface it looked like a damn nice piece of furniture. What wasn’t so nice, what was, in fact, very embarrassing were the various teddy bears I’d collected from ex-boyfriends and piled like pillows on my bed.

  I had turned the light on, but quickly turned it off.

  Dev flicked the switch back on then crossed into my room. Trying very hard not to smile, he swept his arm over my bed and sent stuffed toys flying in every direction. When the dust had settled, Dev was motioning me into the room.

  I opened my mouth to explain why this thirty-year-old woman was the owner of, oh, between fifty and sixty stuffed animals but Dev shook his head.

  “Don’t tell me about your toys. You’ll ruin the mood. As it is, I’m hanging by a thread.”

  Happy to forget the toys, I went inside. But instead of going to Dev, I found a box of matches in my nightstand and set about lighting candles. As I moved, Dev watched, impatience making his features twist unbecomingly. “The overhead light is so harsh,” I explained as I moved around the room lighting wicks. “See,” I said, once the room was alight with flames. “Isn’t that better?”

  I returned to the door and turned the overhead light off. Then I jumped when I felt Dev behind me. He slid his arms around my waist and ground his erection into my lower back. “Are you trying to torture me?” he purred into my ear.

  I swallowed hard, wobbled on my feet. “No.”

  He let his fingers play along my stomach, tickling a path over my. “Are you ready to be my little sex slave?”

  If he’d hurry up and mount me, I’d be whatever the hell he wanted me to be. “Yes.”

  “Call me master, then. Show me how eager you are to submit to me.” One thumb stroked the erect nub of my nipple and I cried out at the sudden pleasure. Erotic heat swirled between my legs, making my clit throb and my quim clench hungrily.

  He released me.

  I turned to face him in time to see him step back. He removed his leather gloves and tossed them on the bed behind him. The shirt went next. He unbuttoned and let it fall to the ground at his booted feet.

  Pants and boots remained…and nothing else.

  His nipples had puckered. They looked hard as tiny pebbles, and appetizing enough for me to want a taste. I wanted to run my tongue over them, enjoy the feel of the unyielding nubs against my lips. The sight of Dev’s naked chest had my hormones on full alert. I went to the vanity and subsided into a chair, too aroused to be steady on my feet anymore.

  Dev came forward and hooked his heel on the lowest rung of the chair. “Did I say you could sit?”

  “No,” I admitted. “I just need a second to compose—”

  “No, what?” He edged closer, until he was straddling my thighs and standing over me.

  I knew what he wanted and wasn’t sure if I could say it. I’d never called anyone master before and despite my arousal, the thought of saying it now felt a little strange. Nevertheless, I spread my mouth and forced my lips to form the words. “No, master.”

  “Good girl.” He gave me an approving pat on the cheek. “Know what I want right now?”


  He stepped closer, moved nearer until he was pinning my breasts beneath his crotch. I could feel his cock pulsate against me. Even as he stood over me he was growing wonderfully hard.

  Dear God, I was so horny I couldn’t think straight.

  I chanced a look into Dev’s face as the
deliciously decadent sensation of helplessness filled me.

  “Undo my pants, beautiful. I want your lips on me.”

  The air came out of me on a long, uneven sigh. Even as I stared at the growing bulge in his pants I could feel my heart working double time. It couldn’t be healthy to get this excited.

  “Come on, baby. Show your master how much you love his cock. I want your tongue all over it.”

  Unsure if I had the mental wherewithal to work the buttons on his pants, I lifted my hands and clasped his waistband.

  “Yeah,” he encouraged. “That’s it.”

  With more desperation than skill, I yanked the button of his jeans open. It came free with a satisfying pop. The upper flaps of his jeans fell open, exposing the dark brown tufts of pubic hair hidden beneath.

  “No underwear,” I said, stating the obvious.

  “Unzip me.”

  So I did. I clasped the warm metal of his zipper and drew it as far down as it would go. As I dragged on the small bit of metal holding his pants together, he rubbed against me. Even before I saw the taut skin of his erection, I felt the hard mass of it as he pressed into me.

  “That’s it,” he said, as I reached into his pants and wrapped my fingers around his girth. I pulled him free as he murmured his appreciation. “Now suck me, kitten. I wanna cum in that luscious mouth.”

  I had to ease lower in the seat to be on the right level with him. The leather chair let out a muffled squeak as I slid low. I was careful to brace my hands on either side of it for balance. As I got into position, Dev—who seemed to be getting more aroused by the second—edged closer. His hands were clenched into such tight fists that his skin had blanched white. I could hear him panting above me; breathing so hard his chest was lurching up and down. It was a little scary to know I was the source of such extreme emotion. Scary and invigorating. He may be in the dominant position, but on a far deeper level, I was the one truly in control.

  I chanced a look at him, and then wished I hadn’t. Eyes glazed over with lust and lips set into a determined grimace, Dev was a bit scary when he was in such an advanced state of arousal.

  “I’m gonna cum so hard. And I want you to swallow every bit. Tell me you’re gonna swallow every drop of your master’s cum, Stella.”

  He only ever used my name when he wanted to emphasize what he was saying. The sound of my name spoken in his deep, wavering voice lit a fire inside of me. Feeling weak with desire, I reached for him. Even as I reached, lifting my head enough to bring my lips into contact with the silken skin of his cockhead, he leaned in.

  When my tongue came into contact with him, he let out a hiss. “Say it, Stella,” he insisted. “Every drop.”

  “Every drop,” I agreed, then closed my mouth over him.

  He froze. His hips thrust forward a moment later and the full length of him slid into the welcoming warmth of my mouth. Moaning, he threw one leg over my shoulder and began rocking against me.

  I lost myself in the feel of his body surrounding me, in the press of his manhood against my tongue. I swallowed him whole, bathed him with my tongue. With my hands cupping his toned backside, I began to guide him.

  At first he allowed me to steer. He seemed so lost in sensation that all he was capable of was remaining on his feet. As his pleasure grew, he took control. His strokes were deliciously slow at first, but as he neared completion his movements became faster, more frenzied. With every thrust he gasped, with every withdrawal I sucked him hard and ran my tongue over him.

  I’d never known I could get so much pleasure from oral sex. Oral sex performed on me, yes, but performing oral sex on a man and enjoying it so much…this was new to me.

  I entwined my legs with the legs of the chair to steady myself against the powerful motion of his hips, and as I repositioned, I gazed up at Dev. His eyes were intent on me. His lips parted just enough for me to see him lick his lower lip. Then he gave me a slow, seductive smile. “Taste good?” he asked.

  I think I may have whimpered. I nearly sat up and reached for him, but even had that been my intention, I wouldn’t have been able to. Not with him standing over me, filling me so completely.

  He stared a beat longer, then closed his eyes. Lips pursed and cheeks flushed red, Dev looked extraordinary.

  He gripped the top of the chair and plunged forward, then slowly pulled back. The muscles along his arms were rigid as he moved. Within the confines of my mouth he felt harder. His cockhead had become so large I had to work to swallow it.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he muttered, too excited to speak clearly.

  I squeezed his buttocks, drew him closer and sucked hard, working him with my tongue along his shaft.

  He let out a strangled cry, drove in to the root, then spilled his seed inside of me.

  “I think I enjoyed that even more than you,” I said a few moments later.

  Dev’s lids fluttered open and he gave me a glassy eyed stare. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  Still panting from his release, he stroked my face. Then he tucked his softening erection into his pants and backed away from me. He retreated to the comfort of my bed, settling on top of it. Pointing to the floor between his spread feet, he ordered, “On your knees, kitten. Take my boots off.”

  Coils of heat shifted violently between my legs while a cocktail of erotic need and feminine desire danced within me. I needed Dev inside, didn’t know if I could stand going another two minutes parted from his body. Nevertheless, I got to my feet.

  “On all fours,” he said, giving the air between us another jab with his finger.

  My heart quickened at his tone. Even as I moved to obey him, I felt my loins convulse. I lowered until I was crouching on all fours as ordered.

  Though I feared I was fighting a losing battle, I tried my damnedest to school myself to keep eager hands off the pulsing flesh between his thighs. He’d only climaxed a few minutes earlier, yet already he (as in, his cock) was rousing for another go round.

  Desperate to have the gnawing hunger within sated, I crawled forward on my hands and knees.

  “You look so good, baby. I love the way your ass looks hanging out the back of that skirt.” He studied me when I sat back on my knees and stared into his eyes. “What are you waiting for? Take off my boots.”

  “If I take off your boots will you—”

  “You presume to question me?”

  “No,” I said quickly.

  Before he could issue another order, I refocused my attention on said boots. They didn’t have any zippers or clasps so I knew to pull them free of Dev I’d have to grab a hold at the heel and pull. I wouldn’t look very sexy hauling biker boots off my man, but it’s what he wanted.

  I took a deep breath, lowered myself until I was poised inches from his feet, and wrapped my hands around the thick heel. But I didn’t pull. I’d meant to pull, but somehow that wasn’t what happened.

  Gentle as a dove, I bent forward and pressed my lips to the tip of his boot and puckered for a kiss. The smell of leather engulfed me and the soft material felt smooth under my lips. I kissed his boot once, then twice, then I was covering it with soft, wet kisses.

  “Shit!” Dev gasped. I felt him stiffen and utter another curse. “Shit, Stella! Don’t do that.”

  My lips were feather soft against him. The scent of leather and man was as potent as an aphrodisiac. Focusing my attention on his other foot, I pressed my lips to the pliant leather and covered it with adoring kisses as well.

  “Stella!” he said again, further losing the smooth indifference he’d had a moment ago. “You can’t do that.”

  But I was doing that. And I wasn’t done.

  Gripping the heel of his boot in both hands, I gave it a controlled tug and was surprised when it slid easily free of him. His sock was next. It was black of course, and I cast it aside and quickly forgot about it.

  “Stella,” Dev warned.

  Though his tone was stern and his meaning clear—don’t do what you’re about to do—
I decided to ignore him. Had he really wanted me to stop he could easily have pulled free of me. But he didn’t. He remained still as stone, staring down at me with a face that had gone stark white. If I weren’t so horny I would have laughed at the look of surprise on his face.

  Somehow, by giving Dev the kind of total submission he’d always craved, I’d managed to turn the tables on him. I was on my knees at his feet, but suddenly I was the one in control. Dev’s need for me to continue made him vulnerable to the point of near helplessness.

  Not wanting to completely emasculate him, I focused on his lips from lowered lashes and offered a shy smile. “May I suck your toes, master?”

  Dev groaned. Dragging a hand over his forehead, he made no move to answer. I was about to voice the request again when he breathed deep then slowly expelled the air. “Until I tell you to stop.”

  When I slid his big toe into my mouth and felt him shudder, I knew it would be a long time before he issued such a dictate.

  I sucked him slow, letting my tongue massage every inch of skin with languorous licks that had Dev squirming on the bed. He tasted faintly of leather and smelled wonderfully of soap. As I laved him I immersed myself in this simple delight.

  The longer I remained on my knees, bathing Dev’s foot with my tongue, the more the lines between master and slave blurred. I was no longer sure who was in control anymore. I was as lost as Dev, drowning in my lust even as Dev floundered for self-control.

  When I’d thoroughly savored his uniquely stimulating taste, I removed his other boot and repeated the process. Dev went positively mad when I made a wet path over his instep and began sucking on the tender skin.

  “Stop,” Dev said. With a fierce tug of his foot, he pulled free of me. “On your feet.” Though he strove to sound severe, he was breathing too hard to put enough real venom in his voice. Nevertheless, I got to my feet and stood before him, waiting.

  Chest heaving, he let his eyes rove over my body. It was a look of total possession. Regardless of my display of momentary control, I felt my knees go weak. Desire made my insides tingle and I had all I could do not to beg Dev to take me.


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