Snow and Her Seven Hunks: A Reverse Harem (A Modern Fairy Tale Series Book 1)

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Snow and Her Seven Hunks: A Reverse Harem (A Modern Fairy Tale Series Book 1) Page 6

by Zoey A. Black

  There was no reason to put my hand on his hair trigger. I casually fell into his lap. His lengthy piece of lumber was being swallowed 1 inch at a time. I was going to stimulate myself, but he had his fingers poised to do it for me.

  “I wasn’t expecting this, but good things do come to those who wait.” I was moving my body back and forth, keeping him deeply embedded within the trembling walls of my pussy.

  “I didn’t go looking for this, but a woman like you has never known the pain of rejection. I didn’t want to be the first to throw cold water on your parade.” He had his hands on my breasts and was using them for leverage to bounce me up and down in his lap.

  I couldn’t see what he was doing with how my skirt had fallen over the obscene act I felt like screaming, but I held back doing my best not to feel too overwhelmed in the moment.

  “There’s no way you could be any deeper than you already are.” I was turning the screws on him and watching his resolve crumble before my eyes.

  Zane was mauling me and chewing on the ends of my very prominent erasers. Those cherry tips were abused and I was going to feel what he was doing for days to come.

  I wound my hands around his locks and pressed his face to my chest. He had enveloped not only the nipple but some of my breast with his teeth digging in. My hole began to fluctuate in rhythm pumping his hammer like a blood pressure cup.

  His hips were active matching my rush to the finish line. I was bounding in the saddle of his lap. His manhood was a full salute. I compressed my thighs together choking off and pinching closed the flow of his orgasm. He looked desperate.

  I crammed as much of him inside me as I could without taking his balls along for the ride.

  I jostled in place, stirring things to the surface with the peak of my excitement sending a spasm between my legs. I repeatedly smacked his face with my breasts hard enough to leave bruises behind. I was uncontrollable, completely unbridled with my orgasm packing quite the wallop.

  I lashed my hair in all directions like many different whips at the same time. He was lucky he avoided contact and my momentum was a blur of motion.

  The smell of his aftershave fed me like some kind of addictive drug running through my veins. The friction of his thighs rubbed until there was a telltale road rash.

  He was trying to move and having very little luck. His grunt of dissatisfaction was a musical symphony in my head. He looked afraid and I had this feeling this wasn’t a position he was used to. He was doing his best to insert his dominance. I held him steady and used the blunt end of his shaft to keep my orgasm from subsiding.

  I belted out an encore performance with my voice able to carry those high notes. He was stalled between ecstasy and disappointment. I caught his hands in between my fingers and held them over his head.

  The ring on his pinky was tearing into my knuckle. The pain was blocked out by the powerful feelings running south of the equator. The tip of his tongue was sticking out of his mouth and he was holding it with his teeth.

  The all-consuming lust in his eyes violently made him shake in the very spot he was sitting. The sound of the rotors was drowned out by his howl of delight. The ache for sexual satisfaction was temporarily taken care of.

  He doused the flames with jets of his seed captured within the tightly enclosed walls of my tunnel. He shuddered with one final buck of his hips. He held it deep with his pupils staring at me the entire time.

  “Snow, I’ve no idea where that came from. I feel I need to apologize, but I don’t have anything to be sorry for.” I sat back down beside him and used tissue from my purse to clean up as best as I could.

  “Things have been weird in my life lately.” I could see the emblazoned target of the helicopter pad in the near distance.

  “And I want to hear all about it. I don’t want this to be the only time I see you. I want you to be my guest tomorrow night. The people I work for are having an extravagant party. The food is going to be catered by Wolfgang Puck.” I had always wanted to try some decadent delights made by the hand of some of the best chefs in the world.

  “I’m guessing you’re going to send a car to retrieve me. That would be your style.” We hovered in the air waiting for the downdraft to make it safe to land.

  “I will personally collect you and have you on my arm at the party. Don’t even think about saying no. I will even sweeten the pot by offering you a sizable donation to a charity of your choosing. Name your price. Everybody has a number.” I felt insulted and I didn’t feel he deserved an answer.

  “I’m going to forget you said that. You can’t buy my affections. The one thing I can assure you is that I’m not for sale at any price.” I gave him a noncommittal kiss on the cheek. I got out with my head low enough to avoid getting it chopped off by the rotor blades.

  I suddenly had this feeling that made a flicker of memories come to life. I was back in the life of another.

  Zane was holding my hand and it looked like I was trying to slap him.

  “Remember you were the one who wanted this. I don’t see anybody putting a gun to your head. This kind of outburst is not necessary. You can say no and walk away at any time.” He was wearing this black silk shirt with what looked like stains of blood.

  “I see you… I fucking see you for the first time in my life.” The voice wasn’t coming out of my mouth.

  “I’ve always been the same man. Just because you didn’t see what was right in front of you doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.” I could see the formidable bruise on my forearm. It wasn’t even my arm.

  “You said that you can protect me. I do this for you and my slate is clean.” She was making it sound like they had come to an untenable compromise.

  “It’s never that easy. I never lied to you. I might have neglected to give you all the facts, but you walked into this with your eyes wide open.” He let go of her arm.

  I found myself back on the roof feeling like somebody had run me over with a truck.


  Jonathan Armstrong

  I had no idea why I was even contemplating throwing away my hard earned cash on advertising. This was supposed to be a joint venture with my stepsister Megan. Her disappearance and death rocked the family to its foundation.

  The company was primarily involved with aftermarket auto parts. I had a few runners who brought me some interesting stuff. I never asked any questions even though I knew some were most likely stolen. I had plausible deniability.

  “I know you don’t feel very good about this, but business could be better if we utilize the foreign market. We still have our loyal following, but we need to branch out.” Stephanie had become an indispensable cog in the wheel of my business.

  “You know how I hate wearing this monkey suit.” She was beautiful with natural silky black hair, standing at 5’8 and 150 pounds with an athletic built. She once told me that she won first prize in state wide judo championship during her teen years. She was definitely a woman to have in my corner.

  “Nobody said it was going to be easy. You’ve depended on word of mouth for too long. Barker and White have a stellar reputation. It would seem foolish not to jump on the bandwagon of other such successes courtesy of their advertising prowess.” I had contemplated mixing business with pleasure, but she wasn’t the total package in my eyes.

  “It’s only been a few months and I’m still dealing with the blowback of my sister’s death. I might have been a little derelict in my duties.” My investments had accumulated billions in added revenue. There was no way that I was going to be able to spend that money in my lifetime.

  “I didn’t want to say this, but you’re doing your stepsister’s memory a disservice. She would want you to dust yourself off and get on with the rest of your life.” She wasn’t just referring to business and my personal life had suffered.

  “I have to take everything in baby steps.” The glass elevator afforded me the view of the New York skyline.

  This was wh
ere I was born and where I was going to die. I tugged on the red tie around my neck like a noose.

  “We have a meeting with Mr. Barker. We are fashionably late as per your request.” I hated being punctual but ironically I hated people who were late even more.

  “You know I don’t like to be on anybody’s timetable. I barely like to get out of bed until mid-afternoon. Most of my work can be done from my home office.” I had underlings and they knew exactly what they were doing.

  “It will do you good to get out and get some fresh air. It’s not healthy psychologically or physically for you to stay inside your estate. You need to be seen in public again.” When Megan died, I felt like somebody had punched me in the gut and the subsequent weeks after made me feel like I was going through the motions.

  I saw my reflection with the bags underneath my eyes from lack of sleep. I’d spent my waking hours going over every detail of her disappearance. Money was no object and I had resorted to social media to find clues. I was piecing together the puzzle of her life.

  “I haven’t given up on finding justice for Megan. I don’t deny she found herself in a bad way. God knows I tried to get her help, but she refused. She told me she had everything under control and I stupidly believed her.” I played the last message I had received from her on my blue tooth ad nauseam.

  “It’s like I’m talking to a brick wall. At least you’re wearing the same color socks.” I had showered and shaved. I made myself presentable like the weight of the world was not on my shoulders.

  “The small things make the difference. I’m only here to hear their pitch. I’m not holding my breath there’s anything that they can say to make me think advertising is the answer. It’s all been done before.” I was blinded by the advertising on the TV and the radio.

  “You didn’t hire me because of my pretty face. I’ve rigorously gone over their success rate. I’m not usually one to be impressed, but they showed they are in touch with the millennial generation.” Stephanie was fresh blood hired to become the voice of those car enthusiasts just dipping their toe into pimping their ride.

  “Your recommendation is the only reason why I’m here.” My father turned over this operation to me. He retired and lived in the Dominican Republic at his own private villa. I had been there and I almost didn’t want to leave. The coral sand and the blazing sun had me feeling at peace for the first time in a long time.

  “I came on board because I knew I could help. I want you to go into the boardroom with an open mind.” Her black leather skirt had this insane slice up the side.

  Her purple blouse was showing a hint of cleavage and even more so when she purposely bent over. She liked to tease and knew exactly how far to take it. Stephanie was known to be the office flirt. I didn’t care as long as she didn’t make anything awkward after a night of anonymous sex.

  “I’ll try, but I’m not promising anything.” I hadn’t consulted my father and I knew he would not be very appreciative of taking this necessary step into the future.

  “I know you’ve had your hands full lately. The prosecutor has been on speed dial. I’ve heard his tone and I think that he’s tired of hearing from you.” I had been a bit of a pest bothering him relentlessly about my stepsister’s case.

  Prosecutor Lewis Wilde was known to be a shark in the courtroom. He didn’t take a case unless he thought he could win it by a landslide. He was reluctant to even consider bringing charges against the Donakov family. Without concrete proof, I was pretty much screaming at windmills.

  The only reason why I had an inkling they were involved was when Megan mentioned them by name. It wasn’t enough to go on, but it was enough for me to dig a little deeper. I had found enough circumstantial evidence to know they were involved. It was my gut instinct.

  “I won’t rest until somebody is found accountable.” I didn’t mean to go on a tangent, but the subject matter was dear to my heart.

  Megan was my stepsister from my father’s second wife. We had bonded from the moment she was thrown into the Armstrong family. It was us against the world. I missed her terribly and would have done anything to see her smiling face again.

  “I know you take after Megan in so many ways. You both majored in Psychology in college. I sometimes think you know what I’m going to say before I say it. It’s fascinating and quite alarming at the same time.” I did know how to get into people’s heads and this was something Megan and I had in common.

  “I like to think of myself as being two steps ahead of everybody else. It’s unnerving to have her unsolved murder mocking me.” The strings connected to my stepsister’s murder started at the top with Marsha Donakov.

  “I haven’t known you for long, but in that time, I have learned you have some amazing conviction.” She was good at telling me what I needed to hear.

  I had just returned from the gym with my personal trainer Erica putting my body through hell. I wasn’t looking for results. I was mainly there to keep an eye on Timothy. I didn’t dare mention to him about how Megan told me he was up to his eyeballs in the Russian mafia.

  I had him under 24-hour surveillance and those responsible for watching his every move told me he was a slippery eel. I was holding out hope something was going to break. Seeing my money fly out the window was never easy.

  The door opened on the elevator to the bustle of activity. It was a good tactic to make me think they were the kind of agency that wouldn’t leave any stone unturned.

  “Mr. Armstrong, I’m Lionel Barker and I’m responsible for the inception of this company. If you will follow me, my partner will join us shortly. As you can imagine, we have several clients demanding our attention.” He was a little older and I could tell there was no need for small talk. This was all about business.

  “This is my right-hand woman Stephanie. She is my eyes and ears in my absence.” Stephanie was known to stay quiet until she had something important to say. She was always surveying the room behind her unusual red tinged glasses.

  Mr. Barker was wearing a tailored gray suit with polished black shoes and argyle socks. He was a little weathered around the eyes, but his experience was an invaluable commodity. He was going to go out those doors feet first before even considering retiring. I knew the look of a consummate businessman better than anybody.

  “I do think it’s fair to warn you my partner can be somewhat stubborn. She doesn’t conform to the notion the client knows best.” It was definitely a departure from other companies who were looking to score this lucrative contract in the millions.

  “What a coincidence… so am I. I’m still not convinced this is the place for my company to do business with.” We followed him to the boardroom where there was a large rectangular oak table in the center of the room.

  “The only thing I ask is that you give us a chance. I’m not exactly a wordsmith. I depend on others to make sense of my ramblings. My partner has been able to formulate a campaign from scribbling I made on a napkin.” Mr. Barker was from the old school and I was looking for someone with the pulse of this generation in the palm of their hands.

  “I can give you 10-minutes of my time. No more… no less. I am a very busy man. Any time I spend with you is losing money.” I tossed and turned in my bed at night with financial hardships never being an issue.

  “I can appreciate that your time is valuable. We’ve done our due diligence on your company. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. This campaign is rather unorthodox, but it will put you on the map.” It was easy for him to say that, but proving it was another matter altogether.

  “You talk a big game, but can you back it up with actions? I’ve heard good things and I hope they can be substantiated.” It had been my personal experience people tend to say what I want them to say. He was a little flustered by my forward approach and I was hoping his partner would have a thicker skin.

  “I have to go…there’s been a fire at my residence.” I turned to see this woman from behind making a mad
dash for the elevator. “Take notes for me and I will go over them later. My thoughts have already been recorded.” She was frantically pressing the button obviously knowing it wasn’t going to get there any quicker.

  Her white platinum hair and the smell of her perfume captured my attention. The woman was a professional and wore her credentials like a badge of honor.

  “I hope everything will be OK.” I didn’t even know why I cared to even say something with compassion.

  “Everything will be five by five.” I was momentarily stunned into silence.

  I took a few tentative steps in her direction, but the door was closing on any possibility of making her acquaintance.

  Her turn of phrase caught me like a deer in the headlights. Megan had used those very same words many times growing up. She only said them when she was reasonably certain her life was on track. I hadn’t heard it in quite some time.



  I had everything planned down to the minute detail. The drawing board was set up in the boardroom. I was going to wow them.

  I was still feeling the effect of what Zane had done to initiate me into the mile high club. I was still walking funny. I told anybody who would listen that it was due to my first time horseback riding. I did ride an untamed stallion, but it was of the human variety.

  The frantic phone call I had just received from Lindsay made all of my plans to woo a potential client go out the window. There was a fire and the chief of the fire department was concerned it was arson. They had some questions about this being an inside job.

  It didn’t even occur to me they were accusing me of something. I was more concerned about my worldly possessions.

  I barely saw the young man standing with Mr. Barker on my way to the elevator. I was a little frazzled and tried to remain professional until I was safely secure within the elevator walls.


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