Driven By Love

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Driven By Love Page 2

by Marian Tee

  F let out a loud wolf whistle even as he whispered to Bobby, “This one I don’t care what he looks like. He definitely needs to be part of the front act.”

  “He definitely went all out with that one,” she murmured. “Maybe the guy needs a huge backer.” Her mind was already busy going through the foundation’s list of sponsors. Maybe Kastein, Inc. would sponsor the biker if he went pro. The company’s Dutch billionaire CEO could be quite generous given the right project or beneficiary.

  “Do you have his CV with you?” Bobby asked.

  “It’s with Nessa.” F called their most recently recruited heiress over.

  The bubbly blonde skipped to them, and Bobby couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Nessa Carmichael was already in her mid-twenties, but she still acted like a high school girl most times. “Yes, boss?”

  “Bobby wants to look at the first performer’s resume.”

  Dismay fell over Nessa’s face. “Oh, umm, well, you see…”

  “Don’t play cute with us, Nessa. You know it won’t work.”

  Nessa blurted out, “I don’t have it. He was a last minute addition, and he told me he really wanted to be a part of this so…I felt bad for him and let him audition.”

  “Do you have his name at least?” Bobby asked.

  Nessa nodded eagerly. “He said his name was…” Her brow furrowed. “It sounded like coffee.”

  “Coffee?” F and Bobby were both bemused.

  The biker who had just performed was heading towards them now, and Bobby wondered if it would be safe to accept him as part of the opening act when apparently he hadn’t gone through the foundation’s preliminary checks. Bobby liked being thorough and always requested for background checks on anyone who had business with the foundation. She didn’t want anyone with a criminal background – and that included speeding tickets – within a mile of her kids.

  “Nessa, his name, please,” F said impatiently.

  “I’m trying to remember it…I swear it really did sound something like coffee…”

  The biker had reached them, and Bobby belated realized he was much taller than he had seemed from afar, forcing her to look up. Something about him was terribly familiar, and her heart started to beat a crazy erratic rhythm.

  Surely, it couldn’t be—

  Nessa exclaimed, “I got it!” A smile broke over her face. “He said his name was kópanos.”

  Bobby’s heart crashed.

  The biker slowly took off his helmet.

  Leandro Christopoulos smiled at her. “Hello, mégaira.”

  Chapter Two

  Inhale, exhale.

  This time, Bobby was locked inside the private bathroom of the VIP box of the stadium, but everything else was the same. Its marble walls couldn’t mute the sound of the noise outside. Earlier, it was the roar of motorcycle engines and the clamor of the press. This time, what she heard was a mixture of laughter and chattering voices as the staff of Needs Heard mingled with the staff of the public relations department of Christopoulos, Inc.

  She gave herself a Mean Look through the mirror. “You don’t love him anymore.”

  But again, her heart proved stubborn as it continued to ache and bleed.

  Bobby began texting.

  Bobby: WTF are you?

  Sabastian: Five minutes, moro mou.

  Bobby: Make it four.

  Sabastian: I’ll make it three if you promise me a kiss.

  Bobby: Just hurry!

  After pressing Send, she slipped the phone back into her pocket and gave herself another Mean Look. “You can do this, Bobby.”

  When she emerged from the powder room, Bobby saw F waving at her excitedly. She could practically see the dollar signs shining in his eyes and knew that no matter how she felt now, this project would be a go.

  “Sorry if I took so long,” she murmured as she joined F and the woman he was talking to. The two stood next to the glass walls overlooking the circuit, where the rest of the bikers were performing under Nessa’s flirtatious eye. The crowd of paps was still there, too, and at the sight of Bobby peering through the glass walls, all cameras immediately swung towards her direction.

  She quickly pulled back, just in time to hear F say, “Bobby, this is Anna Largess, the head of Versatile.” Anna was tall, blonde, and svelte looking, and her china-blue eyes were cold and hard as they raked Bobby from head to toe.

  “Anna, I’d like you to officially meet Bobby Granger, who we all look upon as our Wonder Woman because of how skilled she is at making rich men stay true to their donation pledges.”

  Anna’s tone was cool as she murmured, “It’s a delight to finally meet you, Ms. Granger. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Oh really? Is that why you’ve decided to surprise us with the identity of your client?” She knew for a fact that F and Anna had spoken at length about their planned fundraiser, and not once had Anna mentioned that the client of her publicity firm was none other than Christopoulos, Inc.

  “I thought it would be a nice surprise,” Anna answered smoothly, “knowing that it’s been quite some time since you and Leandro have seen each other.” Her eyes widened dramatically. “Oh, but sorry – I had assumed you’ve already moved on since you’re with Sabastian Gabris.”

  So Anna the Bitch was on first name basis with him. The thought almost caused Bobby’s smile to falter, but she was able to keep her voice neutral as she said, “Nothing to apologize about. F and I always welcome every opportunity to give the kids a chance to enjoy new experiences.”

  Before Anna could speak, Bobby went on talking about the recent projects of her foundation, deliberately making it sound as boring as possible. “Deafness,” she intoned self-righteously, “and other such handicaps must never be used as a reason to make individuals feel marginalized by the society in which they are an integral part of and as such is obliged to look after their welfare…”

  By the time Bobby paused for breath, Anna had a pinched look on her face and F was visibly struggling not to laugh. It was one of her favorite subtle forms of revenge, and it never failed. Bobby started to speak again, but before she could do so a tall dark figure had come to stand beside Anna, and she forgot whatever she had to say.



  Leandro Christopoulos knew the exact moment Bobby came out of the powder room. Even though he had been observing the auditions below and had his back to the door, the sudden tingling sensation that struck his entire system had him swiftly spinning around. His eyes immediately found her, and Leandro drew his breath sharply.


  She had changed…a lot. Her beautiful auburn hair was a lot shorter now, cut in a layered bob, with side-swept bangs that made her green eyes look larger. She was also dressed more stylishly than he remembered, no loose shirts or serviceable slacks. Instead, she was dressed in a red-knitted long sleeved blouse, tight enough to emphasize the generous curve of her breasts. The sight of them stirred a great deal of memories – of how they were just the slightest bit larger than his hands, of how her nipples were the color of pink roses…

  He shifted, doing his best to cool his ardor because now was not the time to have an erection.

  Bobby’s long legs were modestly covered by a loose black skirt that fell just a few inches above her ankles, and the slimness of her calves were accentuated by a pair of school girl shoes with tiny heels. She looked sexy and elegant, the perfect model for vintage Coca-Cola posters. Prettier than he had imagined and remembered, and he had missed her so damn much.

  So much time had passed, and God only knew how he had survived such a long period of time not having any contact with her. But he was done sacrificing and paying for his sins. He loved Bobby, and he was not going to stop at anything to get her back.

  Belatedly, he realized that Bobby wasn’t just talking to her boss but Anna Largess as well. Shit. When Derek had told him about how Bobby went as far as transferring to another college just to be free from anything that had to do with their p
ast, Leandro knew he had to go through a third party to ensure he had an opportunity to speak with her.

  This was Bobby, after all. If he had gone to her home and begged her to see him, she would have simply frozen him out…or relished the pleasure of slamming the door on his face over and over.

  “It’s good of you to join us, Leandro,” Anna purred as she curled a possessive arm around his.

  Leandro wanted to shake it off, but courtesy kept him from doing so. Besides, he owed her for this chance to speak with Bobby and so he would bear her touch – for today.

  “I was just apologizing to dear Ms. Granger about this sudden reunion between the two of you. Thankfully, she’s not mad. She has Sabastian Gabris now, after all.”

  The mention of another man’s name linked with Bobby had Leandro’s jaw hardening.

  Anna saw the muscle ticking on Leandro’s face and knew it was because he was jealous. This in turn made her feel jealous and waspish. How stupid she had been, having fooled herself into thinking that Leandro had asked for her help because he did not want to have anything directly to do with Bobby. But no, it was obviously the other way around.

  Leandro Christopoulos still wanted Bobby Granger for whatever reason, and he was the one who wasn’t sure if the other woman wanted him back.

  Envy made her petty, and Anna drawled out, “I’m not making any mistaken assumptions, am I, Bobby? You don’t care at all now, do you?”

  The pointed question left Bobby without a choice. She forced herself to look at Anna the Bitch. “No. I don’t care at all. Everything’s in the past.” She silently counted to three before she made herself look at Leandro.

  All at once, she wanted to cry, laugh, and die.

  Since she and Leandro had broken up, Bobby hadn’t allowed herself to see any photo of him, hear any news about him, or be reminded in any way about him. Well, now she knew it was most idiotic thing she had ever done.

  Absence apparently didn’t just make the heart fonder. It also made one’s brain senile because for some reason she had forgotten exactly how gorgeous Leandro Christopoulos was.

  Everything about Leandro was more than what she had remembered. He was taller, his hair darker, his blue eyes brighter and so blazingly brilliant it was as if he could see right through her fragile façade. His face was harder too, more sculpted, as if carved with ruthless perfection.

  His body was larger, his presence more powerful, radiating an almost animal type of magnetism, something so raw and manly Bobby was pretty sure just the sight of him had most of the women in the room already wet.

  Including her.

  The moist awareness of her body’s involuntary reaction to his nearness shamed her, and Bobby tried to be as discreet as she could when she pressed her legs together under her skirt.

  She saw Leandro’s nostrils flare suddenly, and she realized that he knew.

  The look on Bobby Granger’s face had Anna turning sharply towards Leandro and she almost stomped her foot in fury when she saw the lust darkening his gaze. She did not understand it. She just did not understand how the Greek billionaire could want someone like Bobby Granger when he could have someone like her.

  “Oh dear.”

  Anna’s words shook Bobby out of the sexual trance Leandro had easily trapped her into, and she hastily looked away, color flooding her cheeks. Really, Bobby, really? He played you for a fool and you still want to have sex with him?

  “I really thought this was going to be okay, but I see that the two of you still have unfinished business.” Anna reached out with her free hand to pat Bobby’s arm in fake sympathy. “It’s totally fine, darling. I’ve known so many women who never got over their infatuation with Leandro here. You’re not alone, wanting the unreachable.”

  Even Leandro was caught unaware by the sheer malice of Anna’s words and he snapped, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Anna tightened her hold on Leandro’s arm, a silent warning of how far she was willing to go if he even thought of abandoning her now. The knowledge that he had used her to be close to someone as unattractive as Bobby Granger was a bitter pill to swallow.

  “Of course I know what I’m talking about,” she countered with a shrill laugh. “The whole world knows it, Leandro. Every tabloid, every gossip website – everyone was talking about your very public falling out.” Anna was determined to exact her revenge on the younger girl, knowing that by doing so she would also cause greater hurt to the Greek billionaire standing so stiffly next to her. A fake thoughtful expression crossed her face. “I think, mmm, I think your exact words at that time was how you never loved her in the first place?”

  The words slashed at Bobby.

  Suddenly it hit her, the way this very scenario was so alike that night Leandro had broken her heart. Then, they had been standing this close, looking at each other this way, and were surrounded by people just like now.

  Leandro’s words played inside her mind over and over, ripping open wounds that she thought time had been able to heal.

  Anna glanced innocently at Bobby in confirmation. “Did I recall that correctly, darling?”

  Bobby said thinly, “Yes. Those were the words.”

  The whitened look on Bobby’s face told Leandro that she was remembering the past, and the realization sickened him. An eternity could pass, but Leandro knew there wouldn’t really be a day that he could ever forgive himself for how much he had hurt her that time. “Shut up, Anna.”

  Anna’s lips tightened at the words. “I don’t see why I should shut up, Leandro. I’m just having a normal conversation with Bobby here.” She glanced back at Bobby with a saccharine smile. “You’re over him now, right?”

  Bobby just nodded. She was willing to play along with everything Anna said just to be done with this.

  Anna pretended to be confused. “Then…why are you having a hard time looking at him now?”

  The crowd around them had fallen silent.

  From the corner of her eye, Bobby saw F stirring and knew that even though F hated confrontations like this, he had obviously had enough and was going to interfere.

  Not wanting F to be involved in her problems – which her own stupidity had caused – Bobby shook her head at her boss. F frowned in response. Knowing that F understood her warning, Bobby slowly turned her gaze back to Leandro.

  This time, it wasn’t his beauty or masculinity that struck her.

  No, this time, what made her want to die, cry, and laugh was the realization that she hated him. She hated him so much, and she knew that the reason for her hatred would ensure that she kept hating him forever.

  Leandro Christopoulos had once been everything to her. He had been her entire world…while she had been his pawn.

  “Bobby—” Leandro took a step closer, and Bobby reacted instinctively.

  Her hand connected with his face in a resounding slap that had his head whipping to the side.

  Everyone around them gasped.

  Bobby couldn’t believe what she had done. Her mouth opened and closed several times, her mind a total blank. Had she really slapped him? What did she do now? Apologize? Pretend she had amnesia? Whoop for joy because she had always wanted to do that?

  Anna’s voice once again cut through her disjointed thoughts.

  “And there I thought you were completely over Leandro.” Anna laughed softly. “Poor Bobby. You’re still a child, after all.” Her voice became louder, her tone sharper as she continued, “I’m going to do you a favor and tell you the truth that no one had the guts to tell you.”

  Leandro finally wrenched his arm away from the other woman. “Shut up, Anna.”

  Her voice became shriller. “Whatever happened between the two of you in the past was not Leandro’s fault. You were the stupid one—”

  “I’m going to personally escort you out if you don’t shut up now.” Leandro was badly tempted to call for his security, but courtesy forbade him from doing so. Anna had been his ticket into Bobby’s world today, and unfortun
ately it meant he was responsible for the mess she was now creating.

  “—to think that someone like Leandro would really want to be with you forever!”

  “That’s it,” Leandro gritted out. He unceremoniously started hauling Anna towards the door.

  “Let me go!” Anna struggled to get back to Bobby, hatred and envy making her want to say the most painful things to the girl who had actually managed to reach a part of Leandro that she knew she could never reach.

  When she realized she was just a few steps from the doors, Anna’s head snapped back towards Bobby. She screamed, “I hope you’re smarter now! If Leandro’s back in your life then he probably needs to use you, too.”

  Leandro threw the door open and thrust Anna into the arms of the security officers guarding the exit. “Drive her back to her office.” He slammed the door shut on a still-screaming Anna. He turned around, his eyes immediately looking for Bobby.

  Their gazes met.

  And that was the exact moment the full import of Anna Largess’ words really sunk in.

  Leandro could never love her, and if he had come back in her life, then it was only because he had found a use for her again.

  With a choked cry, Bobby rushed towards the other pair of exit doors.

  Chapter Three

  “Bobby, wait!”

  Leandro’s voice behind her made Bobby run as fast as her legs could carry her.


  She slammed her hand on the elevator’s button and gasped for relief when the doors slid open. Thank You, God. She rushed in, turned around, and shrieked as Leandro was able to follow her into the elevator just as the doors closed.

  His hand slammed on the Emergency Stop button, and the elevator shuddered into a stop.

  Shit. Now she was trapped with him in close quarters.


  When he reached out for her, panic returned in full force and with a little cry, Bobby rushed to the opposite corner of the elevator, needing to keep as much distance between them. Oh God, she hated herself for acting like a ninny but right now, pride was her last concern. She didn’t care if she was acting like a stupid weak damsel in distress. She was in distress, dammit, and all she wanted was to have as much distance between her and Leandro Christopoulos as possible.


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