Driven By Love

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Driven By Love Page 4

by Marian Tee

  MJ impulsively reached out to squeeze Bobby’s hand. “I really understand, Bobby. There’s no need to apologize.”

  Bobby managed a smile. “I know you meant well. But it’s just not—” She stopped, the sound of the conference hall’s doors opening. Both she and MJ turned towards the sound just in time to see the club members file out one by one. Leandro was one of the last to come out, and he was talking to a girl wearing a tight leather dress and boots.

  Bobby’s smile vanished completely as the other girl murmured something with a laugh and reached out to caress Leandro’s face.

  Her heart went cold at the sight.

  Some things never changed.

  Leandro Christopoulos was still not a man to be trusted, and Bobby was still too naïve when it came to him.

  Just then, Leandro looked up, his eyes unerringly finding her. Bobby quickly looked away, fumbling for her phone so she could once again call whoever to look busy, but it was too late. By the time she fished her iPhone out, Leandro was already standing across her.

  “Hello, mégaira.” She looked unbelievably pretty…and hot. Leandro frowned, not liking the way her loose floral blouse, tucked into a too-tiny pair of denim shorts, had several buttons free. She was showing too much skin, and he hated it.

  “Please don’t call me that.” She kept her voice low even though she knew that all the members of the club were too honorable to listen in on their conversation. She supposed she should be thankful that none of them were looking at them either, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Kellion drawing away the girl that Leandro had been flirting with.

  The coldness in Bobby’s voice ignited his temper. It made him jealous as hell, too, and Leandro said abruptly, “You didn’t answer any of my calls last night.” Only the knowledge that he would create an even greater scandal and make Bobby a target of the press had kept Leandro from storming to her house. And so he had stayed at home, not sleeping a wink because he had wanted to be awake if she ever returned his call.

  “I was busy.” And it was true. She had been busy crying on Sabastian’s shoulder, but he didn’t have to know that.

  His jaw hardened at her words. “Busy doing what?” If she told him she had been busy with Gabris, Leandro knew nothing would stop him from killing the other man. He didn’t give a fuck that a year had passed since he and Bobby had broken up. Bobby was his.

  “None of your business,” she answered right away. “Besides, I didn’t come here to talk about us. If you’ve forgotten, I’m here for the project you’re sponsoring—” She stopped speaking when Leandro’s fingers suddenly went around her wrist. “Let go of me.”

  “Not until you find the courage to look at me.” He knew he was deliberately goading her, and he didn’t care. He did not like this cold side of Bobby. His Bobby, the girl he had fallen in love with, was no cold fish. She had been fiery and passionate, the perfect match for someone as hot-blooded as he was.

  Leandro’s words had her gasping and her head snapped up, her defiant gaze meeting his. “I’m not scared to look at you!”

  “Then why haven’t you been looking at me? Why do you treat me like I’m a leper?” His voice was thick and guttural, his words sounding more Greek than English, and it betrayed the true state of his emotions.

  Bobby was incredulous. “Are you seriously asking me that?” she hissed back. “After what you did?” She remembered the girl he had been talking to earlier and her heart shriveled even more. She had the strongest urge to cry, but she firmly held on to her resolve. Leandro didn’t deserve another one of her tears, not one freaking drop.

  “I don’t know why you suddenly want to be back in my life, but I know whatever it is, it won’t be good for me. I’m done being a fool for you—”

  Leandro cut her off, gritting out, “I want you back because I love you!”

  She whitened at the words.

  Before either of them could speak, a shadow fell over them.

  It was, again, Sabastian Gabris, and his voice was low and amused as he murmured, “I see the fun has already started without me.”

  Chapter Five

  The goal of the project was simple: to get deaf kids involved in bike races. The best way to have them involved was to include them in the pimping process for bikes. Bobby’s role was to ensure that the activities the children would participate in were completely safe for them – and for the racers who would eventually ride the bikes. It should have been simple, really, but not when two Greek alpha men were butting heads over it.

  “Graphic wraps are too much for the kids to handle,” Sabastian Gabris drawled. Unlike the rest of the club members, who were all in shirts and jeans – including Leandro, Sabastian was dressed in a pinstriped suit. He exuded sophistication and power, a modern-day king who was used to being obeyed.

  “I beg to differ.” Leandro Christopoulos’ voice was clipped. Except for Helios, Leandro was taller than all the other club members, and with a larger and more powerfully built frame that vibrated with strength and raw masculinity. He was a man’s man, the kind who didn’t hesitate to fight dirty to stake a claim.

  “The application of graphic wraps may be intricate and complex, but it can be taught. Just because the kids in Bobby’s foundation are deaf doesn’t mean they’re not trainable.”

  “Training is the operative word,” Sabastian pointed out. “We have a very limited time frame to work with and you must admit that as they are handicapped, it would require more time than usual to train them.”

  “I can also argue that since they are handicapped and disadvantaged, they also possess more willpower and ambition. It could be the other way around, and you may need lesser time than usual training them.”

  Kellion’s whisper into her ear almost made Bobby jump as he said, “They’re having a pissing contest because of you.”

  Bobby colored. “Shut up,” she whispered back even as she kept her gaze trained on Sabastian – and Sabastian alone. No way was she going to look at Leandro, who had looked like he wanted to kill her earlier when she stuck to Sabastian like glue as Helios explained to Leandro about Sabastian also being a member of the club.

  Sabastian said calmly, “I don’t agree.”

  He returned in the same tone, “Then we have a problem.” The other guy’s calmness irritated Leandro like hell, and he itched to give Mr. Pretty Boy a good punch in the face. All the time, however, he kept his gaze resolutely on Sabastian’s face, knowing that he could not be responsible for his actions if he happened to see Sabastian holding Bobby’s hand.

  Something in the air changed, the atmosphere becoming tenser. Bobby started feeling restless again. Why had Sabastian come here anyway? He had made no mention of it last night, and she wondered uneasily what her friend was planning. She had gotten to know him quite well over the last year, and it had made her realize that Sabastian was a great believer in using shock therapy to get things done.

  When Sabastian drawled, “Actually, I don’t think we do,” Bobby had a suddenly sinking feeling that whatever Sabastian had planned, it wasn’t something she’d be happy about.

  Leandro said coldly, “I believe you’re right. Because in this case, I’m simply going to pull rank and make an executive decision. Graphic wraps will be a part of their training.”

  Sabastian only smiled. “Not so fast, Christopoulos. Don’t you want to hear my proposition first?” Before the other man could speak, he said languidly, “Why don’t we settle this the old-fashioned way?”

  Understanding broke over Leandro’s face, but he remained distrustful of the other guy’s intentions. “If you’re suggesting a race, I’m not interested.”

  “Even if the prize is something you desperately want?”


  “Helios says you can talk here privately,” MJ said as she opened the door to the club president’s private study. As Sabastian and Bobby walked into the room, she added, “All the rooms here are soundproofed, too, by the way.”

  Bobby did her best to s
mile. “Thanks, MJ. We won’t take long.”

  MJ nodded before quietly closing the door.

  Bobby immediately erupted, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She began to pace, anxious and spitting mad at the unexpected turn of events, and it was all thanks to her so-called friend. She shook her head, still having a hard time believing that Sabastian had actually – oh my God, how could he?

  She threw her hands up in frustration. “This isn’t the movies, Sabastian! I can’t be the grand prize for your stupid race.”

  Sabastian settled on the couch, his posture completely relaxed as he stretched his arms on the back of the couch and crossed one leg over the other. Observing his friend’s frantic pacing, he said mildly, “Please don’t accuse me of something I’m not guilty of. I never said anything about you being grand.”

  In answer, Bobby simply took the throw pillow from one of the armchairs and threw it at him. “I’m serious, you ass.”

  Sabastian caught it handily. “And I’m just as serious. You should be thanking me, moro mou.”

  “Oh, really? Pray tell why,” she said sarcastically.

  “Because I’m giving you the chance to get closure without having to sacrifice your pride,” Sabastian answered simply.

  Bobby collapsed on the space next to Sabastian.


  She had a feeling she would become hysterical.

  Only Sabastian…only Sabastian had known how hard the past year had been because they had both been the same. While the whole world thought Bobby Granger had been able to move on with Sabastian Gabris by her side, the reality had been uglier and more pathetic.

  Leandro’s betrayal had broken her, cut her so deeply that she had sunk into a severe depression that required medical treatment. And it was at the private clinic where she was receiving treatment that she had met Sabastian, who had been broken like her.

  “I don’t need closure,” she whispered.

  Sabastian’s voice was gentle but firm as he said, “You do. You know you do.” Bobby was like a sister to him, and the protective brotherly part of Sabastian was tempted to take back what he had said and whisk her away from harm. Because that was what Leandro Christopoulos was to her – danger of the greatest kind.

  Unfortunately, Leandro Christopoulos was also the only one who could make her happy in a way that no other person could.

  Love was crazy that way, a double-edged sword that could kill if it remained unrequited and unsheathed.

  Grimly, he remembered the day he had met Bobby in the clinic, the days where she would only stare sightlessly for hours as if she had already died and was only waiting for death to claim her physical body. And the other times, he would hear Bobby in the counseling room, crying. For hours she would cry, unable to speak a thing because her pain was so great it couldn’t be encapsulated in words.

  “This is your chance for closure,” Sabastian repeated. “The only way you can finally stop hurting inside. Because we both know you’re hurting still.”

  Slowly, Bobby covered her face. Darkness flooded her world and she welcomed it, wishing she had the power to keep it that way. Darkness was comforting in its emptiness somehow. There was nothing to be happy about, but there was nothing in it to hurt her either.

  “I don’t want it. I’ve learned to cope.”

  “Coping isn’t enough—”

  She shook her head, looking at him desperately. “It’s enough for me. So please, Sabastian, don’t make me do this. I don’t want to lose myself again.”

  Quietly, he said, “You haven’t really found yourself, Bobby. All you are now is a shell, and sooner or later, that’s going to crack.”

  Chapter Six

  “She’s been crying.” Helios made the quiet observation as he and Leandro watched Sabastian Gabris and Bobby Granger walk out of his study. Her eyes were faintly swollen, her face pale.

  Sabastian had a hand at the small of Bobby’s back, and the protective stance about him had Leandro stiffening. With a hooded gaze, he saw Sabastian and Bobby looking at each other, not saying a word, and then slowly, Sabastian took Bobby’s hand in his. It was a touching scene – so fucking touching Leandro felt like he was going insane at the agonizing pain that scene had caused.

  Had he really lost her, he wondered bleakly. Had he really hurt her so much that there was no way to have her back again?

  And if he had, what then? Was he to do the honorable thing and let her go so she could have a happy-ever-after with another man?

  Sabastian and Bobby had reached them now, and when her gaze clashed with Leandro’s, he had his answer.

  His life was in those eyes, and to let her go was to let go of life itself. There was nothing worth living for if he lost her.

  Leandro saw Bobby take a deep breath as she squeezed Gabris’ hand more tightly. A muscle ticked in his jaw, and he said curtly, “Shall we lay down the rules?”

  “The standard would do,” Sabastian answered.

  Standard for underground racing meant there were no rules at all. Leandro eyed the man in cool assessment. It had been years since he and Sabastian raced against each other, and he hadn’t followed the other man’s progress at all. Back in the day, Leandro had been the more experienced one. Had Sabastian Gabris improved so much that he was able to confidently gamble the girl he was dating on a race?

  “If I win this race, I will take her away,” Leandro warned in a hard voice. He didn’t give a damn about doing the honorable thing. If he won the damn race – and he would fucking make sure he did – he was going to take Bobby away.

  Bobby stiffened at Leandro’s words, but she couldn’t make herself look at him. Fear enveloped her, fear of what she would do if he did win – and what she wouldn’t be able to do if he indeed took her away. A part of her urged Bobby to just run and not be a part of this, but pride kept her rooted there.

  If she ran away, she might as well admit that he still had power over her – power that would only come from the fact that she loved him still, and that was the one thing she would never want to admit.

  Sabastian offered his hand. “Rules of engagement understood.”

  Leandro shook the other man’s hand.

  And the race was on.

  Leandro’s bike was big, black, and powerful, with the image of a griffin curling around the entire bike. It was the same griffin that was inked on Leandro’s arm, making it seem as if Leandro and his “beast” were one.

  Sabastian’s bike was sleek and white, a speed demon whose elegant appearance belied the sheer power of its custom-designed engine. It had no design at all except for a heart-shaped gem attached to the right panel of his motorcycle’s gas tank.

  Sabastian and Leandro had both changed for the race, with Sabastian in white and Leandro in black. As he pulled on his gloves, his eyes searched and found Bobby, who was looking at Sabastian. Again, jealousy flared inside him and before he knew it, he was walking towards her.

  A startled gasp escaped Bobby when Leandro was suddenly blocking her view. “What?”

  “It’s customary for a biker’s girl to give him a token before a race.”

  She said automatically, “I’m not your girl.”

  The words hurt, but Leandro had his pride, and though he loved Bobby, he would not allow her to dismiss him just like that. “You could have fooled me, mégaira. The way you kissed me, it was like you had always been my girl.”

  Bobby flushed, but she was too honest to deny the truth in his words. “It was a moment of insanity, and it won’t happen again.”

  He raised an arrogant brow. “And how will you make sure of that?”

  “I’ll keep my lips occupied with—”

  Wrath like no other eclipsed his every thought when he realized what Bobby was about to say. It was one thing to imagine Bobby exchanging kisses with another man, but it was another fucking thing to hear her mention it.

  Without warning, Leandro hauled her towards him. “Not while I’m still breathing, you antagonistic shrew,
” he snarled just before he slammed his mouth over hers. His kiss was short and hard, his tongue sneaking in to leave a permanent claim on her, and it was over before she could even think of struggling.

  The kiss had left Bobby shaking and she hastily wiped her mouth. “Yuck!”

  Leandro’s hardened look didn’t soften. “You can say whatever you want, but your body tells me that it still wants me.”

  The words hit a chord, and Bobby desperately looked towards Sabastian for help. She saw him already walking towards her, and she nearly expired in relief. She needed Leandro to believe that he was not the only one who made her tremble like that.

  One kiss, just one freaking kiss and Leandro already knew how much her body still wanted him. What if another kiss revealed the more terrifying truth? What if Leandro found out that her body wasn’t the only thing that was still his?

  When Sabastian reached her side, she didn’t hesitate, drawing him down for a kiss. It was their first kiss, but to Sabastian’s credit, he didn’t reveal his surprise. Instead, he sank his fingers into her hair to draw her head closer and deepen the kiss himself.

  Leandro wrenched Bobby away from Sabastian, but Sabastian’s reflexes were just as quick and he easily held on to Bobby’s other arm, preventing her from being completely pulled to Leandro’s side.

  “If you kiss her in front of me again, I’ll kill you.”

  “If you ever kiss Bobby against her will again, I’ll kill you.” Sabastian’s voice was just as lethally quiet.

  There was something off with those words, but Leandro was too furious and jealous to think it through. All he could see right now was Bobby kissing another man. Worse, Bobby had been the one to initiate the kiss, and Leandro could’ve choked at the pain of it.

  Never again, he thought with grim resolve. Whatever it took, he would win this fucking race and he would never let her go again, never give Bobby a chance to even remember another man’s name but his.


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