Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix Page 21

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "I dunno," Zack said honestly. "It just strikes me as the wrong thing to do."


  "It just does, you'd better call in her movement."

  "Alright," Russell said reaching for his cell phone.

  Zack listened quietly as Russell called it in and waited until he got off the phone to speak. "She's headed for the girlfriend's house again."

  "Cool, and its Friday night too, think we'll get to see some action?" Russell asked hopefully.

  "You're a horny little bastard, scabby," Zack said amused.

  "Like you aren't?" Russell said accusingly. "Night scope in the backseat?"

  "Of course."

  "Good, since you won last time I get first chance at it tonight," Russell proclaimed.

  "You know better than that," Zack said as the GTO pulled into the driveway and he pulled over to the curb to park.

  "The redhead was driving," Russell said as he observed the two women get out of the car.

  "Yep." Zack confirmed with his own eyes as he watched them go into the house. "Let's wait and see if they go out before we call it in."

  "Alright," Russell said. "I want four out of five this time."

  "Russell, you can't break such a long standing tradition just because you suck at the game," Zack explained as if speaking to a child.

  Russell sighed. "Fine, let's get it over with," he said turning in his seat.

  Less than thirty seconds later, Russell sulked while Zack chuckled merrily at his expense.

  "You're so fucking predictable, scabby," Zack laughed. "Why in the hell do you always choose rock?"

  "Shut up," Russell said as Zack continued to irritatingly chuckle at him.


  "Make yourself at home," Piper said as she threw her purse on the coffee table. "I'll hop in the shower."

  "Alright," Bailey said agreeably. "Nancy gonna be gone long?

  "Four days is what she said."

  "What's in the upstairs room?" Bailey asked curiously.

  "There's a piano up there, but mostly storage."

  "Can I see it?"

  "Sure, do you play?" Piper asked curiously.

  "A little, do you mind if I go up there while you're in the shower?"

  "Not at all," Piper said with a smile. "I'll be ready in a bit."

  "Okay," Bailey smiled back and watched as Piper padded down the hall. She puttered around in the living room until she heard the water start running and headed upstairs.


  Piper got out of the shower and was drying herself off when she heard the music. She wrapped the towel around her and opened the door so she could hear better, smiling when she got an earful of the notes wafting down the stairs.

  "A little, she says," she whispered shaking her in amusement.

  She recognized the tune as Mozart but couldn't pin down the title. However, she knew enough about the piano from years of childhood practice to know it as a vastly complicated piece of music. It was apparent that Bailey could play it flawlessly. She leaned against the doorjamb and wondered just how many secrets the woman upstairs had. She stood thoughtfully in place until she heard the piece finish and another one start before she padded down the hall to her bedroom and closed the door. Still wrapped in the towel, she sat down on the edge of the bed and picked up the phone.

  "Hi, Mom," she said as soon it was answered.

  "Hi, sweetie. I'm glad you called. Are you coming home next week?"

  "Yes, would you and Dad mind if I brought someone with me?"

  "Really?" came the intrigued inquiry. "Someone important?"

  "Yes," Piper said rolling her eyes.

  "Well, I would be thrilled," her mother said. "I'll ask your Dad, hold on."

  Piper nervously chewed on her pinky nail until her mother got back on the phone.

  "Sure, bring her home," her mother said happily. "Tell me about her."

  "What would like to know, Mom?" Piper winced.

  "Everything. You've never brought anyone home before," her mother chided and Piper sighed.

  "She's thirty-one and Irish," Piper said slowly.

  "And?" her mother prodded.

  "And she's very special to me."

  "I guessed that much. Is she pretty?"

  "She's beautiful," she said and heard her father's voice in the background.

  "Your father wants to know if she's Catholic," her mother said and she ground her teeth.

  "I'd assume so, she's from Northern Ireland," she said. "Mom, listen. She's very shy around people and I know she's scared about staying there, so could you tell everyone to take it easy with her?"

  "Don't piss me off, Piper," her mother said warningly. "Everyone will be on their best behavior."

  "I'm sorry, but I can tell she's more worked up about it than she's letting on," Piper said contritely.

  "Don't worry, sweetheart. She'll be fine," her mother consoled. "What's she do for a living?"

  "She owns the corporation I work for."

  "Really? She must be loaded," her mother said happily. "Nice catch, dear," she teased and Piper flopped back on the bed in exasperation.

  "Mom," Piper groaned.

  "Lighten up," her mother said. "Listen, I have to finish dinner, why don't you call in a couple of days and let us know when we need to pick you up?"

  "Alright, Mom," Piper said relieved.

  "You're not off the hook, I expect a full report later. I can't wait to meet her," her mother said happily.

  "Alright, I love you, Mom," Piper said pinching the bridge of her nose.

  "I love you too, sweetie. I'll talk to you later."

  "Ugh." Piper groaned as she hung the phone up.

  She got up from the bed and listened to see if Bailey was still playing. She could hear a few notes through the closed door so she began to get dressed.


  Bailey stopped playing when she heard the door open and turned on the bench to see Piper observing her from the doorway with a smile on her face.

  "You play beautifully."

  "Thank you," Bailey said with a blush. "You look nice," she added quickly in an attempt to change the subject.

  "Thanks," Piper said. "I decided to lose the leftovers and ordered a pizza, that okay?"

  "Sure," Bailey said noting that Piper had dressed just like her with the exception of a bright flowery vest.

  "Do you sing too?" Piper asked.

  "No," Bailey said quickly. "I sound like I gargle with kitty litter."

  Piper laughed. "It can't be that bad."

  "Take my word for it," Bailey said solemnly.

  "Alright," Piper chuckled. "I called my Mom, she's excited to meet you."

  "Great," Bailey said dryly.

  "It won't be that bad, I promise," Piper consoled just as the doorbell rang. "That'll be the pizza, ya hungry?"


  "Me too, let's eat," Piper said.


  "Quit picking at it, scabby. You'll make it worse," Zack said.

  "It better not leave a scar," Russell threatened poking at his nose.

  "It won't if you leave it alone," Zack said. "They're leaving," he added as he caught sight of the women making their way to the car.

  "Alright, I'll call it in," Russell said picking up the phone.

  Zack started the car and fell in at a safe distance behind the GTO, following in silence for almost a quarter of an hour.

  "You know, I just had a scary thought," Russell said breaking the silence.


  "What if they head into like gay town or whatever and people see us together in the car?"

  "They'll wonder what the fuck you been sticking your nose in," Zack said and laughed at his joke.

  "Goddamn you're funny," Russell said dryly.

  "Aren't I though?" Zack said chuckling.

  Another few minutes passed as Russell stewed and Zack's chuckles eventually came to a halt.

  "This is so stupid, why the hell are we following her?"
Russell complained. "She knows we're here and she apparently doesn't give a shit."

  "I really don't know, just doing what I'm told," Zack said having wondered the same thing himself. "I imagine it'll become clear when they get around to briefing us."

  "Who are they putting in charge?" Russell asked curiously.

  "Mike said Dwight Robards."

  "Robards, huh?"

  "That's what Mike said," Zack confirmed. "They're bringing in everyone for this one."

  "Robards is a scary dude."

  "Yep," Zack confirmed. "Looks like the ladies are going dancing," he said as the GTO pulled into a crowded club parking lot.

  "We going in?" Russell asked. "That place looks huge."

  "No way, we wait in the car for them to come out," Zack stated seriously. "I guarantee you that we don't want to have a run in with her."

  "You afraid of her?" Russell asked curiously.

  "Damn straight, my friend," Zack admitted. "Get comfortable, we're staying in the car."


  Looking for love calling Heaven above,

  Send me an Angel…

  - D. Sterry, R. Zatorski

  "Piper, I dunno about this," Bailey said worriedly. "This place is crowded, look at all the people in line. I'm not sure if I can go in there."

  "Why not?"

  "There's too many people," Bailey said honestly.

  "It's just me and you," Piper said soothingly. "No one else matters. They'll be busy doing their own thing."

  "Hmmm," Bailey grunted unconvinced.

  "I'll hold your hand and promise not let anyone get you," Piper said teasingly and Bailey smiled.

  "Okay, I'll have a lash at it," Bailey chuckled.

  "It'll be fun," Piper said happily.

  "If you say so," Bailey said dryly as Piper parked the car.

  Piper got out and walked around to the front of the car and waited for Bailey to join her, who seemed to be procrastinating but finally got out and reached in her jacket to activate the alarm.

  "Come on, goofy," Piper said and held out a hand to Bailey who took it and let Piper lead her toward the building.

  "Look at how long the line is," Bailey said in dismay holding out hope that Piper would change her mind and not go in.

  "We don't have to stand in line, it's Lady's Night," Piper said dashing her last chance. "The girls in line are just waiting with their boyfriends."

  Bailey sighed and dutifully let Piper march her to the front of the line and into the building, wincing when she was immediately assaulted by the thunderous crooning of country music. She looked around and noticed with apprehension that there were so many people crammed into the building that it seemed to be standing room only. She felt Piper tug on her hand and she followed her through the crowd until she was led to an unoccupied table, which to her relief, was somewhat isolated. Piper pulled a chair out for her and she took a seat.

  "I'm gonna go get drinks, what would you like?" Piper said bending down and fairly yelling in her ear.

  "Southern Comfort and soda, with a twist," Bailey said into Piper's hair and she nodded.

  "Be right back," Piper said and disappeared into the crowd leaving her alone at the table.

  Bailey sat there helplessly, thinking the only way she could feel more uncomfortable at the moment would be to suddenly find herself naked. She was relieved when Piper returned several minutes later and sat a drink in front of her. She immediately drained the contents of her glass and smiled when Piper sat a second drink in front of her before she sat down and scooted her chair close.

  "I thought you might do that," Piper said into her ear.

  "Thanks," Bailey said gratefully.

  "Poor baby," Piper said with a smile. "You ready to have a go at dancing?"

  Bailey nodded reluctantly and Piper led her by the hand through the crowd until they reached a circular dance floor that took up the entire center of the cavernous building. She turned to her and took her other hand, placing it on her shoulder.

  "Watch my feet, it's simple," Piper said into her ear.

  She nodded slightly and let Piper walk her backwards onto the dance floor. A few awkward minutes later, she had caught on and to her surprise began to enjoy herself a little.

  "See?" Piper chastised. "It's not as bad as you thought, is it?"

  She nodded to agree.

  "Would you like to try and lead?" Piper asked and smiled when Bailey nodded again.

  They switched positions and Piper was impressed and delighted when Bailey led her around at a far quicker pace than she had originally set. The song ended and changed to a waltz so Piper switched positions again to show her the steps, shaking her head a little at how quickly her companion picked things up. They had danced for maybe fifteen minutes and Bailey already carried on as though born to it. The waltz gave way to a ballad and Piper dropped both hands to her waist and pulled her close, resting her head on her chest and smiling when arms encircled her back. She wanted very badly to tell her that she loved her, but was afraid that she wasn't really ready to hear it, so she just pulled her a little closer and sighed into her chest.

  She was surprised when the ballad ended and Bailey took the lead on the next song, laughing happily when she attempted a twirl and Bailey didn't miss a beat. As soon as the song ended she led her off the dance floor and back to their table.

  "You're something else," she said into her ear as she sat down and sipped her drink.

  "I'm glad you think so," Bailey said with a shy smile.

  "Do you want another drink?" Piper asked spotting a waitress.


  Piper waved the woman over and ordered them both a drink. When the waitress left, she leveled a look at Bailey and stared at her unabashedly until her eyes came up to meet hers. She looked into the circles of black intensely, hoping to find what she wanted to see. She felt her heart thump in her chest when she believed she found what she was looking for, but there was something else in the gaze that disturbed her. She scooted her chair over until it touched Bailey's and whispered in her ear.

  "What are you afraid of?" she asked.

  Bailey opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly before she said anything. She took a deep breath, shook her head slightly and leaned over to place a kiss on Piper's mouth.

  "I'll get over it," she said cryptically when their lips parted.


  "This sucks," Russell stated unhappily.

  "Give it a rest, Russell. I'm getting tired of listening to you bellyache."

  "They've been in there for over four hours, I don't see why we can't go in."

  "For the last time," Zack sighed. "Orders state that we are not to approach her and secondly, if we spook that bitch, we won't live to regret it."

  "I can't believe you're so friggin' worked up over that chick," Russell said with a shake of his head.

  "Do you remember Ed Vega?"

  "Vaguely, didn't he die a few years back?"

  "Yeah, took one behind the ear."

  "What about him?"

  "Vega was a surveillance specialist and I worked under him for a couple of months when I first came aboard," Zack started. "He told me the first story I ever heard about The Wraith. I had forgotten all about it until it came back to me this morning. Ed was one of the few that has seen The Wraith in action."

  "No shit?" Russell said curiously.

  "Well, he didn't see it exactly, just the aftermath. He was sitting on a small army of wiseguys in Venice and the Organization was awaiting the arrival of the Don, or whatever they call the head honcho nowadays." Zack paused and took a sip of his coffee. "Anyway, the guy showed up and I guess it was a rush job, they were afraid the mark would move so they told Vega to sit tight, The Wraith was enroute. The next thing he knows, they call him to verify the scene and pack up. He was watching a building right across the street and he wasn't even aware that it had been hit."

  "What did he see?" Russell asked absorbed.

  "The Don had eighteen s
oldiers in there with him, they were all dead. Vega said the bodies started at the entrance and were strewn all over two floors. Evidently, The Wraith had walked right through the front door. A bunch of them were cut up with what he assumed was a sword and the rest were shot. All of the ones that took bullets were taken out with rounds in the eyes or the heart. The Don's throat had been cut so deep his head was barely fucking on. Vega said it was the scariest thing he'd ever seen."

  "Fuckin'A," Russell whispered.

  "Yep. So let me tell you, Russell. If that chick in there is The Wraith, and I believe she is, we don't want to get any closer to her than we have to."

  "You think Vega was telling the truth?"

  "I don't doubt he was, the man went pale in the face when he told me the story."

  "Damn," Russell said slowly. "This thing is going to get ugly isn't it?"

  "I hope not, but I'm afraid you may be right," Zack said regretfully.


  "Well, I'm wiped," Piper exclaimed. "Did ya have fun?"

  "Yeah, I did. Thank you for taking me," Bailey said with a smile.

  "My pleasure," Piper said cheerily. "You ready to head out?"

  "Yep," Bailey said and stood to put on her jacket.

  "Okay," Piper said standing and doing the same.

  Piper shouldered her purse and put her hand in Bailey's as they made their way through the thinning crowd toward the exit. The sounds of an argument and a scuffle became audible as they approached one of the four bars that were situated in the corners of the building. Piper turned her head in concern when she heard a woman crying and was brought to an abrupt halt as Bailey stopped dead in her tracks and aimed her attention in the direction of the sound. Piper saw a huge man she estimated to be roughly the size of Wyoming, slap the crying woman viciously across the face and her hand went to her mouth in shock.

  "Wait here," Bailey said tonelessly.

  "Bailey, don't get involved that guy is enormous, let's go find a bouncer," Piper pleaded when Bailey's hand left hers.

  "Wait here," she repeated and seemed to flow away from her through the crowd.

  Piper worriedly started after her but to her bewilderment almost immediately lost sight of her, so she headed through the crowd and the spectators toward the argument that she could hear was still going on. She disgustingly pushed her way through two guys that were watching the scene just in time to see the man draw his arm back to slap the woman again.


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