Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix Page 61

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "What's the big deal?" she asked when he arrived.

  "Just come take a look," he said with a haunted expression.

  She started striding in the direction of the other men, McNeely falling into pace beside her. "What's with the cloak and dagger shit, Sergeant? What the hell did you find and why does it smell like a whorehouse at low tide down here?

  McNeely shook his head. "You'll need something to cover your nose, the smell is worse over by the guys."

  Malory watched as he lifted a rag to cover his mouth and nose. Thinking it best to follow the man's advice, she dug in her pockets for a handkerchief and followed suit. "Sergeant, I want some answers," she said threateningly.

  "I wish I could give them to you."

  She was about to call the man up short but paused as they came in range of the rest of the men, suddenly feeling uneasy as she took in the expressions on their faces. The crowd parted for her and she walked through them to see what they were all so bothered about, coming to an abrupt halt and tightening the grip on her handkerchief.

  Her mind almost refused to process the sight in front of her and she felt her knees go weak. When she finally found her voice, it came out sounding as alien as the appendage protruding through the ice.

  "What in the blue fuck is that?"

  No one answered her and eventually she recovered enough poise to study the find in front of her. About six feet away was what she assumed to be part of an arm, the skin greenish-black and biomechanical in appearance. At the end of the appendage was what she guessed was the creature's hand, although it only had two fingers and a lethal looking claw that served as a thumb. The fingers themselves arachnid in structure, multi-jointed, and curled around the sides of the wrist like a ram's horns. The smell was overpoweringly foul.

  Finally, she turned away from the scene and surveyed the faces surrounding her. "Anyone not here that knows about this?"

  "No, Commander," McNeely said. "I wouldn't let anyone leave."

  "Good call," she said. "Cover that thing with snow and mark it, then all of you join me by the ramp," she ordered and marched off, her mind already putting up walls to distort what she had seen.

  When she reached the ramp she plopped down on the snow and took off her hat, the portable lights making her warm and so bright she wished she had brought her sunglasses. Some of the men had walked back with her and they followed her example as they waited for the ones who had stayed behind to arrive.

  Eventually, McNeely and Alvarez walked up and she stood to address them. "Well, I guess we all knew they were digging up a spacecraft, we shouldn't be so surprised to find one of the passengers," she said quietly. "Personally, I never stopped to think about how alien an alien might be."

  "No shit there," Alvarez commented, getting a few reluctant chuckles.

  "Mr. McNeely, how satisfied are you with the safety of present working conditions down here?"

  "Went faster than I thought it would, skipper," he said. "I was gonna give the green light by the end of the day."

  "Very well," she said. "I want everyone here to keep this under your hat until tomorrow and I'll address everyone in the morning. I'm sure more than one of the geeks will get a hard-on over this. However, I feel the need to take some precautions..."

  "I concur with that, Commander," Reynolds interrupted, looking at her questioningly and she nodded for him to continue. "We have no idea what we're dealing with here, no telling what that thing is gonna look like or be capable of when they dig it out."

  Malory blinked. "Are you suggesting that it might still be alive?"

  "What I'm saying is we don't know a damn thing about it. It looked pretty preserved to me, who knows what its constitution might be if thawed out. I would suggest an armed detail to oversee the excavation from this point and to stand guard over anything biological they might pull out of here."

  "I am in full agreement with Chief Reynolds, Commander," McNeely said, prompting several of the men to speak up in conformity.

  Malory played with her sombrero thoughtfully for a moment. "Very well, starting tomorrow I want all military personnel issued sidearms, to be carried until it is deemed unnecessary. Also, I want the men providing security over the dig issued rifles. You'll see to this Sergeant Major and I'll want a full accounting on a daily basis."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Additionally, I want to make damn sure that everyone has radios with them at all times. Let's also see to it that we have constant communication with McMurdo, even if this means going outside daily to clear the dome for the communication dishes. And start keeping a closer eye on the weather. Chief, this is your responsibility."

  "Yes, Commander."

  "Lieutenant Ring isn't down here but I also want the helicopter in a constant state of readiness in the event of an emergency, I'll inform him when we get topside. Is there anything else that needs to be brought to my attention at this time?"

  She looked around expectantly.

  "Alright then, if an issue comes up take me aside before I address everyone in the morning. Any questions?"

  There were none.

  She put on her sombrero. "Let's get the hell out of here."


  Malory scrubbed herself thoroughly in the shower, attempting to wash away the uneasiness that still lingered. Upon exit, all thoughts of space monsters were pushed aside in anticipation of an evening spent with the doctor and she hurriedly made herself presentable. Being unable to contain her enthusiasm, she arrived at Corky's quarters only fifteen minutes after the duty shift.

  When the door opened, Malory beamed what she hoped was her best winning smile. "Hi there!" she said brightly to the woman still dressed in her lab coat and wearing a bemused expression.

  Corky tried not to laugh. "A little early aren't you?"

  "Am I?" Malory asked in mock surprise. "Can I come in?"

  Corky considered. "Okay."

  Malory immediately brushed past the little doctor and walked into the room, spotting the cot instantly and flopping down excitedly. "You would think that with all the money they poured into this place they could provide more than a cot for everyone to sleep on," she speculated cheerfully, casting a come hither look in Corky's direction.

  "Make yourself at home," Corky said as she closed the door.

  "I will, thank you."

  Corky shook her head. "You know, I haven't even had time to take a shower."

  "I don't mind waiting, go ahead," Malory said, shooting a happy glance at the extremely exposed shower stall situated in the corner of the room and turned a sly expression back in the doctor's direction. "I like to watch."

  Corky didn't know whether to be upset or amused. "I don't think so."

  "Why not?" Malory asked. "I'd let you watch me."

  A small chuckle. "Why don't I meet you in the mess in about half an hour?"

  "Huh?" Malory asked disappointedly. "I thought you asked me to come to your quarters."

  "I did, but I'm not taking a shower with you in the room."

  "Would it make you feel better if I joined you?"

  "No," Corky laughed.

  "Why are you playing so hard to get? I know you're warm for my form."

  Corky's mouth dropped open. "God."

  Malory grinned shamelessly.

  "I can't believe you," Corky said. "Do you honestly expect to win me over so easily with your ham-fisted charm?"

  "Well..." Malory considered, raising a finger to her lips thoughtfully, "...yeah," she said as if it were obvious.

  Lips tightened into a tense line. "Not too long ago, I would've pissed all over myself in joy if you were to have suddenly died and now you expect me to just jump in bed with you?"

  "What better way to bury the hatchet?" Malory asked, spreading her arms invitingly. "Come get some."

  A sharp breath. "Get out," she hissed.


  Corky pointed to the door. "Get out."


  "Get out, Commander."

p; "But..."


  Malory rose from the cot slowly, belatedly realizing that she had painted herself into a corner. Plans to rectify the situation raced through her mind, but one look at the doctor's red face told her anything she might say or do at this point would not be welcomed. Dragging her feet, she slowly shuffled past the fuming doctor and stepped into the hall, the door loudly slamming shut behind her.


  05/03/02 - 0730 hours

  Still sulking from the night before, Malory emerged from her quarters and sat down in her chair, displacing Little Lovecraft and setting her on the desk in front of her.

  "Well, my friend. Looks like I screwed the pooch. Any advice?"

  She stared at the doll as if she expected it to answer. "I thought so," she said. "Any comments?" she asked and reached out to pull the string.

  "Like I give a shit," Little Lovecraft said sarcastically and she chuckled.

  "Thanks," she said with an amused smile. "You always cheer me up."

  She heard footsteps approaching from the hall and hurriedly stuffed her companion into a desk drawer. McNeely stopped at the doorframe to knock but stopped when he saw her at her desk and she gestured him in. He placed a holstered .45 and two magazines on the desk in front of her.

  She stood to attach the weapon to her belt. "Everybody equipped?"

  "Yes, Commander," he said. "You were the last."

  "Anything I need to know this morning?"

  "Not that I'm aware of."

  "I want everybody to take turns watching over excavation."

  "I'll prepare a duty list. I have Alvarez and Cohen slated for the job if they go down today."

  "I'm sure they will," she said knowingly. "I guess we're ready, let me call in the troops and I'll meet you in the mess shortly."

  "Alright," he said in departure and she reached for the phone.


  Clovis burst into Medical excitedly. "Corky!"

  She looked up from her desk, smiling at the boisterous greeting. "What's up, Clovis?"

  He walked over and whispered conspiratorially. "Something's goin' on. Lieutenant Ring and Chief Reynolds were in the mess this morning."

  "So? They not allowed to eat?"

  He spared her a condescending look. "They were armed."


  "They were wearing guns, Corky."

  "What for?" she asked. "Did someone attack us in the middle of the night?"

  "I kinda doubt that," he laughed but stopped suddenly and eyed her carefully. "But since you and the Macho Nacho are so chummy, I thought I'd get you to ask her what's going on," he said with a knowing grin.

  "Chummy? How would you know?"

  "Gimme a break, Corky. Gossip flies around in here at the speed of light."

  "Gossip?" she chuckled. "And I thought women were bad."

  He shrugged. "So will you ask her?"

  "Why would she tell me?"

  "God, Corky. You graduated from medical school, you can't be this dense," he said, shaking his head. "The woman's gorgeous, every guy in the place is at half-mast when she walks by but the only person she notices is you."

  "Isn't that special," she said sarcastically, still miffed at the arrogant woman.

  "Would all personnel assemble in the mess by 0800, please," the Commander's voice blared over the intercom. "Attendance is mandatory."

  "Hmmm," Clovis grunted. "Looks like I won't need you to take advantage of the Commander's affections."

  "Clovis..." she started in annoyance.


  Malory strode into the mess when she was reasonably sure everyone would already be there, purposely avoiding glancing anywhere in the direction of the doctor. She took a seat at the front of the room and met all of the curious looks directed at her.

  "There's been a development," she stated. "Yesterday, Mr. McNeely and the crew working in excavation uncovered part of, what we guess, is a corpse."

  A few seconds of silence immediately followed by excited whispers.

  "Why weren't we informed immediately, Commander," Clovis asked in annoyance and his colleagues nodded their approval of the question.

  "A couple of reasons," Malory said. "First, Mr. McNeely had yet to inform me that he was satisfied with the conditions down there and second, the corpse isn't human."

  "What do you mean not human?" Clovis asked, barely containing his excitement.

  "In my opinion, not of this Earth."

  "When can we view the specimen, Commander?" Dr. Lenard asked.

  "I'm prepared to allow personnel to return to excavation today," Malory said. "However, there will be stipulations."

  "Such as?" Clovis asked.

  "There will be two armed men overseeing the dig at all times," Malory said. "This is just a precaution until we are certain there's no threat. This is nonnegotiable."

  "What are we in danger of, Commander?" Dr. Ballenger asked.

  "The... life form... was remarkably preserved," Malory said. "And it was brought to my attention that we know nothing of its capabilities. Until I am convinced that it, or anything else biological we find down there is no threat, it's always better to have and not need than to need and not have."

  "What are the other stipulations?" Clovis asked.

  "As I said before, if anyone is found not in possession of a radio, they will be confined to quarters with nothing but a radio to keep them company. This is for everyone's safety and is also nonnegotiable. In addition, those same consequences will be imposed on anyone working in excavation without a safety rope," she said firmly. "This goes double for Mr. Isaaks," she added with a smile in the man's direction. "Any questions?"

  She looked around but no one seemed inclined to speak up. Everyone but the soldiers wore eager expressions. "Alright, I'll let you get to it," she said finally and her audience practically leaped from their seats.

  "Some last minute advice," she said loudly over the rising clamor. "It smells like angry diarrhea down there, take precautions and don't give me a reason to get pissed off at anyone."

  They fidgeted anxiously and she waved them away. "Dismissed," she ordered, unable to keep from smiling at the childlike enthusiasm they displayed and watching amusedly as they fled from the room.

  She stayed in her seat, composing scenarios that she could use to approach Corky that didn't give the impression of desperation. It was when the last body filtered by that she saw the doctor had also remained seated and she felt a spark of hope. Perhaps, she wouldn't have to grovel after all. She tried not to let a cocky smile take control and returned the doctor's stare impassively.

  The minutes passed and finally, Corky got up to go refill her coffee mug. Malory watched nervously as she refreshed her beverage and walked over to stand a few paces away, staring at her with the same neutral look on her face. She couldn't take the silence, it was only a matter of seconds until she broke and begged for forgiveness. She cut it off at the pass.

  "What?" she asked. "Do I have a booger?" she added, bringing a hand up to rub at her nose.

  Corky fought it, but the smile came anyway. "I don't know why I bother."

  "It's the magic that is me."

  A sigh.

  "Because I want you just as much as you want me," Malory relented. "I'm just honest enough not to beat around the bush about it."

  "That's probably true," Corky conceded.

  "So why fight it?"

  A deep breath. "If you think you can behave as something other than a randy adolescent, we can talk about it tonight."


  "Really," Corky said. "Show up at least an hour after duty shift."

  "Okay," she said. "There's no one here but us, can I talk you out of anything other than a 'Goodnight, Malory' cheek peck?"

  Corky looked around the room guardedly and closed the distance between them, leaning over the Commander seductively, bringing her mouth to within an inch of Malory's.

  "No," she said and clapped the Commander on the shoul
der cordially.

  "That wasn't fair," Malory whined as the doctor strode from the room with a cavalier wave.


  It was near the end of the day and Malory was sitting in her office playing 'Tomb Raider' when the radio squawked.

  "Commander?" Alvarez said.

  "Go ahead."

  "They uncovered the...uh... thing," he reported. "They want to transport it to the lab."

  "I see," she said slowly. "What's it look like?"

  "You don't want to know."

  She shuddered. "I'll take your word on that. What would it take to get it up here?"

  "A lot of time. It's in some sort of fucked up chair. Stokes wants to send someone back for a stretcher."

  "Tell them to leave it in the ice until tomorrow, my order."

  "Will do," Alvarez said. "Do you want me to report to you when I get topside?"

  "No, thank you," Malory said quickly. "I think I can make it through the night without a description. I'll see it soon enough."

  "Understand that, out."

  She returned the radio to her belt and checked the time on the computer, a smile in the works. She hopped from her seat to go get ready.

  By the time she knocked on the door to Corky's quarters, she had devised a new plan. The meat and potatoes of which consisted of her thinking very carefully before she opened her mouth. It wouldn't be easy, but she was determined.

  She waited what she deemed was a polite amount of time and knocked on the door again, the thought that the doctor still might be in the shower entering her mind. Debating carefully, she decided to knock one more time before she poked her head in, knowing a Peeping Tom incident would go over about as well as a concrete balloon. With still no answer forthcoming, she finally opened the door a crack.

  "Dr. Rivers?" she called out hesitantly.

  Receiving no reply, she entered the room and found it empty. Scowling slightly, she exited and walked one door over to Medical, only to find it deserted as well. The scowl deepened as she wandered from room to room, finally ending up in the mess with still no sign of the elusive doctor. Puzzled and disappointed, she returned to her office where a clue flew in and hit her in the head, she reached for her radio.


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