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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 64

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "You're very beautiful," Malory said heavily, grabbing the doctor gently around the hips and pulling her forward.

  Corky opened her mouth to reply but was silenced by lips that descended upon her own and hands that wound themselves in her hair. The intensity of Malory's attentions gave the impression of being devoured and she surrendered willingly, pulling her closer and urging her for more.

  Malory relished every sensation, delighting in the taste of the doctor's mouth, exploring every crevice with her tongue, taking a sensual pleasure in the texture of her teeth, the roof of her mouth, the softness of her lips, and the warmth of her breath as it mingled with her own. Her hands dropped to the small of her back and pulled her gently forward until her thighs rested on the edge of the cot, dropping her attention to the pulse point on her neck and eventually, to her rapidly rising and falling chest.

  Corky fell back wantonly against the wall to allow Malory free reign over her body, consumed by the urgent need the Commander conveyed and her own freefalling libido; wrapping her hands tightly in Malory's hair when she felt a breast being teased and pulling her close when she was drawn into her mouth. Her body tingled exotically as her nipples hardened painfully and tender teeth chewed on them lovingly. She gasped loudly in anticipation as Malory began a trail down her chest, her mouth and tongue showing an interest in every detail they encountered and when a chin urged her legs apart, she complied without hesitation. Malory's arms dropped to assist and her legs were thrown over the Commander's shoulders with abandon, the air surprisingly cold against the suddenly exposed wetness of her thighs. Breath exploded pleasurably from her mouth the instant she was tasted; ecstasy making her shiver when Malory emitted a satisfied groan of her own, as if finally given something long denied.

  One of Corky's hands sought out the edge of the cot to brace against the inevitable while the other tightened its grip in Malory's hair demandingly, an unspoken order to remain where she was. The sensation of Malory's attentions were beyond all of her previous experience and she could feel the Commander's pleasure in the act through the ravenous exuberance of the mouth feeding upon her. Malory's moans were almost as loud as her own, and when a hand left her thigh and the Commander set her knees further apart on the floor, she felt the approaching edge viciously. Malory's excitement was so obvious that it was like receiving a shot of adrenaline knowing she couldn't restrain from petting herself.

  When she came, it was with a power that left her neurotic and it was prolonged significantly as Malory's arm tightened around her waist, refusing to let go. Her whole body jumped spastically with every caress and she found herself screaming with the pleasure of it, pulling on the hair in her hand possessively to force closer contact. Exalting in the vibrations traveling the length of her sex from Malory's muffled cries, her lover entangled within the tremors of her own release and grinding into her ecstatically. She rode the wave until she was unable to endure any longer and finally dropped a hand between her legs to intervene, going limp in exhaustion, her body shining with perspiration.

  As she caught her breath, she was pleasantly aware of Malory still diligently trying to get past the blockade of her hand. Tenderly sucking on her fingers and occasionally probing for an opening between them. She tardily released the grip still knotted in Malory's hair, surprised at how severe her hold had been and blinking regretfully when the Commander whimpered softly at the reprieve.

  "Malory," she said, her voice hoarse.

  "Hmmm?" Malory purred.

  "Did I hurt you?" she asked, petting her head apologetically.

  "It was a nice hurt," Malory said as she chewed softly on the end of a denying finger.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be."

  "Come lay with me," she ordered, about to start the process of resituating herself but paused when blue eyes raised and looked at her dotingly.

  "I love you, Corky."

  Corky's breath froze within her chest and she was surprised to feel moisture rise in her eyes.

  Malory rose to her feet and removed her bra, tossing it across the room as if it irritated her and stretched like a cat in front of the doctor's desirous eyes. Her outstretched arms returned to cup her breasts and stroke them lightly before sliding a hand into her underwear to touch herself. She sighed lightly at the contact and brought back moist fingers that she sampled with her mouth.

  Corky observed her behavior in unconcealed fascination, arousal again stirring within her powerfully as Malory suckled her fingers inquisitively, seemingly unaware of being watched so closely. Apparently satisfied, the Commander lowered herself onto the cot and wrapped gentle arms around her contentedly.

  "Why did you do that?" Corky asked, unable to curb her curiosity.

  "I wanted to see what we would taste like together," Malory hummed.



  Corky released a satiated sigh, bringing a hand up to quickly wipe at her eyes and burying her face in the Commander's chest, nipping at her breasts playfully. "That was ...uhm... that..." she struggled.

  "Fuckin' amazing?" Malory offered.

  "Well, I won't argue with you there," she admitted, abruptly going stiff in alarm when a loud, persistent knock banged on the door. "Oh, God," she whispered, jumping out of Malory's embrace and anxiously looking around for her clothes.

  "Hide," she hissed at the Commander who appeared amused.

  "I'll do no such thing," Malory whispered.

  Corky pulled her sweatshirt on over her head and shot the Commander a threatening look. "Oh, yes you will."

  "Nope," Malory said, stretching out along the length of the cot.

  Corky shot her a venomous glare as she buttoned her pants. "At least go stand over there where you can't be seen," she said pointing to a spot.

  Malory sighed. "Fine," she said, rising and walking over to stand with her arms crossed over her chest.

  Corky took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair to straighten it before she opened the door, only to find an empty hallway. Confusedly, she poked her head out and looked in both directions. Spotting no signs of life, she stepped back in to close the door and froze.

  "Oh, my God," she said in complete horror, her eyes fixated on the floor.

  At the words, Malory gave up her hiding place and approached the doctor from behind. "What's the big deal?"

  Corky could only bring a hand up to her mouth in mortification and Malory gently nudged her out of the way to see what had the doctor's complete attention. Her eyes landing on a pack of cigarettes and lighter, lying within an ashtray that someone had thoughtfully provided. With a stifled laugh, she bent down to pick them up and prodded Corky back into the room, closing the door behind them.

  Leaving the doctor standing, she reclaimed her seat on the cot and opened the cigarettes, popping one into her mouth and lighting it. "I haven't had a cigarette in over ten years."

  "My God, someone heard us," Corky finally rasped in dismay.

  Malory smiled in amusement. "That's not quite right, Dr. Rivers," she said, taking a long drag on her cigarette. "I was occupied."

  A startled gasp.

  "Yes," Malory said knowingly. "Someone heard you. Actually, I would be surprised if everyone didn't. There's probably not a limp dick in the compound."

  "Jesus," Corky choked. "I can't imagine anything more embarrassing."

  "Come to bed, I'll kiss it and make it better."

  "How do I show my face tomorrow, or the day after for that matter?"

  "Come to bed," Malory repeated, snuffing out her cigarette and holding out a hand.

  Corky rushed over to bury her face between Malory's breasts. "God, what am I gonna do?"

  Malory stroked her hair. "Tell you what," she said with a grin. "First thing tomorrow, I'll make an announcement ordering everyone not to make fun of you for twiddling your diddle."

  A quickly stifled snicker followed by an annoyed swat. "That's not funny," she mumbled. "How would you feel if the situation was reverse

  "I'm the boss," she said. "No one would dare say anything to me. They'd just laugh behind my back."

  "You're not helping."

  Malory kissed the top of her head and reached down to pull the blankets over them both. "Go to sleep," she said softly, hugging her tightly. "It won't be so bad in the morning."

  A pathetic sigh was the only reply and she reached out to turn off the light.

  Part 2


  05/06/02 - 0655 hours

  Malory rose with a luxurious stretch and gently disengaged herself from the soundly sleeping doctor so she could answer the call of nature; poking around the room curiously when she was finished, interested in everything that had to do with the little woman. Noting the photographs of her parents and smiling at a family of Teddy bears that resided upon one of her shelves.

  The shrill blast of the alarm startled her and she leaped across the room to shut it off, chuckling at the small arm that was irritably swatting at it from underneath the blankets. She immediately dove under the covers and playfully snuggled up to the waking woman.

  "You gonna get up?" she whispered into her ear, leaving a kiss behind.

  "No," came the pathetic croak.

  "Why not?"

  "Were you wearing your gun last night?" Corky asked. "I need it."

  "Why?" Malory asked with a chuckle.

  "Because I have to kill myself."

  Malory laughed. "Gee, it's not the end of the world. So what if everybody thinks you were in here thumpin' the man in the little canoe? It's not that big a deal."

  Corky turned in Malory's embrace to regard her seriously. "Why do you say that?"

  "Well shucks, Doctor," she said. "You're a young, healthy and, as far as everyone knows, single woman. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

  "I was screaming like I was being burned at the stake," Corky said dryly. "If I had overheard that, I'd wonder what in the name of God had that woman been doing to herself."

  A snicker.

  "It's not funny."

  "Geez, you're a doctor," Malory said. "You of all people should know that masturbation is normal and everybody does it."

  "Do you?"

  "Hell no! What do you think I am, some sort of sick freak?"

  Corky snorted in annoyance and pulled the covers up over her head to hide, ignoring her delightedly laughing companion.

  "Oh, come on," Malory chortled. "If anyone says anything you can just tell them you weren't alone."

  "What if they ask who?" Corky inquired from under the covers.

  "Say it's none of their business. They'll spend days mumbling amongst themselves trying to figure out who the lucky person was."

  "What if someone asks you?"

  "Asks me what? If I was the one banging the doc?"


  "Corky, there isn't a person in this place that will come out and ask me to my face about my sex life."

  A sigh. "I wish I was the Commander."

  "No you don't, the pay sucks."

  "Really? I assumed you were pretty well off in that department."

  "I do alright. I mean I make enough to keep me in tampons and 'roid cream."

  A silent pause and then a chuckle. "You are so disgusting."

  "But you love me."

  An ambiguous grunt. "Did you mean what you said last night?"

  "What did I say last night?"

  "You know," Corky said softly.

  "Yes, I do know and yes, I do." Malory said. "Now are you gonna come out of there? I'm horny."

  "No way," Corky said quickly, pulling the blankets around her tightly. "Everyone would think I was a pervert."

  "I could gag you," Malory offered.

  "Shut up."

  Malory sighed. "I should probably go anyway, McNeely will be looking for me any minute."

  Corky poked her head out from under the blankets. "Will I see you tonight?"

  "I'd like to see you."

  A small smile.

  Malory leaned in to place a soft kiss on her mouth. "Last night was unbelievable, thank you."

  A chuckle. "I should be the one thanking you."

  "You will later," Malory said with a goofy smile and rose to start dressing herself.

  Corky smiled and cast worried eyes to the ceiling, trying not to imagine the horrors that were waiting to assail her when she emerged from her quarters.

  Malory leaned over again to place a kiss on her cheek. "Ya gonna be okay?"

  "I suppose I'll live."

  Malory chuckled. "If anyone says anything inappropriate, you come tell me."

  "I'm a big girl," Corky said, smiling at the offer.

  "You sure are," Malory said with grin. "I'll see you later," she added and turned to exit the room.

  Corky waited for the door to close and pulled the blankets back up over her head.


  Corky snuck into Medical, foregoing her morning coffee for fear of entering the mess and encountering anyone. As a result, she had spent a cranky morning looking up sharply whenever she heard footsteps in the hall and sighing in relief every time they passed. Her thoughts swinging back and forth between contemplating the consequences of her inevitable humiliation and elating in the memory of the time shared the night before with Malory.

  She was in the midst of reminiscing one of the latter thoughts when the sound of gunshots brought her out of her chair in both surprise and alarm. Seconds later, the klaxon went off followed shortly thereafter by rapidly pounding footsteps racing down the hall.

  She ran into the hall and was almost trampled by Reynolds and DeSoto as they raced by, the Chief yelling into his radio.

  "Say again?"

  "They need a stretcher and…" the Commander's voice faded as the Chief got further away.

  Corky waited in agitation, not knowing what was going on and somewhat surprised that nothing had been said over the intercom. At least she knew Malory was okay, relieved to have heard her voice over the Chief's radio. She looked up at the sound of another set of approaching footsteps and gazed at the approaching Lieutenant with anticipation.

  "Dr. Rivers, you'll need to prepare Medical to receive wounded," Ring said.


  He reached for the radio on his belt. "ETA on that, Sergeant?"

  "Thirty to forty minutes, out," Alvarez replied.

  "From excavation I presume?"

  "Yes, Doctor."

  "Thank you, Lieutenant," she said and turned to reenter Medical.

  The time passed slowly and she was eaten alive with curiosity and worry, hoping that all of her friends were okay and wondering why a weapon was fired. Thirty-five minutes later, her radio called for attention.

  "ETA 5 minutes, Dr. Rivers," Percy said. "Ballenger incoming with suspected hip fracture, possible internal injuries. Currently stable and conscious."

  "Understood," she answered. "Anyone else?"

  "Nothing priority, out."

  She took a deep breath to prepare for their arrival.


  It was a little over two hours later when she emerged from behind the divider to find her domain filled to capacity with people waiting anxiously for news of their colleague. Percy followed behind her and she caught his arm, standing on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

  "Excellent work today."

  He smiled at the compliment and made his way through the crowd toward the exit.

  "Well?" Clovis asked the question everyone wanted the answer to.

  "He's okay," Corky said loud enough for everyone to hear. "But he's on his back for the duration and will be on the first flight out."

  The news was met by communal relief and then disappointment.

  "How bad…"

  "Make a hole," Malory interrupted tersely from the doorway, waiting with a furious look for everyone to get out of the way so she could enter the room. She strode through their parting bodies and leveled a look at Clovis.

  "Mr. Stokes, report to my office and wait ther
e until I arrive," she ordered, her voice cold. "Now," she barked when he didn't immediately rush from the room, startling him and sending him packing.

  "Airman Daly, report to the hall outside of my office and stand at attention," she added, her voice harsh and the man almost ran from the room. "The rest of you return to your quarters or stations immediately," she said, waiting for the room to empty before she turned to Corky.

  "How is he?" she asked, her voice noticeably gentler.

  "Fractured pelvis, a good deal of internal bleeding," Corky reported. "Could've been far worse if it had taken much longer to get him here. He'll be alright, but he'll need to go out with the first flight.

  "I see."

  Corky had a hundred questions to ask but settled for the most important. "Are you okay?"

  Malory smiled with an effort. "I'm fine."

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah," she said with a nod. "I'll see you later, I have things I need to do."

  "Okay," Corky said reluctantly, watching her hesitate as if she wanted to say something else and then turn to walk from the room.


  Daly stood in the hall anxiously, the Commander had passed fifteen minutes prior to enter her office, not sparing him a glance and slamming the door shut with enough force to make him cringe.

  His only hope was that the tirade she was currently directing at Mr. Stokes would tire her out before it was time to deal with him. Her voice occasionally thundered from inside the room and earlier he had heard something smash against the wall with enough power to shatter.

  "Mr. McNeely report to my office, please," her voice suddenly blared over the intercom.

  He stood ramrod straight, afraid to let the Sergeant Major see him at anything less than a rigid attention. Shortly, he heard the man's approaching heavy footsteps and McNeely paused in front of him to clap him on the shoulder.


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