Bachelor Unforgiving

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Bachelor Unforgiving Page 10

by Brenda Jackson

  What he should do here and now was tell her that hiring her had been a mistake and there was no way they could continue to work together even if it meant improving his image. His father would just have to deal with that decision. But to be honest, he doubted that even he could deal with that decision. Mainly because just hanging around Kara for the past few days had accomplished the one thing he hadn’t wanted to have happen. It had overwhelmed not only his common sense but also his self-control. If he licked her one more time he was liable to detonate.


  He glanced over at her. “Yes?”

  “If you’re hungry, instead of stopping somewhere, I could make a pot of chili.”

  Now she wasn’t playing fair. No matter what time of year it was—fall, winter, spring or summer—he loved her chili. His grandmother in Houston had shared the family recipe with her when Kara had gone with him to one of his family reunions. He didn’t know how she’d done it, but hers was just as good as the chili Hattie Lee Bougard was known to make.

  “I would hate for you to go to the trouble,” he said, while inwardly hoping she didn’t mind. He hadn’t been to Houston in a year and missed his grandmother’s home-cooked meals. His mother could cook, but when she’d gone back to college to get her master’s and then her PhD, his father had taken over cooking duties. Although the meals had been all right, they hadn’t been anything like his mom’s. And now his parents enjoyed dining out, so there was no hope of ever getting invited over for dinner.

  “No problem at all,” she said. “In fact I’ve got all the ingredients I need. Won’t take but a minute to prepare it.”

  When he came to another traffic light he glanced over at her. “You sure?”


  He continued looking at her. When he held her gaze a little longer than he knew he should have, he broke eye contact but figured it had been too late. In that space of time, something intensely sexual had passed between them. He was certain that she was aware of it as much as he was. In the year they’d dated, he’d discovered that Kara was a very passionate woman. On top of that, she was as sensual as she was passionate.

  And he was well aware that Kara knew just how much he enjoyed sex. More specifically, sex with her. Eventually he had stopped thinking about it as just sex and that’s when he’d known he had fallen in love with her. But those days were over and anything they did now would be nothing more to him than sex. And he didn’t even want that with her. Engaging in any kind of physical relationship with her was too risky for his peace of mind.

  He quickly glanced back over at her and wished he could focus on something else. Why did he find her so captivating? So damn appealing? He wished like hell he didn’t remember how good she looked naked. Drawing in a deep breath, he forced his gaze back on the road. He decided to get on the interstate to avoid the traffic lights so he wouldn’t be tempted to seek her out.

  A short while later she said his name. “Virgil?”

  He glanced over at her. “Yes?”

  “You okay?”

  He drew his brows together. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You just passed my exit.”

  He glanced at the interstate markers and saw that he had. “Sorry about that. My mind was occupied. I’ll turn around at the next exit.”

  Virgil knew that he needed to concentrate on what he was doing and where he was going and not the woman sitting beside him. It was easier said than done.

  * * *

  Kara didn’t have to wonder where Virgil’s mind had been. She knew him and knew the look she saw in his eyes each and every time he had looked at her today. He wanted her. That was obvious, just like it was probably as obvious that she wanted him. But she knew him well enough to know he would fight the desire for her tooth and nail. In his mind he didn’t love her anymore, which meant that he didn’t want to share any kind of relationship with her ever again, sexual or otherwise. It was too bad his body wasn’t getting the message.

  During the year they’d dated she’d learned a lot about men in general and about Virgil specifically. When he loved he loved hard. When he hated he hated just as hard. Over the past four years she figured he had convinced himself he detested her with every bone in his body. Yet over the past few days he was beginning to discover that although the love might be dead, the lust was not only alive and well but had taken on a life of its own. And she figured that was the crux of his problem. It was a problem that he would have to figure out how to deal with on his own.

  Kara had figured out hers. She still loved him and would always love him. It would be up to him to decide whether he was dead set against letting her have a place in his life and heart again. She was determined not to make that decision easy for him—this bachelor who was so unforgiving.

  He had exited the interstate and was easing his car to a stop at a traffic light. She kept her gaze focused ahead, knowing as soon as he brought the car to a stop he would be looking over at her. Let him look, she thought. Hopefully he liked what he saw.

  She could feel the heat of his gaze move up and down her body, lingering on her bare legs before slowly moving up past her hips and waist toward her breasts. He wasn’t blind, so she was certain he was fully aware that her nipples had hardened and were pressing against her shirt. It was her guess he was thinking of just what he would like to do with those nipples. Oh, how she used to love the feel of him sucking on them.

  She had timed it perfectly to when his scanning eyes would move upward from her body to reach her face. That’s when she turned her head and their gazes met. She felt a stirring in the pit of her stomach when she read desire in the depths of his eyes. The penetrating stare was having a hypnotic effect on her, and unlike him, she wasn’t trying to fight it. In fact, she was embracing it, just like she intended to embrace him when and if he ever made a move.

  The driver of the car behind them blasted his horn, letting them know the light had changed and they were holding up traffic.

  Without saying anything Virgil broke eye contact with Kara to concentrate on his driving again. He found it hard to believe time hadn’t eradicated the urgency he was feeling for her, a sexual hunger so deep he could feel it in his bones. Even more so in his groin. Evidently, even after all this time, she was either not out of his system like he’d thought or she’d miraculously managed to wiggle her way back in. His mind went into a tailspin because that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

  Virgil knew at that moment that agreeing to have dinner with her was not a good idea. Chili wasn’t the only thing he would want once he was inside her home.

  “I’ve changed my mind about dinner,” he said. “As much as I would love to eat some of your chili, I just remembered something I need to do.”

  “Okay, I understand. Perhaps some other time.”

  Not if he could help it, he thought. He would make sure when their paths crossed again that he had his head screwed on right. Being overwhelmed by lust was the last thing he wanted or needed.

  The rest of the drive to her house was done in silence and he couldn’t help wondering what she was thinking. No conversation was taking place between them, and the quiet caused every primitive male instinct he possessed to be on full alert. He was aware when she shifted her body, making her skin slide against the leather seat, and when she stretched out one of her legs to a more comfortable position. When he slowed down for traffic, he glanced over at her. She was looking straight ahead out the windshield and he thought her profile was simply beautiful.

  It was his opinion that no woman should look this good after going on over a dozen or so crazy rides. She should look sweaty, ruffled and exhausted, not cool, refreshed and relaxed. His gaze lowered to her hands, which were resting in her lap. He wished he didn’t remember those hands and what they could do when they touched him all over, especially in certain places. Those hands had
the ability to stroke him to dizzying heights. Make him moan. Render him hard just thinking about it.

  He shifted his gaze from her hands to her lips, recalling how on several occasions her lips and hands worked together to drive him as wild as those rides had done today. Even wilder.

  The car horn that blasted behind him was a reminder that, once again, he was paying too much attention to her. He refocused on the road and moved the car forward, feeling a tightness in his crotch. Hell, his desire for her wasn’t going away. It was getting worse.

  When he turned onto her street, she said, “Thanks for today, Virgil. I enjoyed myself.” And when he pulled into her driveway, she added, “And you don’t have to walk me to the door.”

  She was wrong. Yes, he had to walk her to her door. And it had nothing to do with any playacting but everything to do with the fire burning inside him. His control had abandoned him, taken a leap and at this point he couldn’t get a grip even if he wanted to do so. He should be putting distance between them but he was too aware of the sexual need building with force inside of him. A need that just wouldn’t go away. He knew his limits when it came to Kara and today they were being tested.

  He brought the car to a stop and she proceeded to unbuckle her seat belt and he did the same. Intense heat had spiked in the area below his waist and was quickly spreading through other parts of him.

  She glanced over at him with a questioning look after seeing he had removed his seat belt. “Really, Virgil, you don’t have to walk me to the door. I’m okay.”

  She might be okay but he wasn’t. “Yes, I do have to walk you to the door, Kara.”

  Evidently something in his tone told her he was serious. She merely nodded before opening the car door, not waiting for him to do it for her. But she did pause and wait for him before she got out of the car.

  When he reached her, she studied his face a second before extending her hand to him. Without hesitating, Virgil took it and then they moved toward her front door.

  Kara knew he was determined to put distance between them, which was the reason he had changed his mind about staying for chili. But she couldn’t help but be reminded of other times she and Virgil would return from a date and stroll up the walkway holding hands. During those times there had been no doubt in her mind that he wouldn’t stop at her door, but that he’d follow her inside and then take her into his arms the moment the door closed behind them. She suddenly got weak in the knees remembering the intensity of the passion they would share, right there in her foyer. His kisses didn’t just leave her breathless, they left her wanting more and more and more.

  Upon reaching her door, she opened her cross-body purse, the very one he had given to her when they’d dated. It had been for no special occasion, he’d said when he’d done so. The card that he’d given her with the purse simply said, I am so grateful that you’re mine.

  When she took out the key, his finger reached out to trace along the intricate design of her purse. If he hadn’t noticed the purse before, he was definitely noticing it now. Was he remembering that he was the one who’d given it to her? Did he remember what he’d written on the card, as well?

  She turned to him before inserting the key in the lock. “Thanks again for a wonderful day, Virgil.”

  His dark, penetrating eyes stared down at her. “Aren’t you going to invite me in, Kara?” he asked in a deep husky voice, one that sent sensual chills all over her body.

  “I thought there was something you had to do.”

  “There is.”

  She frowned, finding what he said confusing. But instead of asking him to elaborate, she opened the door and he followed her inside.

  * * *

  “This is far enough,” Virgil said when they stood in the foyer.

  She turned to him questioningly. “For what?”


  His mouth came down on hers, needing what he’d only gotten swipes of the past few days. The quick tastes of her had been silky and warm, but now he wanted the intensity of the real thing. A tongue swipe across her lips just wouldn’t do anymore. He needed to take the plunge. So he did.

  Tipping her head back with the palm of his hand, he claimed her mouth as his tongue boldly swept inside, reacquainting itself with the special brand of intimacy they’d always shared. A deep sexual hunger, the same one that had been gnawing at his insides most of the day, stirred to life in his midsection. As if he’d opened some kind of erotic box, all the memories of their kisses came flooding back, arousing him in ways he wasn’t used to.

  Virgil wasn’t sure if it was because of the length of time since he’d shared a kiss of this magnitude with her. Whatever the reason, jolts of sexual energy were rocking him to the bone, causing his tongue to dominate hers. The kiss was making him ravenous for her taste.

  He was devouring her, and at this point, slowing down didn’t seem to be an available option. And when he heard her moan, the sound compelled him to deepen the kiss even more. Swirling his tongue inside of her mouth, his mated with hers while coiling arousal settled deep in his core. He’d always enjoyed using his tongue to do all kinds of naughty things to her. They were things he’d been dreaming about doing since the day she had walked into that conference room to meet with him and his father.

  He knew he needed to reel in his senses and pull back, but kissing her had always been his downfall. He’d never been able to get enough of her taste. It appeared that nothing had changed. He growled deep in his throat when fire seemed to spread through his veins.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he urged her body closer to the hard fit of him. His hands moved from around her waist and shifted lower to cup her backside. Touching her this way felt good. And it reminded him that he’d always enjoyed touching her here on her bottom every chance he got.

  Then there was the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest. The swollen buds were hard, causing his entire body to sizzle. He would love to strip her naked right here and taste her all over. Feed the flames of the heat he was feeling.

  Kara had missed this. She had missed him. His tongue had taken control of her mouth while his hands were making all kinds of erotic designs on her backside. She needed this. She wanted this. It had been years since she’d felt passion like this. Four years, to be exact. Every part of her body was like a live wire sending all kinds of electrical currents through her.

  He’d always been a master kisser and that hadn’t changed. His lips were stroking her mouth in a way that had her reaching up, gripping his shoulders with her determination to match his kiss with the same hunger and intensity. She felt blood rush fast and furious through her veins and could feel her panties getting wet. Like always, their mouths fit together perfectly, while his tongue continued to explore every crevice of her mouth, using strokes so sensual, her stomach began spinning at the same time as her senses reeled.

  She could taste the hunger in his kiss, the passion and desire. And when he plunged his tongue even farther into her mouth, sensations she could no longer contain began smoldering out of control and effectively blocking every single thought from her mind.

  Suddenly he snatched his mouth from hers. Drawing in a long and deep breath, he stared down at her, holding her gaze but not saying anything. She could imagine what he was seeing. Half-lidded, liquid eyes. Flushed cheeks. A pair of well-kissed lips. When neither of them said anything, she was tempted to lean up and kiss him again. But his next words stopped her cold.

  “This should not have happened.” Removing his hands from around her, he took a step back. “Kissing this way could lead to things we don’t want, Kara.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say speak for yourself because he had no idea what she wanted. But evidently he knew what he wanted and it wasn’t her.

  “You’re right and I suggest you leave,” she said, trying to keep the anger and hurt from her v

  Obviously he heard it anyway and he reached out to grab hold of her hand. She pulled it back. “Don’t, Virgil. You’re right. Why should you waste good kisses on a woman you’ll never love again? A woman you can barely tolerate being around? I get it. Thank you for looking out for my best interests.”

  Reaching behind him, she opened the door. “Goodbye, Virgil.”

  He stared at her a minute before saying, “I’ll be leaving town this week for Orlando to meet with investors there. I get back the day before we’re to attend that UNCC commencement ceremony together. I’ll call you.”

  Tilting her head she pasted a smile on her face. “Have a safe trip.”

  He nodded, hesitating for only a second before walking out the door.

  Chapter 12

  Virgil gazed out of his hotel-room window to scan the grounds of one of Disney World’s most prestigious resorts. It had been years since he’d visited Orlando, yet he could easily recall the times his parents had brought him and Leigh here as kids. Those had been fun days. And more than once when they’d been together, he’d thought of bringing Kara here.


  Drawing in a deep breath, he couldn’t stop remembering this past weekend. Somehow he’d been able to let go of his bitterness and enjoy the day with her. It had been fun...until his desire for her had begun overruling his mind and taking hold of his body. He had immediately recognized the tormenting heat for what it was. And considering everything, the intensity of his attraction to her annoyed as well as mystified him.

  Leave it to him to make matters even worse when he’d taken her home. Why had he walked her to the door and then suggested she let him inside? The torture of wanting her had gotten so great that he’d given in to intense desire and kissed her. And he’d kissed her the way he’d been longing to for days. Even though her presence back in his life was temporary and strictly for business, his libido didn’t seem to care.


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