Bachelor Unforgiving

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Bachelor Unforgiving Page 13

by Brenda Jackson

  Knowing Virgil, he would expect her to call him today, but she had no plans to do so. Nor would she call him tomorrow or the day after that. He thought the ball was now in his court but he was wrong. She would keep it in hers even if it killed her. It was her intention to let him think about what he was proposing, because if he thought she wouldn’t come up with a few plays of her own then he was in for quite a surprise.

  * * *

  “Pam, did you receive that call I’m expecting from Kara Goshay?” Virgil asked his administrative assistant.

  “No, sir, not yet. Do you want me to give her a call?”

  Although he was tempted to take that option, he said, “No. That’s not necessary.” It had been three days and as far as he was concerned it was three days too long. He needed her to make a decision but, knowing Kara, she was probably trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Personally, he didn’t see the big deal, especially after what happened at her place Saturday night. She either was for them becoming lovers or not. He had a feeling she was stalling and that was unacceptable.

  He glanced up when he heard the knock on his door. “Come in.”

  He stood when his father walked into his office. “Dad? I thought you and Mom were leaving for Houston today.”

  “We are but our flight doesn’t leave until late this evening,” Matthew said, easing into the chair in front of Virgil’s desk.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  Matthew waved off the offer. “No thanks. Your mom and I had breakfast with Anthony and Claire at the Racetrack Café.”

  Anthony Lassiter, Uriel’s father, was dating Claire Steele, aunt to Mayor Morgan Steele. A few years ago, Anthony’s wife of over thirty years had asked for a divorce so she could date younger men. Virgil knew the divorce had left his godfather Anthony emotionally damaged. Virgil was glad he seemed happy now. Anthony and Claire had been seeing each other for about three years now and everyone was hoping for an announcement of something permanent. Evidently a second chance at love was possible for some people.

  His father sat forward in the chair, a hand on Virgil’s desk. “I understand Ellie is giving Uriel a birthday party next month at the lake and that Winston and Zion are coming home to attend. It will be nice to have all my godsons in one place again. Your mom and I were on that cruise when Winston and Ainsley came home in February.”

  “Yes, it will be good for all of us to be together. Do you know if all the godfathers will be there, as well?”

  “Yes, we all plan to be there.”

  Virgil nodded. “Good. Then it will be like old times.”

  When Matthew didn’t say anything for a minute, Virgil had a feeling there was something on his father’s mind, so he decided to ask. “Dad, is anything wrong?”

  Matthew shook his head. “I wouldn’t say anything is wrong, Virgil—it’s just, your mom and I are concerned.”

  He arched a brow. “About what?”

  “You and Kara. In fact, we’re more concerned about Kara than about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean, Virgil, is that when you told us last week that Kara would be the woman you would be seeing exclusively while she worked on improving your image, we had our concerns. And after this weekend, our concerns have increased.”

  Virgil didn’t understand. “What concerns?”

  “You and Kara have history and I hope you’re not using this as an opportunity to get back at her. To deliberately hurt her like she hurt you.”

  He remembered Uriel had thought the same thing. “I wouldn’t do anything like that,” he said, annoyed his parents would think that he would. “My seeing Kara has nothing to do with revenge. She was the most logical woman to make what needs to be done believable.”

  “I agree, but we don’t want you doing anything out of line with her.”

  Virgil had to fight back the temptation to tell his father that whatever he did to Kara was none of his business. He wasn’t a teenager who needed his parents meddling in his affairs. Out of respect, however, he decided to speak his next words carefully, but still make sure his father got the message to back off and let him handle the situation without any interference. When it came to business, because his father was the CEO of Bougard Enterprises, Virgil had no choice but to let him take charge, but when it came to his personal life, Virgil had no problem drawing the line.

  “Dad, there’s no reason for you and Mom to be concerned about anything that goes on between me and Kara. She knows where we stand and what will never be between us again. She apologized for believing the worst of me and I accepted her apology. We’ve moved on and we’re only pretending interest in each other for Bougard Enterprises’ sake.”

  Matthew nodded. “Your mother and I know what the plan is, but we also saw how you were looking at Kara on Saturday.”

  Virgil blew out a breath. There was no need to pretend ignorance because he was well aware he’d been caught checking out Kara a few times. “She’s a good-looking woman.”

  “We know that and your mom feels she will make some man a good wife. And since it won’t be you, when this is over she intends to introduce Kara to Dr. Alvin Lynwood. Your mother just hopes that the time Kara is spending with you, trying to improve your image, doesn’t tarnish her own.”

  Virgil sat up in his chair. He’d never met Dr. Lynwood but knew he was the man who’d replaced his mother as president of the college when she’d retired. His mother liked the man a lot and had mentioned on more than one occasion what a great job she thought Dr. Lynwood was doing. But Virgil couldn’t believe his mother would try setting Kara up with another man. And how could they think being with him could mess up Kara’s image?

  As if Matthew saw the questions in his eyes, he said, “Your mother sees nothing wrong with introducing Kara to Dr. Lynwood since you’ve made it known on several occasions there will never be anything between you and her again.”

  “Yes, but that’s not the point.”

  Matthew frowned. “Then what is the point, Virgil? You’ve certainly moved on with other women and I’m sure Kara has dated other men since the two of you parted ways four years ago.”

  “I’m sure none of those men were anyone my mother introduced her to,” Virgil said, trying to curtail his anger. “And why would Mom think the time Kara and I are spending together could have any bearing on her image?”

  “Think about it, Virgil. I’m sure you’ve seen the article and photos in Flo on the Ro this morning. From the looks of it, Flo’s posse was out in full force at the commencement ceremony on Saturday. The two of you are linked back together. That’s good news for you, but what happens when, in a month or so, your image has improved and then it appears that you’ve broken things off with Kara?”

  Before Virgil could respond, Matthew stood. “Well, I’d best be going now. Your mom gave me a list of errands to do before we can get to the airport later. We’ll text you when we get to Houston to let you know our plane landed safely.”

  Moments after his father left, Virgil was still sitting behind his desk. How could his mother think about hooking Kara up with Dr. Alvin Lynwood? Didn’t the man just get a divorce from his wife sometime last year?

  The buzzer on his desk went off. “Yes, Pam?”

  “Kara Goshay is on line two.”

  Virgil ignored the increased beating of his heart. “Thanks.”

  He quickly went to his second line. “Kara?”

  “Virgil. I was wondering if you’d like to join me for dinner.”

  Right now he wasn’t interested in dinner. He needed an answer to his proposal. “And what about what I suggested to you Saturday night?”

  “I’ll give you my answer at dinner.”

  If he thought she was deliberately stalling before, he was even more convinced of it now. “Fine. Where do you want u
s to meet for dinner?”

  “My place at seven. And bring a bottle of wine. Goodbye.”

  And before he could say anything he heard the definite click in his ear.

  * * *

  Kara glanced down at herself one more time before heading for the door. Virgil had arrived. When she’d called him today, she had decided she’d made him wait long enough for her decision. The goal was to not appear too eager and she would certainly continue that trend tonight.

  “Who is it?”


  Dismissing how much she liked hearing the sound of his voice, she steeled herself and then opened the door. The man standing there holding a bottle of wine in his hand nearly took her breath away. How could any man look so insidiously handsome and utterly sexy?



  When she didn’t move and just stood there and stared, he smiled and asked, “May I come in?”

  Too late she’d realized what she’d been doing. “Yes, of course.” Standing aside as he entered, she caught the scent of his aftershave and immediately thought he smelled just as good as he looked.

  “Here you are,” he said, handing the wine to her.

  “Thanks.” She walked ahead and said over her shoulder, “I hope you’re hungry. I prepared lasagna.” She knew how much he loved lasagna, especially hers.

  “I can’t wait.”

  And before she knew what he intended to do, he reached out and pulled her to him. “Hey, not so fast,” he whispered against her lips. “What have you decided?”

  She looked up at him, stared into the penetrating dark eyes. “I’ll tell you over dinner.”

  “I want to know now.”

  She raised an arched brow. “What’s the rush?”

  That, Virgil thought, was a good question, and one for which he didn’t have an answer. He had been anxiously awaiting her decision since Saturday and saw no reason for her to delay it any longer. Since she had asked him, he knew the response he could give her that would have credence. Pulling her closer to him, plastering himself against her, he said, “Feel me? Now ask me your question again.”

  He figured the huge boner practically poking into her pretty much spelled things out for her. They were standing in her foyer again and he had no problem stripping her naked and taking her here and now. Although he liked the outfit she was wearing, a cute floral-print sundress, he’d rather see her wearing nothing at all.

  She pushed back from him and smiled. “Okay, I feel you. Let’s eat.” She walked off and he frowned as he followed her toward the kitchen.

  “You know where the bathroom is to wash up,” she said, moving over to the stove after setting the wine on the table.

  He glanced across the breakfast bar at her, trying not to recall that he’d taken her before right there. She was moving around her kitchen as if she’d completely dismissed him for the time being. Had she forgotten about the screams his fingers and mouth had elicited from her the last time he was here? If so, then maybe he needed to remind her.

  Instead of moving in the direction of the bathroom, he moved around the breakfast bar and headed straight toward her. She looked up at him, surprised. “That was quick.”

  He smiled. She thought he’d washed up already and was definitely wrong about that. Instead of saying anything, he took the spatula out of her hand and placed it on the kitchen counter.

  “Virgil? What do you think you’re doing?”

  Instead of answering, he swept her off her feet and into his arms.

  “Put me down!”

  Refusing to do what she asked, he headed toward the living room. Once there he eased down on the sofa with her cradled in his arms. Tightening his hold he kept her firmly planted in his lap when she tried to wiggle out of it. “Stay still, will you?”

  She glared over at him. “Why should I?”

  “For this.”

  And then he lowered his head and before she could draw her next breath he slanted his mouth across hers. At that moment he needed her taste more than he needed to breathe. As he intended, the kiss was quick, hot but thorough. It got her attention just as he’d meant for it to do.

  And now that he had it... “So what’s it going to be, Kara? Are you willing to accept my terms?”

  She surprised him when she leaned up and licked across his lips causing his groin to tighten. She wrapped her arms around his neck and captured his gaze. “It depends.”

  Her calm response had his gut tightening. “Depends on what?”

  “On whether you accept my terms.”

  A funny feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. “And what terms are those?”

  She didn’t say anything for the longest time and then she finally spoke. “It’s a favor, actually. I mentioned to you last week that I would be replacing the carpeting in here with hardwood floors. They’re ready to get started. That means I’ll need a place to stay for at least a week or two while it’s being done. So in other words, Virgil, I need to move in with you.”

  Chapter 15

  Kara recognized that look in Virgil’s eyes and knew what he was thinking. He’d never shared his space with any woman...except for her. And now she was asking him to share it again. And from the hard, penetrating stare he was giving her, he wasn’t having it.

  “There has to be someplace else you can stay,” he said gruffly.

  “If there was I wouldn’t be asking you” was her quick comeback.

  His gaze hardened even more. “What about your sister?”

  “I’d rather not. Marti and I aren’t on the best of terms.”

  “Could have fooled me from that day Uriel and I ran into you two at the Racetrack Café. You looked pretty chummy then.”

  “I’d rather not talk about Marti, Virgil. You just have to take my word for it when I say I don’t have any place to go.”

  “Then postpone having your floors done. I’m sure you have that option.”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to take it. Why should I?”

  “Because you need somewhere to stay.”

  He was being a smart-ass. “And you have plenty of room at your place.” That was an understatement. In addition to a huge master bedroom, his two-story home that sat on a huge lake had four guest rooms—each with their own full baths—a living room, dining room, family room, eat-in kitchen, a screened-in patio and a three-car garage.

  Virgil slid her off his lap and she sat beside him on the sofa. She knew that already he was trying to put distance between them. “I don’t share my space, Kara.”

  She decided not to call him out and say he had once. With her. Although he had never asked her to move in with him permanently, there were a lot of times she’d stayed at his place more than she’d stayed at her own. He’d even given her a key.

  “I need you to share your place with me, Virgil.”


  “Fine,” she said, easing from the sofa. “You need to eat before you leave.”

  He grabbed her hand before she walked off. “Why, Kara?”

  Kara lifted her chin. She knew she was taking a gamble, but she had to break through that solid wall he’d erected. “Like I said, I need a place to stay for just a week or two. You want us to be lovers but I’m not good enough to sleep in your bed.”

  “You can sleep in my bed all you want, but you can’t stay at my place. Temporarily or otherwise.”

  “Fine. Evidently you don’t want me as much as you claim you do. I’ll find somewhere else to stay.” She tried pulling her hand away but when she did he tugged her back down in his lap.

  He tightened his arms around her, and his lips were mere inches from hers when he said in a husky voice, “There’s no claiming about it, Kara. I want you.”

  “Prove it.”

  Virgil looked at Kara intently for a second. He had no idea what was going on in that pretty little head of hers, but he had no problem proving anything. If she hadn’t gotten the message before, then by the time he left tonight, there would be no doubt in her mind about the degree of his desire for her. As far as staying at his place, it wouldn’t be happening. There was no way he could handle her invading his space. Not even for one or two weeks.

  He drew in a sharp breath when she shifted positions in his lap, causing her backside to rub against his hard, throbbing erection. Heat began building up inside of him. He couldn’t resist planting featherlight kisses around her lips before using the tip of his tongue to lick around the edges. She had to feel him harden against her, so how could she think he didn’t want her just because he refused to let her move in with him?

  “Don’t waste my time, Virgil,” she said against his mouth. “Either prove it or leave.”

  He leaned back, held her gaze and his stomach clenched in heated lust. He would prove it all right. “I think dinner will have to hold for a while,” he said huskily. Then he stood with her in his arms and headed toward her bedroom.

  * * *

  Kara felt the mattress beneath her back and when Virgil stepped away from the bed, she felt the erratic beat of her heart. She had pushed him and now she knew he wouldn’t let her leave this bedroom until he had proven everything to his satisfaction.

  As well as to hers.

  She’d known exactly what she was doing in taunting him. Now she had him in a place where she intended to rekindle a lot of hot and steamy memories. By the time he left tonight, she would have proven a few things of her own. Their lovemaking had always been passionate, but they had been pretty emotional, as well. He’d once told her that he’d never made love with a woman until her. Up until then for him it hadn’t been anything but sex.

  She wanted to believe that the Virgil who had felt that way then would feel that way now. Although he thought her believing the worst about him was unforgivable, a part of her wanted to believe that spending quality time together would eventually wipe away all the hurt and anger. She was taking a big risk, probably the biggest gamble of her life. But she had to believe that what the two of them once shared had been so special there was no way it could have been totally destroyed.


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