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Her Loving Protector

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by Michaela Strong

  Rory took Dana by the hand and led her outside the police station, hopefully for the last time ever. The thunder storms had passed leaving behind a very gentle rain. As soon as he cleared the entrance, he stopped and took her in a deep embrace, kissing her fully. "Let's stop at the store on our way, k?"

  Dana, drunk with the sheer magnetism she felt between them, nodded. A walk would bring her back to Earth, but she knew he would send her soaring at the drop of a hat. They stopped at the organic market. He bought some steaks, salad veggies, a loaf of sour dough, a bottle of locally grown Merlot and a bouquet of flowers, which as soon as he paid for, he handed them to her with a kiss. It really was as though they were the only people in the world.

  "You wanna go to your place or mine? Though I have a feeling that they're going to be like two halves of the same home soon."

  "Me too," Dana responded hypnotically. "Yours."

  "Good," he said obviously under the same spell she was. "I have an indoor grill I can do these on. Or not," he smiled and kissed her.

  "I need you like crazy, Big Dog," Dana said as though she was in agony.

  "I will fix that first thing."

  By the time they had reached Rory's front porch, their hair was damp, their shirts were soaked, and the paper bags from the organic market were soggy from the pouring rain. Rory set the bags on the kitchen counter. He walked Dana to the living room and turned on the fireplace. He stripped her clothes off.

  The firelight played on the moisture on Dana's skin. She glimmered. They both undressed and set their wet clothes on the hearth. She was chilled and warmed at the same time. Her nipples were instantly erect. Rory arched her, gently lowering both their bodies on the lamb's wool rug beneath their feet. The fire's heat was just perfect, like the weight of heavy cotton blanket for their naked bodies. Dana ached for him. In age old instinct, her lower body rooted for his.

  Rory rubbed the head of his rigid cock against her sex but teasingly. He would not enter her. Her hand searched. He firmly took hold of them raised them above her head. "No yet," he said gently but firmly.

  Dana whined. "Please Big Dog, I gotta have it."

  "You're going to get it. Just not right now."

  She lay on the plush rug, silken against her skin as the big man lapped her body, traveling away from her mouth, down the delicate, erogenous curve of her neck. A guttural growl scraped her throat as she moaned with the exquisite effects of his work on her body. She was slipping into an erotic dimension rendering everything surreal and her semi-conscious.

  Dana was out of body, looking down on the two of them like a voyeur. He was a giant, able to keep her arms gently pinned and work her body too. She watched as Rory trailed kissed to the center of her body, going down on her. She could feel his tongue inside her, heating her body to a torturous ache, watching as she strained against his mouth and mewled. He was taking her there. The rake of his tongue on her sex agonized her to the mountain's edge, rising, rising to that magnificent summit. He was merciless in his effort. Dana pumped against his tongue, finally clenching against it, one sweet intense spasm after the other as he continued drawing out her pleasure. The moisture of ecstasy flowed from her as she came. She was so ready.

  As she returned from her erotic bliss, she begged him again to fill her. "Please," she pleaded.

  "You want it?" He teased.

  "Yes," she panted.

  "You gotta ask me for it."

  "Please Big Dog. I need you to fuck me."

  "You got it, beautiful." And with that Rory entered her.

  Her senses were heightened and aggravated as he mixed up his rhythm, teasing her, prolonging the culmination. She watched from her out of body vantage Rory's beautiful body fuck hers. She heard herself mewl and moan and beg.

  His grip on her wrists lightened and Dana playfully, willfully moved her hands and drew her attention to it. She vied for control, wantonly bucked against his movements to tease him back, to push him in the intoxicated trance he held her in. She flaunted her freed hands at him.

  "Where are your hands supposed to be?" Rory reprimanded.

  "I don't know. What was the question?"

  Rory easily, gently lifted and turned her. He grabbed a pillow from the sofa and placed it beneath her knees. Her buttocks arched up towards him just enough to flex. Dana knew she looked good. She reached between her legs and worked the well-lubricated moisture from her body to the cleft of her buttocks. She slipped a finger inside herself.

  Rory covered her like a warm, erotic panther. Gently removing her hand, pinning them above her again, whispering into her ear. He drew all her focus to the hot breath that filled her ear as he entered her in the new place. The sensation was unlike anything Dana had ever experienced before. She let her body relax as she receive him, trusting him as he gently, slowly filled her, the agitation of the shallow bucking motion of his cock in her body, the tightness of her around him and she came hard and instantly. Three pumps and she was lost in a sea of orgiastic clenching and pleasure. It was the most pleasurable orgasms she had ever experienced. She cried out, writhed, loving the feeling of him inside her. He stroked her hair, pressed between her legs, massaging her as she came. But he was soon behind her. It was short lived incredible crest that she would never ever forget.

  Dana grabbed a throw from the couch and scurried to the bathroom. She started the shower. The water was warm and healing and seem to draw forth the peace and contentment she felt. She took a palm-full of his body wash that smelled like honey and slathered her body. She immersed herself in the warm fountain, letting the pulsing water lightly bite her skin. She heard the bathroom door open and close and she smiled. Rory stepped into the steaming shower and began lathering her up as well. He took the body wash in his hands, working them to create a fluffy lather and rubbed it all over her back. He was unrestrained in his efforts, washing every crease and crevice there was to her before focusing full attention to the soaping of her breasts.

  His warm, large, hands cupped her as he gently, firmly clamped down on the erogenous spot at the base of her neck. The combination sent a surge of arousal through her to her inner core. She felt her body draw, tell tale of the intense climax she would have with him. But Dana turned around. She whisked the towel of the shower door and dropped to her knees. She took his full, powerful member into her mouth. It was warm in her mouth, heated by the shower stream. Dana felt him brace against the shower tile. She looked up to see his eyes closed. He was muttering like he was praying. She was pleased and set about teasing him. She drew back, flicking her tongue around the head as she lightly gripped and worked his shaft.

  "Baby," he pleaded.

  "Hmm?" she purposely made her lips vibrate against him.

  "Baby," he repeated and reached down for her, hooking her at her armpits and bringing her to her feet. Rory was in her, pistoning in her, kissing her intently. They peaked instantly, shuddering against each other. He regained his senses a bit quicker than she did and position her body beneath the stream of shower, still warm. He increased the heat and adjusted the shower head to direct it specifically to her clit to exacerbate her pleasure. She begged and moaned and he was strategic in his mercy coaxing back the orgasm that she had just experienced. It was powerful, hard and exquisite. Finally they were sated. They laughed as they kissed. Rory got them each a sheet towel and they wrapped up.

  He also got them each a robe. It was awkward for a split second that the robe was his late wife's but she decided to enjoy it. Enjoy the moment. They moved into the living room where Rory set a grill up in the fireplace hearth and started the flame.

  "You, sit. Relax," he kissed her head.

  "What about you?" Dana asked softly. "You've been taking care of me nonstop for the past few days. Why don't you let me cook?"

  "I would love for you wait on me hand and foot but for now it is your turn. You like steak?"

  "Love it. I loved the flowers too. They're really beautiful," Dana cooed.

  "We better get them in so
me water. We were, er, kinda neglectful of them when we came in."

  "I think they'll forgive us," Dana replied, gazing into his eyes like he was hers.

  "I better step away from the girl, beautiful or we will never eat again," he kissed her deeply.


  She lounged on the lamb's wool rug, propped against the couch, before the fire, draped in nothing but terry. It was heaven. She listened to him industriously work, chopping away, shaking bottles, and rattling pans.

  "You sound like you know what you're doing in there, Marine."

  "Did you have any doubt?" he replied.

  "I don't think so. No doubt at all."

  "Are you a good cook?"

  "No," she answered bluntly and giggled lazily at herself.

  "Well, I am so glad I didn't hand this important task over to you," he said, now before the fire. He referred to the steaks. Dana was too content to do more than smile. She was pretty sure she was madly in love with this man. Already.

  Too fast. But she didn't want to think about it. Thunder rumbled outside. "Another storm," he said and stalked her. "Sounds like a perfect excuse to stay inside."

  "I love that you like being inside," she said feeling the heat between them rise, specifically up between her legs and in her belly.

  "Love being inside," he answered, catching her drift. He kissed her deeply, succulently. "Do you know how hard it is right now to not let those babies burn?"

  "Yeah," Dana mewled. She wanted to confess that she had never felt anything like this for anyone before. She wanted almost to apologize.

  Rory stroked her hair, just staring at her. "I shouldn't have kicked your ex's ass for snatching your purse. I should have thanked him. In fact I think I will."

  "I'm confused. Did he do that? I thought it was just part of rampant crime."

  "He did. He targeted you so he could get a hold of your wallet. See what you hadn't given him access to, and probably to set someone else up in case they got caught. Hell, he might have even planned to let someone steal your identity. Anything to make you suffer."

  "Wow who knew he was that ambitious?" Dana said rhetorically. "God, I am so stupid."

  "No. We talked about this."

  "Yes," Dana said and asked tenuously. "Can we talk about how your wife died?

  She watched Rory's face flush with grief. He braced himself. "She died of a brain aneurism. She was barely thirty."

  Dana stroked his face lovingly. After each phrase she kissed him, drawn to him with such tender intimacy, she could not stop.

  "I can't imagine how helpless you must have felt," Dana offered.

  "Yea. No health issues. Walking and talking and then she dropped, mid-sentence. I thought she tripped. But she literally died in front of me. Can we change the subject? I am willing to talk about it. I just gotta do it in stages."

  "Sure," Dana said feeling a bit awkward.

  "I want to say I know this is fast and strange how we met but I am very glad we did. I haven't had this much fun, felt this good in very long time. I never thought I'd feel this way again. Feel anything again."

  Dana smiled inside and out. "Me too."

  Rory removed the steaks from the grill and plated them. He decanted the wine. "That's gotta breathe," he said. "Look, this might sound crazy, but I'm in love with you, Dana. And I know I haven't made it easy, but I think you might love me too."

  Her heart filled with joy. "It does sound crazy, but… I feel the same way. We've both gone through so much, maybe it was fate, meeting when we did. Maybe this… us… we're a way to make up for all the suffering. Another chance at happiness. At love. Real, lasting love."

  He kissed her sweetly for a long time, gentle and kind and loving. Perfect.

  After a long time, he pulled away and cupped her face in his massive hands. "So Dana."

  "Yes Big Dog?" she replied sensing his playfulness.

  "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

  "Yes, Marine you have. From the first time you flirted with me to just about oh gosh 25 minutes ago when we took a shower together," she gave him a saucy grin.

  "No," he countered, hard now against her thigh. "I don't think I've been clear enough."

  Dana lay back wantonly. "Ok tell me again, this time slowly."

  "Every day for the rest of my life," he promised. And she believed it.

  Ready for more?

  Get the whole Alpha Male Military Romance series here:

  Book 1: Her Mysterious Protector

  Book 2: Her Brave Protector

  Book 3: Her Daring Protector

  Book 4: Her Secretive Protector

  Book 5: Her Loving Protector




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