Hired Help - Working Stiffs Book One

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Hired Help - Working Stiffs Book One Page 2

by Sahara Kelly

  He was beautiful in a masculine kind of way, his body firm but not overly muscular, his height just right, his hair straight off the cover of GQ magazine.

  Oh shit, I’m in trouble.

  Before she could speak Josh handed her a rich red bloom. “A rose for a Rose. May I come in?”

  As she closed the door behind him she caught a glimpse of Mel frowning and then stepping out of sight.

  She pushed that image away and dredged up a smile for Josh. “Would you like…?”

  Her words were interrupted as she found herself clasped into a kiss that buckled her knees while sending lightning bolts to her pussy. The flower tumbled to the floor.

  Hello hormones.

  “Mmm, I couldn’t help myself. You have such soft skin. I hope that wasn’t too forward but I couldn’t resist.” He stroked her cheek gently. “I’m yours. Tell me what you’d like. Where you’d like it. You’re in control.”

  “Uhh…what?” She was still dazed from the kiss.

  Josh led her to the small loveseat beside the fireplace. “Let me show you.” He took off his jacket, dropped it on the cushions, and put his arms around her with an easy smile.

  He was definitely eye candy, confident, charming and giving off major sex vibes. Everything a woman could want, wrapped up in an expensive shirt and slacks. And he smelled nice too.

  She gulped. “Sorry, I’m just a little nervous. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man.” She took a deep breath and continued. “One of my girlfriends told me about this place and what could happen...”

  He shook his head as he leaned over and turned on the small sound system, letting some quietly rhythmic music slip beneath his words. “Shhh, Rose, let’s not talk about other people. I’m here with you, for you, and all my focus is on you. Nobody else. Just talk to me. Tell me what you like, how to give you the most pleasure. Tell me what you want.”

  There was that smile again, genuine, interested. Wowzers.

  His hands were soothing, stroking her spine as he began moving her gently in time to the music. She felt -- surrounded by him. It wasn’t unpleasant.

  “I like sex.” He dipped his head and licked her neck. “I like women. Very much.” His teeth grazed her skin where she could feel her pulse throbbing. “I like the way they feel, the contrast of soft skin and warm moist flesh…”

  She jumped at the tiny nip. “Oh my.”

  “I love the way they smell, rich and spicy, sometimes sweet, always different. And of course…” he paused a moment, brushing his lips over hers in the lightest of kisses, “…I love the way they taste.”

  “You do?” She breathed her question into his mouth.

  “Oh yeah. I do.”

  They were swaying now, her breasts against his chest, their groins aligned so that she could feel the hardness behind his fly pressing urgently into her. He was turned on.

  And she was responding to his seductive whispers like a faucet cranked open all the way.

  “I like to feel how soft a woman’s thighs are,” he continued.


  “There’s nothing, no other experience, as special as having those thighs resting on my shoulders. I want to share that with you, Rose. If you’d like to, of course. It’s a favorite position of mine. Holding a woman, lifting her so that I can feast on all that sweet bounty hidden by her pussy lips…”

  Images formed and fell apart in Rose’s brain, an erotic movie playing behind her closed eyelids. Was there a woman alive who wouldn’t respond to a man talking to her like this? She doubted it.

  “Do you think you’d like that, Rose?” His hands slid down to her buttocks and cupped them, squeezing gently. “Would you enjoy having me tease your pussy with my tongue? Or perhaps pushing it inside you a little, caressing you, tasting your sweet honey?”

  “I…I…” She stuttered, words beyond her as she struggled to process so many different sensations from within her body. She was on overload, swamped beneath a wave of desire and lust.

  It was amazing, unique and made her head spin.

  He seemed to know. “I’ll just bet a man hasn’t ever told you what he’d like to do to you before.”

  She shook her head. “No. You’re right. How could you tell?”

  “You’re blushing.” He squeezed her ass again, a little harder this time. “It’s wonderful. I’m really enjoying being the first. And I can’t wait to tell you what I want to do to you when I’ve got you naked.”

  Rose couldn’t help the gasp as her eyelids shut down the sight of his face, so close, reading her every thought.

  “When I’ve made you come with my mouth, Rose, I’m not going to leave you alone. That’s when I’ll move to your breasts. Did you know that some men are skilled enough to make a woman orgasm just by sucking her nipples?”


  Even more heat flared through her body at the thought of having such an intimate conversation. It centered between her legs and radiated from there. Josh was very very good at this. Of course, whispered a little voice in the back of her head, for the price this place charged their clients, he’d better be.

  “Maybe we should get more comfortable and then you can talk to me for a bit. Tell me what you need and how I can make you happy.” Josh slid his palms from her ass up her back to her shoulders and then down her forearms. She let him take her hands and lead her to the bedroom, her heart thudding with apprehension.

  All of this was foreign to her. She didn’t know what to say, what to ask for, which position she wanted, or anything about anal sex. Would Josh expect her to demand it? She’d been told it would cure a bad case of constipation, but even that delightful bit of information hadn’t inspired her to consider it. Was she unsophisticated or just a proverbial tight-ass?

  She did her best to push aside the wildly crazy thoughts racing through her head. If she could just get naked and into bed with him, it would all come back to her, sort of like riding a horse. With a guy who was most likely hung like one.

  Oh God, I’m gonna be bow-legged tomorrow.

  Josh eased her close, gently pulling her small frame against him. He was solid, muscular, and all man. She couldn’t help a little moan of pleasure as she pressed against his body and his hand pulled her blouse away from her shoulder. He kissed the bared flesh, tiny tender caresses that made her shiver.

  Everything was so perfect. It was romantic, erotic and exactly what she needed. To feel desired again. To recapture those moments that reassured her she was a woman. It was why she’d set up this whole night. Her body was on fire, her pussy moistened with desire and she felt his cock rigid against the soft curve of her belly.

  Josh leaned into her and whispered. “I want to fuck you, Rose. Be naked and inside you. Thrusting my cock deep in your cunt while you fall apart and scream for me.”

  His words were direct and blunt. They cut through her arousal like a sharp knife and reminded her of exactly what was happening. She was using him, using his cock for her own pleasure. He was, in actual fact, little more than a vibrator with a pulse. Although a damned good-looking one whose batteries probably wouldn’t run down thirty seconds before the ultimate moment…

  He spoke again, his voice seductive and just above a whisper, his hot breath brushing her ear, his fingers running over her bare skin. “Will you let me suck you off, Rose? Do you want me to eat your pussy first? Get you wet and ready for me? Or are you in the mood to suck my cock? Whatever you want, baby.”

  Baby? Did he just call me baby? Is he kidding?

  Something inside Rose shut down with an almost audible clang. Her mind skidded to a halt and the erotic interlude became no more than a slight tickle between her legs. The details of the room sharpened into focus as Josh’s amorous caresses diminished to a mild annoyance.

  The moment had gone, leaving her panties clammy and uncomfortable.

  She was left wondering if, in fact, there had ever been one or if she’d imagined the whole thing.

  She pulled back and
pushed her palm against his chest with a sigh. “Josh, I’ve just realized what I want.”

  “What, Rose? Tell me. It’s yours.”

  “I want you to leave.”

  “Leave? Are you kidding me?”

  “No. I’m sorry. I can’t go through with this. I thought I could, but I can’t.”

  “We haven’t even made love.”

  Josh’s expression was priceless and if Rose had been in the mood to giggle, she would have. From a handsomely passionate seducer, he’d gone to looking like a guppy that had just gotten goosed up the ass by an electric eel.

  She shook her head. “Funny you should call it that. This isn’t love or making love…this is just sex. It’s like buying an orgasm, and it just hit me that I can’t enjoy being fucked by a man I’ve had to pay to do it.” She pulled her blouse back into place.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Josh was wide-eyed with astonishment. “I’ll do whatever you want Rose. I’m sorry if I…”

  “No, no. It isn’t you Josh, and I know this sounds stupid and trite, but I mean it. It’s me.” She tapped herself on the chest as she walked back into the front room. “I’m not the right person to hop into the sack with a stud like you. If I were, we’d be in there now, tearing up the sheets. I know why my friends rave about you, Josh, and everything they said was right - and then some.”


  Rose stopped him. “Look. You asked me what I wanted a few minutes ago, and I didn’t know then. Now I do. I don’t want someone to just fuck me. I’m a woman who needs more when it comes to getting naked with a man. Someone who is willing to touch me, not just my body. Someone who will let me touch him back. Forgive me, Josh. I’m truly sorry.”

  For a moment or two there was silence, and Rose held her breath. She hadn’t wanted to offend him and if she had…

  The music softly played as Josh stared at her, then shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t get it, Rose, but if it’s what you want, I’ll leave. You’re a lovely lady and fucking you would have been a pleasure for both of us, I’m sure.”

  “Will I get you in trouble?”

  He smiled at that. “No. I’ll go take a break in the foyer. Watch a little TV or read. We’re not monitored that closely. Nobody will say anything. Although…” he tilted his head to one side and looked at her. Really looked at her. “You’re a first. First woman to ever refuse me.”

  She glanced at him, a dart of uncertainty licking up her spine. “Uh…should I apologize again?”

  “No, don’t. It’s probably good for my ego to get shot down once in a while.” He grinned, looking remarkably undamaged. “Take care of yourself, Rose. Be happy.” He kissed her cheek and opened the door.

  And he was gone.

  For some unknown reason, a lump welled up in Rose’s throat and she couldn’t hold back a sob as her eyes stung with tears and the music still played. Once again she was alone. Even her fortune couldn’t buy her anyone to fill the emptiness she knew was growing inside her, and it was her own damn fault.

  She sobbed again - and the door crashed open.

  “Did he hurt you? What’s the matter? What did he do?”

  Strong arms enfolded her and she stumbled, finding herself almost smothered as Mel held her tight, then released her, touching her, checking her out, running his hands through her hair and then brushing the tears from her cheeks as he held her away from him and took inventory.

  His worried gaze shot from her toes to her scalp. “Rose. Talk to me. Are you all right?” He pushed a dark lock back behind her ear.

  Overwhelmed at this sudden display of tender concern, she nodded and stared into his eyes, amazed at the emotions crossing his face. “I think so.”

  “You’re crying. What’s wrong? What can I do?” He tugged her close again, his strong hands rubbing up and down her spine soothingly.

  The thing was, unlike Josh’s practiced moves, they weren’t soothing her at all. They were exciting her, arousing her and she suddenly realized her nipples were tightening into hard buds against his chest.

  “Rose, what can I do?” He rocked her, moving her in time with the music, although he probably didn’t even notice he was doing it.

  She slid her arms around him and pressed him closer. “More of this, for a start.”

  He froze. “Are you sure?”

  She daringly pushed her hips into his arousal. “Oh yeah. Damn yeah, I’m sure.”

  Still he didn’t move. “What do you want, Rose?” No pretty speeches here, just the simple, loaded question.

  Without a check, the truth spilled from her mouth. “You.” She smiled. “The first time I was asked that tonight, I didn’t know the answer. Now? It’s as clear as day.”

  She tipped her head back and stared at him, willing him to understand, to see what she had just learned, what she’d just discovered. That the man holding her was the one she’d connected with, bonded with over time, forging a link that had gone beyond boss and employee and become something more fundamental and yet more complex.

  They were man and woman.

  It was as a woman that Rose hungered.

  And it was as a man that Mel moved at last, groaning and dragging her up his body to claim her mouth with his in a kiss that owed nothing to politeness and everything to the savage desire they both felt erupting between them.

  Then the madness took over.

  A powerful tide of excitement swept through Rose, taking what little breath she had left. Helpless against the onslaught of firm lips and a probing tongue, she locked her arms around his neck and strained against him, opening her mouth and sucking him within. Her body ached for the touch of his, her legs parted in readiness for what she now knew she desired above everything.

  Someone groaned but whether it was her or not, she didn’t know. One thing became apparent - it wasn’t enough. She wanted…she wanted all of him. To hell with their clothes, their surroundings or even their identities. This was a clawing, fundamental need that could only be fulfilled by total immersion in the man holding her.

  She wanted to scream at him to slow down so that she could learn and appreciate the force of his kiss, the texture of his tongue - all the wonderful ways their breaths were mingling. She wanted to taste him over and over again until he was as familiar as her own flavor. And yet she couldn’t stem the tide. She found herself trying to devour him every bit as urgently as he seemed to be doing to her.

  Desperation crept over her and she tore herself away from his mouth. “I want you. Jesus, Mel, I never realized how much I want you.” Her hands went to his shirt. “Get this frickin’ thing off - “

  She tore at the fabric, clumsy and awkward, blind to everything but the basic urge driving her desires. “I can’t - “ a button popped, followed by another, “ - wait”, pop, “a minute”, pop, “longer.”

  “Okay, easy boss.”

  “I don’t like you saying that. But I know you’re going to do what I tell you to tonight.”

  As his shirt gave up the battle and tore apart, Mel had his own issues with Rose’s clothing. Her soft blouse easily fell away from her shoulders, but there were no buttons or fasteners. “How do I get this thing off you? Where’s the zipper?” He fumbled and tugged the fabric.

  “No zip. Pulls up over my head.” She frowned as she forced her fingers away from his chest.

  “Oh fuck this. Sorry, Rose. I’ll buy you a new one.” With hands that never hesitated, he grabbed her blouse and ripped it from neck to hem, pulling the two halves aside and baring her breasts and the tiny scrap of pink lace covering them.

  When he reached for them, she cried out with pleasure, loving the firm touch of his fingers and the commanding flicks of his thumbs over nipples that were alive and super sensitive to his slightest move. Sharp ripples of arousal arrowed down to her pussy, electric and devastatingly exciting.

  Still trying to get him out of his shirt, she worked around him, doing her own pulling and squirming. Within moments they were both panting, helplessly
tangled, Mel with his pants around his ankles and Rose with her bra hanging off one arm and her skirt unfastened.

  She didn’t care that her hair was a tousled mess, falling over her shoulders and her cheeks. Nor did the fact that their clothes lay in shredded piles around her bother her in the slightest.

  She just didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was inside his briefs and with a little sound of joy she plunged her hands beneath the white cotton to find him hard and throbbing. Freeing him, she sighed with happiness, stroking him, sensing his pleasure as his hands firmed around her breasts and he groaned.

  “Mel. I want this inside me,” she stroked him from the dark nest of curls to the purpling head. “I guess I have for a long time, but I never realized it until tonight. When I couldn’t even imagine being touched by or touching anyone else. It’s been you for a while.”

  She glanced away from the wonder of his cock and looked at him. His eyelids were heavy with passion, his face flushed. She’d finally bared his chest and it was a thing of beauty, hard and muscled with just a touch of soft hair narrowing down to a dark line as it neared his groin. His cock was moving in her grasp and his balls were firm beneath. She could have eaten him whole, and yearned to just dive in and wrap herself in him.

  “Damn Rose. I want you more than I want my next breath.”

  “Then take me, Mel. Take me. Please…”

  He moved, sure of himself, his strength evident in the way he lifted her and ripped her skirt and panties away. They spun, her foot catching a lamp and knocking it over.

  He never stopped, never even slowed down, just stepped to the wall, pressed her against it and held her there, looking at her. “Do it. Do it now. Put me inside you.” His voice was low and rough, thick with passion.

  Rose reached between them and found him, the drops of pre-cum already glistening at the tip of his cock and slick against her hand. She had more than enough moisture for both of them, but knowing he was this aroused sent her body into a frenzy of urgency.


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