Patience is a virtue, Grant reminded himself, keep focused on Emily and Lisa. Bringing down Treadgold is for another day. And when that day came, Grant would be ready.
Ruby stood on a busy London street not far from Regent’s Park. Balancing a cake box, with her free hand she pressed the intercom for her friend’s flat. The name ‘Hawk’ was written alongside the buzzer.
Hawk was the nickname they had given him in the children’s home. Ruby had lived in the home for most of her childhood and she, Hawk and Soraya had formed an unbreakable trio. Hawk and Soraya were still her two best friends and the ones who knew everything about her.
The door opened with a click. Ruby stepped inside and the noise from the traffic shut off behind her.
Hawk was a recluse, probably due to the relentless bullying he’d received as a child and because he had a horrible family history. He lived in a massive posh apartment, with his cat, and he’d come a long way since their days together as kids. Hawk made literally piles of money working freelance as a technology and internet mastermind and he did work off-the-grid and off-the-record. Ruby didn’t know the details of his CIA contracts and his international networks. What she did know was that Hawk’s skills made him the perfect person to help with the Glover case.
The police needed phone records and credit card information on Jack and Alice Glover, and Ruby had asked Hawk to get intel using his own means.
Her friend sat in his living room. Hawk’s fat ginger cat was nearby. Surrounded by computers and screens full of data, Hawk gave a boyish grin and pulled off his headphones. His eyes went straight to the cake.
‘Hi, Rube, long time no see. You and Soraya are busy these days.’
She gave him a hug and was pleased he wasn’t as thin as he sometimes was.
‘You’re looking well. And hey, we’re never too busy for old friends. I’ve got my own place in Himlands Heath, you should come and see it.’
She’d been asking him for ages and he’d been promising he would and then kept putting it off. It was difficult for him to go out.
‘I found some stuff for you on the Glovers.’ Hawk took in a deep breath of chocolate. ‘Oooh this smells divine.’ He dipped his finger into the cake topping. ‘And it’s de-li-cious.’
‘I’ll cut it in the kitchen. I hope you dug me up something interesting.’
‘You bet.’
When she came back, she carried two plates. One with an average-sized slice for herself and the other with two giant chunks.
‘It was the gooiest chocolate extravaganza I could find,’ she said.
‘Yummy. Well, let me give you the Glover rundown. It’s a lot of usual stuff – they’re a high-income, high-expenditure couple. Alice spends big on treatments – spas, stylists, beautician and the like. Jack spends big on entertainment – nothing smutty but a few subscriptions to clubs, posh restaurants, expensive weekends, golf membership, and boring stuff like that. And then there’s this.’
Hawk tapped at the keyboard and then flourished his hand at the screen. ‘Ta da.’
Ruby stared. ‘What am I looking at?’
‘The one on the left is Jack Glover’s phone record and this number here is a repeater.’ Pressing a key, Hawk highlighted all the instances of a particular phone number. ‘Most of these are text messages.’
‘I hope that’s his wife he’s talking to,’ Ruby said.
‘You’re kidding me, right? I said this was interesting. The number he’s contacting belongs to a Natalie Karnik.’
On a different screen, Hawk brought up an aerial view of the Glover’s street.
‘This is the Glover’s place and Natalie,’ Hawk pointed, ‘lives here. Right next door.’
‘Natalie gave the impression their fling had only just started.’
‘Nope. I’d say it’s been going on for at least two years. And then there’s this one little entry in Jack’s credit card details which I think you’ll want to check out.’
The bank statement took up the right-hand side of the screen. Hawk highlighted a line.
‘On the twenty-first of January, Jack Glover made a payment to a private clinic in Brighton. It’s called PG which stands for Pregnancy Guidance.’
‘Pregnancy Guidance, why is that important?’
‘Because it’s a euphemism. Most of their business is terminations.’
Jack Glover paid for a termination? With Natalie desperate for a baby it seemed unlikely it would be for her. Nor was it likely the candidate was Alice. But hey, it happened in January, shortly after the au pair was booted out, making Sylvie the prime contender.
Hawk was grinning and Ruby gave him a kiss on the cheek and she passed over the bumper plate of cake.
‘Hawk, I told you this before and I’m going to say it again. You’re a genius.’
‘You’ve given me vital intel and my hands are tied. You know I can’t use this information, don’t you?’ Grant said.
He was always amazed how a former university research assistant like Ruby could have such quality sources. She’d helped them out on a previous case and Grant suspected she had contacts from her days in the children’s home though he never wanted to pump her for details. All officers had their informants so why shouldn’t Ruby?
Ruby bit her lip. ‘In January, Jack Glover paid money to Brighton Pregnancy Guidance clinic. It was likely for a termination. It’s got to be relevant.’
‘Of course it is. It’s crucial. The problem is where you got it from. If the source is illegal it will be inadmissible in any future court case. For God’s sake don’t tell me how you got it because I don’t want to know.’
Leaning against the window frame, Grant stared down at the grey tarmac of the car park. Shit. It was exactly what he needed to pin down Glover and yet using unofficial intelligence would prejudice any future conviction. Was there any way around it?
‘Goddamit.’ Grant yanked open the door of his office and shouted at McGowan. ‘Where the hell are Jack Glover’s details!’
McGowan almost dropped his coffee mug. ‘I’m working on it, guv. They said they’d send them over and that was…’ McGowan checked the time, ‘…two hours ago.’
‘Get them on the phone.’
When the call connected, Grant snatched the receiver from McGowan’s hand.
‘This is Detective Chief Inspector Grant. I’m in charge of the search for Emily and Lisa Glover – you know, the kidnapped little girls who are all over the news? My sergeant requested vital records and we’re still waiting! If anything happens to those children I’m holding you responsible.’ The person on the other end of the line made faint apologetic sounds. Grant didn’t listen. ‘We need Jack Glover’s banking details. Now!’
Grant glowered at McGowan who had the good sense to keep his attention fixed on his computer screen.
‘As soon as they send the email, guv,’ McGowan said, ‘I’ll pop it straight through to the printer.’ The seconds ticked by. ‘Bingo!’ McGowan tapped a few keys.
The machine in the corner of the room sprang to life and it had barely finished spitting out the sheets before the DCI grabbed them.
‘About bloody time,’ Grant said.
At Sylvie’s coffee bar, Ruby ordered an orange juice and Diane took a cappuccino and Ruby carried them to a table. Grant had sent them down to Brighton to question Sylvie. They cleared the interview with Sylvie’s boss and Diane beckoned Sylvie over.
‘Hello Sylvie, I’m Detective Sergeant Collins and this is my colleague, Ruby Silver. I know you’ve already spoken to DCI Grant about the Glover children. We need to have another chat.’
Sylvie gave a friendly smile. ‘I can’t right now, I’m working. I’ve been watching the news and I didn’t see anything. Have you found Lisa and Emily?’
‘Not yet,’ Diane said, ‘and I asked your boss nicely and got you a fifteen-minute break. I want to talk to you about the Pregnancy Guidance clinic.’
don’t know what you mean.’
‘Yes you do. I spoke to them myself and they remembered a young Australian woman who fits your description. I think it might be better if you told us what was going on.’
The PG clinic had admitted they recognised Sylvie although they had not been willing to reveal details which would, as they explained, compromise patient confidentiality.
‘It’s none of your business,’ Sylvie said.
Diane patted the seat next to her. ‘It is when we’re investigating a child abduction. Please don’t make me bring you in for questioning.’
Ruby noticed red flush marks on Sylvie’s cheekbones. The young woman was either embarrassed or annoyed or both.
‘What do you want from me? I haven’t done anything wrong.’
‘Come on, Sylvie,’ Ruby said. ‘You told DCI Grant you weren’t having a relationship with Jack Glover yet he paid for you to visit the PG clinic.’
Sylvie dropped her gaze to the tabletop. ‘I’m not proud of what I did but it wasn’t terrible either. What?’ She looked at Ruby and then at Diane. ‘Are you going to make me spell it out?’
‘If you simply told us it might help,’ Diane said.
‘Jesus. Okay, I’m pregnant, and Jack is the father. Happy?’
‘How did he take the news?’ Ruby asked.
‘Cliché, isn’t it? The young au pair who gets seduced by her employer. I never thought I could be so stupid. I was dumb enough to fall for him. Then, when I told Jack I was pregnant, he offered money for a termination. He even made an appointment. I thought he’d be pleased and all he wanted to do was get rid of it.’
Ruby took out a packet of tissues and pushed them across the table. ‘It wasn’t what you were expecting?’
‘What do you think? He went from being all over me to offering me cash. I was stunned. Didn’t know what to do. Like I said, he even made the appointment for me though, of course, it didn’t occur to him I might want him to come along too. He expected me to go on my own. Did you know they give you a consultation and a counselling session? The termination happens by you taking two pills and if you swallow the first one you have to take the second otherwise your baby can be born with horrible defects. When they told me how it worked I realised I couldn’t go through with it.’
‘You changed your mind.’
‘I never really made up my mind in the first place because I’d been expecting Jack to be pleased. He’d told me plenty about how he liked me and he bought me gifts and made me feel special and all the time he was using me. Jack said he and Alice hadn’t done it since Lisa was born and he wanted to leave. I was dumb enough to believe him.’
‘You thought he’d make a new life with you,’ Ruby said.
Sylvie gave a rueful smile. ‘Turns out Alice’s money is worth more and Jack is a liar. A baby will spoil my life and ruin my plans – except I couldn’t go through with getting rid of it. Now I’m stuck.’
‘Does Alice know?’ Diane asked.
‘Only if Jack told her and I’m pretty certain he didn’t. Her jealousy was bad enough – I wouldn’t have been able to face her once she found out Jack didn’t want me anymore.’
‘You fell into a trap,’ Ruby said. ‘What about your family? Will they help you out?’
‘Are you mad? I can’t tell them. And you know what? I’m glad you know. Jack Glover doesn’t deserve me protecting him. He turned out to be a shit, and right afterwards he allowed his wife to dismiss me. I did leave the children unattended for a few seconds and I could see them the whole time. It was Alice’s excuse and Jack didn’t back me up. How many other au pairs has Jack had sex with? I reported him to the agency. They can’t do anything for me but at least they can protect other girls from the same fate.’
‘You should have told the DCI,’ Diane said. ‘It would have saved us a lot of time.’
‘It was private and I didn’t see how it would make a difference.’
Diane took out her phone. She swiped the screen and brought up a photo of the red camisole. ‘Do you recognise this?’
Sylvie sniffed. ‘Sorry, I’m so tearful these days it’s annoying. Yes, it’s one of the gifts Jack gave me.’
‘Any idea how it got into Emily’s room?’
‘I’ve no idea but I guess she came across it and thought it was pretty or liked the colour or something. Kids are funny like that.’ Sylvie gave her nose a loud blow. ‘You must think I’m really naïve.’
‘That’s not at all what I’m thinking,’ Diane said. ‘So don’t put words in my mouth.’
‘A married man fooled you and then left you to deal with being pregnant. What are you going to do?’ Ruby asked.
‘Like I always do – I’ll sort it out on my own. Jack doesn’t know I didn’t go through with it. Once it’s born I can prove paternity if I want to. Jack was willing to give money though he hinted how could he be sure it was his, the bastard.’
‘You’ve signed up with a doctor?’ Ruby asked.
‘Yes and I’ve found a nice one who doesn’t judge. Please don’t think badly of me. Jack can be an absolute charmer and he knows how to get women to do what he wants.’
‘But he didn’t force you?’ Ruby said.
‘No I wanted it as much as he did.’ Sylvie placed a hand on her belly. ‘And now I’m going to have to live with the consequences.’
Grant took a good look at Jack Glover. The man wasn’t bothering to shave and he slunk around in the same clothes, his expression haggard. Jack’s study was littered with uneaten bowls of snacks and half-drunk mugs of coffee. It smelled faintly of Jack’s body odour which made Grant want to fling open the window. Grant sat on a sofa and Jack on his comfy desk chair.
‘I spoke with Natalie Karnik and she made it clear your relationship with her has been going on for months,’ Grant said.
Time to open up Jack like a tin of beans.
Jack tried to straighten his crumpled trousers. ‘Did Natalie tell you that? So what?’
‘It’s obstructive if you withhold information. Every detail has its importance. It doesn’t help if you don’t tell me the truth.’
‘I don’t see what difference my personal life makes.’
‘The priority here is finding your children and I need your co-operation.’
‘And you’ve got it. Okay, so I cheated on my wife. It’s not a bloody crime. And please don’t believe my wife’s silly accusations about Natalie stealing the children.’
‘So Natalie has never mentioned wanting to be in a couple with you?’
‘We’ve never talked that way. It’s an affair.’
‘And you don’t plan to leave your wife.’
‘For God’s sake, no. I made a mistake.’
‘I see. And what about Sylvie Delacourt’s pregnancy, does your wife know about that?’
It was as if Grant had punched Jack in the face.
‘Wh-what,’ Jack stuttered.
‘Please don’t deny it,’ Grant said. ‘We don’t have time to waste.’
‘I don’t know what Sylvie’s said to you.’
Jack was digging except Grant wasn’t going to provide. He kept his eyes locked on Jack.
‘Okay, okay. Sylvie came to me after Christmas and told me she was pregnant. She said it was mine except I wasn’t certain about that.’
‘Though you’re not denying having sex with your au pair?’
‘Once. I had sex with her once. Then she tells me she’s pregnant.’
Grant turned the screws. ‘And you offered to pay for a termination.’
‘Shit, you’ve been digging. Okay, yes I did. I felt sorry for her. She was in a state. Are you going to shoot me for helping her out?’
Grant remained silent.
Jack shrugged. ‘Like I said, I didn’t know for sure if I was the father or if she…?’
‘You’re suggesting Ms Delacourt had sex with another man and he could be the father?’
‘Exactly. I don’t want to sound judgemental only… she w
as that type of girl.’
Grant didn’t let his dislike of Jack cloud his judgement. He was here for facts which could lead him to the children. Nothing more and nothing less. Jack’s sex life and his lack of morals was only relevant if it could relate to Emily and Lisa.
Jack rubbed his hands over his face. ‘For God’s sake just get my children back. Shouldn’t you be out there searching?’
Grant flicked through his notes. ‘That’s exactly what we’re doing, sir, I can assure you. In your banking details there are transactions which relate to the purchase of an apartment on the other side of Himlands Heath. Bought five years ago it’s registered in your name. Is your wife aware this apartment exists?’
‘We’ve spoken to the concierge and he says you go there occasionally with women. Is this true?’
As soon as Grant discovered the existence of the apartment from Jack’s records, Grant and several officers had questioned the doorman and neighbours and they had scanned foyer security camera footage to check for any sign of Emily and Lisa. There had been no trace of the little girls, otherwise Grant would have forced an entry.
‘Jesus. Can’t a man have any privacy?’
‘I need to get inside. Are you willing to show me?’
‘Yes! Okay, I use it for sex. So what? You think I’ve got Emily and Lisa holed up there? Are you mad! Why do I get the feeling you’re treating me like a suspect?’
Why, Mr Glover? Because you’re a damn liar and people didn’t tell the truth for a reason.
‘Have your children ever been there?’
A light sweat had broken out on the man’s top lip. ‘Never.’
‘Keeping the apartment secret was a very bad mistake.’ Grant stood and felt like dragging Jack up by his collar. ‘Get up! You’re taking me there immediately. I want it swabbed for their DNA.’
Deadly Lies Page 14