The Delinquent Bride

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The Delinquent Bride Page 6

by Carole Archer

  “The worst thing is,” she told Clara, “although he’s very strict, I find him really attractive.” Shelley’s cheeks coloured as Clara grinned at her.

  Shelley turned away and ruefully rubbed her aching bottom. She hoped she could manage to keep out of trouble for the rest of the trip.

  As she lay face down on her bed, her hands protectively covering her tormented buns, Shelley wondered how she would ever face Mr Kendall again. As she fought to stay awake, pure exhaustion finally took its toll and her eyelids drooped. After a good night’s sleep, she was sure everything would seem brighter. At least I’m no longer feeling seasick, Shelley acknowledged with a rueful grin.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, it was a very sheepish and red-faced Shelley who walked apprehensively into Henry’s room with Clara. She was pleasantly surprised when he welcomed them both warmly and made no reference to events of the previous day, nor showed any signs that he might still be angry. Instead he smiled and put his arm around Shelley’s shoulders, guided her around the cabin and explained what chores he required her to carry out.

  “So do you understand exactly what I want you to do?” he asked, his eyebrows raising.

  Shelley blushed and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Keen to make a good impression, Shelley worked hard and did everything asked of her without question. She was certainly in no hurry to be spanked again. She shuddered at the thought of his heavy hand on her bare bottom, and felt colour rising in her cheeks at the memory.

  As the day progressed, her embarrassment gradually lessened and when they went for their evening meal, Shelley eventually accepted that Henry had been good to his word and had completely erased the incident from his mind. She vowed to do the same.

  * * *

  Over the next three days, Shelley worked really hard and kept herself out of trouble. She loved working for Henry. She also loved working alongside Clara, and being around the adorable little Jessica. She couldn’t recall a time in her life when she had been happier.

  During the day, while Shelley was carrying out her duties, Henry often joined her and they spent hours chatting. She loved the time she spent with him, but felt guilty when he asked her about her life back in England. She felt she had no choice but to lie to him, claiming to be an orphan with no job or home.

  “My foster family put me out a week ago. They said I’m old enough to look after myself now,” she lied, glancing at him as she dusted the fireside in his room. “I immediately put my name down for work on the Titanic. I said I was prepared to do anything. I was thrilled to get this job, and hopefully it might lead to something else,” she said expectantly.

  Shelley’s guilt escalated when Henry sat down, removed the duster from her, and pulled her into the seat beside him. Squeezing her hand affectionately, he gazed into her eyes. “If you really have nothing to go back to England for, I’d be pleased if you would come and work for me. My regular maid has gone to look after her sick father, so I need to replace her. You and Clara could share a room at my house. You get on so well together. I’m sure you’d enjoy it.”

  Shelley looked at him wide-eyed, unable to believe that someone could be so kind. She thought about her parents once more and a tear rolled down her cheek, which Henry quickly brushed away with his thumb. “Hey, don’t cry. Everything will work out just fine,” he reassured her, leaning forward and kissing her cheek. “I’ll look after you.”

  Shelley gazed into his eyes and her cheeks flushed. She reminded herself that Henry was her employer, but she couldn’t ignore the shudder of pleasure she felt when he kissed her. Her only wish was that the chaste kiss had been on her lips.

  “At least think about it?” he asked her, as he tenderly stroked her cheek and smiled brightly.

  When he gave her a small hug, Shelley felt suddenly flustered and broke away. “Thank you. You’re very kind. I’d better get back to work now, but of course I’ll think about your kind offer,” she added, knowing there was absolutely nothing to consider. She would be a fool to turn him down.

  Desperate to go and tell Clara her good news, but not daring to until she had finished her chores, Shelley busied herself in the cabin. When she was certain she had completed all of her duties, Shelley rushed through to the private deck where Clara was playing with Jessica. “Clara, you won’t believe it. Henry’s offered me a job in New York!”

  Clara jumped up and hugged her. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” she squealed. Jessica instantly clung to her legs and shouted to be picked up. Clara lifted the youngster up and Jessica put her little arms around Clara and Shelley’s necks. She kissed them in turn on the cheeks before she shrieked, “Now play.”

  Jessica giggled in delight when Clara put her down on the floor, covered her eyes, and started to count slowly to ten. Shelley clutched Jessica’s hand and led her to the table, quickly helping her to hide underneath it.

  Shelley grinned when Clara stopped counting, uncovered her eyes, and pretended not to see them. She walked around the room, aimlessly looking in cupboards and behind doors. Jessica giggled loudly when Henry entered the room, and Shelley gripped her hand and urged her to be quiet. She noticed Henry smile as he walked towards Clara, and she smiled back as he glanced down under the table, where Jessica was covering her eyes with her hands. Henry winked at Shelley before asking Clara where his daughter was.

  “I don’t know, Mr Kendall, she’s disappeared. Shelley has too,” Clara explained, throwing her arms up in the air.

  “Oh, dear,” exclaimed Henry, as he helped her to search fruitlessly for them. “We’d better find them soon or they won’t get any dinner.”

  Jessica squealed loudly and ran out from her hiding place. “Daddy,” she shrieked with delight. She grinned when he lifted her up from the floor and spun her round, lowered her towards his face, and kissed her cheek.

  Shelley was about to crawl out from under the table too, believing their game to be over, when Henry asked his daughter, “Where’s Shelley?” Jessica’s eyes widened and she innocently shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t know, Daddy,” she giggled, and immediately turned her head to look directly at Shelley. Jessica put her finger to her lips and made a ‘shhhhhhhh’ sound towards Shelley, who tried hard to stifle a laugh.

  Henry pretended not to notice Jessica’s giveaway gesture and continued to look around the room. He carried his young daughter around as he searched for Shelley, before stopping and looking pensive. “Well, I give up. I don’t know where else she can be. If we can’t locate her, I’ll have to find someone else to go to dinner tonight.” Shelley watched as Henry looked behind the door, oblivious to his young daughter who pointed excitedly towards Shelley’s hiding place.

  “We’ve been invited to dine at the captain’s table tonight,” Henry informed Clara. “It’s a huge honour, but unfortunately if we can’t find Shelley, I’ll have to tell the captain we only need two places. That would be a real shame, but as it seems she’s disappeared into thin air, I don’t know what else we can do.”

  Shelley’s face lit up and she squealed with delight as she quickly crawled out from under the table. “Are we really dining with the captain?” she asked excitedly.

  Henry smiled and nodded. “Found her,” squealed Jessica, pointing at Shelley. Henry kissed Jessica on the cheek and smiled. “Yes, we did, clever girl.”

  Shelley embraced Clara and the pair jumped up and down with delight, before they stopped, looked at each other, and squealed with pure joy.

  When they were calm, they broke apart and turned back to Henry. “Are you seriously taking us to dine with the captain?” Clara asked, as she gripped Shelley’s hand tightly.

  Henry nodded. “Yes, we really are going to dine with the captain, so I suggest you both go and see Lady Richmond next door. She’s offered to loan you both some clothing, as I’m sure neither of you have anything suitable?”

  Shelley and Clara shook their heads.

  “Go on,” urged Henry, “don’t keep Lady Richmond waiting. She’
s offered to have Jessica for the evening too.”

  Jessica beamed in delight at the news and pronounced, “Me like Lady Witch-Mund. She gives me sweeties. She’s nice!”

  “As long as you don’t have too many sweeties,” Henry scolded playfully. Shelley and Clara almost knocked him off balance when they threw their arms around him, shrieked loudly and clung tightly to him. He winced when Jessica joined in and squealed right into his ear. “Enough, girls,” he said firmly. Shelley’s smile disappeared when she heard his gruff voice and she took a backward step, her face pale. Her grin instantly reappeared when she noticed that, despite the firmness of his tone, he was still smiling.

  “Thank you,” said Shelley, stepping forward and kissing Henry on the cheek. Clara thanked him too before the pair excitedly raced to Lady Richmond’s room.

  Whilst the two girls chattered non-stop about the prospect of dining with the captain, Lady Richmond led them through to her bedroom. “Come on, I’m sure we can find you something in here,” she smiled, opening the large closet and rifling through her clothes.

  Shelley gasped as her eyes scanned over the vast number of dresses hanging up. She must own even more clothes than my mother does, thought Shelley, not believing this to be possible. “Lady Richmond, there aren’t enough days on board for you to wear all of these dresses,” she said in amazement.

  Lady Richmond laughed. “Hush, don’t let my husband hear you say that. He’s already accused me of bringing too much.”

  The elegant and very glamorous Lady Richmond nodded in agreement when Shelley selected a beautiful black evening gown with intricate beading around the neckline. Shelley held it against her body and smiled brightly when Lady Richmond helped her into it. She wanted to look beautiful for Henry, who she wished would see her as more than a servant girl. Shelley smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she twirled around and admired the beautiful gown that billowed out as she spun. Shelley suddenly wondered what Henry would think if he knew her real identity, and she chewed her lower lip anxiously.

  Pushing that thought out of her mind, Shelley watched as Clara rummaged through the multitude of dresses, finally selecting a long, sparkly, silver evening gown. “Thank you so much,” Clara gushed, as Lady Richmond helped her into the dress. She was a little more rounded than Shelley, but the dress seemed to mould itself to her curves, creating a very sexy silhouette. “You look stunning,” Shelley sighed enviously.

  Lady Richmond added some pretty jewellery to their outfits, before finishing them off with a little makeup and a spray of her expensive fragrance. Shelley and Clara continued to pose in front of the mirror, admiring their reflections.

  “Come along or the night will be over,” Lady Richmond chided, as she ushered them quickly towards the door. “Now go and enjoy your evening, and I want to hear all about it tomorrow.”

  The two girls raced to Henry’s room and he smiled warmly as he opened the door and led them inside. “You look stunning,” he gasped, his eyes travelling up and down their bodies appreciatively. Instantly both girls blushed and began to giggle. Shelley was surprised to feel a pang of jealousy when Henry looked at Clara with as much admiration as he did her, but she had to admit her friend would certainly turn heads in that gown.

  “Come on, time to go,” Henry told them. He ushered them out of the room and dropped Jessica off with Lady Richmond, but he seemed reluctant to leave her. He checked several times that Lady Richmond knew what she was doing and where to find him if she needed him. “For goodness sake, Henry,” she gently scolded him. “You trust your young nanny with your daughter, even though she has little life experience, whereas I have raised four of my own children. I think I ought to know what I’m doing by now.” Lady Richmond shook her head and shooed Henry away from her door. Shelley grinned, amused to see Henry so flustered. He was normally so composed and in control.

  Henry nodded apologetically and kissed Jessica goodnight. “Be a good girl for Lady Richmond,” he urged, and Jessica nodded enthusiastically. “Go away, Daddy. Me and Lady Witch-mund play now!” she said, as she turned her back on Henry and wrapped her arms around Lady Richmond’s neck.

  Shelley squeezed Henry’s hand as Lady Richmond closed the door. He quickly smiled and put his arms around Shelley and Clara’s shoulders. “Come on then, let’s go and get dinner,” he said cheerfully, steering them towards the dining room.

  * * *

  As they walked into the captain’s dining area, Shelley and Clara were instantly mesmerised by the splendour. The first-class dining areas were very sumptuous, but this table was in a class of its own, set slightly away from the other diners. Only a select few were privileged enough to dine with the captain, and Shelley felt very honoured to be of them.

  The table was covered with a white linen tablecloth, and every inch of it seemed to be filled with the finest silverware, crockery, and crystal glasses. Shelley could almost picture her mother holding one of the dainty china tea cups.

  She squeezed Clara’s hand and smiled. “This is fantastic.”

  “But surely you’ve been to dinner parties like this before,” Clara whispered.

  Shelley glanced at Henry. The last thing she wanted was for him to hear their discussion, but he was embroiled in conversation with the captain.

  “Yes, I’ve been to my fair share of dinner parties, but nothing quite this grand. It simply takes my breath away.”

  Clara nodded in agreement, as Henry stepped forward and introduced Shelley and Clara to the captain.

  They all took their seats—Henry directly opposite the captain and Shelley and Clara to his left—and were served champagne cocktails as they listened with wide-eyed fascination to the captain, who naturally held centre court.

  “I’ve served for almost 40 years at sea. This is going to be my final voyage. I’m ready to retire now and spend more time with my family. I’m hoping,” he said with a smile, “to complete this crossing in record time.”

  Shelley listened, clutching Clara’s trembling hand under the table, as he regaled them with his many stories of life at sea. Clara seemed to have been momentarily struck dumb.

  Finally, at 7 p.m., the start of their eight-course dinner was served. Shelley smiled as she watched Clara, who gazed in amazement at the lavish food that was brought to them. Shelley helped to guide Clara through the various cutlery and glasses she was to use.

  Henry leaned towards Shelley and whispered in her ear. “You’re very knowledgeable about etiquette,” he observed, eyebrows raised.

  Shelley chewed her lower lip and nodded. “My foster family had lots of dinner parties,” she said quietly, lowering her eyes. She breathed a sigh of relief when Henry seemed satisfied with her answer and turned to talk to the lady on his right-hand side.

  They ate well, and the wine flowed freely, but when Henry suggested they had had enough alcohol and should switch to water, neither girl argued. Both had to work the next day, and Shelley quickly recalled her red and stinging bottom at the hands of their boss three days earlier when she did not listen. As Clara’s face paled, Shelley guessed she too had recalled the same incident.

  Shelley was actually quite glad to be given an excuse to stop drinking as, although the wine tasted very nice, it was starting to make her feel woozy.

  A little while later, the evening came to an end for them and the girls reluctantly allowed Henry to guide them back to their room.

  As they walked along the corridors of the ship, Shelley clutched Henry’s hand. “Thank you, that was the best evening ever.” Clara enthusiastically agreed.

  When they reached their room, Shelley and Clara covered Henry’s face with kisses and thanked him several times. He eventually managed to escape, and laughed loudly as he walked away. “Goodnight, girls, see you in the morning, bright and early.”

  Shelley and Clara walked into their room, brimming with excitement with many stories to tell.

  Clara immediately took out her diary and began to write in it. Shelley watched over her shoulde
r. She smiled as her friend wrote, “The thirteenth of April, 1912, DINED AT THE CAPTAIN’S TABLE!!!” She then listed all eight courses they had eaten, and Shelley helped her to recall the various stages of their huge meal and the names of the individual dishes.

  “I don’t ever want to forget tonight,” Clara told Shelley, “and when I get to New York, I’m going to write to my mother and tell her all about this. She’ll be so jealous, but so pleased for me too,” she smiled, as she climbed into bed.

  Shelley got into her own bed, but was so excited she did not think she would ever get to sleep. She replayed the evening in her mind several times, before sleep finally overcame her.

  * * *

  The next day Shelley and Clara returned to work and both excitedly told Lady Richmond about their night at the captain’s table. They returned her clothes and jewellery and thanked her once more for her kindness. She listened in fascination as the girls enthusiastically described their evening, talking over each other and adding extra snippets of information the other had forgotten, so that by the time they had finished, Lady Richmond knew every minute detail of their night.

  Eventually they left an exhausted Lady Richmond in peace and returned to work.

  At the end of a very busy day, the girls once more returned to their room. Clara quickly fell asleep, but Shelley had real trouble switching off. Although she had enjoyed herself immensely sailing on the Titanic, she couldn’t stop thinking about her parents and how she had let them down. She also thought about Henry and how she had lied to him, and she was ridden with guilt. She was very fond of Henry and did not want to make a fresh start in New York based on untruths.

  Taking a deep breath, she threw back the covers and got out of bed. She reached up to Clara’s bunk and shook her friend gently.


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