The Delinquent Bride

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The Delinquent Bride Page 10

by Carole Archer

  Michelle continued to gape, open-mouthed.

  James laughed. “Come on, Mother’s waiting for you. She’s going to help you repair that dress.”

  Michelle nodded and eased herself out of the seat, yelping when James slapped her bottom playfully. Her anger quickly evaporated when he leaned forward and kissed her.

  “I’m so glad you didn’t board that ship,” he sighed, putting his arm around her waist and guiding her through to his mother’s sewing room.

  “Me too,” she smiled, reaching back and rubbing her stinging behind.

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks after Shelley and Clara arrived in New York, Henry told them it was time for him to return to work. He said it was also time for them to take on their new roles within his household.

  “It’s time for us all to return to normality. We need to put the nightmare of the Titanic behind us, as best we can.” Shelley and Clara reluctantly agreed. They had enjoyed the past couple of carefree weeks, but both accepted that Henry was speaking sense.

  He had spent hours each day with Shelley, Clara, and Jessica, and had taken great pleasure in showing them around New York.

  They had enjoyed being spoiled, as Henry had bought them lots of new clothes and numerous treats. Shelley guessed he had been doing what he could to help them ease the bad memories that still clouded their minds. With each passing day, Shelley was pleased to find that her nightmares became less graphic, until finally they were no longer quite so harrowing. Now her dreams were more like visions of what she had actually witnessed, rather than the embellished nightmares of what could have been.

  Shelley couldn’t deny that she was disappointed when Henry finally returned to work. She had enjoyed spending time with him and getting to know him better, and she was quickly falling in love with this kind and gentle man.

  She threw herself into her duties and worked hard each day, constantly looking forward to the time they spent together on evenings and weekends. She loved spending her days with Clara, helping each other with their duties, and the more time she spent with Jessica and Henry, the more she couldn’t bear to ever be parted from her new family.

  Although Shelley still had occasional bad dreams about the vision of the Titanic disappearing under the waves, and was haunted by the screams of those who perished in the icy waters of the Atlantic, she was grateful that she was still alive. She felt she had been given a second chance at life. This time I’ll get it right, she thought.

  Her life finally had some purpose and she was no longer just some spoiled little rich girl who had everything handed to her, which was how she looked back on her previous life, though at the time she would never have believed that to be true.

  * * *

  Three months after arriving in New York, Clara had taken Jessica out for a walk, leaving Shelley at home carrying out her chores.

  When the post arrived that day, Shelley noticed that Clara had a letter from her mother. She sighed as she put it on the table with the rest of the mail. She envied Clara the regular correspondence she had with her family, by mail and telegram. Shelley would give anything for a letter from her mother, and once more considered contacting her parents.

  Suddenly feeling very claustrophobic, Shelley had an urgent need to get some fresh air. In her desperation to get away and think, she forgot the one golden rule in Henry’s household, to always tell someone where she was going and how long she was likely to be.

  She wandered around aimlessly for hours, with no real purpose, and when darkness began to fall, Shelley realised with horror that she had been gone for most of the day.

  In her haste to get home, knowing that Henry would be frantic, Shelley tripped and landed on her knees, scuffing the skin. She got up, brushed herself down, and continued on her way, walking as fast as she could, her knees stinging, her heart racing, and tears rolling down her cheeks. When she breathlessly arrived in the house, Clara was pacing the lounge, looking very concerned.

  “Where on earth have you been?” Clara asked, gripping her friend’s arms, her eyes wide with fear. Her expression suddenly changed to one of relief, and she hugged Shelley close to her. “Henry’s gone out looking for you. He’s really worried,” she told her, releasing her from her tight embrace and staring at her. Shaking her head, Clara hugged Shelley close once more, squeezing her so tightly that Shelley struggled to breathe.

  Before Shelley could respond, the door burst open and Henry appeared in the doorway. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick,” he shouted. Stepping into the lounge, he grasped Shelley’s upper arms and shook her roughly. “Answer me, girl. What was so important you had to stay out so late?”

  Shelley had never heard Henry raise his voice and she swallowed anxiously as she looked into his eyes, which were filled with anger. She also noted some fear and concern in his expression.

  “I’m sorry. I wanted a walk to clear my head. I lost track of time.” She shrugged her shoulders and tried a small smile, but Henry’s frown deepened.

  “Did you tell anyone where you were going, or how long you would be?” he asked, his eyebrows raised and his stern gaze unfaltering.

  Shelley shook her head sadly. “No, I’m sorry. I forgot.” She lowered her eyes, unable to look at him when he was so angry.

  Henry grasped the front of her coat and yanked the buttons undone. He tugged the damp garment off and threw it onto the floor. Shelley glanced down at her discarded coat, which looked out of place in the spotless room. Henry was almost fanatical about cleanliness and tidiness, and Shelley’s eyes remained focused on the offending garment.

  Suddenly Henry gripped her arm and spun her away from him. He landed a very hard smack on her bottom and Shelley squealed loudly, reaching back to rub her stinging butt as tears sprung to her eyes. “Go to your room,” Henry ordered, turning away from her and shaking his head angrily. “Get out of my sight.”

  Shelley blinked back tears and walked slowly towards the stairs, stopping to glance back over her shoulder. Henry was a strict disciplinarian and on the very rare occasions she had displeased him, he had immediately taken her across his knee and spanked her firmly. She almost wished he would do that now. Despite his spankings being painful, she knew that afterwards she was immediately forgiven. Being ignored and sent to her room was very unnerving.

  She watched as Clara approached him and put a hand gently on his arm. Shelley really hoped her friend could calm him down. She felt extremely bad for letting him down and had an overwhelming urge to hug him and beg his forgiveness, but now wasn’t the time.

  Not wanting to anger him further by disobeying him, she made her way slowly up to her room, as tears rolled down her cheeks. Shelley sat down on her bed and covered her face with her hands. She was absolutely terrified and wondered what Henry would do. Please don’t let him send me away, she thought. A sob escaped her as this very real possibility made her feel sick with anxiety.

  A few minutes later, Shelley’s door opened. She quickly stood and dried her eyes with the sleeve of her dress. Looking up at Henry, she opened her mouth to apologise, but quickly lowered her head in shame. He still looked absolutely furious and she quaked in fear.

  “I’m sorry,” whispered Shelley. She raised her eyes cautiously and watched Henry pull out the chair from the desk. Ignoring her, he placed the chair in the centre of the room, sat down and looked up at her with an icy expression. Shelley stepped quickly towards him and lowered herself across his lap, keen to show that she was truly sorry. She was also eager to avoid his accusing stare.

  “Yes,” he said, “that’s exactly what you said only two weeks ago when I had to chastise you for the same thing. I can only assume you did not learn your lesson, especially as you stayed out much longer this time.” Henry let out a deep sigh, lifted her dress, and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Let’s see if we can successfully drive the message home this time,” he said, as he took hold of her bloomers and tugged them downwards.

  Shelley shivered as h
e bared her bottom. “No, please don’t. I’m really sorry.”

  Henry smacked Shelley’s bottom sharply. She was freezing cold after being caught in a summer shower and the smack stung immensely. She let out an involuntary yelp of pain.

  “If you are going to behave like a child and not learn to obey simple rules, I will spank you as I would a naughty little girl, bare-bottomed across my lap,” he told her sternly. Tightening his grip around her waist, he delivered a volley of stinging spanks to her bottom.

  Shelley kicked and squirmed, as she tried without success to move her backside away from his hard hand. She struggled desperately, the intense sting of his hand too much to bear. As he adjusted her position, she once more shivered before sneezing twice. She was surprised when he immediately stopped spanking her and pulled her to her feet.

  “You’re freezing,” he said with concern, briskly rubbing her arms. He stood up, kissed her cheek and left the room. Returning quickly, he sat down, tugged her clothing back into place and wrapped Shelley up in a blanket, before pulling her down onto his lap.

  “Oh, Shelley,” he sighed, holding her close. “You had me so worried. Thank God you’re all right.” Shelley clung to him, unsure what to make of this sudden change in his mood as he rocked her gently in his arms.

  “You’ve been gone for hours. I thought something terrible had happened,” he said. His voice rose as he pulled her closer.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. When she lifted her head and gazed into his eyes, she held her breath as he lowered his face to her. His lips were suddenly pressed against hers and she was reminded of the playful ‘tag’ kiss they had shared. She wondered if he was playing with her once more. As his lips moved against hers, Shelley froze, unsure how to respond.

  When he suddenly released her, he smiled brightly. “Shelley, I care about you so much. I realise now that you’re much more than an employee to me,” he confessed, as he brushed his lips against hers again. “I do believe I’m falling for you,” he admitted coyly.

  As he gazed into her face, Shelley was suddenly overcome with emotion and she started to cry. Henry held her tightly as she clung to him, and when her sobbing increased, he lifted her up and laid her down on her bed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you. I don’t know what came over me. You have my word it won’t happen again.” Henry stood up abruptly, turned away and quickly headed for the door, and Shelley watched him in stunned silence.

  “Wait,” she cried out. Shelley sat up quickly. “Don’t go. Please.”

  Henry turned and slowly walked back towards her. “I care for you too,” she told him. She gripped his hand when he knelt down beside her bed, concern etched on his face.

  “I’ve wanted you to kiss me for so long,” she admitted, a blush rising in her cheeks. She quickly lowered her eyes, afraid of the truth she knew she must now tell him.

  “I’ve been lying to you,” she blurted out, not daring to look at him as she heard his breath catch. “I’m not an orphan.” Terrified of his reaction, she buried her face against his broad chest.

  “I’m sorry I lied,” she sobbed, as Henry gripped her arms and pushed her away. As he stood up and paced the room, Shelley watched him, fearful of how he was going to react. Eventually he took a deep breath and sat on the bed beside her, pulled her to her feet, and sat her down on his lap.

  “I ought to spank you for lying, but let’s hear what you have to say,” he sighed. Shelley gazed into his face and noticed the look of bewilderment clouding his attractive features as he stared at her, waiting for an explanation.

  Shelley wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, pulling the blanket tighter around her chilled body. As he gently stroked her hair, she closed her eyes, thoroughly enjoying the intimate gesture.

  “Shelley?” said Henry, rubbing her back. “Talk to me, please.”

  She looked up at him and tears instantly rolled down her cheeks. “I’ve lied to you,” she started, before breaking down in tears once more.

  Henry held Shelley close to him and kissed away her tears. When she was calm, he put his hand under her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to look at him and explain herself.

  She watched him intently as she outlined the situation to him, starting with her father telling her about her planned wedding and ending with the night she ran away from home. Henry’s expressions ranged between pity, shock, and anger.

  “Young lady,” Henry said, after she had finished her story. “I have a good mind to take you straight back across my knee, but I’m concerned you might have caught a chill.” As Shelley trembled, he stroked her face tenderly. “You could have talked to me at any time.” Shelley noted that he sounded hurt, probably because she had not trusted him with the truth.

  She nodded and threw her arms around him, trying to explain herself as she clung tightly to him. “I should have talked to you. I’m sorry, but I thought you might have sent me home.”

  “Never, but I could at least have let your parents know you are safe. They must be absolutely distraught,” Henry said, more gently now as he rocked her in his arms.

  “I’m sorry,” Shelley sobbed.

  Henry kissed her tenderly on the forehead and spoke soothingly to her, reassuring her that everything would be all right.

  As Shelley sobbed in his arms, Henry’s butler brought in tea and biscuits. He patted her shoulder in a comforting gesture, setting the tray down on her bedside table before leaving them alone again. Henry sat Shelley down on her bed with a warm cup of tea. She sipped her drink, watching Henry closely as he crossed the room and gazed out of the window.

  A few minutes later, as Shelley finished her drink and put her cup down on the tray, warmed by the hot liquid, the door opened and Clara came to sit beside her. Wrapping her arms around her, she held Shelley as she blurted out between sobs that she had told Henry everything.

  “I know,” Clara said, hugging her friend.

  “Shelley,” squealed Jessica, as she ran across the room and launched herself into her arms. “Don’t cry,” she said, rubbing Shelley’s tears with her little hands.

  Clara suddenly grinned and Shelley frowned at her. “What’s funny?” she demanded to know.

  “Look at the colour of her hands,” laughed Clara. Shelley looked down at Jessica’s hands, black with soil, and she smiled through her tears as she hugged the little girl tightly. Shelley was very thankful for something to ease the tension in the room.

  “I think you need to go and wash your hands,” Shelley smiled, kissing Jessica on the cheek and brushing soil from her face. “What have you been doing?”

  Jessica grinned. “I made Daddy dinner,” she beamed proudly.

  Shelley frowned, looking towards the door as the butler re-entered the room. “Jessica made some lovely sandwiches,” he said, holding out the expensive china plate, covered in soil and leaves. Shelley grinned at Henry, who had turned his back to the window and was now smiling warmly at her from across the room.

  “Do you feel better?” he asked. Shelley nodded, pleased that Jessica had calmed the situation in her own inimitable manner. Clara immediately got up and moved away from Shelley as Henry approached. He sat beside her and once more took Shelley into his arms, making her instantly feel safe, cared for, and loved.

  “Everything’s going to be OK,” Henry soothed, and Shelley believed him. “We’ll send a telegram to your parents tomorrow. I’m just glad you felt able to confide in me—eventually,” he added with a frown.

  Shelley lowered her head in shame, but felt an immense sense of relief that she no longer had to lie to him. It had been hard, and her heart had ached to tell him the truth for so long. She gripped his hand and smiled.

  Jessica suddenly bounced off the bed and charged across the room to their butler. He towered over her and she jumped up in an attempt to reach the plate in his hands. Bending forward, he held it out, allowing her to examine the contents. Moments later she stamped her little foot on
the floor and scowled up at the butler.

  “Where’s my worms?” she demanded.

  He shrugged his shoulders and glanced towards Shelley and Henry, the corners of his mouth twitching.

  “I’m sorry, they must have run away,” he explained, as he fought to regain his composure.

  “Worms don’t run. They don’t have legs,” she pouted.

  Shelley grinned as she watched Jessica’s frown deepen.

  “Why don’t we go and make Daddy a nice sandwich,” the butler suggested, “with bread instead of leaves, butter instead of soil, and some ham instead of worms?” He raised his eyebrows as he looked at the wide-eyed youngster.

  Shelley pulled a face and climbed onto Henry’s lap. Cuddled close to him, she watched Jessica, who carefully considered the butler’s offer. Eventually her frown disappeared. “OK,” she said, grasping his hand and marching him out of the room. Shelley smiled when she heard their footsteps move down the staircase.

  Giggling and snuggling up to Henry, Shelley exclaimed, “Yummy, worm sandwiches!” Henry smiled and wrapped his arms around her. When she released her grip on him and sat up, he kissed her tear-stained—and now also soil-stained—cheek.

  Henry turned to Clara, who stood by the door, looking down at the carpet. “Clara, can you give us some space, please, I need to have a chat with Shelley?”

  Clara nodded, shot her friend a sympathetic glance, and quickly left the room.

  “I’m sorry,” Shelley whispered. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

  Henry nodded. “I know you’re sorry,” he said, cupping her butt cheeks in his hands, “but not as sorry as you’re going to be, young lady.” Shelley automatically winced and clenched her buttocks, fearful he was about to continue her spanking.

  “I don’t want you to catch a chill, so you’ll go to bed now and get some sleep. Tomorrow you will be spanked hard, first for deceiving me about your family situation, and second for not informing anyone where you had gone today. I was terrified something bad had happened to you,” he said with a shudder.


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