The Delinquent Bride

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The Delinquent Bride Page 18

by Carole Archer

  * * *

  When their evening finally came to an end, Lord Frederick suggested that perhaps it was time his daughter got some sleep before her big day. Everyone bid Shelley goodnight and went to their rooms, Clara and her mother carrying Jessica and Clara’s younger brother Thomas, who were already sleeping soundly.

  Shelley was finally left alone with her parents and they all hugged once more. “It’s good to be here to see you wed,” Lady Annabelle told her daughter. Shelley smiled. “It’s good to have you here.” Clutching her mother’s hand, she allowed her to lead her out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Lady Annabelle helped Shelley to undress and get into her nightdress. Normally Shelley would do this herself, or Clara would help her if she needed assistance with the fastenings on her dress or corset, but Shelley did not object as she acknowledged her mother needed to be with her tonight, and wanted to be able to do things for her. If Shelley was honest, it felt nice to have her mother fussing over her. She had missed it more than she had realised.

  Shelley sighed and rested her head against her mother, who sat on the bed beside her, stroking her hair gently. “I’m pleased Father seems to make you happy now too.” Shelley recalled the way her father often held her mother’s hand and kissed her now, something she had never witnessed him do in public ever before.

  Lady Annabelle smiled and shook her head. “Your father’s always loved me. He’s always made me happy, and he’s always been affectionate, but only when no one else was around. He is, or at least he was, a very private man, but I never for one second doubted his love for me. He loves you too, very much. He was brought up not to openly show affection, but that doesn’t make him a bad man.”

  Shelley nodded understandingly. “Oh, Mother, how could I ever have thought Daddy didn’t love me?”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore,” Lady Annabelle whispered, hugging her daughter tightly. “Everything turned out for the best, in the end,” she replied, turning her head as Lord Frederick entered the room.

  “Come on,” he told his wife. “Shelley’s has a very important day ahead of her, she needs some sleep.” Leaning down, he kissed Shelley on the cheek before pulling his wife to her feet and kissing her softly on the lips. Shelley smiled when she saw the faint pink blush rise to her mother’s cheeks as she clutched her husband’s hand and gazed at him lovingly. Guiding her out of the room, he turned the light out, leaving Shelley alone. Seconds later, Clara joined her, having settled the little ones into bed. Within minutes, Clara was sound asleep too.

  Shelley settled down in her bed and smiled brightly. She looked at her ring once more, barely able to believe that soon she would be leaving her home, to return later as Henry’s wife. She smiled and jumped out of bed, crossing the room and turning on the light. As she rummaged around in her wardrobes, cupboards, and drawers for some time, she woke Clara, who sleepily asked what she was doing.

  “Where’s my wedding dress? It was hung up in here earlier,” Shelley pouted.

  “Shelley, go to sleep. Your mother’s taken the dress to her room to keep it safe. You can get it in the morning.”

  Shelley grinned and ran along the landing, bursting into her parents’ room.

  Immediately as she stepped into the room, Shelley blushed and quickly walked back out, realising with horror that she had disturbed her mother and father in a rather intimate moment. Minutes later, her red-faced and dishevelled parents joined her on the landing. “What’s the matter? Couldn’t you sleep?” her mother asked anxiously. “Do you need me to sleep with you tonight? Were you having nightmares? Henry told us you suffered with nightmares for a while afterwards, but he assured us you were better now,” she fretted.

  Shelley shook her head. “No, Mother, I’m fine. I was just looking for my wedding dress.”

  Lord Frederick frowned and shook his head, before kissing his daughter on the cheek and returning to his bed. Lady Annabelle turned on their bedroom light and led Shelley into their room, where she went into one of her wardrobes and took out the beautiful white gown.

  “I don’t know why you couldn’t wait until morning,” her mother tutted, handing the dress to her.

  “Shelley,” said Lord Frederick, when she was about to close the door behind her.

  “Yes, Daddy?”

  “Be a good girl and don’t forget your manners. You must remember to knock next time, before you barge into a room,” he frowned. Lady Annabelle blushed and climbed into bed beside him.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Shelley giggled, turning out the light, closing the door, and rushing back to her own room, where she tried on the beautiful dress, twirled around in front of the mirror, and admired her reflection.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning Shelley woke bright and early. She literally bounced out of bed, hardly able to believe her long-awaited wedding day had finally arrived.

  She excitedly ate breakfast with her own family and Clara’s. Despite desperately wanting to get into her wedding gown and run to the church to become Henry’s wife, Shelley enjoyed spending time with her loved ones and chatting to them.

  When breakfast was over, Dexter hugged her close to him and wished her well. Clara and her family, and Jessica, all hugged and kissed her, as did Henry’s cook and butler, before finally she was alone again with her parents.

  Lord Frederick rose from his chair and took his wife’s hand. “Come on, dear. Let’s have a short stroll in the garden before we start to get ready,” he said, dragging his reluctant wife from the room.

  Shelley smiled at them. “Can I come?” she asked, beaming brightly when her parents let go of each other’s hands and reached out for her. She clutched their hands tightly as she took her final walk around the garden as a single woman. Grinned brightly at this realisation, she shared her thoughts with her parents, who were equally as happy for her.

  After walking around the grounds a couple of times, Lord Frederick led his wife and daughter towards Clara and Jessica, who were waiting at the door. He stopped and kissed Shelley on the cheek. “Go and get yourself ready for your husband. Make yourself even more beautiful than you already are, if that’s possible,” he whispered, stroking her cheek gently. Smiling, she kissed her father on the cheek, before throwing her arms around him and clinging to him. Her father gently stroked her back, encouraging her to release him and go get ready. Shelley reluctantly let go of her father and was immediately whisked off upstairs by her mother and Clara, who were eager to prepare her for her nuptials.

  As they headed up the stairs, Shelley heard the loud shriek that announced the arrival of Maurice and his flowers. She grinned, imagining the stresses he would be causing, and was relieved to be able to shut herself away from him for a little while.

  * * *

  Almost three hours later, Shelley walked slowly down the wide staircase that led into the hallway of their huge home. Her mother and father were waiting at the bottom. Shelley focused on them as she walked slowly down the staircase, smiling when she saw her father grip his wife’s hand tightly, watching her with so much pride on his face. She smiled at her mother, who was already crying.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you look more beautiful than ever,” her father whispered, as she approached him and took his hand, her long train following behind her. Lady Annabelle kissed her daughter on the cheek, quickly dried her tears, and gathered up Shelley’s train, as she prepared to help her out to the waiting car.

  Maurice handed Shelley’s flowers to her, kissing her on both cheeks. “You look fan-tas-teeque, and so will this house when you return,” he announced, turning and flouncing back into her home.

  Shelley smiled and headed towards the car, followed by the applause of the household staff, Clara, and her family. Shelley was thrilled when a coach pulled up and Clara, her family, Dexter, and Henry’s staff climbed aboard. She laughed when her mother awkwardly climbed onto the large vehicle and joined them, blowing her daughter a kiss and saying she would see her at church.

Shelley and her father climbed into the luxurious white car, decorated with pink ribbons, and she gripped his hand tightly as the car pulled away from the house and made its way towards the church.

  A short time later, Shelley walked down the aisle on the arm of her father. As they neared the front of the church, she squeezed his hand with relief when Henry turned and smiled at her. Letting go of her father’s hand, she clutched desperately at Henry’s. His smile widened before he kissed her gently on the cheek. “My darling, you look beautiful,” he whispered.

  Throughout the ceremony, Shelley gripped his hand tightly and gazed lovingly up at him. “I love you,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears when he slipped the ring onto her finger. “I love you too,” he responded. Moments later the vicar pronounced them husband and wife, and Shelley beamed with pleasure, closing her eyes when he kissed her tenderly.

  It was a beautiful autumn day, and they posed for photographs under the trees outside the church, and in the beautiful rose garden nearby, but Shelley was relieved when they finally got into the car to head home for their reception. Her face was starting to ache from smiling for so many photographs.

  * * *

  An hour later the wedding reception was in full swung. Shelley’s father and Henry had spared no expense in putting on a lavish celebration.

  Shelley looked around at the floral decorations and was thrilled that Maurice had done such a splendid job. She sought him out to thank him, and although it pained her to admit it, fully decorated with pink flowers and ribbons, his flamingo made a splendid focal point in the hallway.

  When she conveyed her thoughts to Henry, he raised his eyebrows and looked at it disapprovingly. And when Shelley teasingly suggested they should buy it from Maurice to keep as a permanent fixture, Henry told her in a menacing voice, “Every hour, beyond today, that that hideous piece of ‘art’ is in our home, will earn you a spanking. I promise that I will smack your bare bottom until it’s as pink as that thing’s feathers,” he warned.

  Shelley swallowed nervously and promised it would be removed immediately after the reception.

  Her father also eyed it dubiously. Shelley grinned when he raised his eyebrows sternly at her slightly tipsy mother, who reminded him it was called ‘Freddie,’ “just like you, darling.” Shelley giggled when her father shook his head and led her mother out into the garden for “a little fresh air.”

  Most of the male guests regarded ‘Freddie’ the same way her father and husband had, but many of the female guests gushed over it, and more so over its creator Maurice. He naturally revelled in the praise, continuing to flirt with the female guests even when his wife Valerie arrived to accompany him at the reception. Shelley smiled, guessing she must be used to him as she certainly did not appear to be unhappy.

  Shelley suddenly became concerned when a few minutes later her parents returned and her mother appeared to have been crying. “Mother, are you all right?” she asked, taking her hand. Lady Annabelle smiled brightly as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “I’m fine,” she reassured her, squeezing her daughter’s hand. “I think I’d just had a little too much champagne, and along with the emotion of the day I just got a bit giddy and needed some fresh air. Fortunately your father was there to help bring me back down to earth,” she added.

  Shelley frowned and looked at her father, who smiled warmly back at her. “Enjoy your day, Shelley. It’ll be over with before you know it. Don’t you be worrying about your mother, I’ll look after her,” he added, putting his arm around his wife’s waist and steering her away. “Now let’s go and find you a soft drink,” he suggested, guiding Lady Annabelle into the lounge where the two butlers were serving drinks. Shelley’s eyes widened in surprise as she watched her parents move away, and her mother reach back surreptitiously to rub her bottom.

  “It’s the secret to a lot of happy marriages,” a voice whispered in her ear. Shelley turned and smiled up at Henry, responding to his kiss and gasping when he fondled her buttocks. “Can we go to your room?” she asked, looking longingly into his eyes.

  “No!” Henry retorted, staring at her for a moment before breaking into laughter. “I’m impatient to take you to my bed too, but it would be very impolite to leave our guests.”

  “Please,” Shelley begged, looking at him imploringly. “It’s supposed to be our day. Surely we should be able to do whatever we want,” she scowled.

  Shelley gasped when Henry raised a finger in the air and whispered “one,” his other hand clutching at her wrist. “Do you need to go for a little walk in the garden, Shelley?” Her eyes widened and she glanced towards her parents, who were smiling happily, their drinks replenished. She couldn’t help notice that her mother now held a glass of orange juice.

  She turned back to Henry. “I’m happy to give you a reminder of how a young lady should behave,” he said solemnly. Shelley pouted, her jaw dropping when he held up two fingers in the air and shook his head. “Please don’t make me get to three, Shelley, not with all these people around.”

  Shelley froze, unsure if he was joking. Relief flooded through her when he smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips softly. “Be patient,” he whispered, patting her bottom gently and leading her through to the ballroom where their meal was about to be served.

  Shelley was having a wonderful day and at the end of a very tasty eight-course dinner, the invited guests sipped coffee and champagne and ate small chocolate truffles. Lord Frederick rose and tapped his spoon against his glass, and Shelley smiled when the room instantly hushed and everyone turned to look at her father. She noticed how much respect he commanded and realised that over the years she had showed him very little of it. She immediately regretted that and reached out to squeeze his hand affectionately.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered.

  Lord Frederick leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you too,” he said, in his loud booming voice that the whole room heard easily. Shelley gasped, still finding it hard to accept her ‘new father,’ who was not afraid of showing his emotions.

  Lord Frederick addressed the room and spoke lovingly about his only daughter. There wasn’t a dry eye when he talked about the fateful maiden voyage of the Titanic, and how the tragedy had ultimately led his daughter to true love.

  Lord Frederick proposed a toast “to the happy couple” before he handed over to Henry, and Shelley listened attentively as he spoke of his joy at finding love again.

  Henry held Shelley’s hand and looked into her eyes throughout his speech, telling her and the assembled gathering that he loved her more than life itself and would cherish her until the day he died. Shelley smiled brightly, delighted to have found the love she dreamed of. When Henry proposed a toast to “my beautiful wife,” Shelley blushed and tilted her head back to accept his kiss. Their guests applauded loudly and raised their glasses to her.

  Shelley then turned to her father and whispered to him. They talked in hushed tones for a few seconds until Lord Frederick finally nodded, kissed his daughter on the cheek, and rose to his feet. The room fell silent and all eyes were once more on Shelley’s father.

  “As we all know, it is certainly not traditional for a bride to make a speech at her wedding reception, but I think all of our friends here today will acknowledge that nothing my daughter does is traditional,” he said, looking at her with raised eyebrows. The room instantly filled with the sound of laughter.

  Lord Frederick turned to his blushing daughter, who rose to her feet and looked around, suddenly feeling very small. She trembled and shuffled nervously before gripping her father’s hand and looking at him.

  “Thank you, Daddy, for the lovely words you said. I owe you and Mother a huge apology for what I put you both through. If I could turn back the clock, I would. But on second thought,” she pondered, “there are so many things in my life that would not have happened had I not made that trip. I made a wonderful friend in Clara, and I gained the love of a good man,” she said, smiling at Henry.
/>   Shelley turned to Jessica. “I’ve also gained myself a lovely little stepdaughter, and I hope it won’t be too long before we’re giving her a baby brother or sister.”

  Jessica squealed with delight and clapped loudly.

  “Michelle Ellis was the woman who gave me the means to board the Titanic, while she stayed in England to marry her sweetheart. They showed me what true love was, and I vowed I would settle for nothing less.”

  Shelley glanced at Henry. “And I’m pleased to say I certainly have not,” she added, smiling brightly.

  Shelley kissed Henry before picking up her glass. “To true love,” she proposed, tears spilling from her eyes as all the guests rose to their feet, raised their glasses and echoed her toast.

  Henry took his wife in his arms and held her, kissing her tears away. When she took her seat again, feeling much calmer, her mother and father embraced her and told her they were very proud of her.

  With the speeches over, Shelley and Henry enjoyed their first dance together. Shelley clung to him tightly, not wanting to ever let go of him.

  “You were very brave making a speech,” Henry told her, smiling when he added, “if a little unconventional.”

  Shelley pressed her lips against his and grinned. “You wouldn’t have me any other way,” she teased, blushing when his hands gently rubbed her buttocks and he whispered huskily in her ear. Shelley gasped when her husband told her exactly which way he intended to have her when they were alone in their room later. “I can’t wait,” she whispered, gazing dreamily into his eyes.

  * * *

  As it was a bright September day, the party moved out into the garden. Shelley strolled around the spacious grounds with her new husband, never letting go of his hand, and her father approached and congratulated them both once more, telling Shelley he was so proud of her.


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