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Grand Pursuit

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by Sylvia Nasar

  of 1920s, 293, 296–97

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 73

  Think tank, 126–28

  Third Man, The (film), 404

  Time magazine, 397, 427

  Times of London, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53, 70, 119, 252, 258, 260, 307, 356

  Tobin, James, 330

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 72, 73

  Tourism, 18, 36, 40

  Egyptian, 182–83

  transatlantic, 74

  Toynbee, Arnold, 26, 64, 106, 306

  Trade Unions Congress, 432

  Treaty of Versailles, 231–32, 254–60

  Keynes on, 254–61, 290–91, 344, 357, 395, 406

  revision attempts, 259–60

  Trevelyan, G M., 122

  Trinity College, Cambridge, 447, 453–54

  Trollope, Anthony, 73, 96

  The Bertrams, 180

  The Vicar of Bullhampton, 53–54

  The Warden, 54

  The Way We Live Now, 159

  Truman, Harry, 396, 398, 402, 407, 419, 424

  Truman Doctrine, 401

  Tuberculosis, 146, 163–64, 206, 211, 253

  Tuchman, Barbara, 153

  Tugwell, Rexford, 323

  Twain, Mark, 188


  Ulam, Stanislaw, 417

  Underconsumption, 324–25

  Unemployment, 13, 30, 40, 61, 86, 110–13, 133, 135, 137, 273, 288, 310–11, 347, 356, 363, 379, 388, 392, 416, 417, 419, 423, 438

  Fisher on inflation and, 299–302, 320, 321

  Great Depression, 307, 309, 310–11, 313, 314, 315, 318, 320, 321, 327, 329, 331, 335

  insurance, 137

  of 1920s, 285, 286, 292, 293, 294, 296, 300–302, 304–305, 342–43

  of 1950s, 428

  post–World War I, 213, 225, 264, 285, 286, 292, 293, 294, 300

  World War II and, 362–63

  Unions, 33, 38, 60, 69–72, 89, 123, 129, 135, 137, 150, 228

  1874 farmworkers’ strike, 69–72

  of 1920s, 296

  Webb on, 126, 130, 132

  United Nations, 388, 392, 438

  Human Development Index, 458

  United States, 7, 33

  agriculture, 141, 156, 157, 162, 296, 323, 412

  British relations with, 139–41, 259–62

  Civil War, 140, 145, 160, 180

  Cold War, 389, 396, 402, 419, 424, 428, 444

  demobilization, 419–20, 424

  Democrats, 157, 323–24

  1890s depression, 153–59

  1896 presidential election, 156–59, 162

  gold standard, 161–63, 325–26

  Great Depression, xiv, 257, 262, 306–337, 347, 351, 362, 365, 366, 396–97, 414, 423

  Hayek in, 278–79, 399–402

  industry, 74, 76, 90, 140–44, 145, 147, 153, 155, 157, 295–97, 315, 361–64, 410–13

  Keynesianism and, 358–64

  late-nineteenth-century economy, 140–44, 147, 153–70

  Lend-Lease and, 359–62

  Marshall in, 72–78, 89

  Marshall Plan, 407, 424, 434

  military, 359, 362, 419–20, 424

  monetary debate, 159–63

  New Deal, 325, 326, 331, 336, 337, 363, 365, 385, 386, 397, 416, 419

  of 1920s, 274, 296–308, 374, 413

  1929 stock market crash, 280, 306–308, 312–13, 346

  1932 presidential election, 323–25

  1944 presidential election, 410

  of 1950s, 421–24, 426–31

  Panic of 1907, 183–85

  Paris Peace Conference, 244–60

  post–World War I, 210, 236–38, 244–61, 295–305

  post–World War II, 383–89, 395, 402–403, 409–424, 434–36

  productivity, 72–76, 89–90, 140–44, 155, 363

  Progressive Era economics, 145–70

  Republicans, 157

  Schumpeter in, 193–94, 274, 334–37

  science, 148

  society, 74–78, 142–44

  -Soviet relations, 400–402, 428

  stock market, 151, 185, 304–308

  twentieth-century economics, 278–79, 295–308, 311–26, 362–71, 374, 409–424

  wages, 141

  wartime prosperity, 383–85

  Webb in, 139–44

  World War I, 203, 295–96, 411, 412

  World War II, 354–71, 383–89, 394–95, 410

  U.S. Congress, 142, 325, 359, 360, 361, 369, 424

  tax legislation, 369–71

  U.S. Steel, 143

  U.S. Treasury, 359, 363, 368, 369, 397, 415

  Keynesianism and, 362–64, 371, 406

  University College, 79–80

  University of Berlin, 175, 176, 290

  University of Bonn, 271, 273

  University of Chicago, 315, 317, 349, 364, 365, 379, 403, 408, 414–15, 420, 445

  University of Graz, 193, 200, 215, 267

  University of Salzburg, 408

  University of Vienna, 172, 175, 187, 201, 275–76

  University of Wisconsin, 364, 367

  University Settlers Association, 51

  Urbanization, 165

  Utilitarianism, 458


  Veblen, Thorstein, 149, 261

  Victoria, Queen, 26, 34, 102, 111, 188

  Vienna, 23, 155, 172–76, 187, 193, 200–202, 205, 261

  electrification, 173–74, 213

  food shortages, 208–213, 219, 225, 246, 253–54, 264–65

  of 1920s, 262–74

  1924 stock market crash, 268–69

  of 1930s, 332

  post–World War I, 207–234, 264–66, 377

  rent control, 278, 279

  society, 172, 174

  World War II, 374–75, 403–405

  Viner, Jacob, 415

  Voegelin, Erich, 276

  Volcker, Paul, 425

  Von Neumann, John, 218, 418

  Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 417

  Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 418

  Voting rights. See Suffrage


  Wages, xiii, 5, 25–26, 34, 103, 132, 169, 170, 273, 321, 329, 438, 462

  American, 141

  gap between women’s and men’s, 197

  iron law of, 32–33, 34, 71

  Malthus on, 4–7, 38

  Marshall on, 63–65, 71–72, 80–83, 86–90

  Marx on, 36–41

  minimum, 130, 132, 135

  nineteenth-century British, 21, 25–26, 30, 33, 36–41, 60–61, 63–65, 71–72, 80–83, 86–90

  twentieth-century British, 289–90

  wages fund theory, 60–62

  Wages fund theory, 60–62

  Wagner, Richard, 159

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 148

  Walras, Leon, 145, 155

  Warburg, Max, 247, 258–60

  Washington Post, 307, 401

  Watt, James, 20

  Wavell, Lord, 450

  Webb, Beatrice Potter, 92–138, 139–44, 150, 190, 278, 283, 292, 296, 297, 299, 300, 311, 328, 334, 338–40, 435, 443

  Chamberlain and, 101–109, 112–13, 118

  Churchill and, 129–31

  The Decay of Capitalist Civilization, 338

  education of, 99, 100

  History of Trade Unionism, 129, 130, 132

  Industrial Democracy, 130, 132, 135

  Keynes and, 290, 340

  “A Lady’s View of the Unemployed,” 111

  The Minority Report, 134–35, 138, 311

  “Pages of a Workgirl’s Diary,” 118

  political salon of, 128–29

  as social investigator, 100–101, 102, 105, 109–120, 123, 130–38, 169

  Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, 340, 378

  Soviet Union and, 338–40

  Spencer and, 97–99, 100–102, 105–107, 119, 124

  suicidal thoughts, 97, 109, 113

  United States and, 139–44

  Sidney Webb and, 120, 123–38, 139–44

  on welf
are state, 131–38, 169

  as working girl, 116–18

  World War I and, 197, 205, 206

  Webb, Sidney, 120–38, 139–44, 190, 197, 283, 299, 300, 311, 338, 443

  History of Trade Unionism, 129, 130, 132

  Industrial Democracy, 130, 132, 135

  Weber, Max, 276

  Welfare, 6, 131–38, 149, 378, 383

  British, 6, 112–13, 131–38, 333, 420

  modern welfare state, 131–38, 169, 457

  post–World War I, 227

  post–World War II, 420, 454–60

  Sen on, 454–60

  Webb on, 131–38, 169

  Wells, H. G., 126–29, 130, 275, 293, 299

  The New Machiavelli, 126, 127, 128

  Wemyss, Rosslyn, 250

  Westminster Review, 50

  Wheeler, Burton, 358

  Wheeler, Donald, 444

  Whitaker, John, 73

  White, Harry Dexter, 318, 363, 368, 369, 391, 393–98, 405, 406, 411, 430

  Whitehead, Alfred North, Principia Mathematica, 202

  Whittier, John Greenleaf, Snow-Bound, 164

  Wieser, Friedrich von, 175, 191, 229, 231, 233, 275

  Wilde, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest, 240

  Wilson, Edwin Bidwell, 416

  Wilson, Woodrow, 144, 153, 236, 246, 394

  Fourteen Points, 259

  Paris Peace Conference, 236–38, 250–54, 259, 261

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 173, 201–202, 228, 274, 334, 405

  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 202, 344, 435

  Women, 58, 62–63

  American, 77

  economists, 66–69, 79–80, 109–138, 347–53, 426–45

  education, 62–63, 66–69, 79

  labor, 9, 26, 30, 116–20, 296

  London season, 91–92

  needlewomen, 30–31

  property rights, 33, 94

  rights, 33, 59

  social work, 100–101

  suffrage, 98, 119

  upper-class British, 91–138

  Woodhull, Victoria, 299

  Woolf, Leonard, 256, 299

  Woolf, Virginia, 56, 60, 205–206, 241, 287, 299, 316

  Mrs. Dalloway, 206

  To the Lighthouse, 206

  The Voyage Out, 205–206

  Working class, 15–18

  British, 15–18, 27, 29, 41, 57–62, 63, 87–88, 90, 106, 108, 129–31

  German, 214

  World Bank, 390, 402, 434

  World War I, xiv, 197–206, 242–44, 274–75, 295, 358, 378, 411, 412

  aftermath of, 207–234, 235–61, 387

  armistice, 207, 235, 246, 394

  casualties, 205

  debts, 210, 219–22, 228, 230, 244, 245, 259, 281, 320, 322, 356, 359

  economic impact of, 205–206, 207–234, 235–61, 285–86, 367, 387

  Paris Peace Conference, 231–32, 236–38, 245–61

  reparations, 231, 244–61, 281, 290, 407

  Treaty of Versailles, 231–32, 254–61, 290–91, 344, 357, 395

  veterans, 331

  World War II, xiv, 126, 354–71, 383–89, 438, 440, 449, 462

  debts, 387, 393

  economic impact of, 354–71, 374–79, 383–89, 397

  end of, 394, 396, 400–402, 410

  Friedman and, 367–71

  Hayek and, 354–55, 372, 374–79, 386

  Keynesianism and, 354–64, 371, 372, 405–407, 411

  Lend-Lease, 359–62

  reparations, 405–408

  Schumpeter and, 372–74

  WPA, 331


  Yale University, 144, 156, 326, 364, 421

  Fisher at, 145, 147–53, 158

  Yalta conference (1945), 398, 400, 403

  “The Yellow Book,” 293

  Young Hegelians, 17


  Zweig, Stefan, 211

  “The Invisible Collection,” 264

  Simon & Schuster Paperbacks

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  Copyright © 2011 by Sylvia Nasar

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  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

  Nasar, Sylvia.

  Grand pursuit : the story of economic genius / Sylvia Nasar.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. Economics—History. 2. Economists. 3. Economic history. I. Title.

  HB75.N347 2011

  330.15092’2-dc 232011024751

  ISBN 978-0-684-87298-8

  ISBN 978-0-684-87299-5 (pbk)

  ISBN 978-1-4391-9861-2 (ebook)

  The photo credits appear on pages 556–57.




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