Cowboy Pickup

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Cowboy Pickup Page 3

by Vonna Harper

  “No one’s laughing,” Tadd shot at him. “Shut up.”

  “It won’t happen again.”

  Tadd’s tense expression slowly faded. As she waited for him to turn his attention back to her, she noted a long, thin fresh scratch on his left forearm. Funny that seeing the half-healed injury could take her attention from the cock she had no doubt was going to wind up inside her. Cattle drives were often romanticized, but they were serious affairs, sometimes dangerous. The thought of Tadd getting injured shook her.

  She was still thinking about what he’d been doing when Tadd sat down. His erection fairly reached for her. Mouth dry now, she slid closer.

  “Ride it,” he ordered.

  Her blouse had crawled up so her back was exposed while she’d been getting rid of her boots and jeans and yet she still felt hot. Stifling air heated her breasts but to hell with it. Until Tadd told her to shed her top, she’d keep it on. A girl had to have a measure of modesty when she was in public, right?

  Not right.

  She knew most of the people in the Sidewinder. Soon she’d face them in daylight. If she was anyone except who she’d become this evening, she’d probably dread those encounters. However, she was too far gone, too revved up to care about anything except getting laid—by Tadd.

  Her attention once again locked on the man, she swung a leg over his and came down on his lap. She’d positioned herself so his cock pressed on her mons and was within easy reach. His mouth was scant inches from hers. She smelled hops on his breath. It would be so easy to kiss him, to give in to the impulse, but this moment was all about sex. Rutting.

  As she slid her fingers around his cock, he gathered her top in his working-man’s hands and yanked. Three simultaneous snaps let her know he’d dispensed with rest of the fastenings. Her breasts were exposed.

  “Holy shit,” someone muttered. “You guys going to get a room?”

  “Later,” Tadd said with his hands around her waist. “Right now, there’s no waiting in me.”

  Or in me, either, Loria silently admitted. She was wild, a stranger to herself. Free in ways she couldn’t begin to explain. Eager, impatient, ready.

  Mostly wild.

  His cock fit her hands, his sleek flesh like magic. Her pussy pulsed and burned. Unable to still the whimper in her throat, she leaned forward and rubbed her breasts against his chest, or rather against the shirt she longed to rip to shreds.

  Much as she hated letting go of his cock, she did, so she could haul his shirt out of the waistband. Then, duplicating his efforts, she gripped the fabric and yanked. The snaps parted. Licking her lips, she ran her hands over his chest.

  “Fuck it,” he muttered and splayed his hands over her buttocks.

  “We’re getting to that,” she managed. “But first, I want to handle the merchandise some more.”

  Laughter and scattered applause followed her announcement. Heat rising in her again, she positioned her hands so her knuckles were on his chest and traced lines from his collarbone to his underwear. In her mind’s eye, she clearly saw the dark, curling hair standing guard over his groin. She could probably pull the elastic over then under his cock, but that might prove uncomfortable for him. Content with what she could touch and see, she tested her self-control while rolling her knuckles over and around his chest. His hold on her buttocks tightened until she was certain his fingertips were leaving indentations in her flesh.

  No one stepped into their space. They were being given room in which to work, just not privacy. She, who’d never considered herself an exhibitionist, had offered her body up to whoever felt inclined to gape at it. A few of the customers might be so drunk they’d have no real memories of what they’d seen, but most would remember this for the rest of their lives.

  Didn’t matter because the act of touching and smelling Tadd kept her on the edge of sanity. She wanted one thing in life.

  To fuck him.

  To have him inside her.

  To prove something to both of them.

  Leaning over his erection again, she raked his shoulder with her teeth. Growling, he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back.

  “Damn you, woman. You’re going to draw blood.”

  “Good, because that way I can taste you.”

  His blink said he hadn’t expected that.

  “What’s the problem, cowboy?” the bold creature she’d become asked. “Got hold of more woman than you can handle?”

  “Oh, I can handle you all right,” he announced loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Then prove it.”

  “Show her what it is to be a real man,” someone said. “Hell, after watching you at work lately, I figure you just might have what it takes.”

  “Just might? It’s a sure thing.”

  She winked. “Words don’t mean anything to me. I’m interested in performance.”

  “So am I.” He slapped her naked buttocks.

  “What the fuck?” She raked his chest, leaving five reddened stripes. “You want to play rough, cowboy?”

  “There’s only one thing I want.” A stinging slap punctuated his every word. “And that’s you riding me. This can go easy or hard. I don’t care which.”

  “Hard works for me.” Not giving him time to guess what she had in mind, she bit the top of his shoulder. Okay, so she took care not to break his skin. Nonetheless, he had to realize she wasn’t messing around.

  He wasn’t the only one who could come up with a surprise.

  He made a rumbling sound low in his throat. “You said it, cowgirl. It’s too late for you to take it back.”

  “That was never a consideration. I’m in this for the long haul.”

  “She sure as hell is,” a man said. “You ain’t never going to have another chance like this.”

  “Maybe,” Tadd said, “maybe not.”

  His eyes were on fire, letting her know as clear and clean as she’d ever known anything that from now on it would only be the two of them. Before they were done, their bodies would become one. Their audience could talk about tonight for the rest of their lives if they wanted to. The participants couldn’t care less.

  “Bring it on. Give me everything you have,” she let her eyes say.

  His hands dug into her sides as he lifted her so she was no longer sitting on him, pulling her closer at the same time. She didn’t have to look down to know her pussy was over his reaching, straining cock. She dripped, couldn’t remember how to breathe.

  Holy shit! Let’s do this.

  Impatient, she planted her bare legs under her and slowly, carefully lowered herself onto him. Determined not to harm his cock, she slid a hand between their bodies and took hold of the base of his erection so she could guide the connection. His tip kissed her labia and she moaned.

  “Oh, fuck,” someone said. “I’m going home to my old lady. If she ain’t ready, I’m jerking myself off.”

  “You ain’t the only one,” another man said.

  Head back and hair trailing over her shoulders, Loria closed her eyes. Ignoring the strain in her thighs and calves, she lowered herself a little more. There was no doubt of what they were doing, and yet—and yet what?

  Didn’t matter. Only rutting did.

  His cock slipped past her drenched labia and started stretching her channel. Reminding her of what it meant to be a woman.

  “Hot damn,” Tadd muttered. “Oh, crap.”

  Yes. Oh, yes. “That your way of telling me you like it?” she asked.

  “You have to ask?”

  Of course she didn’t. Neither did she need to continue to brace his cock. She placed both of her hands on his shoulders and started moving down again. She’d kept her head level during their short exchange, but now the damn heavy thing fell back. Nothing mattered beyond the growing, deepening invasion. Gripping her thighs, he aided her journey. The burning sensation in her leg muscles increased.

  Even though he still had on his jeans, she gave the garment no thought until it rubbed against her buttock. H
is briefs stood as a barrier between her and his balls. She could haul both his jeans and briefs down around his knees, but that meant she’d have to get off him, and she wasn’t willing to do that.

  We can fuck like this. I have spoken!

  Silently laughing at her self-directed command, she settled fully onto him and tightened her inner muscles. He raked his nails lightly over her thighs.

  “What the fuck, they’re really doing it.”

  Oh yes, the audience. Blinking repeatedly, she looked around, but the faces were blurred. She settled her gaze on Tadd and made him her world. “You have to use your lasso out on the range, right, cowboy? Tie up some unruly livestock?”

  “Huh?” His throat flushed.

  “Come on.” She again tightened her sex. “I’m sure you can hear me. You don’t just carry a lasso for the heck of it. It gets used, right?”

  “Sometimes.” He frowned.

  “What else? You have a rifle and a pistol, a knife.”

  “Sure. Damn it, do you have to talk?”

  I’m trying to draw this out, enrich the memory. “I’m just curious about what you do when you aren’t fucking.”

  He and several others chuckled.

  “Tell you what,” he said, “next time I’ll take you with me. That way you’ll know what it’s like.”

  “I’d like that,” she whispered. Unwanted tears sealed her throat, and anything else she might have said died. Maybe he knew what she was thinking and was determined to take her thoughts elsewhere. Maybe he simply wanted to concentrate on what they were doing. Whichever it was, he arched his back and lifted his buttocks off the chair, shoving himself even deeper into her.

  He kept up the effort while she focused fully and joyfully on the slide of skin on skin. His cock pressed against the back of her channel, igniting spark after spark. Lost in the shared flames, she waited until the strain of maintaining his self-imposed pace slowed him. Then her gaze locked on his and she lifted herself off him a little.

  Taking him up with her wasn’t going to work since her juices coated both of them and made his cock too slippery.

  But there was another way, a measure of control she could exert for as long as her strength held out. Eyes again closed, she rose and came down repeatedly, going as fast as she could. His cock filled her, expanded her inner walls, became her world.

  “Damn, anyone got a camera?”

  “What for? So you can take notes on how it’s done?”

  Because those voices didn’t belong to Tadd, she didn’t care about them. The Sidewinder was air conditioned, and she’d probably get cold if not for his body. No matter how long he’d been here before she’d arrived, the air conditioning hadn’t stolen the day’s heat from him. As a result, she could feed off him. Close her hands around bone and muscle. Hold what made him a man deep inside her.

  Sweat trickled between her breasts to provide her with a reminder of how hard she was working. Need crawled onto her skin and burrowed deep. Wildly alive, she became a pussy and breasts, pounding heart and screaming nerves. The burning sensation on her thighs faded but whether that was because he’d stopped scratching her or her nerves were on overload, she couldn’t tell.

  Didn’t care.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” Tadd chanted.

  She noted his flushed cheeks and still-reddened neck. Electricity worked through her in waves, but she believed she still had time before her climax seized and shook her, time to lower her head and lick at his sweat. He tasted of salt and soap, proof that he’d taken time to clean up after finishing with the cattle.

  She licked again. “I like.”

  “You’re crazy, woman. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  “Not often enough.” That said, she nibbled on his nose.

  Her channel ached. Soon she’d be in pain, but if she didn’t continue to fuck him, they wouldn’t experience the ultimate sensation. Somehow, damn it, she had to find more strength.

  Thinking to change his alignment inside her, she leaned back.

  “Careful,” he warned. “There’s limits to how far I bend.”

  Instead of telling him she knew a few things about male anatomy, she put more distance between them, relaxing her grip on his cock a little. He slid a hand around her back and held her in place. Grateful for the support, she rocked forward and rubbed her nipples over his chest.


  She straightened. “Does that mean you approve?”

  “That means you’re making me crazy.”

  ‘Crazy’ seemed wonderful. Just the same, as she resumed the pumping motions, it was becoming more difficult to distinguish between pain and pleasure. Slowing, she panted, shaking her head as she did.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Are you out of shape?”

  “Never,” she said.

  “Are you sure? You’re looking pretty worn out.”

  “You complaining? If you don’t like it, I’ll leave. Pack up my clothes and boots, find a more appreciative cowboy.”

  “Yikes, you better not piss her off. Otherwise, it’ll be a long and lonely night for you. She’s got a ton of admirers in here.”

  Recognizing Crissy, Loria glanced in the direction the voice had come from. Her friend’s arms and legs were around the man who’d picked her up. Judging by Crissy’s expression, she was about to start laughing.

  “Listen to her,” Loria informed Tadd. Don’t look at your friend. If you do, you risk blowing it. “You’re not going to get better than me.”

  “Yeah? How about you prove it.”

  Giving him her version of a predator’s smile, she tried to bite his ear, but he jerked his head away and grabbed her left nipple.

  “Who’s calling the shots now?” he demanded.

  “I’d say this is a standoff.” Determined to prove her point, she pressed down with all her strength. His thighs ground against hers. More telling, his cock reached deeper. Touched places inside her that were desperate to be touched.

  So worth it.

  “Not quite a standoff. I’d say—” He flicked her nipple then took hold of it again. “This gives me a bit of an advantage.”

  “Oh yeah?” Brilliant, Loria, just brilliant. At a loss for words, she relaxed until his cock rested inside her. Her clit ached, prompting her to slide a hand between their bodies and run her fingertip over it. Shit. Good shit.

  “Hold on, lady. This ride’s reaching the end of the road.”

  Grateful for his take-charge tone, she nevertheless continued to stroke her nub. His grip on her nipple left her with no doubt that she couldn’t get free without risking pain or injury, not that she wanted to.

  No longer interested in making sense of their surroundings, she repeatedly tightened and relaxed her inner muscles while continuing to pleasure herself. Tadd’s breathing turned ragged and shallow while the air bursting from his lungs spilled over her.

  He started bucking at and into her. “Fuck it, fuck it.”

  That’s what we’re doing, she would have told him if she’d been able to put the words together.

  Her nipple was free. The burning sensation caused by restored blood flow seared a hard path to her pussy and forced a gasp from her. Grunting, Tadd planted his hands on the chair seat and powered forward. He came at her like a mad man, a charging bull.

  Nothing civilized.

  At the thought, she imagined that she was in a rodeo corral, clinging to a bucking Brahma, gripping the belly rope with all her strength, her other hand held high. The bull Tadd had turned into in her imagination bucked repeatedly, each movement fast and strong, full of energy and sex. He seared her pussy, branded it, ripped it apart and put it back together with every thrust.

  Yes, this was sex! Hard and raw, both of them panting, her crying out and him growling. She dug her fingers into his shoulders. Her head was back and her hair flew about while her breasts shook.

  The heat grew, centering on her clit yet spreading everywhere. Capturing her.

  “Oh, shit, shit!” s
he bellowed, sounding nothing like the woman who’d walked into the Sidewinder not long ago.

  His answering curse was deeper, fuller, and accompanied by muscles that were being forced to their limits. Although she wanted to reward him by closing her channel around his cock, she couldn’t concentrate enough to do so. He was fully in charge now, his strength far outstripping hers, sweat streaming from him and coating her.

  Turning her inside out, gloriously so.

  “Shit!” she exclaimed.

  He slapped her breasts. “What’s that about?”

  She made a feeble attempt to stop him. “Can’t—what—?”

  “Feel, damn it,” he commanded. “Don’t try to talk.”

  Her climax hit like a thunderstorm. Maybe a tornado or earthquake. Wind and rain shards tore at her flesh and her pussy melted.

  “Oh god, god.”

  “Fuck! Fuck!”

  His cum filled her, each wet wave more precious than the last. Even as her climax ripped her apart, she pressed her mouth to his. Thank you. Thank you.

  “Oh shit,” Tadd breathed. “Damn, shit.”

  Silenced by pleasure, she kissed him deeper, longer. Her body felt as if it was flowing against his. Her head pounded, but she didn’t care because she’d ridden her cowboy and his incredible cock was still inside her. Warming her.

  Letting her love him.

  * * * *

  Loria rearranged her top so it covered her breasts, not that it mattered because she hadn’t gotten around to putting on her panties and jeans. At least she’d positioned herself so the table afforded her a little privacy. Tadd had tucked his cock back where it had been before lust had taken over and was fastening his jeans. His hat was in place, his shirt gaping so she had a clear, clean view of his perfect-to-her chest.

  Her own breasts still on display, Crissy bent down and retrieved Loria’s jeans. “That’s it?” Crissy asked, winking. “The show’s over?”

  “You’ll have to ask him.” Taking her jeans from Crissy, Loria jerked her head at Tadd who stood inches away. “I’m fresh out of ideas for entertaining the crowd.”

  “Interesting,” Tadd muttered. He gave her a slow, head-to-toe examination. “I was thinking the same thing, that I’m done with showing off.”


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