Five Kingdoms: Books 01, 02 & 03

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Five Kingdoms: Books 01, 02 & 03 Page 13

by Toby Neighbors

  “Yes,” said the man in white. “What else can you tell us about him?”

  “That is all I know.”

  “I see. That does complicate things.”

  “How many Wizards do you think are roaming around the Five Kingdoms?” the Master snapped. He was growing angry, and the man in white recognized that as a bad sign. The Master of the Torr was not a man he cared to have angry with him.

  “You have a point.”

  “Yes, I’m glad you see it my way. If you come across any older Wizards, know that they are mine, but they are also expendable. Do whatever you must to complete this assignment.”

  “As always, we will not fail. Now, let us discuss the price of this request,” the man in white smiled broadly, revealing his filmy yellow teeth.


  Zollin couldn’t believe his eyes. For days they had traveled through snow and dead, grey vegetation which gave way to cold, grey stone. But what lay below them, like a jewel on drab velvet cloth, was breathtaking. There was grass and trees and a sparkling blue river. The Great Valley was wide, and the sun shone so bright that it was brilliant, making Zollin squint. Snow was falling and starting to dust the tall pines and spruce trees. In the distance, they could see a small town with people and animals. It was only a small village, but it was the first sign of civilization the group had seen since they had left Tranaugh Shire.

  “Oh my,” said Brianna. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s amazing,” said Mansel.

  “It’s the Great Valley, and that is Brighton’s Gate,” said Quinn.

  They were safe, at least for a season, and so they mounted their horses and rode down into the valley, leaving the death and fear of the last few weeks behind them.

  Book II

  Brighton's Gate

  Chapter 14

  Zollin wanted to run, but he was too tired. Instead he climbed on his horse and started down into the valley. They followed the Zimmer Trail as it wound down into the tree lined hillside. Once in the trees, they could no longer see the river or the village beside it, but they were happy just the same. They were still cold, still hungry and exhausted, but hope now burned in their hearts and they felt more alive.

  At midday, they ate the rest of their rations. And then, after a long afternoon, they rode out of the trees and into a long stretch of farmland. The Great Valley’s soil was rich and dark as it lay fallow. The snow had not quite covered it, and it stood out in contrast against the powdery whiteness of the snow. Clouds had rolled in and a gray pallor had settled in the valley. Heavier snow would fall that night, but for now, it still drifted lazily, like water spilling from a bucket that was too full.

  At twilight, they came to the edge of the village. There was smoke rising from the chimneys of the small stone cottages. The animals had been settled into stalls or barns, with lots of fodder so that they would not need tending for several days. The village was quiet – the only sound was that of their own horses' hooves crunching the newly fallen snow.

  “It seems so quaint,” Brianna said.

  “And quiet,” Mansel said.

  “Looks like everyone is settled in for the night,” Quinn said.

  “That sounds wonderful,” Zollin said.

  “That and a good, hot meal,” said Mansel.

  “I’d not say no to some mulled wine,” Quinn agreed.

  “Or a hot bath,” Brianna said.

  All those things that he had taken for granted all his life now sounded like luxuries to Zollin. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of it. There were two Inns, one tall and quiet, the other long and low with bright light spilling out of the frosted windows. There was music and laughter that could be heard in the street. They reined in their horses and climbed down.

  “We are a family,” Quinn said. “We’re looking for a place to settle. Let’s not mention what happened in Tranaugh Shire.”

  “What if word has arrived ahead of us?” Zollin asked.

  “We’ll deal with that if we have to. Do you have the coins I gave you?”

  Zollin nodded while he reached into his pack. There wasn’t much, but it was enough to give them shelter for a few days in the Inn. After that, they would have to figure something else out.

  As Zollin handed Quinn the coins, a man came bustling out of the Inn. He was heavyset with red checks and a thick handlebar mustache that was well oiled and combed.

  “Visitors to Brighton’s Gate, I see,” he said in a loud, jovial voice. “You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Valley Inn. My name’s Buck. I’ll take your horses and you can warm yourselves inside by the fire.”

  They all smiled and handed their reins to the man. He hurried off around the Inn while Zollin and the others ducked inside the low doorway. The common room of the Inn was a long room with rough hewn wooden benches. There were men and women seated along the benches, and the air was permeated with the smell of food, wine, and pipe smoke.

  “Look at you,” came a voice from a short, pleasant-looking woman. She had bright red hair tied back into a bun and wore a long apron over her woolen dress. “You all look nearly frozen. Come with me,” she ordered.

  They obeyed as she led them to a place close to the fire. The warmth felt so good to Zollin that he could have lain down on the wooden floor and slept right there. But then his stomach rumbled and reminded him how hungry he was.

  “I’m guessing you’ll be wanting rooms?” she said expectantly.

  “Yes,” said Quinn. He held out two silver coins to the woman. “One room for my daughter and me, one for my sons, and we’d like supper.”

  “And a bath I wouldn’t suppose,” said the woman. “Well, this will more than cover that. You sit and warm yourselves. I’ll send mulled cider over and have Viv start heating water for the bath. Snow’s coming and I don’t think you’ll be wanting to move on too soon. Can you afford a few days?”

  “We can work,” Quinn said. “I’m a carpenter and the boys are apprentices.”

  “If you’re skilled, you can find work. The Gateway Inn caught fire a few months back. They can certainly use some help getting it back together.”

  “That would be fine,” said Quinn.

  “Sit, relax. My name is Ollasam, but everyone calls me Ollie.”

  “I’m Quinn,” he said.

  They sat down and soon had cups of warm cider in their hands. The drink was rich, and soon Zollin felt his face flushing, the alcohol hitting his empty stomach and then going right to his head. Then food was brought out, fresh bread, cheese, beans in a thick sauce, and cabbage. The food was delicious, and they all had seconds before they felt satisfied. Brianna took the first turn in the bath, then Zollin, who was having trouble keeping his eyes open now that he was warm and well-fed.

  A young girl about Brianna’s age led Zollin to a room that was warmed by a wood stove and furnished with two small beds and a tiny table with stools rather than chairs to sit on. The girl offered to wash his clothes, and he promised her a coin if she could wash all their clothes. Then he climbed into one of the beds and fell instantly asleep.

  The next morning, Zollin woke to Mansel’s snoring. He found his clothes washed and folded just inside the door. He dressed quietly and then took up his staff and headed out to find his father. He knew that Quinn had probably enjoyed too much wine after supper, but he also knew his father would never sleep when there was work to be done. In the common room, he found Quinn talking quietly to another plump man who was wearing a heavy wool coat with fleece showing along the edges. Zollin went to the fire and was met by the serving girl from the night before.

  “Thank you for cleaning our clothes,” he said to her as she handed him a mug of fresh milk, still warm from the cow.

  “It was no trouble at all.”

  “No, it was,” Zollin replied. “Let me just get you a coin.”

  “Your father paid me well, Zollin,” she said smiling.

  “You know my name?”

  “It’s winter and the Gate’
s a small place. I imagine most everyone knows everything hereabouts.”

  “I see, but I don’t know yours,” he said, smiling.

  “Ellie. Ollie’s my mother. She and father have run the Inn for years. My grandparents built it.”

  “It’s very nice.”

  “Well, actually the Gateway is a much nicer place, but since the fire, we’ve had plenty of business. I guess Master Quinn’s going to change all that. He’s talking to Norwin, who owns the Gateway.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Zollin said.

  “No, don’t be. The Gateway’s a good place, and we’ll need both Inns up and running by summer. But here I am prattling on when I should be getting your breakfast.”

  “No, that’s okay,” Zollin said, but Ellie was already off toward the kitchen.

  “It seems like you’re making friends,” said a voice behind Zollin.

  He turned to see Brianna and his breath caught in his throat. She had combed her hair till it was shinning, her face had color, and her dress was clean. She looked thinner than she had on her wedding day, but just as beautiful. Zollin was suddenly embarrassed. He had been friendly with the girl, but he hadn’t really been trying to be.

  “Just being polite,” he said.

  Brianna merely raised an eyebrow and sat down beside Zollin. After a minute, Ellie returned with a tray that had two steaming bowls of oatmeal and another mug of milk. She set it all on the table in front of them, along with a jar of honey. They ate all the oatmeal and drank the milk. Zollin was beginning to feel his energy returning.

  Mansel still hadn’t shown up when Quinn finally finished talking to Norwin and joined Zollin and Brianna.

  “Well, we’ve got work,” he said. “Brighton’s got a carpenter, but he's busy making barrels for ale to be sent down river. We can rebuild the Inn, and Norwin’s agreed to pay our room and board here with a little extra coin to line our purse when we’re through.”

  “That’s good news,” Zollin said.

  “Great news, actually,” Quinn said. “We’ll be able to work right away since it’s mostly indoor work, and we can push on if we need to as soon as the passes open up.”

  Brianna smiled. “What shall I do?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure. Have you got a trade?”

  “I can sew a little, but I’ve never trained to do anything.”

  “Well, you can’t help us much,” Quinn said. He continued thinking out loud but Zollin was no longer listening.

  The door had opened and a man quietly entered the room. He was tall and lean, wearing a snow-covered cloak and a large round hat with a drooping brim. His appearance was ordinary, but Zollin noticed immediately that the man radiated magic. He ignored Zollin, but it was obvious that he had come seeking the young Wizard. Zollin knew that even before the Inn Keeper approached him with a look of surprise. He ordered breakfast and paid with a coin, then sat at the far end of the common room and watched Zollin with obvious sidelong glances.

  “Excuse me,” Zollin said, getting to his feet.

  “Well, don’t go far,” Quinn said. “We’ll need to inspect the Gateway Inn soon. Why isn’t Mansel up?”

  “Probably because he tried to keep up with you in wine cups,” Zollin said, smiling. “He was snoring peacefully when I left him.”

  Zollin stepped away from their table and walked across the room toward the man who was waiting for his breakfast. He deliberately walked past the man, who hadn’t looked at him once as he approached, a fact that Zollin recognized as someone trying too hard not to be noticed. He stepped into the hallway just out of sight and waited for Ellie to bring the man his food. When she had served him and was returning to the kitchen, he called out to her.

  “Pssst,” he whispered.

  Ellie was almost at the kitchen door when she hesitated. Zollin hoped the man hadn’t noticed. Then she came into the hallway. Her face was glowing with excitement and Zollin noticed that it wasn’t an unpleasant face.

  “You’ve become a very popular person,” she said with a giggle.

  “He asked about me?”

  “Yes, Master Kelvich is his name. I can’t believe he’s here. I’ve only ever seen him come to the Inn once, when I was a little girl.”

  Zollin started to say that she was a little girl now, but he stopped himself short of actually saying it out loud. And even as the thought was crossing his mind, he saw that she wasn't as young as he thought. She was probably Brianna’s age, marrying age. Zollin flushed and was thankful that the hallway was dimly lit.

  “What did he want?” Zollin asked.

  “He wanted to know when you arrived and who all was with you.”

  “Did you tell him?”

  “Yes, I didn’t see the harm in it,” she said, and there was a note of worry in her tone.

  “Of course,” he said, trying to reassure her. “It’s no big deal. What does he do?”

  “No one knows,” she said softly, moving closer to him. She had to look up, and he couldn’t help but look into her large brown eyes. His breath grew shallow and he could hear his heart beating loudly in his ears.

  “He lives in a little stone cottage near the forest. He rarely comes into town. He has no family, no real friends. He’s sort of the town mystery,” she said excitedly.

  “Okay, thanks for your help,” he said.

  She smiled and then hurried away. He felt bad. He didn’t want to lead her on, but she was attractive and he liked her attention. There was certainly no crime there, he told himself. Then he forced the thoughts from his mind. The man sitting alone, Master Kelvich she had called him, was a magic user, although his power felt different somehow. It was both strong and at the same time distant. Zollin was determined to find out what it was.

  “Ahhhhhh,” Mansel yawned, as he walked up behind Zollin. “Good morning.”

  “Yes,” Zollin said a little loudly, having been surprised by Mansel’s quiet approach. “Morning,” he said in a more normal tone of voice.

  “I hope breakfast is as good as dinner,” said the young apprentice.

  “I hope Quinn lets you eat,” Zollin said smirking. “He’s been hired to rebuild the Gateway Inn and he’s anxious to start. He’s been looking for you.”

  A pained look crossed Mansel’s face and he hurried into the common room. Zollin waited several more minutes, unsure of exactly what to do. At last he decided he needed to face this man Kelvich – if he didn’t he would have no rest while they were in Brighton’s Gate. Still, he didn’t want to make a scene in the Inn. He would have to go out to the man’s cottage, and he had an idea of just how to do it.

  Chapter 15

  “Father, I was thinking,” Zollin said as Mansel wolfed down his breakfast.

  “Yes,” Quinn said slowly, suspiciously.

  “The passes haven’t closed yet, have they?”

  “Well, there was some snow last night, but…”

  “But not enough to stop someone who was determined to follow us into the Great Valley?”

  “That’s true enough.”

  “So, I was thinking I would ride out to keep an eye on the pass today.”

  “There’s a storm coming soon, it’ll close the passes soon enough,” Quinn said.

  “Yes, but let’s face it, I won’t be much help to you in the Inn.”

  “That’s true,” said Mansel with his mouth full.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Brianna stated thoughtfully.

  Zollin smiled at her, but she ignored him.

  “Well…” said Quinn.

  “And I’ll go with him,” she said.

  “What? No,” Zollin said. “It’s too dangerous. You should stay here and rest.”

  “Too dangerous? I survived this long.”

  “Thanks to Zollin,” Mansel said, smirking. “If he hadn’t saved you, you’d be cooked well done.”

  “That’s enough,” Quinn said sharply.

  Brianna looked at Zollin but he looked at the table and spoke softly.

��It’s going to be cold. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “If you can do it, so can I.”

  “Alright, let’s get ready.”

  They all rose from the table except for Mansel.

  “Wait, I’m not finished yet,” he said, stuffing his mouth with more food.

  Quinn rolled his eyes. “Times wasting, let’s move.”


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