A McKenzie Christmas

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A McKenzie Christmas Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  The items the children were going to leave for Santa were spread out on the kitchen table so that they could make their own Santa plates to save squabbling. The apple pies and applesauce that she was taking to her in-laws the following day were in the utility room so they could be kept cool. Lily had been delighted when Pippa had been talked into letting her daughter-in-laws help with the Christmas meal.

  Pippa loved to do everything and was like a one-woman army when she wanted to be, but herself and Carla had explained to her that they felt useless not doing something. Pippa had finally agreed, so they’d each picked something to do. And when Lily had mentioned it to Rosie and Sabrina, they’d also insisted on making something.

  Michael had been the first one to fall and she had really enjoyed watching his brothers chase their tails between their legs. She loved her sister-in-laws and always looked forward to Sabrina being back in town, who had been her best friend for years before Lily had met Michael. She no longer felt lonely or as if something was missing. Michael and their children filled whatever void had plagued her life until she’d met him and his family...no, her family, now…completed everything else.

  But now, as she heard jingle bells being sung downstairs, she smiled and pressed a hand to her chest in delight. The singing grew louder and then they were there, standing in the kitchen doorway.

  Charlotte started to giggle, and her brother, Michael Jr., gave her a friendly shove before he also fell over laughing. They looked so cute in their elf pajamas, and Sirena matched in her elf romper. Michael had a Santa hat on his head and a beautiful grin. His eyes lit up when they settled on her.

  She walked over to him, and curved her hand around his neck to bring him down to meet her lips. Her husband never had a problem with that. He slipped a hand around her waist and tugged her closer as he bent his head and sealed their lips together.

  The noise of their children caused him to pull back slightly, and with a smile, filled with so much love, he gave her one quick kiss before he released her so that she could go to the twins.

  They both wanted up in her arms but she could no longer lift them together now that they were older. So she distracted them by giving them each a kiss on the cheek before she helped them into their chairs at the table.

  “Make sure you only put one of each onto the Santa plates, okay, guys?” She told them as she pushed the plates closer to their eager hands.

  While she watched over them with one eye, she came back to Michael and wrapped her arm around his waist, snuggling close. Sirena started to wiggle so she placed a hand on her tummy to tease their young baby.

  “You sit at the table with the twins and I’ll warm her a bottle.” She smiled and kissed his cheek before doing her task.


  Michael sat next to Charlotte and smiled as she guzzled her chocolate milk.

  Three years ago he had no idea that his future held a beautiful wife and three beautiful children. Both him and Lily wanted a large family, but he’d be happy if they stopped at three. He hated seeing Lily so uncomfortable with a huge swollen belly, even though knowing she carried his child was the biggest turn on. Lily never complained and always said it was worth it in the end. He had to agree it was worth it, he just hated the worry that came with it. His wife, when she’d been in labor, had complained that all he had to do was get his rocks off, and his job was done. She’d certainly had the maternity staff amused, and had apologized to him when she’d remembered what she’d said.

  He loved her and who knew what the future held, but right now, he had a wiggling baby in his arms and a bottle of warm milk to feed her.

  It didn’t take long for Sirena to feed and fall asleep in his arms, so he laid her down in her bassinet in the living room and joined his wife and twins on the sofa. Lily produced a book that she wanted to be one of the family stories for a few years until the children became older and would sit through The Little Match Girl.

  Sebastian finished getting the fire going in the hearth and turned to find his wife was already sitting comfortably on the sofa. She had a pair of his thick socks on her feet and smiled softly at him when his lingering gaze finally landed on her face.

  His love for her only grew stronger each day, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. She made him whole and made him crave the family that had already started to grow in her womb.

  “Come sit with me.” Carla held her hand out to him, and he didn’t hesitate to take it and settle down beside her.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest where she’d settled.

  They laughed when, the next minute, Buttons jumped up onto the sofa, or rather tried. She fell back to the floor so Carla moved to pick the mewling animal up before she settled back down again. The cat started to purr and settled on his chest, but in the curve of Carla’s neck. Buttons looked so damn cute curled up asleep that it was hard not to pet the thing.

  “Isn’t she sweet?” Carla wanted him to agree, and chuckled when he grunted. “Don’t listen to him, Buttons, he’s a big softy.”

  He listened to his wife as she continued to talk to the cat, and smiled. She was nuts, but he loved her, and yeah, he liked the cat. It was damn cute, but he didn’t want his wife to know that he felt that way.

  The logs crackled in the hearth, and he realized that he’d never felt more content than he did right then. He had the woman he loved in his arms and a baby on the way. He tried to keep his overactive libido in check because it was Christmas Eve and he wanted to sit quietly and just think. He didn’t know what he really wanted to think about, but the coziness of it all was nice.

  And then his wife stroked, back and forth, across his belly and his good intentions started to go out the window as his dick swelled with arousal behind his zipper.

  Carla snickered and placed her hand on top of him. “Sorry, I just wanted to see how easily I could arouse you.”

  Was she serious?

  “Babe, I only have to look at you and I’m hard as fuck. Tonight, I was trying to behave while we sat in front of the fire.” He removed her hand and placed it on his chest beside the kitten.

  “We’ll have lots of other Christmas Eve’s where we’ll have to behave.” She purred against him. “This is our last Christmas Eve with just the two of us. Next year, we’ll be celebrating with our son or daughter.” Carla placed her hand to her stomach. “I can’t believe there is a tiny life growing inside me.”

  She was right. He’d be a daddy next Christmas Eve, and Carla a mommy. Their lives would change, but for the better. He’d really have to curb his sexual appetite for his wife when the baby arrived, but he wasn’t an adolescent. He’d manage.

  “I think that I need to keep you permanently naked between now and you giving birth so I can get rid of all my sexual need.”

  Carla sniggered. “Constant sex for the next seven months won’t get rid of your sexual need, that I can guarantee you.”

  “I think we should try.” He struggled to keep his face straight.

  “Hmm,” Carla glanced away and he frowned.

  One minute she was teasing him and the next, she was serious. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He brushed the hair behind her ear, and cupped her jaw.

  When she didn’t answer or look at him, he tilted her head back to look at her. “Carla, you have me worried.” He met her gaze and the tears that hovered on her lashes.

  He placed the kitten on the blanket beside him, and turned fully to his wife.

  “What if you don’t like me when I have a big belly? You might not want to make love to me then.”

  His eyes popped wide. “Oh God, Carla. I love you. There is no way on this earth that I won’t ever want to make love to you. You keep me constantly horny.” He cupped her face. “I’m impatient to see you swollen with our child, knowing that it’s me who got you that way.” He grinned. “Don’t for one minute think that I won’t want you.” He kissed her then.

  Every single word he spoke was the truth. He love
d her and couldn’t wait to see their child growing inside her belly. And then he remembered reading something, “Besides,” he added, “apparently pregnancy hormones can make you horny. More so than usual.” He wiggled his brows, wanting to lighten the mood.


  Carla chuckled at her husband. She knew he loved her and couldn’t keep his hands off her, and deep down she knew that would never change. She’d just been thrown for a loop being told that she was pregnant when it hadn’t been planned. She was happy and looked forward to being a mommy to the little bean she had in her belly; she just hadn’t expected it for a few more years. She was surprised really that she hadn’t gotten pregnant before then with how her husband couldn’t leave her alone. She couldn’t complain because she was just as bad, and, quite often, she’d dress to tease him knowing that he wouldn’t be able to ignore her.

  “Sebastian, I think you should give me one of those Victoria’s Secret packages early so you can see what it looks like. I mean, we won’t have time tomorrow morning for a fashion show.”

  Her husband groaned. “I’m not sure seeing you in hardly anything is going to work with my quiet night by the fire.”

  She grinned and rolled her eyes. “It will still be a quiet night by the fire, and it will be slow,” she breathed against his mouth, “long and slow.” She placed her hand in his lap, and smiled while she kissed him at the feel of his arousal as he hardened against her.

  “You make it hard for me to refuse.”

  They both chuckled at his choice of words.

  Carla loved the feel of her husband naked, which was why she couldn’t wait and quickly unfastened his jeans. Her sigh of pleasure was captured in his mouth when his cock was freed and in her hand.

  “I love you, Sebastian, and tonight I’m going to show you how much.”

  It was Christmas Eve and Ruben felt like a child about to open his presents, eager and excited. He’d done so well with Rosie not having a clue as to what he’d been up to. He only hoped that it stayed that way for a bit longer.

  While he cleaned the snow from his truck, Rosie was inside doing some last minute wrapping. She’d already wrapped the presents for the staff, which had been left in the staff room for after they finished their shift. Rosie was under the impression that he’d finished up with her presents. She’d soon find out that he hadn’t.

  They’d both had enough of living above Kenza, and although Rosie never complained and constantly told him she was happy wherever he was, it was time to move out. That, of course, was where his surprise came in.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ruben whipped his head around at the surprised question from Rosie. She stood silhouetted in the doorway in her boots and winter jacket.

  “I’m clearing the truck so we can go out.” He hid his smile as he knocked the snow packed against the back wheels.

  “Out? It’s Christmas Eve.”

  “I know, and that’s why we’re going out.” Ruben stopped, and grinned at his beautiful wife. “I want to show you your Christmas present.” He walked closer and stood a mere foot away.

  Rosie wiggled her brows and laughed, her eyes glanced at his crotch. She liked his kind of present.

  “You’ll get that present much later, but, for now, you need to get into the truck so I can drive you there.”

  He could tell by the way her eyes lit up that she was excited, but it was clear that she didn’t want to let on just how much. He grinned, excitement running through him, and stayed silent.

  He helped her into the cab of his truck, and smiled to himself as he joined her, before he pulled out from the back of the club.

  Everything was closed tight for the night, and Kenza would be soon. He’d agreed to close the doors at eleven so that his employees could go home to their families and friends to spend Christmas morning with them. That’s the one thing about owning a business, being fair to the people who worked for you.

  “How far is it?” Rosie asked.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirked, and laughed when Rosie fidgeted in her seat with excitement.

  As he turned onto the snow-covered street, Rosie perked up and glanced at him and the darkened house on the corner that they headed toward. He pulled into the drive without saying a word, and turned the engine off.

  Rosie turned to him, her mouth opened and closed without a sound coming out.

  He smirked and walked around to open her door. His arms went around her and under her legs as he hauled her out into the snow.

  Once she was on her feet, he took her hand and led her to the porch. Taking the key from his pocket, he unlocked the front door and lifted his wife back into his arms. He carried her over the threshold, and smiled. “Merry Christmas, Baby. Welcome to our new home.”

  She started to cry, and he freaked.

  Had he got it wrong? Did she not really like the house?

  He walked over to the stairs and sat on them with Rosie in his arms. She wrapped hers around his neck and sobbed her heart out. He couldn’t speak. He had no idea what to say anyway, so all he did was hold her tightly against him as his neck grew wet from her tears.

  After a few minutes, Rosie pulled back and used the Kleenex she was offered. “You bought us a house?” She sniffled.

  “I did. I thought you loved this house.”

  Rosie put her hand over his mouth so he couldn’t say anything else.

  “I love this house, and I love you. I never in a million years expected to live here, but you bought it for us.” Tears threatened again. “Thank you.” She started to cry again.

  He hated seeing tears on her beautiful face, and never knew what to do to calm her down. He hoped after her words that they were tears of happiness.

  “Rosie, are you sure this is the house you want?”

  She started to laugh. “I promise you, this is the most amazing Christmas present ever. I don’t think anything will ever top this.” She kissed him slow, and long. “When can we move in?”

  “Whenever you want.”

  “Hmm, so it’s ours already and you haven’t just borrowed the key?”

  What was she saying?

  “Because,” she climbed from his lap and unzipped her jacket, “I think we need to christen the stairs…now, Ruben.”

  He didn’t need telling twice.

  While Lucien had gotten Alexander ready for bed and given him his bedtime feed, Sabrina had put the finishing touches to their Christmas Eve dinner. She’d cooked beef stew and dumplings, which would be followed with a light chocolate mousse—Lucien’s favorite.

  She still worried about her husband, but they’d been in Lexington for a couple of days and he already seemed in a lighter mood. It was as though his worry had fallen away now that he was close to his family. She didn’t really know how she felt about that because she was his family.

  Her husband wasn’t only layered with scars; he had so much depth that it scared her sometimes. They’d had a very bumpy start that had lasted a good while, but once he’d taken her to his house in Denver, everything had come together. Now she wasn’t too sure what was going on with him. She knew what he told her, but getting anything out of him was like getting a tooth pulled at the dentist—painful.

  The meal was now out on the table, and her one glass of wine for the evening poured.

  Instead of waiting for Lucien to appear, she decided to slip down to their son’s bedroom and watch her two men together. The socks on her feet meant that she didn’t make a sound and as she approached, she heard Lucien as he whispered to their son. She couldn’t make out what he said, but as she peered around the corner, he had a book on his lap. He’d glance at their son in his arms and then back to the book as he read him a Christmas story, and her heart melted.

  Lucien glanced up and noticed her, the smile on his face, the one he reserved for her, was radiant. At that moment she knew that there had been no reason to worry. Her husband felt true happiness with them, and if she was honest with herself, they were both
happier for being back in Kentucky.

  He stood and placed their son in his crib and with one last glance, walked toward her. Sabrina’s heart felt so full that it might burst with the look on his face. He cupped her face between his hands and tenderly caressed along each cheekbone. He backed her out of the room and kissed her. He kissed her long and deep until her knees started to buckle and her toes curled with delight.


  Lucien had seen the look on Sabrina’s face when he caught sight of her before she’d masked it into a smile. She’d been worried, and he knew he had caused it. If he hadn’t voiced his worry at his wife’s urging, then she wouldn’t have had more to worry about.

  He broke the kiss, and smiled when she moaned and tried to capture his mouth with her own. “More.” She kissed his chin and moved down to his neck and collarbone.

  “Let’s go eat, and talk, because I can see the worry in your eyes.”

  She dropped her head to his chest and he felt her inhale against him.

  “You smell good. You always do.” Sabrina smiled up at him and let him take her hand as they walked to the table that she’d set out beautifully.

  The table was black marble, and Sabrina had placed green napkins down to match the red plates. He smiled. She’d obviously done some shopping because he only remembered having black plates and dishes in the cupboards.

  “You like?” She smiled, and urged him to take his seat.

  She’d made his favorite dish and served it with potatoes. His belly rumbled at the sight, but he found that he couldn’t eat just yet. He needed to make Sabrina realize that he really was all right. He took a sip of wine and said, “I love you.”

  He was glad that he’d caught her off guard. Oh, she knew that he loved her but it wasn’t something he usually just blurted out.

  “Back in Denver, I suffered from anxiety, Sabrina. It was an accumulation of my life being turned upside down, and for the better. Once we arrived in Lexington, and I mentioned to you about moving back here, everything seemed to fall in to place.”


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