SOLD: Jagged Souls MC

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SOLD: Jagged Souls MC Page 59

by Naomi West

  She didn’t want to escape.

  Fuck me, she wants this as much as I do. I looked down into her eyes and felt myself drowning, lost in the beautiful spirals of emotions I found inside. The fear I saw sent thrills through every inch of me, but there was also something else. It burned brighter than a fire deep within her eyes. I held her wrists with one hand as my fingers brushed against the skin of her cheek; she felt hot under my touch.

  But she didn’t look away. Her eyes kept in contact with mine, alight with what could only be desire.


  I collapsed into her, pressing hard against her body. My mouth crashed into her’s, teeth and tongues fighting for control. A small sound like pain slipped out from between her lips, and it only drove me harder.

  I pried her knees apart with my knees, driving myself between her legs. We connected, groans, claws, and bites. There was little left in either of us that was human.

  Furious lust burned in every inch of my veins, and I couldn’t seem to get enough to her. Seams ripped, grunts and moans of pain mingled with those of lust, and we pulled at each other, trying to rip past each other’s skin.

  I could feel her clawing hard at my shoulders, dragging at my clothing, her lips hard and demanding. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see around the filter of red over my vision. Every kiss drove me harder into her. She screamed into my mouth, the sound all violence and wild lust. I pulled her away from the door by her torn sweater only to throw her onto the bed.

  “Yes, Creed,” she moaned up at me. “What are you waiting for?”

  The coils on the mattress groaned in anticipation as I climbed on top of her.

  Her lips were swollen, her eyes hard and dark. Hard, angry, red lines bit into her wrists and around her neck where I had held her down.

  Fuck, she’s beautiful. I hated myself for even thinking it, but it was true. I’m not here to get caught up in her; just fuck her, then dump her. She’ll be gone before the end of the week. If I repeated it over and over, like a mantra, it would make the leaving part easier. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.

  But as I tore the rest of the clothing from her quivering body, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Every moment of every day of every year since my father had passed away, I had always followed the rules. Day by day, rule by rule, convinced somehow that being a good girl and doing as Dad always wanted me to do would somehow ensure my success.

  But following the rules and being good got me here, barely scraping by. I didn’t want to follow the rules anymore. I wanted to live, goddamn it. I wanted to know what it was like to breathe in freedom and taste it, roll it around on my tongue like a candy.

  Creed was my freedom. He was a rule breaker, the one who never gave a damn what the law, or anything else, had to say about him. I wanted that kind of nerve. And perhaps, if I inhaled the scent of him hard enough, if I let him inside, then perhaps I could be a little more like him.

  My thoughts had been dancing around the idea of being with him for so long, it almost didn’t feel real when he threw me against the comforter on my bed. But his body was so real, so hot and pressed against mine like he couldn’t bring himself to move away. His lips bit into mine, bringing forth a combination of burning desire and pleasure and pain that blended together until my head spun, leaving me breathless.

  “Even if I die tomorrow,” I decided, tearing at his claws with hands that didn’t seem to belong to me anymore. “At least I’ll know once what it was like to do whatever the hell I wanted, damn the consequences.”

  And there was a very good chance this would come with consequences that I would not be able to handle in the near future, but I would take those, too. In this very hot and heavy second, all of it seemed worth the risks.

  Creed pressed his body harder against mine, pressing open my legs with his knees. Without shame, I pressed myself against his thigh, grinding hard against the hard line of his body. I wanted to know what every inch of Creed tasted like, wanted to feel every line of him against or inside me. I wanted him more than I wanted to breathe or to eat. More than I wanted my business back.

  Creed’s mouth pressed against my throat, sucking hard enough I knew he would leave a mark. I writhed underneath him, moaning as he held me captive against the mattress. His hands wandered over me like an explorer in new territory. I wanted him to find the world under my clothing and explore that, too.

  I clawed at his clothing, demanding, pushing, pulling, growling. I felt like I had lost myself, that I was buried under this new Ivy that had surfaced the moment Creed’s mouth had brushed against my own. Creed ripped away enough to tear at my jeans; they crumpled down around my knees as the button popped off and flew across the room. The air on my skin felt hot and cold at the same time, and I moaned. I wanted him now. I wanted him hard.

  Shedding the rest of his clothing like it burned him, Creed revealed every inch of his beautiful flesh. His cock was hard and throbbing, and I felt my eyes drawn there. I wanted to suck him, to feel the length of him slide down my willing throat. But Creed had other ideas.

  Lifting me up off of the mattress, Creed kissed me hard enough to bruise me. My lips throbbed in time with my heartbeats, swollen and sore. I wanted, no, I needed--

  Grabbing my arms, Creed lifted me up, throwing me back against the wall. I stumbled backward, all of the blood boiling and rushing like raging rapids around my body, seething every inch of my skin on its way by. A very naked Creed slid his torn shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor as he came for me. My heart thundered like I was running a marathon as I watched those predator’s eyes find me, his tongue flicking out over his lips like he’d found his next meal.

  My pussy throbbed in time with my rapid heartbeats, wet and ready and waiting. Creed slammed into my body, throwing me hard against the wall. My shoulders ached with it, but it only made me hotter, only made the moisture building between my legs increase. Hot, fast kisses, hard and aching. Lips crashing, hands grasping, pulling, clawing. My nails drew blood along his shoulder as he picked me up, violence coloring his gray eyes. Wrapping my legs around his waist, Creed slammed me into the wall again, hard enough to shake the furniture.

  And before I could even catch my breath, he was inside me. Filling me, I could feel Creed’s cock stretch me. There was pain, such beautiful pain, that mixed and blurred along the edges of the pleasure. He was unbelievably huge inside of me, pressing hard against all of me. I could feel my body tighten around his cock, and I watched with wicked delight as his eyes closed in pleasure.

  Creed is inside of me. I was drowning in the feeling as he slowly, achingly slid out of me. Then he thrust so hard into my dripping pussy that I screamed, actually screamed, my nails biting hard into his skin. Blood dribbled down around my fingers as I howled like an animal, my shrieks growing in intensity as he fucked me like a goddamn jackhammer into the wall our motel rooms shared.

  His eyes burning, Creed pulled me away from the wall, dropping me on my feet, and pushed me face-first into the mattress. I stumbled, legs turned to liquid, collapsing to the bed. Before I could right myself, he was above me, riding me from behind like a dog. A strong hand wrapped around the back of my neck, pushing my face hard against the sheets. I fought to breathe, half humiliated and oh-so turned on. I slammed my hips back against him as he entered me, so much deeper and sharper from this angle.

  “Fuck!” I yelled, making Creed chuckle.

  “Is that what a lady should say?” he asked, slapping my ass hard enough to leave a mark. I mewled in time with his thrusts, feeling his cock pound a fast and hard rhythm into my body. I wanted more. I wanted so very much more.

  “Harder, harder, harder!” I begged, my voice muffled by the sheets as I clawed them.

  The hand on the back of my neck let up only for both of his hands to grab my shoulders. He used them as leverage, slamming ever harder and deeper into my pussy. The pleasure of his manhood ramming hard into me ove
r and over again was overtaking me. I could feel my climax coming, the edges of it darkening the edges of my vision as I cried out.

  Someone knocked on the floor to my apartment from below, a voice angrily calling something through the paper thin floor. But I ignored him. Let him complain. I continued to howl Creed’s name, even as the banging continued.

  “Yes, Creed!” I shouted, my voice rough and unrecognizable. “Yes, yes, yes!” I was so close, I could see stars, and I could feel his rhythm change; he was close, too. I wanted to feel this wave crash over me; I wanted to drown in it.

  It slammed into me with the force of an ocean wave, starting at the base of my spine and exploding outward like a firework. I cried out, shouting my pleasure into the void. My eyes were clouded with stars, my whole body throbbed with the aftermath of this beautiful, all-consuming, painful pleasure. Every muscle twitched as Creed lifted me off of the mattress. A wicked smirk came over his face as he grabbed the sides of my face, forcing his huge cock in between my lips and into my waiting throat.

  “My turn now, Ivy,” he whispered, then fucked my throat like he had my pussy.

  I could taste myself on the length of his dick; I tasted salty and strange. The length of him slid past my lips as I swallowed him again and again, my tongue caressing every inch of him I could reach. Digging my nails into his hips, I watched as that beautiful man fucked my mouth, hard and demanding.

  He came deep in my throat and I swallowed him down, watching through slitted eyes as he howled in pleasure. I took my time, licking the length of his cock clean, my eyes locked with his. Sweat dripped down our bodies as Creed collapsed to the bed nearly on top of me. And we lay there, a naked tangle of limbs and hair, until sleep overcame us both. Our bodies throbbed with the aftermath of the best sex I had ever experienced in my entire life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The moment I woke, I knew I’d fucked up.

  You just had to bang her, then leave. How did you fuck this up? I asked myself, glancing across the tousled sheets and blankets at a still-slumbering Ivy. She looked beautiful in the morning light that filtered through her dirty window. It glittered like gold off of the soft curls of her hair and turned her skin into a warm, glowing thing. I stared at her, watching as her chest rose and fell.

  She slept on her side like some sort of sleeping pill commercial, her hands under her pillow to cradle her face and smiling like she was dreaming about everything beautiful. I’d never seen anyone actually sleep so peacefully in my life, and I’d woken up next to dozens of women. I had to force myself not to reach out and brush the long, auburn curls from her perfect face.


  I could feel my body harden in response to the sloping curves of her beautiful face and of her breasts under the sheets. I wanted her again. I wanted to replay that scene again where she screamed my name as she came over and over again. I wanted to hear her voice, darkened with lust, cry out and beg me for more.

  Blood boiling, I clenched my fists hard together, fighting the urge to have her again. It is supposed to be easier to leave now that I’ve had her, not harder. But if I was being perfectly honest with myself, I wanted her more than ever. I hadn’t even known that was possible.

  I stared down at the beautiful woman beside me, lust and rage and something deeper all growing inside of my chest until I could hardly breathe. This was Ivy’s fault; it had to be. She had done something to me last night as I fucked her. Just the memories of our night together were enough hot enough to singe the sheets. The memory of her voice, darkened with lust as she cried out my name…

  A shiver slid down my spine between my shoulders. I should leave. I should get up right now and slip away, pretend from now on that I don’t know her. But even as I thought about it, about getting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, nothing happened. I didn’t get up. I didn’t even move.

  Instead, one of my hands slipped out from under the sheets to stroke an errant strand of her silky hair from her angelic face.

  This was all wrong.

  But I couldn’t seem to help myself. Once I’d touched her, it was as though I was lost. I caressed her face, marveling at the smooth feel of her skin underneath my fingers. Without my consent, my hands moved down her body, caressing, touching, massaging every inch of skin I could find. My blood throbbed in time with my thundering heartbeats, boiling inside of my skin at the sight of that perfect body, naked right in front of me.

  Eyelashes fluttering like a princess waking from sleep in some fairytale, Ivy’s brown eyes opened hesitantly, as though she was trying to hold onto a dream. A wicked smile spread across her lips as she saw me, her eyes darkening with a kind of lust that made my cock spring to attention like a soldier..

  A hand, so soft and delicate, more delicate than anything should be inside of my world, reached for me.

  Without a thought, I batted her hand away. “Stop it, Ivy,” I sneered, my voice quieter than I had intended it. I threw myself out of her bed before I could see the hurt in her chocolate eyes.

  “What is wrong?” she asked, a quiver in her voice that made me wince. But I wouldn’t look at her. This was as much for her own good as mine.

  “You are,” I whispered, pulling my clothing up off of the floor. I gestured around the apartment, daring a quick look at her. Ivy was sitting up in bed, the sheets clutched protectively around her chest like a shield.

  Tears threatened at the edges of her eyes, and I had to look away. “What?”

  “You are pathetic, Ivy. Sitting around in this dump, miserable and waiting for someone to come and fix your problems for you.” I made a disgusted noise in the back of my throat. But I still couldn’t look at her. “How did you get here?”

  I could tell her lips were wobbling with emotion as I pulled my boots on. “I- Someone stole my life from me. She took everything I had and left me without a single penny. I had to sell everything just to start paying rent here.”

  I scoffed even as my chest ached from her story. “See? Pathetic. If you won’t go out and fix it for yourself, no one will ever fix it for you, Ivy.” Pulling on the last of my clothing, I took a deep breath to steady myself, then turned to her. I hoped my eyes were hard, that she didn’t see the pain that shot through me at the vulnerable, lost look on her beautiful face. “I don’t need another mouth to feed, Ivy. I don’t need another child looking for protection. Stay away from me and stay away from my son.”

  And with that, I left, slamming the door behind myself.

  I felt hollow. But I forced myself to take a step away from her door, then another. One foot, then the next, over and over again until she was out of range. Until I was far enough away from her that she couldn’t reach me.

  I got onto my bike and revved the engine, hoping to drown out the sound of her voice, so broken and weary. “She took everything I had.”

  Better than nearly anyone, I knew what it was like to everything ripped away from you over and over again. I’d lost my mother, my father, then my life the moment Josh was dropped off on my doorstep. I’d lost myself to the Devil’s Edge. No matter how much I wanted out, that would never happen.

  The world didn’t give two shits what I wanted. And it was time that Ivy learned that lesson herself.

  But no matter how fast I drove or how far away I got from her, that hollow feeling in my chest didn’t seem to want to dissipate.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I watched Creed walk out of the door, wincing as he slammed in behind himself. The wall quivered and bits of drywall and paint fell to the carpet as the force of the door slam shook the whole building. “He’s right, you know.” I wiped the tears from my eyes with the corner of my sheets, trying not to let myself fall into full, red-eyed, heaving, ugly crying. “He’s so right. I’ve been waiting here like a damsel in distress hoping someone would ride by on a white horse and whisk me back into a better life.”

  But as I glanced around the apartment, already dull and dirty
and ugly, it seemed to grown even more so. This is my life now. And I either need to accept it or do something to change it.

  I stood up, feeling every bone in my body cry out all at once. I stiffly walked to the shower, a bittersweet half-smile on my face remembered where I’d gotten all of those bruises and sore spots from. Flashes of last night haunted my every step as I got into the shower. I wanted to cry; I certainly felt like crying, but my eyes were dry. It was hard to be mad at Creed, even if he’d wanted me so much last night and then tossed me in the morning like a rotting vegetable. He is right.

  So I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed in one of the two outfits I had left (that weren’t my waitress uniform from my old job), and walked out the door.

  My feet carried me down across Sakura Street and across the park to the bus stop without me even having to think about it. It was a good thing too, as my mind was occupied with something else entirely. I boarded the bus, feeling empty except for the throbbing pain in my aching chest.


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