Bear In The Rough: Book 1: Treasure Hunt (BBW Bear Shifter Romance)

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Bear In The Rough: Book 1: Treasure Hunt (BBW Bear Shifter Romance) Page 14

by Foster, L.

  “Okay,” Chloe began, finishing mapping out their dance on a sheet of paper, “So all we need to do is figure out our finishing move and we’ll be done.”

  “There is this local competition near where I live, and one year they had this group that did a really amazing lift towards the end of their final performance.” Evan said, his face lighting up as he described the move to Chloe.

  “Yeah, I saw something just like it at the Elmwood Dance Festival in Ohio!” Chloe exclaimed excitedly after Evan fully explained the move to her, “It was incredible.”

  “Wait are you from Elmwood too?” Evan asked excitedly, his green eyes lighting up with a childlike excitement.

  “Well I actually live in the suburbs but wow, what a small world.” Chloe said. She beamed up at him, and their eyes locked, making her feel a bit woozy.

  Chloe looked at the clock on the wall and realized what time it was, and said, “Oh my god, we have to get to work!”

  She and Evan danced for the rest of the night, working endlessly for hours. Chloe was surprised to find that she adjusted to his body easily, their movements flowing together fluidly. Time flied as they moved together in harmony, their bodies moving to the music like they had been dancing together for years.

  After they finished Chloe practically floated back to her room. She was walking on clouds, and Chloe found it hard to explain but she had never felt so in sync with a partner like that. Chloe felt connected to Evan physically and spiritually, her body feeling empty without his moving effortlessly with her own.

  Chapter 4

  Practice was grueling that morning. Despite her excitement from seeing Evan, Chloe felt exhausted and her body was aching. They had been practicing their dance all morning in preparation for the competition on Friday. Both of them wanted to win desperately, and expectations were high.

  They continually made mistakes, stepping on each other’s toes, and bumping into each other. Chloe was getting frustrated with Evan, but mostly with herself. This was basic stuff, she reminded herself impatiently, not understanding why everything felt so off.

  As they attempted to complete the routine, Evan went to lift and spin Chloe, but dropped her, her body crashing to the floor. “Ow!” she cried, pain radiating up and down her spine.

  With tears in her eyes, Chloe pushed herself up off the floor. She looked at Evan angrily and said, “What the hell? Why did you drop me?!”

  “Look, it’s not me, okay?” Evan defended himself quickly, “I know what I’m doing, and I’ve won countless competitions and contests.”

  Chloe stepped closer to him, getting in his face and clenching her fists against her side angrily she yelled, “Well apparently you forgot how good you are because right now you suck!” Her face was flushed, hot with rage. She was annoyed with his cocky attitude, he had no right to treat her that way.

  Evan didn’t back down from her angry screams and he stepped even closer, his face only inches apart from her own. In a quiet but angry voice he spat, “Get your shit together, second place.”, and then he stormed out of the room.

  Chloe watched him storm out, feeling wounded and hurt. She collapsed on the ground, hot tears pouring down her face as she cried softly into her hands. Chloe felt angry and defeated, she was over worked and over exhausted. Maybe I’m not meant to win after all, she thought bitterly.

  Chloe sat on the floor for a while, drowning herself in self-loathing thoughts. After she cried out all the tears she had left in her body, she grabbed her cell phone from her bag. Quickly dialing the phone she placed it to her ear, desperate for kind and comforting words.

  The other line clicked and an older woman’s voice answered, “Chloe?”

  “Hey, Mom.” Chloe replied back, feeling immediately comforted by her mother’s voice. They spoke on the phone for a while, and when they hung up Chloe felt better. When Chloe turned around she say Evan standing at the entrance of the room watching her.

  He walked over to her quickly, remorse clear on his face, “Chloe, I’m so sorry, I had no right to say that to you.”

  Chloe quickly shook her head and replied, “No really, it’s okay. We both said things we shouldn’t have. It happened in the heat of the moment. Dance is passionate, sometimes it gets explosive.”

  Evan looked down at her, and Chloe got lost in his green eyes for a moment. His body was so close to hers, all she wanted to do was grab him and pull him closer. He lowered his face towards hers and she could feel his breath on her face, and she inhaled his scent, her body craving his.

  They quickly broke away, both getting lost in the moment. Chloe couldn’t help but notice that after that the air in the room seemed to change. Their touches seemed to linger, their embraces a little closer than necessary, almost as if they were finding reasons to touch each other. It grew late and the sun set as they danced again and again. Finally when it reached 9, Chloe had figured it was best to leave, feeling disappointed that she would have to leave his presence.

  “We did a lot better, I think.” Chloe mused, feeling proud of their perfected performance.

  “I told you we’d make a good fit.” Evan said, nudging her shoulder softly with his own as they left the studio.

  They finished the short cold walk back to the hotel ended too fast for Chloe’s liking. As they rode up in the elevator together it took all of Chloe’s willpower not to touch him, the small space basically cramming together.

  She reached her floor and the elevator opened with ding, she turned wistfully to Evan and let out a soft, “Goodnight.”

  She headed off to her room, and set her stuff down on the floor of the empty hotel room. Chloe was exhausted physically but she felt so awake, her brain filled with a million thoughts. Mostly surrounding one person.

  There was a knock at the door, and Chloe walked over curiously opening it. She was shocked to find Evan, who had a wild look in his eyes. Confused Chloe opened her mouth beginning to ask what he was doing here, she said, “Evan? Wha-”

  She was interrupted before she could finish her question he grabbed her face with his hands, and kissed her deeply. Chloe immediately kissed him back, pressing her lips against his roughly. She was desperate for more of him, a hot and burning desire taking over her body fast like a wildfire. Her hands reached up and twisted in his thick hair, pulling his face closer, deepening the kiss.

  Evan’s hands slid down her back, pressing his body into hers. They kissed like that for a few moments, barely coming up for desperate ragged breathes, their lips moving against each other’s roughly. Evan finally pulled away, and Chloe’s swollen lips pulsed as she looked into his eyes, her heart beating fast.

  “Sorry.”, he breathed, “I just had to know what that was like.”

  He slipped form her embrace, and Chloe was silent, stunned by the kiss, by her feelings, by the strong need she felt for him. He turned going to leave, but Chloe reached out to stop him, saying only “Stay.”, in a soft whisper, her eyes pleading.

  Evan said nothing and just nodded gently, the silence between them speaking volumes. He shut the door behind him, and Chloe’s hand slid down his arm gently, taking his hand in her own. They stared at each other for a moment, lost in the eyes of the other. He reached his hand out, cupping her face. He leaned in slower this time, more deliberate with his actions.

  Evan’s lips finally pressed against her own, but softer than before. They took their time exploring the way their lips fit together, the way their bodies molded to each other’s. Eventually the kiss became hungrier and deeper. Suddenly time seemed too short, the distance between them too far. Their bodies slammed against one another’s as they kissed, grabbed, and felt.

  Chloe’s heart was beating fast as she pulled Evan onto her bed. She had lost all reasoning and logic, the only thing she could seem to focus on was his hot and burning touch. They made love the way they danced, moving together fluidly, with burning touches and long embraces. They greedily devoured each other into all hours of the night, desperation deep in their bones, y
earning laced into the hot breaths and moans that escaped their heaving lungs.

  As they lay together in the bed that night, Evan held her tight, their bodies intertwined together into one. He kissed her forehead softly as he held her, and he whispered, “Get some sleep, tomorrow is the day your dream comes true.”

  Chapter 5

  Chloe awoke that morning with Evan’s arms holding her. She moved closer to him, feeling safe in his strong embrace. For a moment there was an eerie peace surrounding her, and she relished in the silence of the morning. As her brain began to wake up, she sat up quickly, everything hitting her at once. She scrambled out of her bed, and out of the safety of Evan’s touch.

  She looked at the clock, horrified. It was almost 11 am, and she was still asleep. Her worrying only increased when she realized she had a naked dance partner in her bed, last night playing back in her head. She groaned, fearing that she had ruined everything.

  Evan rolled over his green eyes open and giving Chloe a smile. Realizing she was still undressed, Chloe quickly snatched her cover form the bed, wrapping it around her body. She felt ashamed and embarrassed for letting the charming and elusive Evan get the best of her. You know better, she scolded herself.

  “It’s late.” Chloe told him stiffly as he looked at her with a confused look.

  Evan looked at the clock and lazily said, “Oh well.”

  Chloe rolled her eyes and decided there was no time for arguing. “Look just go up to your room and get dressed, meet me at the studio in 20 minutes.”

  She didn’t give him a chance to reply, Chloe ran into the bathroom and shut the door quickly. Hoping in the shower, she got ready fast and was on her way to the studio in 15 minutes.

  Evan showed up a few minutes later, Chloe was stretching and she greeted him with a curt, “Hello.”

  Evan opened his mouth to say something, but Chloe held up her hand and said, “Listen. This contest is important to me. Let’s just forget about last night, and move on.”

  Evan clenched his jaw tight, not revealing that he was hurt by her words. “Fine.”, he responded. Chloe pretended not to feel hurt but his lack of emotion. She took a deep breath and pushed all of her emotions away, focusing on practicing for tonight.

  Chloe and Evan parted ways after rehearsal, and Chloe was nervous as she got dressed. She took several deep breathes, but knew that it was more than pre-show anxiety that was bothering her. Chloe was disappointed in herself for letting Evan get into her head so easily, and even worse, into her heart.

  She let out a morose sigh as she took one last glance in the mirror before leaving. Her long red hair was set in loose curls, and she was wearing a white dress, the skirt flowing softly down to her mid- thigh. She placed her ballet slippers on and was out the door.

  Chloe waited in the packed room nervously, there was a large audience, which only made her all the more anxious. She spotted Evan across the room, she noticed he looked incredibly handsome dressed in black. He looked up at her catching her gaze and gave her a small smile.

  The competition began and she was quickly joined by Julia, and they watched as pairs preformed together. When Julia went up her and Chad did amazing, and received the loudest round of applause. There was a couple after them, and then it would be time for her and Evan to go.

  Evan came up behind her as they waited behind stage. He grabbed her hand, and she looked up at him, surprised. “Before we go out there, I need to tell you something,” he began, “I know it’s crazy because we have only known each other for a few days, but I have feelings for you, Chloe.”

  Chloe stood there, dumbfounded. This was the last thing she expected to hear from him and as he continued on she could feel tears begin to well up in her eyes. “I feel like I’ve known you for so long,” he told her, “I truly believe we came here, destined to meet one another. You can tell me I’m crazy and you can tell me you don’t feel that way, but I just had to tell you that Chloe.”

  There was a moment of silence between them as Chloe looked into his eyes which were pleading and hopeful. She smiled at him and said, “I feel the same way.” He gave her a soft kiss before they descended out to the dance floor, but Chloe knew she didn’t need to win anymore. Evan reminded her of why she loved to dance so much in the first place, because of that strong desire, the heat of the moment, and the passion between two people that burned white hot, down to their very souls.

  After Midnight

  What am I doing?

  Alice asked herself, lifelessly, as she looked around her. She was huddled beside a street lantern, shivering, but unwilling to leave. Her dark hair was a mess under the beanie she was donning and her brown eyes looked dull. Her face was pale from the cold and she blew warm air onto her hands to warm them up. She didn’t remember how long she had been here.

  Probably two hours. She guessed.

  There hadn’t been many people around so at least she didn’t have to worry about making a spectacle of herself. Besides, she could barely see anything. It wasn’t exactly inconspicuous to hide under a street light. The stone wall felt cold against her back as she leaned backwards.

  Maybe I am having an existential crisis. She said to herself, half-sarcastically. Trust me to have one on a street corner.

  Everything seemed so boring. Her job, her life, her friends...

  When did everything start falling apart?

  It was probably after she got dumped, as pathetic as that sounded.

  ‘I want someone a little more engaging.’ Her ex’s words floated through her mind.

  Alice slapped her cheeks to get rid of the thought. Why am I thinking of that idiot?

  “That’s a nice look. Red cheeks and pale face, makes you look like a snow maiden.” An amused voice interrupted.

  Alice looked up and found herself staring at a guy who was grinning at her. She looked down uninterested.

  “Hey don’t ignore me!” he protested.

  She didn’t say anything.

  “Now I feel uncool after all the time I spent thinking about something to say,” he muttered to himself.

  That got her attention.

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Twenty minutes,” he answered stepping into the light.

  She could see his face clearly now. He had long, messy hair and a three o clock shadow. His eyes were alight as he looked down at her. He wasn’t dressed warmly though, wearing only a t shirt and shorts in contrast to her jeans and jacket.

  “So you were staring at me?” she said.

  “Pervert,” she added, muttering under her breath.

  “Why do I have a feeling you said something bad about me?” he said suspiciously.

  “Because I did,” she said bluntly.

  “Way to soften the blow,” he said dramatically.

  “How long are you going to stay here?” she said starting to feel annoyed.

  “Depends,” he said vaguely and plopped down beside her.

  “You’ll freeze to death.” she commented.

  “You do care.” he said triumphantly.

  “Not really. I just think the police will find me suspicious if there’s a dead body beside me.”

  He looked at her in surprise before bursting out laughing.

  “You are something else.”

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “Take it any way you want.” He shrugged. “So want to talk about what’s troubling you?”

  “Who said something was troubling me?” she said testily.

  “According to my experience, people don’t hide in the street just for kicks.”

  “Do you have lot of experience looking for people like that? You really are a creep.”

  He ignored her last comment.

  “Aren’t your parents going to be worried about you?”

  “They don’t live with me.” Alice answered, without thinking.


  “None.” she muttered darkly.

  “I think I touched a
nerve. Bad breakup?” he said sympathetically.

  “Don’t you think that you asking too many questions to a stranger?” Alice snapped.

  “Well, in that case, what’s your name?” he asked.

  Alice gaped at him.

  “What, it’s not a hard question.”

  She closed her mouth and looked at the ground again.

  “I don’t tell strangers my name.”

  He groaned. “Jeez, whatever. My name’s Arthur but you can call me Art.”

  Alice continued staring.

  “Hey,” Art sounded annoyed. “I think I am more interesting than the ground.”

  “You are really nosy.”

  “I know.”

  “Can’t you leave?”


  Alice glared at him.

  “Truth is, I got dumped too.” Art said nonchalantly.

  Alice looked at him in surprise. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. She doubted if he was telling the truth.

  “She walked out on me and now I am all alone. Want to keep me company?” He grinned widely at her. Without pause, Alice reached out and smacked him on the head.


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