Bear In The Rough: Book 1: Treasure Hunt (BBW Bear Shifter Romance)

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Bear In The Rough: Book 1: Treasure Hunt (BBW Bear Shifter Romance) Page 35

by Foster, L.

  'Yeah, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death. I fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.'

  'Glad Sunday school wasn't entirely wasted on you, my son.'

  Henry smiled and then nodded. 'Ready, Phil?'

  Laura grabbed Henry by the arm, 'Henry, wait. I'm coming with.'

  The three made their way up the stairs. Phil's torch was the only thing cutting through the inky blackness.

  'Is it me or is it bloody cold up here?' Laura said.

  Phil's torch wobbled in the cold. 'It's not you. Manifestations tend to bring temperature changes. Frequently it’s a drop, but can be the reverse on the odd occasions. However, based on recent events, our guest seems true to form, and may be sucking the power as well as heat from everything it can.'

  The group entered Matthew’s bedroom where the faulty sensor was found. Jenny's bedroom door slammed shut, making Laura jump.

  'It's a distraction. Just ignore it.' Henry instructed.

  'Henry, shine some light over here will you.' Phil passes Henry the torch. He then turns and walks over to the corner of the room and picks up a lifeless sensor. Removing a small cover plate, he inserts a replacement battery cell from his pocket. A few seconds and the sensor beeped back to life. He then places it back.

  'All good here! Let’s go. This place is damn near freezing.'

  Henry doesn't reply, rather both Laura and him stare at Phil, or more precisely something behind Phil.

  'Phil...' Henry called calmly.

  Phil follows his two friends gaze over his shoulder, hesitant to turn around. 'What? ... Behind me, right?' He then starts to turn.

  A withered arm from something dark and grotesque begins to reach over to grab Phil. Laura and Henry's eyes widen. That was it. All three flee the room towards downstairs, knocking over some items on a nearby table.

  At the top landing steps, they came to a dead stop. A cool, calm looking morbid white woman stood at the bottom. Her hair was raven black. The same Laura had seen in her mirror. Laura's hand comes up subconsciously to halt an escaping scream. The entity, now on all fours stared at them with a devilish smile.

  'That's not polite Lau...ray!' The entity said her name, stretching it unnaturally.

  A splash of holy water hit the Entity and it howled. Steam rose from its flesh. Another splash hit it and the flesh peeled. A rotted smell filled the stairway. The entity then disappeared.

  'Quickly!' Father Andrew shouted.

  The three made it down the stairs towards Father Andrew. He held his cross in one hand and a bottle of holy water in the other.

  Chapter 48

  Jenny rushed over to the three. Laura took a step forward and fainted. Jenny barely caught Laura before she hit the ground. Henry picked Laura up and placed her on the sofa.

  Jenny ran over to the sofa. 'What happened? We heard screaming. Is she okay?'

  Henry shook his head. 'We saw something.'

  'We saw something all right. We saw a grown man crap himself. I think I need a change of pants.' Phil said.

  Jenny put her hand on Laura's forehead. 'She's a bit warm, but ok. Maybe she just...'

  Laura sprung back to consciousness. 'Did you see that? Did you see...'

  Henry soothed her and assured her of her safety. He then stood up, walked towards Father Andrew and pulled him aside. When he was sure no one could hear them, he told Father Andrew that the entity had called Laura by her name and was confused as to how that was possible. When Henry asked him if possessing Kate had made available that information, Father Andrew told him there was certainly more to the story, possibly involving Laura which no one had figured out yet. He asked Henry how well he knew Laura.

  It took Henry every bit of sincerity left within him to answer Father Andrew’s question. He spoke the truth when he told him he had known Laura for a short bit but really loved her. He didn’t hesitate to tell Father Andrew that Laura could not have done anything wrong too.

  Father Andrew looked at Henry for a few seconds, took a deep breath and then proceeded to air his thoughts.

  'Assumptions are dangerous, my son. Remember that the devil accuses. First and foremost, he is a liar. But he needs grounds or a right to intrude in lives. This is more than a haunting you know?'

  He searched for signs of doubt in Henry’s eyes and when he was unsure of what he saw, he simply continued.

  'I thought it might be the two who live in the house. But what if that assumption is wrong? What if it is this girl Laura? I need to ask her a few questions. We need to know for sure what we are dealing with or we may all be doomed!' Father Andrew was apparently unapologetic with the way he spoke.

  Henry nodded his head and walked over to the sofa where Laura was resting. He was going to ask her if she felt strong enough to have a talk with Father Andrew. After Laura consented to his request, she told him how shocked she was when she realized she had fainted. Something she had never experienced before. Henry once again allayed her fears and promised her she would be fine.

  He helped Laura off the sofa and slowly to Father Andrew. The priest was holding his bible and lost in thought. He looked over to Laura and started to speak after a moment. He probably was unsure of how best to begin.

  'Laura, this thing has set its focus on you. Its presence in this world is driven by its will. Its power comes from an assumed right.'

  Laura squeezed her brows. 'Assumed right? Father, I don't understand...'

  'This thing feels that it has the right over this house because of you. Do you know why this is so?'

  Laura looked at Henry and then at Andrew. 'I don't...I... how...' Her voice was shaky.

  Father Andrew urged her to think of her past actions no matter how insignificant she thought they may be. He made sure to emphasize that whatever it was they were dealing with was certainly not ready to leave until it was either vanquished or in the worst case, when it triumphs.

  He paused briefly as if to give her a little thinking space before he resumed his mild, unthreatening interrogation. He reminded her that the entity had called her by her name and there was a need to know how that was remotely possible if they all wanted to see the light of day. He laid a gentle hand on her arm as if to reassure her that she wasn’t going to be judged or condemned but understood.

  'Laura the devil doesn't concede like mortal men. He remains tireless, always waiting, watching. He will continue his pursuit of all against him until they too are dead. Understand there is no retreat from the devil in battle. If one wages war against him, they must be prepared to see it through. Unlike fleshly battles, failure is infinitely much worse in the spiritual. There is only one who can help us, Christ. He says to us, confess our sins. Believe in Him.'

  Laura looked at the floor and slowly raised her head to Father Andrew's gaze. She squeezed Henry's hand and spoke.

  'There's something I need to tell you. I...'

  A loud banging noise on the ceiling cut off Laura's speech. Chris shouted to Henry. 'I've got something! It's low, damn low. Seems to be under 7 k. Henry, you best come over here! Shit! Dammit!' Chris threw his headphone off.

  Phil looked at his partner. 'You okay?'

  'It was like the thing could sense being listened to and sent a shock right through the headphones.'

  Henry was already at his laptop. 'Phil, punch it.'

  Phil started to transfer the raw data into Henry's computer for analysis. A small sound, barely audible, came out of Henry's speakers.

  'What's that? Sounds like a dying cat.' Jenny said.

  'E.V.P, I think.' Phil responded.

  'Let's run a filter on it. Whatever it was, it about blew my ears off.' Chris said.

  Henry turned his speakers up and pressed play. The message that came from the speakers left everyone in shock.

  'Laura....Laura. It's Abigail. Help me...'

  'What the hell?' Henry wondered.

  'Laura...Laura....why.... Laura....why?'

  Chapter 49

  Laura backed away from
the laptop.

  'It can't can't be! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Abi...' Laura was almost screaming now as tears welled up in her eyes.

  'Guys, I don't mean to butt in here, but our friend's on the move.' Phil announced.

  Footsteps came from the ceiling. There were multiple steps and not in unison. Whatever it was making the sounds, it was busy. The steps got louder and louder until they turned into angry stomps. The noise stopped without warning.

  'You knew Abi?' Henry asked, unsure of how to handle what Laura’s next response might be.

  'I...she....' Laura stuttered.

  'She was the one in the halfway house, wasn't she?'

  Laura nodded. 'I was looking for... I wanted to g...' She stopped and decided it was better to simply hand him the letter. She dug her hands into her pocket, pulled out a blue envelope and passed it to Henry.

  'What's this?'

  A reticent and somewhat sheepish Laura watched Henry as he accepted the envelope, flipping it to see who it had been addressed to, but found it blank.

  Henry opened the envelope and a small crushed flower fell from the letter as he unfolded it out. He started to read the letter and his eyes became tearful.

  'Wait... Laura'. Curiosity and confusion were evident in his eyes, like someone assembling some arcane puzzle.

  'You knew Abi?' He was about to say something else, but whatever was going to come next had to wait as events that night did not stop for any manner of pathos.

  The power snapped off.

  'What the hell?' Phil interposed.

  Thudding footsteps came again from above. But instead of remaining there, they moved to the top landing, then slowly began to descend in deliberate thumps down the stairway. In another few seconds, the heavy steps entered the front room where everyone remained motionless in near darkness.

  Save for the odd small luminescence from various electronic dials and switches coming from technical equipment, it remained pitch dark. A cold breeze entered the room. A loud and tormented moan came from somewhere in the house, and then a crashing sound reverberated around the walls. A few seconds later, laughter and a hideous cackle were heard also.

  An end table crashed across the room. Matthew screamed out in pain. The sofa rose above the lamps and came crashing back down to the floor. The legs on the sofa flew off. There was a scream from Jenny as she flew into the wall. Laura was knocked down and dragged into the kitchen by her hair. Henry rushed over to help Laura as she struggled against an unseen force.

  Jenny shouted again, this time it appeared her shouts were moving up the stairs. A lamp narrowly missed Phil's head and shattered against the wall.

  'In the name of God!' shouted Father Andrew.

  The lights returned. A flicker at first. Whatever was pulling Laura by the hair released its hold on her and Henry crashed to the ground by his own momentum.

  'My face!' Matthew cried out.

  They turned towards Matthew and saw his nose broken. Blood was gushing from it. An end table was turned upside down next to him.

  'The damn thing hit me!'

  'Father, what was that? Phil? Chris? You get any of that?' Henry asked in confusion.

  'Where's Jenny?' Laura asked.

  The group turned around in search for her. A loud scream came from upstairs.

  'Oh God! Was that Jenny?'

  Father John Andrew dusted himself off.

  'The truth in this lies where I do not wish to go, but where I must travel. There is little time as this thing grows in confidence as it does with power each passing moment. All of you must stay here. It is up to me now.'

  Henry approached the priest and offered to go with him, but he declined. Instead, he instructed Henry to stay with the rest of the group and guard them.

  Father Andrew held his rosary close.

  'It is I who must go into the den of the Beast.' At the word 'Beast' the lights flickered again and a howl came from upstairs.

  Father Andrew began his slow trek up the stairs. A small child's ball came bouncing down the stairs. Laughter followed. The laughter was cut short by Jenny's scream.

  The entity looked down at Father Andrew. A smile came across its charred face. 'Adjuva me', it uttered. Then in a cool manner, it feigned a bow to the priest. All the time a smile lingered across its twisted and hideous face. Andrew made his way up the stairs and looked towards the room where the screams came from. The door opened on its own and a great blinding light shot through the doorway. Father Andrew put his hand up to his eyes. The light faded and laughter replaced the screams.

  Father Andrew kissed his bible and walked into the room. The door slammed shut behind him.

  Chapter 50

  Father Andrew walked towards the bed. Jenny was there, unconscious, and held the perfume bottle to her chest. The snakes on top of the bottle seemed to move. Next to Jenny was the Entity. It sat cross-legged and petted the bottle. The snakes moved in time to its touch.

  'So glad you could join us. I bid you welcome.' the Entity said.

  'Liar. Be silent!' Father Andrew responded.

  The Entity laughed and the snakes seemed to hiss. 'Ah haa! Lies? Now we come to the heart of the matter.

  'Was it not written, judge not, lest ye be judged? Come, kneel to me. Like your mother did.'

  'And the devil taketh him onto the high mountains and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and saith, all these kingdoms shall I give thee, if thou shalt bow down and worship me.

  'And the Lord replied, get thee hence behind me Satan. It is written to worship the Lord thy God and only Him shalt thou serve!'

  The Entity's face curled in pain. It lunged out of the bed and walked in an unnatural fashion up to Father Andrew. The two enemies were face to face. Andrew could smell the rotted flesh from the Entity's mouth, but he did not flinch. He did not flinch when it smiled to show the maggots crawling around in its gums either.

  'The Lord rebukes you!' Father Andrew shouted.

  The Entity cowered in fear like a frightened child. Then it laughed. Jenny screamed in pain and the bottle dug into her flesh.

  'Rebuke me? What authority do you have, priest? You didn't even give your own mother Last Rites! '

  Suddenly it mimics in mockery with another voice, ‘Please, John, it hurts! It hurts so much! Where are you, John? Why?'

  'Silence!' Father Andrew shouts.

  The Entity laughed again. 'That's right. Tell her to shut up! Tell your dear, fallen, mother how you really feel. Though she has it good down here. All the booze she can drink! She loved to drink didn't she? She loved it so much she sold her wedding ring for a pint! Can you imagine? When you were out fighting my little brethren, your own flesh and blood was forsaking her life for another demon.'

  'Enough! I will not listen to your lies!' He exclaimed.

  'You will though, you will!' It paused, then continued,

  'Did you know what that little whore downstairs did? Do you know what she did? Your principles betray you to the truth you so cherish. Does not your book say confession is good for the soul?

  A voice of an old woman is heard in the room, yet no old woman is present.

  'John! John! Where are you? It's dark. So cold!' The Entity chuckles mischievously.

  'I, am taking what's mine! This one is an Achan in my camp. Now, the other one tried to take from me a soul bound to me. Give her hope'.

  The Entity looks deep into the priest’s eyes. 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, wouldn't you agree?' Then it laughs.

  'The Lord hears our confession, and it is not for thee!' Father Andrew responds.

  'The Lord? The Lord? Do you not know you worship a false idol? I am the true God!

  'Bow down to your new master! Bow down like your mother before you!'

  A pain gripped Father Andrew as he buckled to his knees.

  Chapter 51

  Henry walked over to Laura as Phil and Chris put the workstation back together. Matthew held his shirt to his nose to stop the bleeding.

  'Tell me about Abi.'

  'It's a lot like what I said. Just didn't use her name, but the rest was true. We were in Glencoe. A last chance sort of home. It really should have been shut down, and it was a few months after know. She paused to meet Henry’s eyes. Impatience was what she saw in them. She shifted her gaze and continued.

  'Abi came in after I'd been there for some time. It was hell on Earth before she arrived. Not that it changed much. But she made things a little more bearable. The people there...they were just creeps. Hoodlums. We didn't fit in, so we became friends.

  'That letter.... that is the letter she slipped under my door the day she...'

  'Quiet! There's something going on in the bedroom.' Phil called out.

  They grouped around the laptop to see what was going on. The camera showed Father Andrew standing with his bible outstretched in one arm and his other hand in the air. It appeared that Jenny's body started to come up from the bed to float a few inches off the sheets.

  'Jenny! Jenny's up there! I have to go and help her!'

  'Matt, stay here! John said to wait here!' Henry called out after his friend.

  Matthew put his shirt down. Dried blood gave him a mask that looked less painful than his broken nose would indicate. It looked like he had swabbed himself with iodine. His nose was broken, but it was only slightly out of place.

  'I can't just sit down here and watch things happen to her. She's my sister!'

  Phil pointed at the screen, 'I don't think rushing up there is a good idea. It looks like the Father has his hands full right now.'

  'She isn't your sister!' Matthew yelled.

  'Seems like you picked a really crappy time to start caring about her now....' Chris said.

  Matthew turned to Chris and was about to retort, but decided his sister was more important. After announcing his determination to go help his sister one more time, he pushed past Henry and ran up the stairs. Henry followed him up and Laura ran after Henry.


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