I don’t know where to find you
I tell myself not to look
But my heart is on the hook
It wasn’t my imagination
We had more than just a spark
Unless you tell me why
I’ll be forever in the dark
I haven’t given you up (CHELSEA)
I wish you’d asked me to stay (BECKETT)
We needed more time (CHELSEA)
There was more to say (BECKETT)
How could we both just walk away (BOTH)
Smash cut to now
I don’t know where to find you
I tell myself not to look
But my heart is on the hook
It wasn’t my imagination
We had more than just a spark
Unless you tell me why
I’ll be forever in the dark
Smash cut to now
I don’t know where to find you
I tell myself not to look
But my heart is on the hook
It wasn’t my imagination
We had more than just a spark
Unless you tell me why
I’ll be forever in the dark
Lyrics by Chelsea Ford
We both know the truth
It doesn’t matter now
I got over you and her
Don’t bother asking how
I turned the page, I closed the book
Our tragic scene is done
No need to linger, no pieces to find
Stop acting like you won
You tore me down
I struggle to get up
I see you coming near
Feels like you hit me with a truck
I wanted you in my life
How much does that suck
Play it back, remind me now
I’ll forget with any luck
My best friend has my back
Or that’s what I’ve been told
Your apologies, your excuses
That shit is getting old
But you know how that saying goes
Revenge is best served cold
You tore me down
I struggle to get up
I see you coming near
Feels like you hit me with a truck
I wanted you in my life
How much does that suck
Play it back, remind me now
I’ll forget with any luck
Maybe you’re right
Maybe I can forgive
Waiting for the past to change
That’s no way to live
You tore me down
I struggle to get up
I see you coming near
Feels like you hit me with a truck
I wanted you in my life
How much does that suck
Play it back, remind me now
I’ll forget with any luck
I would first like to thank my wonderful husband, Andrew Simon, to whom this book is also dedicated. Without him, For the Record would not exist. Thank you for the years of love and encouragement, for routing Melbourne’s tour even though I was more demanding than a real manager, and for believing that going to your clients’ shows qualifies as a date. I’m happy to be your plus one!
Thank you to my spectacular agent, Adriann Ranta, for believing in this story even before it was written and for pushing me to make it better. Adriann is a total rock star, and I’m so privileged to be represented by her.
I couldn’t ask for a wiser, kinder, or more insightful editor than Wendy Loggia. For the Record has benefited so much from her talent and expertise. I feel incredibly fortunate to have this debut experience with her.
Thanks also to the rest of the Delacorte team, including Krista Vitola, Angela Carlino, Jennifer Prior, Kerry Johnson, and Anna Gjesteby. Their hard work on behalf of this book is so appreciated.
I’m indebted to Chandler Baker and Michelle Krys, two writer friends who’ve made all the difference. Without them, the dream of getting agented and published would have seemed impossible. I’ve also come to rely on many of the amazing writers in my debut author groups, the Freshman Fifteens, the Class of 2k15, and the Fearless Fifteeners. The support and advice I’ve found there have been invaluable.
I’m grateful to early manuscript readers, including Andrew (again), Chandler (again), Laura Fallon, Kerri J. Sparks, and Elisa Stumph. Their comments and contributions were essential to this story.
Huge thanks to the sweet friends who answered numerous music-related questions: David Bason, Mark Shulman, Mark Holloway, Maureen Kenny, and especially Patrick Stump. And to all the wonderful guys in Fall Out Boy, thanks for letting me crash your backstage hang all these years. In fact, thank you to all my husband’s clients and colleagues who have knowingly or unknowingly informed this project. I have been inspired by so many of you.
I have the loveliest friends, who have been encouraging of me as a writer. A heartfelt thank-you to every one of them, especially Caroline Tse, who designed my website and book swag. Likewise to my relatives in the Chen, Huang, Simon, and Breen families.
I will be forever grateful to my mom and dad, who never said no to any book purchase and instilled in me a lifelong love of reading.
Love and hugs to my beautiful boys, Jackson and Elliott, for their curiosity about my writing and for generally making my life amazing.
Thank you to the readers and bloggers who let me know that they were eagerly anticipating this book. That made me happier than you can imagine. And lastly, thank you to anyone reading this book. I hope you enjoy it.
About the Author
Charlotte Huang grew up near Boston, graduated from Smith College, and received an MBA from Columbia Business School. She lives in Los Angeles. When not glued to her computer, she cheers her two sons on at sporting events and sometimes manages to stay up late enough to check out bands with her music-agent husband. For the Record is her first novel.
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