Ark the Legend 1-12

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by Yoo Seong

  Ark : The Legend


  Volume 01-12

  Yoo Seong


  Story Description:

  A new game which the nation has dived into. From the bloody battlefields to the pyramids of ancient times, head into the colourful world of Galaxian. The glorious days of the legendary gamer Ark is over. From finding a job to saving the party from a humiliating death, nothing is easily solved……

  This is the sequel to Ark. You can read the previous series here. This sequel currently has 20 volumes published and is still ongoing.

  Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts Sci-fi, Seinen, Slice of Life

  Official Website: Link

  Status 18 Volumes (Ongoing)

  Original Publisher : Rok Media

  Published : 2014

  Ark: The Legend

  Ark : The Legend

  Yoo Seong Ark the Legend

  Table of Contents

  Ark: The Legend Vol 1 Prologue

  Space 1 The Name is Ark

  Space 2 Galaxian

  Space 3 From the Beginning Again

  Space 4 The Octopuses’ Dream

  Space 5 R-14’s Master

  Space 6 Welcome to Nephalim (Part: 1)

  Space 7 Welcome to Nephalim (Part: 2)

  Space 8 Scavenger

  Space 9 Invader

  Ark: The Legend Vol 2 Space 1 Ruins Exploration

  Space 2 Secret of the Relics

  Space 3 Planet Beltana

  Space 4 The 3rd Group (Part: 1)

  Space 5 The 3rd Group (Part: 2)

  Space 6 Straggler

  Space 7 Pyramid

  Space 8 Pharaoh’s Legacy

  Space 9 To the Base……!

  Ark: The Legend Vol 3 Space 1 Ikram

  Space 2 Beyond the Crisis

  Space 3 His and Her Circumstances

  Space 4 Waking Up! (Part: 1)

  Space 5 Waking Up! (Part: 2)

  Space 6 Touching Reunion

  Space 7 Unauthorized Attack

  Space 8 Doom Machine (Part: 1)

  Space 9 Doom Machine (Part: 2)

  Ark: The Legend Vol 4 Space 1 Hero Making

  Space 2 New Goal

  Space 3 Incomplete Quest x3

  Space 4 Over the Border!

  Space 5 Hospital Incident

  Space 6 Outlands

  Space 7 Fishing Reel!

  Space 8 Under the Black Water……

  Space 9 Secret of the Prohibited Area

  Ark: The Legend Vol 5 Space 1 My name is Alan!

  Space 2 GO! GO! GO!

  Space 3 Unknown Enemy

  Space 4 In the X…..

  Space 5 Curse VS Curse

  Space 6 Never-ending Quest

  Space 7 Like a Phoenix!

  Space 8 That Guy, This Guy, That Guy

  Space 9 After a Long Quest……

  Ark: The Legend Vol 6 Space 1 Special Reward

  Space 2 CEO’s Responsibilities

  Space 3 Mt. Fargo

  Space 4 In That Place

  Space 5 Mystery of the Stone Mountain

  Space 6 Cave of Terror

  Space 7 Enemy Unknown

  Space 8 Land where the sun sets and sun rises

  Space 9 Elim!

  Ark: The Legend Vol 7 Space 1 Throwdown

  Space 2 Hero VS Hero (Part: 1)

  Space 3 Hero VS Hero (Part: 2)

  Space 4 Flying the Federation’s Flag…..

  Space 5 That Man

  Space 6 Sector S-20

  Space 7 Visitors

  Space 8 Amara

  Space 9 Light that calls the Darkness

  Ark: The Legend Vol 8 Space 1 Escape

  Space 2 Galaxian Now…..

  Space 3 Unconfirmed Field

  Space 4 Abyss of Despair

  Space 5 Silver Star

  Space 6 To Istana!

  Space 7 Pioneer Quest

  Space 8 That Man

  Space 9 Event! Event! Event!

  Ark: The Legend Vol 9 Space 1 Ark’s 24 Hours

  Space 2 The Best Hunting Ground

  Space 3 Water Cleaning Strategy

  Space 4 After the Clean-up

  Space 5 My Land!

  Space 6 Rakunka

  Space 7 God’s Messenger

  Space 8 Temple

  Space 9 Power of God!

  Ark: The Legend Vol 10 Space 1 Black Hawk

  Space 2 Unexpected Visitors

  Space 3 MIX-UP

  Space 4 Are You Ready?

  Space 5 Turan the Hawk

  Space 6 Impeltus

  Space 7 Secret Laboratory

  Space 8 Operations Team

  Space 9 Raiders!

  Ark: The Legend Vol 11 Space 1 Silver Star VS Asura

  Space 2 Descent!

  Space 3 Lost

  Space 4 Asteroid E-2036

  Space 5 It came from Outer Space

  Space 6 The Man called God

  Space 7 The Sleeping Enemy

  Space 8 Dark Star

  Space 9 At the End of the March

  Ark: The Legend Vol 12 Space 1 Bug?

  Space 2 In Another Time

  Space 3 For the Benefit of Muratio Star!

  Space 4 3 Monkey Brothers

  Space 5 Valley of Darkness

  Space 6 Ark x Hawk

  Space 7 Ark x Hawk

  Space 8 Ark x Hawk

  Space 9 Ark x Hawk




  The Legend

  (아크 더 레전드)

  Volume 01

  Yoo Seong



  “Is this the interview location?”

  A 20 year old male asked while pushing up his glasses. In Seoul Gangnam, it was a building located 5 minutes away from the train station. A black glass in front of the building flashed ‘Global access Korea’ in English. It was the sign of a large company so the man naturally hesitated. He didn’t have the courage to go in. But he also didn’t have the courage to return

  He took a deep breath and entered the building.

  “I’ve come for an interview.”

  “Please go to the 3rd floor.”

  The model like receptionist pointed towards the elevator.

  “Ah, yes. Thank you.”

  He nodded and hurriedly walked forward and he heard laughter from behind him. His face turned red. He could guess the reason why she was laughing. He had suddenly received the notification for an interview so he had borrowed a suit from a friend bigger than him. The suit didn’t fit his figure so he looked quite unseemly. Of course, he didn’t have any hope even after receiving the notification for an interview……

  “Director-nim is coming!”

  A guard’s voice rang out and the lobby instantly became busy. The guides stood up while the guards lined up in front of the door. The man pushed up his glasses and looked confused by the atmosphere. One man was just entering through the front door. The man was surprisingly wearing baggy jeans and a jumper. He was in his mid-20’s? He was so young yet he received the title of Director. He had probably become the director because he was a 2nd generation heir to the conglomerate. They were similar ages but one person got a position in the company from his parents while the other one had to borrow some clothes for an interview. The young man once again despaired about the identity gap in modern society and was about to turn away when he suddenly flinched.

  “Wait? No, that person….p-perhaps…..”

  The young man’s mouth gaped open as he examined the face of the other man. The Director’s eyes then looked at the young man. The Director looked at the badge on his chest and smiled.

“You came for an interview?”

  “Huh? Yes, that’s right!”

  The young man replied with a rigid stance. The Director was about to say something else when the guards approached.

  “Director-nim, Vice President-nim wants to see you straight away.”

  “Vice President-nim? Understood.”

  The Director nodded and was about to turn around when he looked at the young man.

  “Don’t be too nervous. You will get good results if you try your best.”

  “Thank you!”

  The young man’s voice rang out through the lobby. The Director smiled and moved away while the young man asked a security guard.

  “Director-nim… he? The famous…..”

  “You already know?

  “Of course! I am a user in New World so it is impossible for me not to understand!”

  “Yes, Kim Hyun-woo. He is the legendary gamer who became a director of Global Exos, Ark.”

  The guard answered as he watched Hyun-woo go up the executive exclusive elevator.

  Space 1

  The Name is Ark

  ‘I was also like that…..’

  Hyun-woo recalled the old days. It had already been 4 years since Hyun-woo set foot in Global Exos wearing borrowed clothes like that young man. But now he became the advisor director and could get on the exclusive elevator to go straight to the vice president’s office. The difference after 4 years was huge! This meteoric rise was because he was the representative of Global Exos in New World. No, to be precise it was because he obtained the master code after defeating the Dark Lord Lucifer. The master code was what Park Woo-seong and Yuna used to create New World so he literally gained the power of the Creator. The master code ended up being absorbed by Hyun-woo and stuck to Ark’s character.

  How could a mere user like Hyun-woo receive such a thing? It would take 10 days just to explain the eventful 3 months it took. This was the result so he had to accept it. In the autobiography ‘Ark,’ it stated that he survived on seaweed rolls as his meal three times a day while playing the game and had become the best user in New World.


  Since then, Hyun-woo’s life had changed by 180 degrees. The reason why Hyun-woo first started New World was different from other users. He wanted to achieve two things through New World. The first was to get a job at Global Exos and the second was to gain enough money for his mother’s medical bills and their living expenses. He accomplished both things with the master code. In the view of the game company, it was impossible to leave Hyun-woo who had the power of the master code alone. They decided it was necessary to manage Hyun-woo and gave him the title of Advisory Director.

  Even if he graduated from the large S or K universities, it would be difficult to cross the threshold to reach the title of Advisory Director. His life had reversed by playing the game!

  ‘When comparing to 4 years ago when I had to worry about the meals every day, there is nothing more I can wish for but…..’

  It was the law of the world that he would lose something when gaining too much. Hyun-woo lost ‘Ark’ after he became the Advisory Director of Global Exos. He didn’t mean that the character Ark had died. Ark swallowed the master code and had gained the unique position of God in New World.


  Yes, Ark wasn’t a simple character in New World anymore. With the power of God, he could handle anything in the game world! It was a power that every gamer wanted. However, actually gaining the power was different. Think about it. If he had the power of God then he could delete a terrible moment or he could easily find legendary armour. No, level and equipment had no meaning.

  “Huck! The trap worked!”

  “There is a mob of monsters! The numbers are terrible!”

  “Ugh, I can’t give up now!”

  It was a desperate moment in the game!


  -Good job! You have wiped out thousands of monsters in one blow!

  This happened with just one word from Hyun-woo. The Del key could destroy thousands of monsters in one blow. That was the power of the master code. Why would level of equipment matter? If was the same even if Lucifer was revived again. If he said ‘Kill’ then Lucifer would be smashed to death! Hyun-woo could no longer called New World a game. That didn’t mean Hyun-woo had nothing to do in New World. New World was a game so it was continuously developing new contents. Park Woo-seong was the creator and main person behind the ‘Lucifer incident’ (see autobiography of Ark) had been arrested. Therefore Global Exos had a new task team to develop new content but they failed to reach the level of the genius Park Woo-seong. Every time they updated with a new expansion pack, a serious bug would occur. For example, a devil would suddenly appear to wipe out a novice village. Hyun-woo’s main task as the director was to correct these bugs. Hyun-woo could easily use the master code to move the devil to the middle of nowhere.

  ‘It is a form of work but……’

  He no longer felt exhilaration when exploring a new dungeon or tension when meeting a powerful enemy. It was good becoming a God at first but after being invincible for the last year, his passion for New World gradually faded away

  Ark was a God, not a game character anymore. The time where Ark cried over 1 copper wouldn’t return. He sometimes felt despondent when thinking about it but Hyun-woo shook his head.

  ‘It sounds like I’m complaining after having a full stomach.’

  He got everything that he dreamt about 4 years ago. He shouldn’t be excessively greedy. At this time, Hyun-woo never imagined what would happen. Hyun-woo didn’t know what was waiting for him in the Vice President’s room…..


  The elevator stopped



  Hyun-woo looked surprised. When he entered the Vice President’s office, four people were sitting down. He knew the faces of three of them. The one with a bald head was the Vice President who called him and the man in his thirties next to him was Ha Myung-woo from the Planning Department. The problem was the other person.

  ‘If I remember correctly, he is Park Woo-seong!’

  The real creator of New World! Park Woo-seong had been charged after the Lucifer event. Hyun-woo heard the consequences weren’t small because it was quite a large event. So why was he sitting in the Vice President’s office of Global Exos? Hyun-woo hesitated and the Vice President stood up.

  “Ah, Director Kim, come on in.”

  The Vice President introduced him to the other middle aged man in the room.

  “This is Kim Hyun-woo who is known as Ark in New World.”

  “Nice to meet you. I am Moon Ji-hun.”

  “Yes, I am Kim Hyun-woo.”

  Hyun-woo greeted and looked at the Vice President. The Vice President sighed heavily and said.

  “He is someone from the government.”

  “The government? Why is someone from the government…..?”

  “Please sit down. Chief Moon will tell you the details.”

  Hyun-woo sat down across from Moon Ji-hun and stared at him. It was an attitude commonly seen in people wary of the government. But he didn’t say anything since Moon Ji-hun seemed serious. Hyun-woo was 100% sensible. He noticed the atmosphere and intuitively sensed that what he had to hear was important. Not surprisingly, Moon Ji-hun’s starting words were extremely stressful.

  “I wanted to point out one thing before telling you the details. I am the current chief of the department of the Emergency Planning services. And that is the reason why I’m here today. From now on, everything I have to say is confidential. You cannot say anything about it outside this room, no matter the reason. This is a matter of national security so you will be severely punished if you break this.”

  ‘Emergency Planning? National security?’

  He had only heard those words in the news. Hyun-woo was stunned by the unexpected words but that was just the beginning. The following words that emerged from Moon Ji-hun’s mouth wa
s something that he hadn’t even heard in the news.

  “Around 4 p.m. yesterday, all the nuclear power plants in this country have been occupied by a terrorist.”

  “Eh? Eh eh? The nuclear power plants have been occupied by a terrorist?”

  “That’s right.”

  “B-but I didn’t hear about it on the news……”

  Hyun-woo stuttered with a disbelieving expression.

  “If it was discovered that the nuclear power plants were shut down……”

  “You’re very perceptive.”

  Moon Ji-hun nodded.

  “You’ll probably understand even if I don’t tell you. Currently the only people who know the details are the task force from the Emergency Planning department and the managers of the power plants. Together there are approximately 100 people who know.”

  Hyun-woo was stunned. What type of place was the nuclear power plant? It contained nuclear power. If a problem occurred at a nuclear power plant then it was the same as receiving damage from a nuclear bomb. Yet Moon Ji-hun said that such as dangerous place was occupied by terrorists. That in itself wasn’t the only thing that made Hyun-woo puzzled

  He couldn’t understand why they would talk about it with him.

  “W-why are you telling me this?”

  “We need Hyun woo ssi’s help.”

  The answer was even more incomprehensible. Hyun-woo was certainly different from the general public. But that power was only limited to the virtual reality game called New World. In reality Hyun-woo was just an ordinary man.

  “My help? Are you mistaking me with somebody else? I’m not a person who would be involved in such things. I’m just a gamer. I’m a person who shuts myself in my house and plays a game.”

  “I know.”

  “If you know then why…..?”


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