Secrets of the A-List Box Set, Volume 1

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Secrets of the A-List Box Set, Volume 1 Page 19

by Joss Wood

  * * *

  The property he had to show was located on Anapamu Street in downtown Santa Barbara, surrounded by tiled walkways, sidewalk cafés, fountains, sculptures and an array of restaurants, galleries and prime retail space, and he knew his client would realize that was exactly what he needed. Thom had found and listed the property barely a week earlier. The client, Mr. Phillips, who imported antique furniture, would fit in perfectly with the surrounding businesses.

  Yet as much as Thom wanted to nail down this sale, he wanted to get the showing over with so that he could talk with Elana. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be the best approach. He could only imagine the look on Elana’s face when he told her who the Fixer was.

  “What is the square footage?”

  Thom blinked. “It’s sixty-eight hundred square feet. As you can see, the view from the street is perfect for what you want to do. You have the option of redesigning the space to suit your needs. There is enough room in back for an office, and parking out back. Best of all is the foot traffic in this area.”

  Thom stood aside while Mr. Phillips walked around. “And as part of our service, once you decide to purchase, we can get the interior done to your specifications.”

  “I know your father,” he said. “And your mother.”

  Thom smiled. Everyone knew Sam and Caroline.

  “You look like your mother. You have her eyes, but your father’s nose for business.”

  “They make a helluva team.”

  “I totally agree.”

  “Are you married?”


  Mr. Phillips nodded. “Good. Best thing for a man is to have a woman at his side. Keeps him centered. I’ve been married for fifty years.”

  “Wow. That’s pretty amazing.”

  The client chuckled. “That’s what I keep telling myself when I look at my wife and realize that she actually stuck around all this time.”

  “How do you do it?” Thom asked, really needing to know.

  Mr. Phillips rested his hip against a table. “Always remember that if you treat your wife with love, respect and honesty, you will have no greater ally.” He pointed a long finger. “And always say yes. No matter what.”

  They laughed.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I’ll have my lawyer call the office in the morning, and we can get the paperwork started.”


  They shook hands.

  “Tell your father you did good,” Mr. Phillips said with a wink as Thom walked with him to the entrance.

  “I’m sure he’ll be glad to hear it.”

  Thom stood outside the building and watched Mr. Phillips get in his car and drive off before he locked the door and headed to his own vehicle. He checked his watch. Barring any major traffic, he should get to Casa Cat in about twenty minutes.

  He would tell Elana everything he knew.

  This time it was Vanessa who came to the door when Thom arrived at the house.

  “Mr. Scott. Good afternoon. Looking for Ms. Elana?”

  “Not really. I know she and her mother are out doing stuff for the party.” Thom came in and shut the door behind him. “I thought I’d hang out here until she got back. Maybe take a swim.”

  “Can I get anything for you?”

  “No. I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Enjoy your swim,” Vanessa said with a smile before she walked off toward the kitchen.

  He strode through the wide entryway and walked out back. The family gardener was trimming the hedges. Thom stood under the overhang of the veranda and looked out on the expanse of the property and beyond to one of the smaller vineyards.

  Thom was more certain than ever that Harrison had a direct role with the Fixer. When he’d first overheard the conversation, he’d thought that maybe this person was simply using Harrison as a front. But the more he thought about it, the stronger was his belief that Harrison was no innocent bystander, but perhaps the actual puppet master. The implications of that possibility were enormous.

  The gardener moved farther down the property. Thom glanced around and even checked the side of the house before he took out his phone and tapped in Elana’s number.

  He slowly paced while the phone rang.

  “Pick up...”

  “Hi, sweetie,” came Elana’s cheerful voice. “I’m with Mom. I found the most incredible pair of shoes to go with my dress for the party, and...well, you saw all of the preparations,” she prattled without giving Thom a chance to get a word in. “It’s going to be fabulous. I’m so excited. Excited to be marrying you and... Thom, I just want to say I’m sorry for acting like a crazy person these past few days. I think I got scared, that’s all. I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Please don’t be upset with me.”

  “I’m not upset—I mean, I was, but I’m past that. Look, we need to talk.”

  “Talk? What’s wrong? I knew you were upset. I apologized. What else can I do?”

  “It’s not you, Elana. I—”



  “Yes. Please, Thom, I don’t want you to worry about Elana. She got a little case of cold feet, but she is fine now. We talked. Didn’t we, Elana?”

  Thom could hear Elana muttering in the background.

  “Every couple goes through this. Before I married Harrison, you would have thought my feet were made from blocks of ice, they were so cold. It didn’t help that my family was totally against me marrying ‘some cook,’ as my mother called him. My father swore that Harrison would never amount to anything. But I knew that he was the one for me, and I wanted to be by his side. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

  “I, uh, really appreciate...feel honored that you would share that confidence with me.”

  “I told you all of that so that you will understand that it’s natural to have doubts. This is one of the biggest, most life-altering decisions you will ever make. But it’s the right one. You and Elana belong together.”

  “Would it be okay if I spoke with Elana now?”

  “Of course. Don’t forget what I said.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I’m looking forward to having another son in the family. Hold on—I’ll give the phone back to Elana.”

  Thom listened to mother and daughter chattering in the background, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. Elana finally came back on the line.

  “Thom,” she said on a breath. “I’m sorry for all that. You know how my mother can be.”

  “It’s okay. She’s only looking out for her only daughter.”

  “You know I want to marry you, right?”

  “And I want to marry you.”

  She laughed. “Wait until you see all the things I bought today! And everything is ready for the engagement party. It is going to be the party to end all parties,” she said, sounding giddy with happiness. “Mom has put it in the social section of the paper. Our engagement party will be the event of the season!”

  Gifts and shopping were to Elana what a good drink was to an alcoholic, and seeing her name and image in newspapers and magazines fed her thirst for attention. At times he truly felt sorry for his bride-to-be. She believed she was not as smart as Luc or as talented as Rafe, but underneath all of her glitz and glamour, she was sweet and could be loving. “I’m actually looking forward to the party.”

  “Are you?” she asked, a coating of doubt in her voice.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I was so worried that with all my craziness, and then to get the place where we were supposed to meet screwed up yesterday... I thought you might have changed your mind.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “And we haven’t in a while.”

  Thom inwardly flinche
d. He’d actually been relieved that Elana didn’t seem to be interested in sex. Although he tried to be a considerate lover, his heart was never really in it. Who knew how that would eventually play out in a long-term, live-in relationship. “No,” he said softly. “I haven’t changed my mind,” he said, dodging the elephant in the room. “But... Elana, we need to talk. As soon as possible. I have something to tell you, and we need to do it face-to-face. It’s important.”

  “What is it? You’re scaring me.”

  “I’m at Casa Cat. How soon can you get here?”

  “Thom, tell me.”

  “Keep your voice down. I don’t want your mother asking any questions.”

  “Okay. Okay. Just tell me. I won’t be able to drive, thinking about whatever it is you have to tell me. You swear you’re not calling off the wedding?”

  “I’m not calling off the wedding. I swear. But I found out something and...”

  He heard footsteps coming from behind him. Slowly he turned around.

  “Hang up the phone,” the Fixer mouthed. “Now.”

  * * *

  Will the Fixer silence Thom...permanently? Look, Thom needs to marry Elana, and unless he does something, she’s going to back out of their million-dollar marriage! But with the Fixer standing in front of him, does Thom risk spilling his guts—or shut his mouth to save his life?

  * * * * *

  Read SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 4 of 12)

  by Reese Ryan

  To find out what happens next!

  Available now from Harlequin Serials

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  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 1 of 12)

  by Joss Wood

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 2 of 12)

  by Clare Connelly

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 3 of 12)

  by Donna Hill

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 4 of 12)

  by Reese Ryan

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 5 of 12)

  by Helen Lacey

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 6 of 12)

  by Michelle Major

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 7 of 12)

  by Yahrah St. John

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 8 of 12)

  by Cat Schield

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 9 of 12)

  by Maya Blake

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 10 of 12)

  by USA TODAY Bestselling Author Dani Collins

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 11 of 12)

  by Maya Blake

  SECRETS OF THE A-LIST (Episode 12 of 12)

  by Karen Booth

  Available now from Harlequin Serials

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  And don’t miss two linked romances also featuring the Marshall family from Harlequin Desire®:


  by Joss Wood

  On sale now



  by Karen Booth

  Coming in December 2017


  (Episode 4 of 12)

  Reese Ryan

  Money can’t buy happiness—but it might buy silence

  Yet another bombshell is dropped on the Marshalls, one that threatens to change everything. But there’s no time to dwell on it with Elana and Thom’s engagement party in full swing. So why is Mariella more focused on handsome family friend Joe than on the happy couple?

  As if the Fixer doesn’t have enough to worry about, especially with Thom threatening to reveal all. Time to seal those loose lips. After all, what’s a party without blackmail?

  Super Rich. Super Sexy. Super Addictive.

  Secrets of the A-List

  About the Author

  Reese Ryan usually writes sexy, contemporary romance featuring colorful characters and sinfully sweet romances. She challenges her heroines with family and career drama, reformed bad boys, revealed secrets and the occasional identity crisis, but always rewards them with a well-earned happy ending.

  A native of The Land (Cleveland, Ohio), Reese resides in North Carolina, where she carefully treads the line between being a Southerner and a Yankee, despite her insistence on calling soda “pop.” She gauges her progress by the number of “bless your lil’ hearts” she receives each week. She is currently down to two.

  Reese is an avid reader with a to-be-read stack that resembles a small skyscraper, and a music lover with a serious thing for brilliant singer/songwriters and an incurable addiction to Broadway soundtracks and film scores. Connect with Reese via Instagram, Facebook or

  Visit her Author Profile page at for other titles.


  Episode Four

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Episode Four

  The Fixer isn’t always polite when secrets need to be kept—and he’s already given Thom a chance to follow the rules. Will Thom take it—or will permanent steps need to be taken to keep the groom-to-be silent forever?

  Chapter One

  “Hang up the phone. Now.”

  Thom watched the Fixer’s lips silently shape the words.

  Thom loosened his slim gray Armani silk tie and cleared his throat, his heart beating faster.

  “Thom? Thom, what is it? What’s going on? You’re freaking me out right now.” The high, tight pitch of Elana’s voice brought him back to her.

  “Sorry, Elana, I have to go. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.” Thom locked eyes with the Fixer, who was nodding approval.

  “But Thom, you can’t just say something like that and then go. Seriously, what the—”

  Thom ended the call in the middle of Elana’s frantic protest. He shoved his phone into his inside pocket and folded his arms as he widened his stance.

  “I know you overheard my conversation. You’re a smart guy, so I know you’ve figured out that I’m the Fixer. But that information needs to stay between us.”

  “Why would I keep this from my fiancée?”

  “Telling Elana would be a mistake. One you don’t want to make.”

  The situation was awkward, but not dangerous. It wasn’t as if he were dealing with a stranger. No reason for him to feel intimidated, despite the stern look on the Fixer’s face.

  “You threatening me?” Thom folded his arms and lengthened his spine to his full height, his chin jutting out. “That is what you do, isn’t it?”

  Chuckling softly, the Fixer’s stance softened. “Why would I do that when there’s a much better option?”

  Thom’s shoulders relaxed. “Which is?”

  Leaning in to straighten Thom’s tie, the Fixer’s mouth curved in a soft smile. Now the Fixer’s face was inches from his. “A proposition.”

  Does he know?

  The family hadn’t learned much about the Fixer, but Elana had told him they knew the Fixer dealt in secrets. Powerful secrets that could bring a man or his empire to its knees.

  Thom studied the Fixer’s face as he stepped back. The eyes he once considered to be kind now seemed dark and menacing. The smile that typically exuded warmth and compassion was suddenly cold and manipulative.

  Had everything he’d believed been wrong, or was this the deception? Was the Fixer testing him, or was this something more? Something completely unexpected?

  Thom swallowed hard. “What kind of proposition are you talking about?”

; “ thought I meant you and me?” The Fixer laughed, as if it were the most absurd thing ever heard. “Don’t be ridiculous, Thom. You’re in love with Elana, about to be a married man.” The Fixer smiled again. “What I’m offering is far better. Something you wouldn’t think of refusing.”

  No, there’s no way the Fixer could know the truth.

  If so, wouldn’t the Fixer have tried to put a halt to his impending marriage to Elana?

  “What could you possibly have to offer that would make me keep a secret like this from Elana? She’s my fiancée, for God’s sake. Don’t you think that she and the rest of the family deserve to know?”

  The Fixer’s attention shifted to Eli, the family’s gardener. They both greeted the man, then the Fixer indicated that they should move the conversation to the poolside cabana.

  Thom followed reluctantly. There was no reason to be afraid. Still, he was relieved that Eli had seen them together and that the curtains in the pool house were drawn. They could talk in private, but he’d still be safe.

  Just in case.

  The Fixer closed the French doors and gestured toward the sofa.

  Thom sat on the edge of the seat. He wouldn’t be there long. He’d hear the Fixer out, but there was nothing that would change his mind. Elana and Mariella needed to know the truth. He needed the gratitude he’d earn for discovering the Fixer’s identity. Leverage he could use if Elana lost her nerve again and considered bailing on their wedding.

  Besides, there were enough secrets between him and Elana already. He wouldn’t add another. No enticement could compel him to think otherwise. Yet, his curiosity got the better of him.

  “So, this proposition...”

  The Fixer grinned, sitting back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other.

  So damn smug.

  “I can offer you the one thing you want more than anything else in the world.” A self-satisfied smirk spread across the Fixer’s face.

  “I already have everything I need, and I’m more than capable of acquiring anything I want,” Thom replied, determined not to show the irritation bubbling beneath the surface. His family didn’t have the Marshalls’ wealth, but they certainly weren’t paupers.


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