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Nameless: Book Three in the Enhanced Series

Page 18

by T. C. Edge

  Behind me, Agent Woolf stands to her feet. I look to her and see her perform a little bow to her superior.

  “Deputy Burns,” she says. “Is there something you need?”

  I turn back to the Deputy Commander of the City Guard, Leyton Burns, a man who portrays a brighter countenance than most of his kind. He looks to Agent Woolf with a fairly stern expression.

  “Romelia,” he says, “I do need something, yes. I need this young woman right here.”

  Agent Woolf shows the most emotion I’ve ever seen from her: a tiny frown, a hint of confusion.

  “Sorry?” she asks.

  “I know you’re aware that Miss Melrose here is courting Mr Adryan Shaw,” he says firmly. “Their arranged meeting time has already expired, and yet here you are, holding her back. That is unacceptable.”

  “But I have important business with her, Deputy.”

  “Business that can wait, I’m sure,” he says briskly. “You know how important the courting process is. It is sacrosanct, Agent Woolf. You cannot interfere with it. That is something you should know. Now, Mr Shaw is awaiting Miss Melrose outside. I will escort her to him. Don’t let an incident like this happen again.”

  His voice is firm and direct. Agent Woolf’s expression threatens to show more life, but remains predominantly unaffected by the reproach.

  She merely nods and says: “Yes, Deputy Burns. I apologise for interfering.”

  I remain rooted to the spot as the exchange takes place, turning my head back and forward to watch it play out. In truth, I don’t really need to, what with my enhanced peripheral vision. To maintain the illusion of regular sight, however, I make an extra effort to crane my neck to the left and right.

  Eventually, it ends on Deputy Burns, whose eyes turn down to mine.

  “Brie, come along now,” he says. “Mr Shaw is waiting.”

  I grip the arms of the metal chair and release myself from its clutches. And turning from Agent Woolf for the final time, I see a darkness pervading her, and a look that says one thing…

  I will get you. Soon enough, I’ll discover the truth.


  A flood of relief works through my veins as I step out of the room alongside Deputy Burns. I’m unable to show it, however, and do all I can to keep it hidden deep inside me. Yet some is unstoppable, my breathing hastening enough for the Deputy to notice.

  Outside the room, he shuts the cold metal door tight and spreads his eyes over me in his own unique fashion.

  “I apologise for the actions of Agent Woolf, Brie. She should never have subjected you to an interrogation so close to your engagement with Mr Shaw. Are you OK?”

  I nod but say nothing, my voice too brittle. I don’t quite know what to think about the man. That’s the second time he’s saved me, after stopping that Con-Cop from jabbing me outside Culture Corner a few weeks ago. I should be grateful for that, even though all he’s really doing is his job.

  Then again, this man is complicit in the terrible plot unfolding around the city, working to put into practice the orders of Director Cromwell. During the last attack by the Fanatics on the market, his own men died, a number of City Guards caught in the blast.

  He must have had knowledge of it. And yet, still, he did nothing to deter his own men from being on duty there. He let them die, just to further the cause of his master.

  I allow the thought a few moments to process in me, before shedding it from my mind. And when I look at him again, my distaste for the man has been shifted back again, replaced by a grateful smile.

  “Thank you for interrupting, Deputy Burns,” I say. “How did you know about my date with Adryan?”

  “Oh, well, I like to keep my ear to the ground,” he says, somewhat cryptically. “I have close affiliations with the Council of Matrimony, as all high ranking officials do. It’s an important institution, and crucial in seeing us prosper. I heard from my men that you were seen being brought here by Agent Woolf, and thought I’d come fetch you. Again, my apologies.”

  “There’s no need, but thank you,” I say.

  He nods respectfully, and begins leading me towards the hall. Once more, I glance at the archives with some measure of desire, my mind briefly pulsing with thoughts of my father and, by extension, my mother too.

  Deputy Burns seems to catch me looking. As we move towards the lift, his voice smoothly drifts to my ears again.

  “Now tell me, Brie…did I see you at the site of the most recent attack?”

  We enter the lift and it begins to plummet.

  “Um, at the market?” I ask, trying to hold back my burgeoning anger at what I witnessed that night.

  “Yes. When I first arrived, I believe I saw you on the edge of the square, away in the shadows.”

  There’s no point in me denying it. He clearly saw me, and I saw him.

  “Yes, I was there,” I say. “It’s close to my academy. I actually had two friends die in that attack…”

  I can’t help but glare at him. His eyes remain quite impassive.

  “A terrible shame,” he says. “First the attack at Culture Corner, and then the one at the market. You do find yourself in some odd and dangerous places, don’t you, Brie?”

  “I guess I’m just unlucky.”

  “Well, I’d counter you there,” he says as the lift doors open and we step into the busy foyer. “After all, your presence at Culture Corner led to your appearance here for the ceremony. In turn, that put you in front of many of the eligible bachelors of Inner Haven. And now, well, you’re courting a fine young man. So, not so unlucky after all…”

  “I suppose,” I say blankly. “That’s an interesting way of looking at things, Deputy.”

  “More logical, really. Who knows where a particular action or event will eventually lead you. Something terrible can bear positive fruit in the end. I said it before, and I’ll say it again now. You’ll make a fine addition to our ranks here, Brie. I’m sure you’ll do wonderful things…”

  I scan his expression and end up confused. He really does like to talk, this one. He seems to derive some pleasure from the sound of his own voice.

  He turns again to the main doorway, the natural light outside now fading fast, replaced with the all-encompassing illumination given off by the High Tower.

  “Right then, Brie. It was nice to see you again, if only briefly. Mr Shaw is waiting outside. Enjoy your evening together.”

  He nods courteously once more, before slipping away towards the lifts.

  I still maintain my poise, holding things together as I work my way towards the light and send my eyes to the street beyond. The sight of Adryan, standing alone and staring at the doorway, sends an echoing shudder of relief through me.

  Still, I don’t let any emotion show as I go towards him, and he performs his little bow as he always does when we greet. I do the same, then look into his silver eyes and feel my resolve weaken.

  He appears to notice my crumbling façade, and so quickly lays his hand on my lower back and begins working me northwards across the street.

  “Come on, let’s get you to the Court House,” he says softly.

  I shuffle as fast as I’m permitted to go around here, without wanting to draw attention. Staring forward, I take in nothing. Not the crowds of dead-eyed Savants pouring from the High Tower. Not the monumental structure itself, usually so impossible to not gaze upon in wonder.

  I do nothing but try to keep things together as we walk silently to our destination, my thoughts now allowed to run free and without constraint, without fear of being read and discovered by those who’d see me dead.

  Only when we get to the Court House, and go up to the 20th floor, and straight into the apartment assigned to us for our courtship, does the dam finally break.

  I immediately let my body shake free the emotion, my eyes dampening and breath quickening. Adryan turns to me and, without speaking, sucks me into a warm embrace.

  And in his arms, I feel safe. My only ally here in this strange, inhospitab
le world. A world where one wrong turn will get me killed, and so many other people too. Where I have to walk the tightrope without error, my balance constantly tested by strong winds and flying birds and all manner of other dangers.

  I reach around and dig my fingers into Adryan’s back, and feel the tears beginning to climb out from my eyes, marching down my cheeks and wetting my neck.

  “It’s OK,” whispers Adryan. “You’re safe now. You’re safe here.”

  For a few long moments, I allow myself the break. I let my emotions, usually so pent up inside me, stride free. And then, after purging myself of that weakness, I grit my teeth and blink my eyes and squeeze every last drop of moisture out of them.

  My grip eases on Adryan’s back, and I pull away to see my eyes have left a wet patch on his suit.

  “I’m sorry…” I whisper.

  He shakes his head and pulls off his jacket, tossing it to one side.

  “It’ll dry,” he says. “It’s nothing.”

  He takes my hand gently, and leads me towards the sofa. Setting me down, he moves to the kitchen and fetches the wine that I now long for. As soon as a large glass is filled, half of it is emptied down my throat. The sensation is strangely calming, my mind immediately settling and soothing.

  “Better?” he asks, smiling.

  “Much,” I say, doing the same.

  After spending time looking at the black eyes of Agent Woolf, Adryan’s are so appealing, so alluring. They appear far more human than ever, a gentle silver that hold a captivating beauty.

  In fact, everything about him now registers as normal to me. His smile and the look of worry and concern hovering on his brows. His willingness to comfort me, to offer me the physical contact that I need here in this horrible place. His calming voice and attentiveness.

  To me, he’s no longer a Savant. He’s just a man, sensitive and real.

  “So what happened?” he asks. “When I was told you were being taken to the City Guard headquarters, I was so…worried, Brie. Do they know something?”

  I take another sip of wine.

  “Agent Woolf is suspicious,” I say, staring at the glass. “She was probing, searching. I kept her at bay, I think. For now at least. But she’ll be back again, I know it. We have to act quickly, Adryan.” I lift my eyes to his, and set them with resolve. “We need to get married as soon as possible. I need to get into the High Tower.”

  “And your powers? Are you ready?”

  “I have to be,” I say defiantly. “I don’t think we can wait any longer…”

  “I understand,” he says, nodding. “The pieces are already moving. We can have you tested in a matter of days and then get married immediately…”

  “Make it as soon as possible,” I say firmly. “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold off Agent Woolf.”

  “It’ll be easier once we’re married. You’ll be under my protection.”

  “Then make it quick. If she catches me again, she might just break in. I’m not strong enough yet to repel a woman like that forever.”

  I lean back on the sofa and let out a long breath. Another sip of wine flows down through my body, softening the painful throbbing in my head. Shutting my eyes, I hear Adryan moving over towards me and refilling my glass.

  He sits down beside me this time, close now.

  “You can practice on me if you want,” he says quietly. “I spoke with Lady Orlando. I know you need to practice on stronger minds, Savant minds. It’ll help you with your mission. I’m here for you, Brie. Whatever you need, I’m here.”

  I find my hand lifting to his cheek, his skin pale and clear, his jaw dusted with prickly stubble. Something inside me wants to take a grip and pull him into me, but I hold back the urge.

  Instead, I merely smile and say: “Thank you, Adryan. For everything you’ve done, and are doing. Later. I’ll take you up on that offer later. Right now, I just need to rest a while. And maybe…eat?”

  He draws back, and my hand slips from his face.

  “OK. I’ll see to that. You rest here, Brie. Let your mind recover. We can practice later.”

  He stands and moves away to the kitchen, and I sink a little deeper into the soft sofa. After the day I’ve had, an exhaustion is now grappling with me, weakening my mind and gradually forcing my eyes shut.

  I feel the power of sleep approaching, and place my wine back down on the table. And lifting my legs up onto the chair, I rest my head back down and shut my eyes, listening to Adryan work, and smelling the scent of food as it spreads through the apartment.

  And in this refuge of ours, this sanctuary in a city of danger, I slip away into a troubled sleep.


  The nap is just what I need. It works to reset my faculties and energy levels, giving me enough juice to spend my remaining time with Adryan as best as I can.

  Shaking me awake, my nose fills with the scent of stew, and I see Adryan’s handsome face emerge from the haze before my eyes.

  I drop my legs to the floor and yawn, feeling far more alert.

  “How long was I out?” I ask.

  “Only 20 minutes,” he says.

  “That’s all?!”

  “It’s the optimum time for a nap. Any longer and you’d have entered the deeper stages of sleep, and would probably feel more groggy now. I considered that you’d be better served with a sharper mind.”

  “Good plan,” I say, still yawning. “I had no idea such a short sleep could have such an impact…”

  “Well, bear it in mind for the future. It’s not uncommon for people to nap during the day here in order to maintain high levels of productivity.”

  Clearly, another strange quirk of life here. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone over in Outer Haven who takes time out of their working day to have a short siesta.

  Evidently, it does the trick. Feeling far happier, and with the recent memory of Agent Woolf’s interrogation now seeming so much more distant, we set about enjoying Adryan’s delicious stew over on the table by the wall.

  As with the last time I came here, there’s a splash of colour to the place, and we eat from warm red bowls. Knowing my preference for enjoying the view, Adryan also orders for the wall to turn transparent, giving us a look out over the sparkling city.

  By now, the sky has grown dark, and the stars and moon have begun to send down their celestial glow, as if reflecting the many thousands of lights dotting the city streets. It’s a striking backdrop for a lovely dinner, Adryan yet again proving how gentlemanly he can be by actively seeing to my every need.

  I guess he’s conditioned to operate in such a way, life here for all Savants involving performing a duty to the highest level possible. In this case, his duty has been set out by Lady Orlando, with his remit to facilitate me in everything I do here.

  Seeing me so stressed, he’s clearly made the decision to try to make my time in this apartment relaxing and enjoyable. It’s an odd turnaround, given our relative positions – official positions, at least – in the city.

  He’s a Savant of high rank. I’m merely a regular orphan girl who’s spent her life working as a cleaner and labourer. To anyone else, that is how we’d be viewed. The truth, of course, is quite different.

  As we dine, my thoughts turn to the other favour he said he’d perform. Again, it was intended to make sure I maintained a single focus, and nothing more.

  “Have you found anything out about my parents?” I ask him.

  He doesn’t provide me with the answer I’m looking for.

  “I’m afraid not, Brie. I haven’t really had an opportunity as yet.”

  I’m disappointed, but not significantly so. Truth be told, my mind is overloaded enough as it is, and learning of the inevitable fate of my parents isn’t necessarily going to help.

  “That’s OK,” I tell him. “I did see a section within the City Guard HQ labelled ‘archives’, though. I was wondering if there might be some information about my father in there, seeing as he was a member.”

“Quite possibly, yes,” says Adryan. “Although, I’m not sure what you’d learn. Mostly you’d just find service records.”

  “But if he was taken to the REEF, or discharged or something, then that would be listed too, right?”

  “I’d imagine so. However, it would only be confirmation of what you already know, wouldn’t it?”

  His words suck the wind from my sails. The deflation is obvious enough for him to see.

  “I’m sorry if my words are blunt, Brie,” he says. “You know I have trouble with that sometimes.”

  “No, it’s fine, really,” I assure him. “You’re a lot better at it than you think.”

  I smile at him to show that I’m not insulted.

  He’s right, though. I will just learn what I already know. And in any case, I’m not about to go sneaking into the City Guard HQ looking for answers. Personally, I’d prefer never to set foot inside that building ever again.

  Instead, we turn to other things. The meal concludes and we gravitate over towards the sofa once more. With a few verbal orders, the light in the apartment softens, and the transparent walls turn a little more solid, shielding out some of the brighter glow from outside.

  With a warm atmosphere flooding the apartment, Adryan once more offers his mind for me to practice. A part of me would prefer not to. For once, I’d just like to sit here and relax and give myself an opportunity to recharge.

  But another part knows I don’t really have a choice. I can’t stop working until the job is complete. Until I’ve done the deed and have escaped the High Tower, and Inner Haven, and re-joined my brother and Drum and the Nameless down in the underlands.

  Maybe I could just become one of their hunters, going out beyond the wall to fetch meat? Or maybe I could go even further, pack a bag and hike towards the mountains. Climb to the highest passes above the toxic fog and leave the city behind for good.

  There are lots of maybes in my head. Lots of choices that may lie ahead. But not now. Now, I have no choice at all. There’s a single purpose to my life, a single directive for me to follow. And sitting here with Adryan, I cannot pass up the chance to practice on a mind as powerful as his.


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