Belong to You

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Belong to You Page 3

by Vi


  “Yes, I work at Heston Hotel in New York City. That’s how I was able to afford this fancy schmancy Heston Resort, they give a great employee discount. I moved to New York from Boston last month. I’m starting all over and doing what is right for me for a change. I’m going to start singing with Sienna again once in a while too, now that I am back in the same city again.”

  Quiet again. I turned to look at him and his face was unreadable. He looked into my eyes and gently brushed the hair on my face back. Then he kissed me. A different kiss from last night, not a passionate, groping kiss, but a beautiful tender kiss. It took my breath away. I couldn’t remember the last time a kiss stirred so much inside of me. He watched me intently as I recovered from the moment. “Room service or Restaurant?”

  I smiled at him. I wanted more than anything to say room service, but I was enjoying making him work for it a little bit. “Restaurant.”

  He looked at me seriously. “Whatever you want babe. But wear a dress and forget the underwear. I want to know that it won’t take me long to bury myself deep inside you after dinner.”

  I probably should have been offended by his crudeness, but instead it turned me on. Two could play his game. “I’d like to use my first question.”

  He arched one eyebrow intrigued in response.

  “Do you prefer to be on the top or the bottom?” I thought I volleyed his serve.

  His response was fast and dead serious. “I prefer whatever makes you yell louder when I fuck you harder than you’ve ever been fucked.”

  I gasped at the instant visual that his words inspired in my head. Damn, I needed a cold shower.

  He stood and held out his hand to help me up. He didn’t let go when I stood; instead he pulled me hard against his chest and looked down into my eyes. “And I’m going to have you both ways tonight anyway.” He smiled an evil victorious smile and grabbed my hand and started to walk into the resort.

  Chapter 4

  I drank a glass of wine, as I got ready in my room for dinner. I was glad that Jack said he had to take care of some business before dinner, because I needed time to pull my thoughts together. Sienna made plans to have dinner with Tyler and we were singing at the top of our lungs as we blasted music from my ipod. I truly missed those moments, where we were both happy and singing and dancing. I didn’t even realize how long it had been since I felt so carefree and happy.

  I picked out a pale blue strapless dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. It was the dress I knew looked good on me and always brought me compliments. My legs looked long and lean under the short skirt and the pale blue showed off my dark tan. Last time I wore it, Michael had told me that the pale blue color in the dress matched my eyes perfectly. I left my long hair down, framing my tan face. The dress made me feel pretty and gave me confidence. Oddly, I wasn’t feeling as nervous as I had expected to for my dinner date, and, more specifically, what was to come after dinner.

  I was feeling good and closed my eyes as I lost myself singing along with one of my favorite songs, when I turned and saw Jack standing in the doorframe. He took up most of the doorway and looked freaking amazing.

  “I was enjoying the show.” His voice was low and husky.

  “How long were you standing there?”

  “Sienna opened the door for me on her way out. You look fucking incredible.”

  I shook my head at his compliment and smiled, pretending I found his words harsh. “You have such a way with words.” They may not have been the most eloquent words, but I felt them somewhere deep inside of me. His words were raw and honest.

  My comment didn’t faze him in the slightest. “If I take one step into this room, I won’t get to enjoy that dress and we definitely won’t be going to a restaurant. So let’s go before I eat you for dinner.”

  Even though he said it in jest, I knew he wasn’t really kidding. I grabbed my bag and went quickly to the door. I opened my bag to put my room key in and a dozen condoms that must have been crammed in came popping out.

  “I am going to kill Sienna.” I was completely flustered and embarrassed.

  “I’m going to thank her.” Jack smiled a full smile and took my hand to lead me to dinner.


  I was a little nervous that dinner would be awkward because we both knew what was going to happen afterward. But it was just the opposite. Our conversation flowed so freely; it was hard to believe that we had only met yesterday. We talked and teased and laughed all the way through dinner and drinks. He ordered us a dessert I had never heard of with two spoons and I noticed that the waiter and most of the staff all seemed to know him by name.

  “Do you come here often? Everyone seems to know your name.”

  “Question number two. Yes, I come here a few times a year. It’s one of my favorite hotels.”

  “That isn’t really a personal question, I don’t think I should get charged for that one!” I pouted.

  “Asking a person where they vacation qualifies as a personal question.”

  “Fine. But I want it noted that I used that one under protest.”

  He pretended to be serious, but I saw the corners of his glorious mouth twitch upwards. “So noted.” A pause, and then, “My turn. Are you on birth control?”

  “Question number 3. You are going to cash in all of your chips before the end of the game, if you aren’t careful.”

  Both his eyebrows arched in surprise and he smirked, but waited for my answer.

  “Yes, I’m on birth control and I just had a physical last month. I’m clean. I thought I might save you a question and throw in the second part for free.” I arched one eyebrow and smirked back at him. “My turn. When…” I started but was quickly interrupted by Jack.

  “Save the question, I’ll donate the answer. Physical. Three week ago. Clean as a whistle. Plus, I’ve always used a condom.”

  “Always?” I assumed he was exaggerating.

  His face was serious. “That one’s gonna cost you. Question number 3. Every. Single. Time.”

  I was intrigued and starting to get turned on. It wasn’t typical first date conversation, but yet it seemed oddly normal to have the conversation with him. “And you want your first time without one to be with me?”

  “Question number 4. More than I’ve ever wanted anything.” He ran his fingers through his sexy hair. Jack had the type of hair that looked like he just had sex and I was more than a little jealous that it was his fingers delving into his hair, and not mine. But I was glad to see that he had a tell, the first sign that our conversation was starting to affect him too. He caught my eyes, “I want to feel every bit of you. Then I want to pump myself into you so far that you can feel it seep deep into your body.”

  Oh. My. God. I had to recross my legs and clamp my thighs tightly together to keep my body from responding to just his words.

  “Are you wearing underwear?” His voice was low and raspy. I heard the desire pour from his words.

  “Question number 4.” I bit my lip and hesitated for a brief second. “No.” I barely finished my word when Jack had lifted me up and out of my seat and grabbed my hand heading for the door. We passed the waiter bringing out dessert as we flew by him.

  “Put it on my room, Eduardo.” He yelled to the poor confused waiter without slowing down his pace. I had to practically run behind him just to keep up with the pace that he was dragging me at.


  I struggled to keep up as we weaved through the hotel hallways. We arrived at the elevator and neither of us said a word as we got in, finding an older couple already occupying the car. Jack stood close behind me and inserted a room key into the control panel, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist as the car began to travel.

  I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and I was certain that the couple next to us could too. The car stopped to let out the couple and the tension grew as the doors closed leaving us alone in the car. Jack pushed a button on the panel and I felt his mouth
on my neck from behind me. His wet full lips kissed and sucked at the tender spot between my neck and shoulder. A small moan escaped my lips and he responded by pressing my front up against the mirrored car wall. The palms of my hands were spread wide against the cold hard mirror and my face turned to its side, the cold not helping to reduce the heat in my body. He kissed my neck, tracing his tongue up from my collarbone to my ear. I could feel his arousal as he pushed his front gruffly into my back, cornering me in between his hold and the wall.

  His hands reached down to the outside of my things, burning a trail of heat as they felt their way slowly from my thighs around to my bare ass. I gasped as he lifted my skirt and pushed his hard body deeper into my bare back. I was desperate to feel him against me, skin against skin. He bit my ear and I stopped breathing, as I waited in anticipation for his traveling hands as they reached around me and slowly moved down from my belly button, finally reaching my swollen clit.

  His hand cupped me. “You’re so wet for me.” He growled in my ear. His voice couldn’t hide his lack of control. Two of his large fingers pressed my clit and began massaging in small circles. I almost orgasmed at just his first touch.

  “Is everything okay in the car? It looks like you have been stopped between floors momentarily.” The voice form the control panel hit me lack a bucket of ice water throw on my face, bringing me back to reality.

  “Fuck” Jack groaned and rested his forehead on the mirror above my head. He took a loud deep breath and pushed a button on the panel to respond. “We’re fine.” His answer was sharp and swift. He pulled the hem of my dress down and inserted the key into the panel again. As the car began traveling, he repositioned himself behind me, as we both quietly faced the front of the car.

  “I’m sorry, you deserve better than that.” His voice was tense and low.

  “Don’t be, I enjoyed it.” My answer was honest and came out between heavy breaths. He turned me and looked into my eyes, searching my face for confirmation of my words. I smiled and arched an eyebrow and was rewarded with a smile and laugh. He lowered his head and kissed me firmly on my lips before taking my hand and leading us out of the elevator.

  We arrived at a door and he opened it, leading me inside. The suite was beautiful, and five times the size of my room, but I noticed it wasn’t the penthouse. “I thought you and your friends were all staying together in the penthouse?”

  “We were. I moved to this room today so we would have privacy.” He made no attempt to hide his assumption.

  “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?” I teased as I walked to the glass wall leading to a large open balcony.

  He opened the door for me to go outside. “I knew what I wanted the minute I saw your face. I’m a man that gets what he wants, one way or another. I’ll give you that personal information for free.”

  I laughed at his answer, but somehow I knew his words were true. Jack was a man that knew what he wanted and got it. I looked out at the ocean, the view was breathtaking from the balcony and I could hear the ocean singing in the not too far distance. I took a deep breath in and smelled the salt air mixed with flowers. I closed my eyes as I leaned against the railing, enjoying the sounds and smell of the ocean air. Jack stood behind me, he placed one hand on each side of the railing around me and we stayed that way for long moments in silence.

  “Are you close with your family?” I felt his body tense and I immediately regretted asking the question. A long moment of silence passed before he answered my question.

  “Question number 5. I don’t speak to my father and my mom passed away last year.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  “Thank you.” A long pause and then I was surprised when he continued. “When I was 18, my dad gave me a portion of my inheritance from my grandfather to see if I could manage money before releasing the balance of my trust fund to me. The trust fund gave my dad the authority to release the funds to me at any time after my 18th birthday, if he thought that I was capable of managing the responsibility. If he didn’t think I was responsible enough, I wasn’t to gain access until my 25th birthday. Two weeks after my birthday, I caught him with a prostitute in his office. My mom had just been diagnosed with cancer and the asshole was so selfish that he couldn’t keep it in his pants to take care of his sick wife. He knew I wouldn’t hurt my mom in her condition by telling her, so he took advantage of the respect I had for my mother. After that, I caught him with at least three more prostitutes before I stopped speaking to him all together, except when we were in front of my mother. The bastard made me keep his secrets for seven years while my mother underwent six rounds of chemotherapy and four different surgeries.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, but I was curious. My big mouth had taken us from bliss to bad memories in a span of fifteen minutes. “Did you have to wait until you were 25 for your trust fund?”

  He laughed. “Question number 6. I partied for the first year and wasted a shitload of money. Then my father, being the upstanding pillar of the community that he thought he was, decided to run for senate. Apparently having 40,000 employees didn’t give him enough power, he needed to conquer the world.” Jack walked to a table between the lounge chair that had a bottle of wine chilling and two glasses.

  “So, I invested the money I had left into a business that I knew would embarrass him and hurt his chances of winning a campaign based on his pretend Christian morals.” He handed me a glass of wine and I watched as he tiled the glass back and swallowed his in one large gulp. “The funny thing is, that I didn’t need the trust fund after that. My business investment turned out to be very successful. But the bastard released the balance of the trust fund to me the same day that he withdrew from the senate race. I’m sure he was trying to send me a message that I ruined his race, but I saw it as the last tear in the cloth that kept us bound together.”

  Wow. Jack had shared so much information about who he was and his life in only a few minutes, I wasn’t sure what to do with it. But it stirred something inside of me that this beautiful man was so honest with me about the hurt caused by his father. I turned to face him. His arms never left the railing blocking me in. He watched intently as I brought my wine glass to my lips and tipped my head back to empty it, mimicking his actions from a few minutes ago.

  He took my glass and placed it down. The he reached downs and lifted me up and cradled me in his arms as he walked back inside where he gently laid me on the bed. I watched as he walked to the foot of the bed and slowly removed each of my sandals. His eyes never left mine.

  He trailed kisses along the arch of my foot, traveling up the inside of my calf. I was instantly reduced to a quivering mess of anticipation. He worked his tongue with skill over every part of my legs, gently alternating between nipping and sucking as he burned a path up my body. When he reached between my legs, he paused, taking his time to look at my most intimate area that was bared to him. His armed wrapped around my lower back and he raised my pelvis so that I had a clear line of vision to watch him. Every part of my body was on high alert, sensitive to every movement and desperate for more of his touch.

  He ran his tongue up and down my sex gently at first, then found my clit with a strong suck that drove me wild. My hands dug into his hair and I moaned without self-control. He responded to my sound ferociously, releasing me clit and plunging his tongue inside of me deeply.

  “Shit.” I groaned. I was going to cum from only thirty seconds of his mouth on me. I was close to the edge as he continued to plow his tongue in and out of me. He returned to my clit and sucked while swirling his tongue around in small counterclockwise circles. I felt his hand move from my thigh and two, not one, of his large fingers slipped easily inside my wetness. He pumped twice and I went flying over the edge in the most intense orgasm of my life. I had never had an orgasm outside of the plain old missionary position.

  I opened my eyes and looked down at him, my fingers still wrapped tightly in his dark brown hair. His eyes were on me
and I felt slightly exposed coming down from a roller coaster orgasm. “That was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life.” His voice was raspy and his warm breath on my clit made my body tingle.

  I gave a small smile, feeling slightly embarrassed and vulnerable at the intensity for which his words were spoken.

  “Something that beautiful needs to be seen often.” He said before giving my clit one last twirl with his expert tongue. He slowly pulled himself up over my body, his tongue tasting me as he traveled upward. He reached my nipple and swirled it around gently until it was swollen and protruding. Then he bit down hard, sending a jolt of electricity down to my already swollen clit. A pleasurable feeling coming from somewhere on the border of pain.

  When I was panting loudly, he pulled me up to a sit and lifted my dress over my head, tossing it carelessly on the floor. He pulled his shirt over his head and revealed the rippled body that I was pleasantly introduced to on the beach earlier. He lifted to his knees between my open legs and tugged his pants down, revealing he was not wearing underwear either. It was the first time I got a glimpse of him naked, in all his glory. His cock was tremendous and stood firmly at attention reaching all the way up to his belly button. My eyes trailed back up to his eyes and again found him watching me look him over.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, you may get locked in this room for a week.” His lips devoured mine in a possessive assault and I was breathless when he broke the kiss. He guided me back down on the bed, hovering over me as my body took his weight. At that moment, I couldn’t think of anything in the world except how bad I wanted him inside of me.

  He grasped both of my hands and held them firmly above my head with one of his large hands. His other hand gently caressed my face. I was at his mercy and loved every minute of it. He watched me intently as he positioned himself and then slowly he tilted his hips and entered me half way. He growled. “You’re so tight, you okay?”

  I shook my head, unable to form words. He rocked his hips back and forth a few times to open my tunnel, always keeping his eyes locked to mine. When I relaxed and a low moan rose from my throat, I watched as his face changed and he began to lose his control. I pulled one of my hands free from his grip and dug my nails into his back as I pulled him closer to me, wanting him to give me more. He couldn’t hold back anymore either. His lips pummeled mine and his tongue invaded my mouth as he slammed his full length into me. He was buried deep inside of me and I was teetering on a fine line between pleasure and pain.


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