Corps Security: The Series
Page 28
I trip over a few of Nate’s toys and almost take my head off when I slip on his new favorite motorcycle from Maddox. Axel must have brought it into the kitchen to keep Nate busy while he was fixing lunch. I would be willing to bet he skipped Nate’s naptime—again—so that he could keep playing with him.
My man, he loves his son.
I stop my search for a few moments to pick up the blocks that are scattered all over the floor, before continuing my mission to find my men.
I walk through out the back door, looking around the deck. Our property is vast, so it takes me a second to scan the surroundings for them. The sun warms my skin and the reflection from the lake blinds me momentarily. Now that Nate is mobile, we have been spending more and more afternoons enjoying springtime in Georgia. Today is no different. The sky is a dazzling blue, with not one cloud in the sky. The flowers we planted along the pebbled path that leads down to the dock are in full bloom.
Everything about this once barren house screams life.
Our home.
A shiver of déjà vu wraps around my spine and whispers up my back when I see movements down at the end of the dock. Sitting down with his legs dangling in the lake is my Axel. His bronze, naked back is the only thing I can see from my angle, but judging by his soft swaying, my little man is nestled tight in his arms.
I follow the pebbled path, slipping off my shoes before continuing down the wooden planks. I make sure to keep my steps slow and steady—careful to keep them unnoticeable. I’m only a few steps behind them when his voice reaches my ears.
“ . . . and then your mommy made me the luckiest man in the world. Never thought my heart could get bigger until she told me you were coming. You don’t know this now, but one day you will. Your mom . . . She thinks she’s lucky to have us, but it’s the other way around my little man. Blessed to the max. So blessed, Nate.”
My foot hits a loose board that moans in protest, earning me Axel’s attention. “Damn, I was trying to be sneaky,” I mumble under my breath.
His smile is blinding in the late afternoon sun, his happiness is infections, and the best part is that I helped put it there.
“Hey, Princess. Have fun on your search?” His teasing tone causes my suppressed laughter to bubble out.
Shaking my head, I crouch down and press my front tight against his warm back. My legs don’t even come close to falling off the side, but I can still wrap my arms around his powerful frame.
I shiver when my skin touches his.
“Hey, you. I missed my boys today.” I kiss his back before looking over his shoulder at Nate. “Ax, you can’t keep letting him chew on that! It’s so dirty!” Reaching around, I gently remove Axel’s dog tags from Nate’s chubby fingers and gummy mouth. “There’s mama’s handsome little man.”
Nate starts squirming in Axel’s hold to reach me, clearly growing impatient with his father’s slow transfer.
“One of these days he’ll be happy just hanging out with his old man.”
“Don’t be such a baby,” I tease, “You know he loves his daddy. His mommy just happens to have his endless food supply.”
Axel shifts his position so he can pull me into his lap—holding both of us within his arms. The instant rush of safety and love that always pours out of him wraps around us, blanketing me in the world’s best feeling.
I cradle Nate in my arms before bringing my shirt up so that he can reach my breast. He doesn’t waste a second before latching on. I lie my head down against Axel’s shoulder, and he brings his hand up to caresses Nate’s soft cheek.
“I love you, baby, but right now, I’m insanely jealous of our boy.”
“I can tell. And if your jealousy doesn’t stop poking me in the rear, I’m taking our boy inside.”
The vibrations of his laughter tickle my skin before his lips press lightly against my neck.
“I missed you today, Princess,” he whispers against my skin, “What kept you away for so long?”
“Ax, I’ve been gone for three hours,” I laugh.
“Three hours too long. I thought we decided weekends were spent at home—just us.”
“We did, but you know I had to take care of some wedding stuff and Dee is always so busy that this was the only time we could get together. Then Greg came over and we just lost track of time.” I turn my head, making sure he really isn’t upset. Seeing the small smile on his full lips puts me at ease.
“I got it, babe. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss you when you aren’t around. Plus Nate missed you so much he wanted to skip his nap and wait up.”
“Oh? He came up with that all on his own, huh?” I laugh.
“Yup. He said he would rather pass his time building block towers.”
“Ax, baby, you are ridiculous sometimes,” I rush past my giggles.
“I know. So, you ready to be my wife yet, Princess?” His question warms my ears right before he nips my lobe lightly between his teeth. “You ready to finally be all mine?”
“I’m already yours and you know that.” The argument, even playful as it always is, seems to be a daily conversation.
“Not until your last name matches mine and Nate’s.” His voice is firm, and I know he’s losing his patience.
“I don’t need to have your last name to prove anything. Especially not that my heart is yours.”
“But you will,” he stresses with all playfulness gone from his tone.
I know this is a sore subject, but we both agreed that it would be best to wait until Nate was born. Then we started planning and things just started taking longer. With Nate just turning nine months old, I know he’s getting frustrated.
I ignore him and lift Nate up to my shoulder.
“See, I told you. He only wants me to be his live-in walking refrigerator!” I joke.
We both laugh and enjoy a few quiet moments sitting down on the dock. It’s times like this when I realize just how lucky we are. Axel’s right—we are truly blessed. Time spent with my soon-to-be husband and this perfect product of our love really brings that home.
I shift a now sleeping Nate in my arms and snuggle more slowly into Axel. His strong arms tighten slightly, shifting us to a more comfortable position.
“Princess, I need you to be mine.” His softly spoken words break the silence.
“I know, Axel. I know. That’s what took me so long today. Dee and I finished everything up. Booked, paid for, and confirmed. Can you wait just one more month?”
“Izzy, what’s one more month when we’ve waited for this many years?” I can tell he isn’t thrilled but still happy-ish knowing that it’s going to be soon.
“Ax? The day I become yours will be right up there with the birth of our son as the best day of my life. I can’t wait, baby.”
His arms go solid for a second before he speaks. “I know.” The smug tone in his voice erases all signs of his earlier impatience.
Cocky bastard.
God, I love him.
To my husband for dealing with my scattered mind and messy house while I was ‘dreaming.’ Thank you for all those times you watched our girls while I created this book. I love you.
To my girls, dreams can come true. Dream big and don’t ever stop! This is for you.
To my mom, the best damn mommager EVER!
To all the family and friends that helped me along the way. I don’t think I would have been able to make Axel what it is without!
To Angela- here’s to wine, cold pizza, and basement zombies. I love you! Thank you for answering my every text, email and call during this process! **Cheers to Dee**
To my ‘Bookettes’ for inspiring me to write this book and keeping me calm along the way. (The daily dose of half-naked men emails helped too!) If it wouldn’t have been for one email that said “you should write a book” I don’t know if Axel would be here. So, I owe y’all!
ALL the girls who read every single page that I wrote during this process. This
book is what it is because of every single bit of help from you ladies! (A special thank you to Katie, girl I fear your frying pan skills! And Kelly for the support, hunky picture and your mad google image searching skills! You two girls, I heart you!)
Brenda, thank you so much for taking my book and making this process possible! <3
Sam, you made the editing process as painless as possible! Thank you for all of the reading, editing, and best freaking commentary ever!
My ‘second eyes,’ Angela Cetrangola and Dana Dean. Without y’all I might have pulled my hair out during the editing days! My brain loves you!!
SPECIAL THANKS TO: My BBG Pher (xoxo), Melissa (you perv . . . you rock!), Megan Williams, Wendy O’Hera-Perry, Allison, Tokies, Alisha, Tessa, LB, Nicky, Penny, Molly, Maria, Jolene, Andrea, Cathy, Misty, Felicia, Brittany, Deborah, Jen, Paula, Angel, Felicia, Ashley, Ruthie, Tarrinasha, Jenny, Amanda, and Ashleigh. To each and every one of my Goodreads friends and loyal supporters. Y’all never doubted me & in turn made it possible to not doubt myself. I have, hands down, the best GR friends in the world! Lastly, my IG mommas, I effin’ love y’all!
If I forgot anyone, this is for you—THANK YOU!
Sam Grow- Lay You Down
One Republic- I Lived
Luke Bryan-Country Girl (Shake it for me)
Buckcherry- Crazy Bitch
Robin Thicke- Blurred Lines
Daft Punk ft Pharrell Williams- Get Lucky
Walk Off the Earth- Red Hands ft Brittany Spears- Scream & Shout
Flo Rida- Good Feeling
My Darkest Days- Casual Sex
Taylor Swift- Everything Has Changed
Boys Like Girls- Two is Better than One
P!nk- The Great Escape
Hunter Hayes- I Want Crazy
Josh Turner- Time is Love
Christina Aguilera- Fighter
ACDC- You Shook Me All Night
The Band Perry- If I Die Young
Mariah Carey- #Beautiful
Foghat- I Just Wanna Make Love To You
Sarah McLachlan- Angel
Plain White T’s- Rhythm of Love
The Black Keys- I’ll Be Your Man
Playlist can be found here
Cage Playlist
To my parents.
For teaching me to dream and showing me how.
Love you both.
More than you will even know.
And to my Dad.
First man I ever loved and ½ of my biggest cheerleading duo.
For supporting me and pushing me to be the greatest I can be.
“Greg Cage.” I bark into my phone. I’ve been sitting outside of the damn ultrasound place for the last thirty-minutes. Of course, the actual parents are running late. Those two can’t keep their hands off of each other.
God, I want that.
“Yeah, Cage. It’s Derrick.” The knot in my stomach grows. This motherfucker has been nothing but a headache for the last two years.
“News?” I don’t have time for this bullshit today.
“Um, yes?”
“Derrick, I do not have the patience for this right now. You called me for a reason, and I swear to Christ, it better be a good one. Has that slimy motherfucker finally slipped up?” I’ve had Derrick, a local cop, keeping tabs on my ex-brother-in-law for the last two years, ever since Simon married another innocent woman. I know there is something going on there, but I haven’t been able to get a speck of dirt on that asshole. Grace would be sick if she knew how deep my need for vengeance runs.
“Um, yeah . . . that’s why I’m calling, Cage. I just don’t know how you’re going to handle this news.” Derrick might be a stand up kind of guy, but in times like this, I just want to punch him in his pretty boy face.
“What. Is. It?” I see Axel’s truck pulling into the parking lot, and I know I need to be off this phone before Izzy sees me. I love her, but the second she senses my stress, she won’t stop until she has some answers. I refuse to cloud her happiness right now.
“It’s about his wife Sofia. Well, you see . . . there was an accident last night.”
“Fuck . . .” I hiss.
Just like Grace. Just like my beautiful sister.
“Please fucking tell me that there is something that ties his ass to this.” There has to be. The coincidence is just too fucking much.
“That’s just it. The accident. I wasn’t on call last night, so this is all second hand until I get into the station . . . shit.” I know this won’t be good, I just know it. “Sofia made it long enough to be transported, but they called it shortly after she arrived at the hospital.” He talks a deep breath before continuing, the whole time my stomach turning to stone. “She was DOA, Cage.”
I see Izzy’s big, blinding smile through the window of the car, and my heart lightens a little.
“I need to go. You keep me fucking posted. I don’t mean every now and then either. I want to know every fucking detail, you got that?”
“Yeah, Cage. I understand.”
When I hear him click off the line, I shove my phone in my pocket and get ready to greet Izzy. I see her walking up to me, her small stomach rounded with her progressing pregnancy. I can’t help but smile.
The unease I feel from Derrick’s call is still eating me but I shove it aside and wrap my arms around Izzy in greeting. “You ready, Baby Girl?” She looks up at me with the biggest smile, and I remember how easy it is for her to be so important to me. Grace would have loved her.
Her blinding smile, so full of love and happiness helps to wipe away all the webs of distress that have just fallen all over me.
Life moves on.
Now I just need to figure out how to forget that motherfucker Simon Wagner.
A little over a year later
The sound of my headboard slapping heavy against the wall is almost loud enough to drown out the insistent ringing of my cell phone.
“Fuck,” I snarl. Pulling my hand from the slender wrist I have bound behind this chick’s back, I reach over and snatch the phone off my side table. “Don’t speak.” I bite out, feeling her pussy clamp tight around my dick. This chick loves when I boss her around.
“Cage,” I answer, thrusting my hips forward and locking down hard. My breathing is coming in quick bursts, showing me just how hard I have been taking her. “Hello?”
“Uhh, G?” Izzy’s soft voice comes through the line. Fuck. This is not how I need to answer the phone to her. She has been like my sister for the last four years.
“Yeah, give me a second, Baby Girl.” Muting the phone, I pull my rock hard dick from Mandy’s tight body and slap her ass, hard.
“Go get cleaned up. Play time is over.” If looks could kill, I would be dead on the floor right now.
“Are you kidding me?” She rolls over, and with a huff, crosses her arms over her large and very fake tits.
“Not kidding, Mandy. Don’t have time for your shit either. You know what this is, and I didn’t make any promises earlier.”
“Do you think that just once, you could actually act like you want me around?” She pouts.
I level her with a look of my own and roll off the bed, stripping my dick of the condom, and throwing it in the trash before walking out of the bedroom.
Once I get into the office, I unmute and take a deep breath before I speak. “Izzy, sorry. What’s up?”
“I’m so sorry, G! I didn’t think you would be . . . busy.” I might have believed her if it weren’t for her soft laughter.
“Funny. So? What’s the early morning call for?”
“Okay, okay. Not laughing anymore. I need a huge favor. Nate’s running a small fever, and I can’t make his appointment. I need to meet with the wedding planner in an hour, and Ax is down at the office. I think he’s just teething, but I would feel better with the wedding and all this weekend if
I made sure. Anyway, I called Dee, but she can’t take him because she has a meeting this morning, and I tried Maddox because Ax said he was free, but he said ‘no girl’ and hung up on me . . . I think he has a friend over if you know what I mean.” She isn’t going to stop talking if I don’t hurry this up. Izzy in ‘frantic bride and worried mother’ mode is just a hot mess.
“Iz, spit it out. If I can help, I will.”
“Right. Can you take Nate to the doctor in an hour?”
“Yeah, Baby Girl. That wasn’t that hard, was it now?”
She laughs before answering, but I can still hear the stress lacing her words. “Not hard, G. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“Just hang in there. By the end of the weekend, everything will be worth it.”
“I know, but I still feel like something is going to go wrong any second now.”
“Stop stressing. Do you honestly think Axel would let anything stand in the way of making you his wife? Nope. Wouldn’t happen. He would move mountains for you. Time to relax.”
“All right, I’ll try. Owe you one.”
“No, you don’t. You know I love spending time with little man. I’ll swing by in about half an hour. Got some stuff I have to take care of here first.”
“Oh, yeah . . . I can imagine.” Her laughter is the last thing I hear before she disconnects.
When I turn around, Mandy is standing in the doorway, ass naked and scowl firmly in place.
“Who the hell was that? You took a call when your dick was in my body. A call from another woman?”
Why do I put up with this bitch? Oh, that’s right, because if I wait any longer to get some, my dick will shrivel off. “Amanda,” I roar her full name. “Hear me right now. You do not get to sit here and sling that shit. My sister calls and I’m done. Get that now, if you ever plan on revisiting my bed.”
“You’re done? Your dick is still hard,” she shrieks at me.
I don’t have to look down to know that my dick is screaming at me to finish. I reach down and caress my balls, trying unsuccessfully to ease the ache that is coiling in my gut. Fuck . . . I need this so bad.