Club Prive: Book II

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Club Prive: Book II Page 6

by M. S. Parker

  “You really want to wear something this wet?” He grinned at me as he slipped my underwear into his jacket pocket, completely at ease with what we’d just done. The grin faded as he looked at my face and his voice became serious as he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “We just had sex on the table in a hotel conference room and now someone’s standing outside that door and they’re going to know why the door was locked.” The words rushed out of me.

  “Well, that door is.”

  My jaw dropped and I stared at him, horrified. He couldn’t mean...

  He gestured towards a door at the other end of the room, one I hadn’t seen. “It’s okay. It just goes to the bathroom.” He took a step towards me, his eyes taking on that dark glow that did things to me deep inside. “Come on, didn’t it turn you on a little? Knowing we were someplace we weren’t supposed to be? That anyone with a key could come in at any time?”

  My breath caught as my stomach churned at his words. It wasn’t nausea, but arousal. I hadn’t recognized it at the time, but I acknowledged it now for what it was. A part of me had enjoyed the taboo of what we were doing.

  “Don’t worry.” Gavin held out his hand. “We had fun. Don’t let a little embarrassment spoil it.”

  I nodded and took his hand. I gave myself a quick once over to make sure nothing important was showing and followed Gavin to the door. My face was blazing, but I kept my head high and tried to forget the fact that I wasn’t wearing anything under my dress now. He glanced at me and I nodded again. He unlocked the door and opened it.

  A very startled looking janitor stood next to his cart, where he’d apparently been searching for the key card that was now in his hand. His eyes went from Gavin to me and back again, and the expression on his face turned from one of shock to one of disgust. Yeah, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what we’d been doing.

  Gavin didn’t say a word as he pulled me down the hall after him, but when I caught a glimpse of his face, he appeared to be amused. That wasn’t exactly the emotion I was feeling at the moment. Just before we reached the stairwell, I saw a sign and tugged on Gavin’s hand.

  “I really need to freshen up.” I pointed towards the restroom sign.

  “Sure.” He released my hand. “I’ll wait.”

  As soon as the door closed behind me, I closed my eyes and let out a shuddering breath. What was this hold Gavin had over me? I wasn’t the type of girl who fucked near strangers, but I had. More than once. I didn’t come on to men or do things like grope them under a table. But I had. I would never have sex in a public restroom. But I would have if that old woman hadn’t been there. And I certainly didn’t let someone I barely knew fuck me twelve ways from Sunday in an empty conference room. And yet it had happened.

  I opened my eyes and went into one of the stalls. When I was finished, I not only washed my hands, but used some paper towels to wipe myself down. Unfortunately, it couldn’t do anything to hide the purple mark where my shoulder and neck met. He’d given me a hickey. I scowled at my reflection. If we went back to the gala like this, everyone would know what we’d been doing. At best, they’d think we just made out, but that still wasn’t the kind of reputation I wanted. A glance at my hair told me that it was evidence itself. I yanked out the pins, letting my curls fall down over my shoulders. It hid the hickey nicely. I’d just say it had been giving me a headache. With hair as thick as mine, that did tend to happen.

  When I walked back out, Gavin was waiting, a concerned expression on his face. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. It was only then that he seemed to notice my hair.

  “Why’d you take it down?” he asked as we started down the stairs. “Not that I’m complaining. I like it.”

  “I had to cover this up somehow, didn’t I?” I brushed my hair back to show him what he’d done.

  “Oops.” He gave me a sheepish smile and I could see a hint of that boy he’d once been. “I got carried away.”

  “I’d say so.” I wanted to sound angry, but I couldn’t, not with him looking at me with eyes that were steadily heating up. I turned my face away, afraid he’d see my own desire. It was so raw, so intense. It scared me. He scared me. Not because I was afraid he would hurt me, but because I never knew how I was going to act around him or with him.

  “Carrie, do you – do you want to leave?” His voice was hesitant.

  I pressed my lips together to prevent me from speaking. I wasn’t sure what I’d say if I opened my mouth. Probably something embarrassing like telling him that he could take me wherever he wanted. He waited for an answer, no trace of impatience on his face. I didn’t want to get him into trouble, so I focused on making a single question that I could trust. “Don’t you need to stay, for Howard?”

  “We put in an appearance,” Gavin said. “That’s enough.”

  I nodded as we stepped out of the stairwell and headed back into the throng. Gavin kept his hand resting lightly on the small of my back, a polite distance between us. I could almost pretend that we were one of these high-society couples who probably only had sex in the missionary position with the lights off. Or, at least I might have been able to if my underwear wasn’t currently in Gavin’s pocket and my body wasn’t feeling well-used – in a good way.

  “Howard.” Gavin gave Howard a charming smile. He leaned down and said something that I couldn’t quite make out.

  I just stood beside him and put on what I hoped was a tired smile. Gavin straightened and reached for me again. His palm pressed against my back.

  “We really must be going.”

  “But the night is so young.” Howard stood, his smile flashing all of his perfectly white teeth. “If the gala is boring you, Carrie, perhaps we should move the festivities to my penthouse suite. I’m sure you’ll find the accommodations quite... expansive.”

  I shook my head. “Thank you so much for the invitation, Mr. Weiss – Howard. Unfortunately, I do have to be up early in the morning, so I’ll have to decline.”

  “Surely Mimi doesn’t expect you to work on a Sunday,” Howard pressed.

  “Thank you, but I’m afraid that’s not the reason for my early morning.” That, at least, was true. This next part was a lie. “I have a paper for school that needs my attention. Columbia Law won’t take excuses.”

  “Ah, well, maybe next time.” He truly seemed disappointed.

  That made me uneasy. Why in the world would someone like Howard be so insistent that I, a virtual stranger, join him in his suite? I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer to that question. Besides making things awkward with Mimi, who seemed to have a thing for Howard, it would also undoubtedly create tension between Gavin and Howard, and I didn’t want that. If Gavin felt the need to say something to Howard about the flirting, he could do it in his own time, without any pressure from me.

  “Perhaps.” I kept my answer vague. “Good night.”

  “And a good night to you as well, my dear,” Howard said.

  The pressure of Gavin’s hand turned me and we made our way through the crowd towards the lobby. His town car was waiting for us. I assumed he’d called while I’d been in the bathroom. Either that or his driver was psychic.

  I got in first, sliding to the middle of the seat as Gavin followed. His leg pressed against mine and I could feel the heat between the layers that separated us. He didn’t touch me anywhere else, but I could feel the electricity crackling between us. It was so intense, that I almost thought if I looked hard enough, I’d be able to see it. Sparks of yellow and orange and red, sparks of that white-blue that was almost too hot to look at.

  “What did you think of the gala?” he asked.

  I couldn’t believe his voice could be that casual. Couldn’t he feel the connection between us? I looked up at him. The moment our eyes met, I knew he felt it. He was just making small talk.

  “It was lovely,” I answered in a voice that didn’t sound like my own. I hoped his questions didn’t get any harder, because I wasn’t sure I’d be able
to form anything more coherent than what I’d just said. The pressure of his leg against mine was sending little flares of heat licking across my nerves and reminding me of all the other places his touch had given me those same feelings.

  “Had you ever been to an auction before?”

  That was simple enough. I shook my head and hoped for more questions like that. My gaze traveled over his body, as if I couldn’t be this close to him and not look at him. And, of course, when I looked at him, I had to remember what we’d done tonight. The pleasure of his mouth on me. How he’d felt inside me, stretching and filling me. The low, possessive sound of his voice declaring that my body was his. I pressed my thighs together as they grew slick with my arousal.

  I didn’t recall talking about anything else, but I was pretty sure by the time we pulled up in front of my apartment building, Gavin and I had held an entire conversation.

  As the car came to a halt, I turned towards him. I didn’t want the night to be over. I knew I couldn’t help myself when I was with him, but I didn’t care. I just wanted him. Again. And again.

  I was already starting to lean towards him when his mouth descended on mine. Our teeth crashed together, the force of our lips bruising. This was no tender good-night kiss, but one of hunger. We devoured each other’s mouths, tongues thoroughly exploring every ridge and crevice, teeth scraping over lips. I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t need to. His kiss was enough. It was burning through me, over me, consuming me.

  When we finally pulled apart, we were both gasping for air. This was the moment, I knew, where what I said would determine how this night would end. I could say good-night and go upstairs alone, and I knew he wouldn’t hold it against me. Or, I could act on those desires that Krissy kept telling me not to suppress.

  “I could make you a nightcap,” I said.

  His eyes were nearly black as he answered, “That would be nice.”

  Chapter 10

  I was having a hard time keeping my hands to myself as Gavin and I entered the building. Tom, the doorman, grinned at me as Gavin and I passed. There wasn’t anything lecherous about that grin. Well, not towards me anyway. Gavin was more Tom’s type.

  Gavin wrapped his arms around me as we waited for the elevator doors to open, his head bending down to capture my mouth again. We nearly tumbled into the elevator, our kisses growing more intense, more passionate. I could feel the heat radiating off of us as we rode the elevator up. My hands found their way under Gavin’s jacket and I tugged his shirt out from his pants. When my palms skimmed over the bare skin of his back, he moaned and ground his hips against me. He was definitely ready for round two.

  His hands were wandering across my body as well, fondling my breasts over the soft fabric of my dress, teasing at my nipples until they were hard and visible through the material. One hand found its way under the slit and slid up between my legs, fingers brushing against my exposed skin. I shuddered, my nails digging into his back.

  I might have let him take me right there if the elevator hadn’t dinged and the doors slid open. As it was, it took most of my control not to hit the stop button. Instead, I disentangled myself and practically dragged Gavin down the hall to my apartment. My hands were shaking as I tried to fit the key in the lock and I heard him chuckle.

  “Shh,” I whispered. “I’m hoping Krissy’s already asleep.”

  “Ashamed of me?” There was a note of seriousness under the teasing.

  I looked up at him. “More like not in the mood for any interruptions.” The door opened. I stepped inside, then stopped and half-turned towards Gavin. “Warning – the place is probably a disaster. It was Krissy’s week to clean and she’s not the neatest person.”

  “Somehow,” Gavin said, “That doesn’t surprise me.” He lowered his voice to that pitch that made my insides quiver. “But surprisingly, I don’t care about that.”

  He cupped my chin and kissed me, hard. I suddenly didn’t care about the mess that the single living room lamp was illuminating.

  “This way.” I took his hand and led him down the darkened hallway.

  Before the door had finished closing behind me, Gavin’s hands were on my dress, peeling it from my body. I was equally as busy, nearly growling in frustration as I tried to undo the buttons of his shirt.

  “Not fair,” I muttered. “You have too much to take off.”

  He laughed.

  “Shh.” I hushed him. “We need to stay quiet.”

  “Quiet?” He laughed again, this time softer. “You? Are you kidding me?”

  My hands dropped and I flushed as I remembered how loud I’d been earlier. The side of my hand gave a throb, reminding me of how I’d had to muffle the sounds I was making. I was going to have a bruise, and maybe even teeth marks.

  “Hey,” Gavin lifted my chin. “I love how vocal you are.” His thumb brushed across my bottom lip. “You have no idea how much it turns me on, knowing I can get those sounds out of you.”

  I swallowed hard. I was still embarrassed, but that was quickly being burned away by the return of my arousal, hotter than before. Gavin tossed his jacket aside as he kicked off his shoes. He yanked at his shirt and I was pretty sure a few buttons popped off. He didn’t seem to take any notice. I greedily ran my eyes over his torso. He was so beautiful, like something sculpted. Then his pants and underwear followed and my gaze was dropping down over his flat abdomen to that delightful bit of flesh.

  He stepped towards me and buried one hand in my hair, his other arm going around my waist and pulling me against him. He was hot and hard against my stomach.

  “Didn’t you want your drink?” I teased.

  Gavin looked puzzled. “What drink?”

  “Your nightcap.”

  He smiled. “Oh, I’m going to get my nightcap right now.” He spun us around towards my bed.

  We fell on it, our limbs tangling even as our mouths came together. We writhed against each other, bodies rubbing together in ways that made me want to squirm and cry and beg all at once. My nipples were hard bullet points against his chest, each movement sending little shivers of pleasure through the sensitive flesh. I moaned and clung to him as we rolled across my bedspread, hands sliding over soft skin, exploring, touching as if each sensation was something new.

  I took him in my hand and he groaned. I still marveled at how something so hard could be so soft at the same time. His skin was like silk or velvet, one of those kinds of fabric that you just want to touch all the time because it feels so nice against your hand. I stroked him, trying and failing to wrap my hand around his base. My fingers couldn’t touch until I was more than halfway up, and I made a sound in the back of my throat as I remembered how he had felt inside me just a short while ago.

  He rolled off of me suddenly and I blinked, my hormone-soaked brain trying to figure out what had just happened.

  “If you’d kept doing that, this was going to be over before it really began.” Gavin grinned at me. “And I fully intend to take my time with you tonight. If I can go another time after this, I want to make them both count.”

  I shivered in anticipation.

  “Roll over.”

  I did as he asked, folding my arms under my head. The bed dipped as he got up and I heard him cross to my dresser. A moment later, he was back. I heard the sound of a bottle opening and then the scent of lilacs filled the air. I knew what he had then, though I didn’t know why.

  “Oil really works best for this, but lotion will do,” Gavin explained as he rubbed his hands together.

  A moment later, I felt his knees on either side of my waist and his hands on my back. His strong fingers began to knead at my muscles, finding knots I hadn’t even been aware had existed.

  “From the moment I met you, I could tell you were the type of person who wanted to be in control, to have a plan.” His voice was soft as he worked over my upper back to my shoulders. He gently pulled my arms from under my head and began to massage them as well. “And I could feel it in your body. Even after sex,
you would still be tense, like you were waiting for something else to happen.”

  He was right. I was tense pretty much all the time. For maybe a minute or two after a great orgasm, I’d relax, but that never lasted very long. Now, though, it was impossible to resist his strong fingers turning my muscles into jello.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this pretty much from the moment you walked up to me in that bar.”

  He moved his thumbs against my palms and my breathing stuttered. I’d never known my palms could be an erogenous zone. Then, he released my hand and started on the small of my back. As his thumbs began to knead just above the swell of my ass, the desire that had been simmering began to spike. Instead of making me tense, however, it just flowed into my muscles, further loosening them. When he began to move lower, my eyelids fluttered.

  “Such a beautiful ass,” he murmured as his hands worked my flesh. His fingers brushed the insides of my thighs as he started down and I parted my legs, wanting him to touch me there. He chuckled. “Not yet.”

  He worked his way down my legs to my feet. When he reached them, he stopped. “Roll over.”

  I did as he said, surprised at how relaxed I felt. I grabbed a pillow and propped up my head so I could watch what he did next. He didn’t notice, his attention on my feet. He began to rub them, his thumbs putting the most delicious pressure against points that made things low in my body tighten. How could a person’s feet be that connected to other places?

  By the time he started on my other foot, I was moaning. When his hands moved up my legs, continuing the massage, I had to bite my bottom lip to keep myself from getting too loud. Then his hands were under my breasts, cupping them, fingers moving over them to trace my nipples. I felt the sensitive flesh harden under his touch.

  “Relaxed now?” he asked.

  I nodded. I was relaxed. Every muscle in my body felt like liquid. There was no tension anywhere, only heat.

  “Great.” He gave me that smile that men give women when they know what their touch will do. “Now let’s see if I can change that.”


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