The Bear's Arranged Bride: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 8)

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The Bear's Arranged Bride: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 8) Page 6

by Amy Star

  And then, Jaxon began to fuck Sherry.

  As much exhaling as speaking, Jaxon said at the incredible feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her, “Oh, shit, this is fantastic.” Sherry was so consumed with pleasure beyond comprehension or imagining, she could do nothing but moan on and on underneath him. Lightly kissing her lips, he managed to whisper, “Bend your knees up,” before his voice dissolved into moans to match hers. Some last presence of mind allowed Sherry to put her legs in the air and get them around Jaxon’s hips as she received the piston pumping of his dick. With her legs up around him, she could now take him all the way into her depths. In a fog of joy, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and alternately whimpered and moaned at the constant, pounding rhythm of his pumping penis and the spread of her inner passage as he worked it inside her. The blows of his hairy crotch on her mound punctuated his strokes, and the two of them became a unified mass of youthful euphoria.

  Jaxon’s ass rose and fell fast with the drive and thrust of his rod inside Sherry. The shared pleasure built beyond control or restraint. He had wanted to make their first time tender and sweet, but there was no way he could be tender now, not when it felt so good beyond description. Sherry’s mouth opened, but all that came forth from her was a long wail of feverish bliss. Jaxon continued to fuck her hard. Carried away with head-spinning ecstasy, Sherry caressed him about the neck and shoulders. He reared up on his elbows, and she moved her hands to the hairy plates of his chest, feeling and groping at them while Jaxon gasped and grunted on top of her, and banged away with his wooden prick inside her wet sex.

  Sherry’s hands found their way to the flexing and releasing muscles of Jaxon’s back. Her fondling and caressing spurred him on, making him continue to beat his meat deep into her. The feeling of him penetrated her filled her not only with physical ecstasy but with absolute wonder. To be sure, this must be the most beautifully, awesomely pleasurable thing she would ever feel in her life. To lie naked under a naked Jaxon, to enwrap him in her legs and take the plunging and pumping of his hardened penis as deep into her as he could go—nothing could ever compare to this feeling. With her clutching hands and her moaning and whimpering voice, Sherry begged Jaxon to fuck her and never stop. And Jaxon did not relent. He plunged and slammed his meat into her with a constant force, melding their bodies at the loins.

  At length, Jaxon’s voice grew louder, stronger. His handsome face became a tight mask of transcendent joy, and he almost bellowed out, “Oh, fuck…oh, fuck…oh, FUCK, I’m gonna come… Oh, fuck, I’m coming…” And Sherry could swear that she could feel it happening. She could swear that her body was so tuned to his that she felt the moment when, at one last hard ram of his dick inside her, the orgasm overtook him. He bellowed out, “UUUHHH, shit…” And Sherry imagined what must be happening, the wet explosion of Jaxon’s cream into the reservoir at the top of the condom. She lay gasping under him as he lay gasping atop her. He grunted long and feverishly, holding his dick all the way in her as if he were pumping his seed into her and not the latex sleeve. He stayed that way until he could not hold himself that way any longer. When at last he was spent and felt the last tingling waves of his orgasm subside in him, Jaxon lay himself all the way down on top of Sherry again. She relaxed her legs and stroked at his back and shoulders and hair, silently thanking him for this, their shared first time.

  With their mutual virginity gone, given up to their youthful love, Jaxon and Sherry continued to play with one another on the forest floor. To make certain that her pleasure was thoroughly taken care of, Jaxon took the time to pleasure her womanhood carefully with his fingers and lips and tongue, giving Sherry her first climax. His attentive licking and sucking at her clit gave Sherry a whirlwind burst of pleasure that made her feel as if she were flying up out of her body, through the treetops, and into the night above.

  They sipped hot cocoa and listened to old love songs by lantern light. Jaxon used three more condoms and mounted Sherry three more times there in the forest, driving and pumping himself inside her with an abandon that she shared. He gave her three more orgasms to match his own, and they climbed into the bedroll and cuddled and kissed, spooning with their hands and sharing warmth. They hated to leave, to roll up the bedroll again and get dressed to go down the hill and out of the forest. But in the last embraces and kisses of that night once they were reluctantly clothed again, they promised each other that this would be only the beginning, that they would continue and repeat the things they had done to one another tonight at every chance they had. And they would make time and opportunity for it. Nothing else in all the world was as important to Sherry and Jaxon after tonight as the uncanny, all-consuming bliss of Jaxon being inside her.


  In the dusty, musty old attic of the Michaels house, Jaxon found the bedroll—that bedroll—still rolled up on the shelf where he’d left it. He ran his fingers along it as if he were once again running his fingers along Sherry’s naked contours the way he’d done for the first time, their first time, all those years ago. The sensations of that magical first lay came flooding back into his mind and his body. He’d done it for the first time, and so many other times, in this bedroll, and he’d done it to Sherry. He’d given himself to her in this bedroll right here. And they’d loved it and each other.

  He sat down on a pile of old throw rugs that had been lying up here for longer than the bedroll and glanced around the dim, cool place, with all the shelves and the rafters and the accumulated dust and remembered all the times he and Sherry had come up here in secret and brought the attic to life. For three years of their young lives, they’d devoted themselves to the sweet, torrid things that happened when they were naked together, the things that they did to one another’s body that made them the happiest young bear and girl that ever slipped away for hours of nude, licking, sucking, humping abandon. He had only screwed Sherry with a condom for those three years. She had never had his bare dick inside her, and he had never come in her. (Well, almost never; there was that one accident that scared them so much. Thankfully, it amounted to nothing but a scare.) If they had actually married, which was as out of the question then as it was now, Jaxon would very well have taken care of that. Once the rings were on their fingers, the condoms would have become a thing of the past, and he would by now have filled her with an endless stream of his seed.

  That first time in the bedroll in the forest, and the other times that night, had broken both the cherry and the ice. From then on, they were as one body, and that included all the times they had entwined together and gone down on each other, and Jaxon had topped her, in this attic. In this place, all the memories seemed to come out of the walls and rafters around him; the memories of how she had responded to his squeezing of her breasts and sucking of her nipples, and their grabbing of one another’s bottom, and the hungry mutual devouring of their going down on each other. And most of all, the way she had loved and wanted his cock and was only too happy to take it as much as he wanted to give it. Jaxon leaned back and took down his trousers, releasing his stiffening length. And, stroking away at it, he went back in time.

  Their first time here in the attic, he had leaned naked and proud against this very shelf, and stroked his dick while Sherry sat down on her knees before him, not in subordination or submission, but in what Jaxon knew was a gesture of pure love and adoration. They had laid out the bedroll this time right here beside the shelf, and Sherry sat on it, preparing to pleasure the two of them. Feeling the love and desire radiating from her, Jaxon smiled down at her and let her take his maleness from his hand and tenderly slip it into her mouth. With that first swallow and suck, Jaxon was transported back into the bliss that he’d felt in the forest and felt her sharing it with him. She hummed while she sucked him, and the sensuous vibe of her humming reached with fingers of simmering passion through his body and into his heart. He shut his eyes and let a warm fog of elation descend upon him at every wet tugging of her mouth and every slip and slide of her tongue
along his length.

  Jaxon submitted to Sherry, though he was the one standing and she was the one sitting, and gave himself over to the luscious, wet work that she did on his member. He put himself completely in her hands and let her put his pulsing erection in her mouth, controlling him and delighting him. He let her take charge of him, holding his thick length against her tongue, slipping her mouth down to his tip, tugging wetly at his foreskin and letting the foreskin roll back, taking just the head of his piece into her mouth and teasing it maddeningly with the sucking of her lips and the swirling of her tongue. He made helpless sounds of elation at what she did to him. He made rumbles of ongoing satisfaction at the way she ran her hands up and down his thighs and along the sides of his buttocks. Sherry was possessing him, making him belong to her more and more with the things she did to his prick. The uncanny pleasure of it all made Jaxon start to whimper with the joy that only a teenager could feel. His legs buckled, and Sherry let his cock go and backed up onto the bedroll, allowing him to fall down beside her.

  They’d put one of the handfuls of condoms from the cafe restroom on the bottom shelf. Jaxon grabbed a condom, opened it, and quickly rolled it down his member. Smiling with radiating love, he rolled over on top of Sherry. Smiling back at him with the same adoration she’d shown when she went down on him, Sherry embraced him and opened her legs for him. Groaning with dreary desire and ever-rising need, Jaxon slid his dick into the wet, pink place from which he’d burst the maidenhood and moved it all the way into her. Under him with her arms and legs around him, Sherry gave him a long, sweet sigh that told Jaxon he was the thing that made her the happiest a girl could possibly be. Moving her hands up and down his back, Sherry let him fuck her.

  Again, the two young lovers shared what they knew must be the greatest happiness in all existence. It could not be anything else, this feeling of absolute togetherness at the beat and rhythm of Jaxon’s long, hard shaft in and out of her tight young wetness. Their breaths mixed in their whimpers and moans of all-possessing joy. Their mouths came together again in kisses that expressed the rejoicing of their hearts in the joining of their bodies. Jaxon humped her and thrust his dick inside her with quick, hard, deep jabs, striking pure ecstasy into Sherry’s body and filling his own body with the abandon and joy that could only come from filling the most intimate part of her with the most intimate part of him. As if to absorb him completely into her, Sherry moved her thighs up and down along his thighs and hips, rustling her soft flesh against his hairy muscles. The feeling of it made Jaxon want to wail and roar, but he choked back his outcries for fear that someone downstairs might hear them and know what he was doing to her. His voice came out instead as desperate whimpers in sync with the piston-like pumping of his hard and straining cock inside her. He sounded as if he would melt into weeping, and as Sherry caressed him with hands and thighs, she returned a matching joyful noise of her own.

  Pinning her down on the bedroll and humping hard and fast, Jaxon stayed on top of her, plunging his dick in and out of her for perhaps half an hour. And while madly and ecstatically screwing her, Jaxon found the voice to say, “I love you, Sherry. I love you so much. I love being in you. I love you…”

  Running her hands through his thick hair that came down to his neck, pushing her sex up against his crotch to receive the unending pumps and thrusts of his maleness, Sherry gasped back, “I love you, Jaxon. I want you; I love you so much. Oh, Jaxon…oh, yes…”

  He bore down on her that much harder and beat his meat inside her with a constant stroke and vigor, building up the pleasure in both of them with every second. Their mixed moans and whimpers became a song of innocent, youthful joy. Their young adolescent sex was the purest expression of love there could possibly be. Jaxon’s thrusting dick was a conduit that linked them in the sweetest of unions, and the pleasure grew and grew until Jaxon plunged deep into her for the ultimate time and the inevitable moment seized him. Sherry sensed from the tremor in his body on top of her that he was coming, and she tightened her legs around him to hold him all the way inside her for his climax. Breathing deeply, she kept him locked in her and let him release his burst of seed into the condom, and if she had even the slightest twinge of regret, it was that Jaxon’s cream was pouring into a latex reservoir instead of her womb. How much more wonderful would it be if she could let him come inside her without the fear of what could happen next and what it might do to their lives?

  Jaxon set himself down all the way on top of her. His body felt like one big ember of burning, muscular, hairy flesh after his orgasm. He buried his head in her shoulder, and she felt his hot breath against his skin. Jaxon stayed that way, and she petted him lovingly, telling him with her touch that he belonged to her, that they belonged to each other. His dick slipped out of her, and he pulled the condom from it and tossed it away (mentally noting that they had better pay careful attention to clean-up when they were done). He started to kiss his way tenderly and affectionately down her body. He stopped at her breasts and stayed there, kissing her bosom all over. Sherry sighed appreciatively at the feeling of Jaxon’s tongue swirling about her hardened nipples, one at a time, and his lips pulling at them, sucking at their hardness. She smiled at the slurping sounds he made, sucking them long and lovingly. And her stomach rose and fell with the feeling of his mouth roaming down lower, over her abdomen, and his tongue swirling in her navel. Soon his lips were where his penis had been, and Sherry held open her legs to receive still more delight.

  “Oh, Jaxon, yes…,” Sherry exhaled as Jaxon’s tongue claimed her mound and licked around her labia, and his finger slid up and down her opening and then slipped inside her. At the penetration of first his index finger, then his middle finger, her body went into a spasm of spiking pleasure, and she almost shouted. Her back arched, and he started to move his fingers in and out of her as he’d done with his dick. Sherry settled back onto the bedroll but began to twitch and squirm at the sensation of Jaxon now fucking her with his fingers. To this bliss, he added an even greater one, bringing his tongue to the tingling bud of her clit and beginning to lick it with quick, wet strokes. Now Sherry wanted to writhe about in fully unleashed ecstasy, but somehow, she forced herself to stay still, not wanting to miss a second of what Jaxon was doing to her.

  Jaxon’s fingers moving in and out of her tightening passage and his tongue servicing her lady bud carried her over crests and valleys of continuing, ongoing rapture. Sherry’s breaths came hot and heavy in time to what her boyfriend did between her legs and deep inside her. She slammed one hand over her mouth to stifle a scream when he began to suck her clit and move his fingers in circles inside her, changing the game of his pleasuring; and she tossed her head and bent her knees up as the feeling rose ever higher. Jaxon was making her feel as if she would levitate right up off the bedroll and into the air at any moment. And she kept her hand tight over her mouth when the fireball of exploding joy became too great for her to contain, and she actually did scream from the orgasm that overtook her.

  Sherry collapsed back onto the bedroll, her limbs going limp from the release of her climax, and Jaxon, knowing he’d given her back what she’d let him take, kissed her glistening wet sex and licked the bush of her pubic hair, then kissed his way back up her body and lay next to her, holding her. Their mouths found each other, and their arms and legs enwrapped each other, and in the delicious things they did to each other’s body, they fell more and more in love.

  Back in the present moment, Jaxon felt a white-hot burst in his mind and his core, and his fingers stroking his furiously throbbing cock suddenly turned wet and slippery. He opened his eyes and looked down at his tool in his hand and smiled at how the memory of having Sherry up here had made him come. Awkwardly, chuckling at himself, he sat on the pile of rugs with his trousers down around his thighs, and glanced around the attic looking for something to use to wipe off his cream-covered fingers. “Damn…shit,” he laughed softly, embarrassed in spite of being the only one in the attic. This was a good argum
ent for underwear, wasn’t it? With a little smile of Oh, what the hell?, he resigned himself to wiping his fingers on the rug on which he was sitting. Who would know, after all? Then, he stood up and pulled his trousers back on, carefully fastening and zipping them up again, enclosing for the time being what he’d had wrapped in condoms and pumping inside Sherry so many times.

  Looking at the bedroll on the shelf and then down at the spot on the floor where he’d spent so many hours on top of Sherry, he reflected on all the times when he’d drilled himself deep inside her and they had called out their love for each other during the act. There was no question in either of their minds that their sex was an expression of the truest, purest love. For Jaxon and Sherry, it was love. There was no distinction between what they did naked with each other’s loins and what they felt in their young hearts. They had loved each other, purely and freely and truly, as only young people just discovering love could feel it. No one could ever tell them otherwise.

  Wistfully, Jaxon lingered at the spot where they’d given themselves to each other and taken from each other, and he relived all the naked kisses and caresses, every lick and suck, every penetration and every climax. Those moments and hours still lived in him, and he had no doubt they still lived in Sherry. And he knew they always would.


  Darkness was everywhere. Jaxon found himself in a dark, dark place, whirling about, with desperation and anguish clutching at him and not letting go.


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