A Student In Need

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A Student In Need Page 10

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  Alex’s eyes widened as the words left Leo’s mouth. A moment later they were kissing again; this kiss was shorter but it still made Alex’s heart flutter. When they broke apart Leo repeated himself. “I love you.”

  Alex felt tears well up in his eyes as he pulled Leo into a tight hug. “I love you too.”

  They stayed like this both of them crying and holding each other. After a while Anthony spoke. “Leo….are you going to be ok?”

  Leo pulled away from Alex, but continued to hold Alex’s hand as he looked up at Anthony and nodded slowly. “I…..I think so Anthony.”

  Anthony smiled. “Good. Now Alex….”

  Anthony turned to Alex. “I want you to watch Leo. If he starts acting weird, or panicky I want you to call me ok?”

  Alex nodded, giving Leo’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Ok Anthony, I will.”

  Anthony looked back to Leo. “Now Leo you know this is not something that’s gunna go away just cause you said I love you.”

  Leo nodded and Anthony smiled. “Leo if you’re gunna be with Alex has a right to know about your past and……what cause you to freak out like this.”

  Leo nodded, Anthony turned to Alex. “And Alex Leo has a right to know about your past, so he can comfort you and support you. Ok?”

  Alex nodded, feeling a small jolt of fear at the idea of Leo knowing what he’d gone through. Anthony smiled at both of them. “I’m happy for you. I really am. Leo you deserve to be happy and Alex I know Leo will take good care of you.”

  Both of them nodded; Anthony smiled at them and moved, standing up and beginning to pull on his coat. “I think you two will be ok. Alex help Leo to his bed and be sure he stays warm.”

  Alex nodded and stood up helping Leo to his feet; noting that Leo swayed slightly as he stood. “Goodbye.”

  Alex waved at Anthony who smiled again before leaving the house; leaving them both alone. “Come on Leo. Let’s go to bed.”

  Leo nodded slowly staggering down the hallway with Alex’s help before dropping into his bed, a moment later he felt Alex’s body press against his as Alex crawled in under the covers and snuggled in closer to him. He sighed wrapping his arms around Alex’s hips. He watched as Alex turned to look at him. “I love you Leo.”

  Leo smiled, giving Alex a gentle kiss on the forehead. “I love you to Alex.”


  Anthony smiled at his assistant as he finally walked through the doors to his office.“Hello April. Any messages for me today?”

  April looked up at him and smiled as she shook her head. “No messages today. But there is a young man in your office. He was…..insistent that you meet with him.”

  Anthony groaned. “Probably the Wilkinson’s son, Daniel.”

  April shrugged. “It’s pretty late Anthony. Where have you been?”

  Anthony shrugged as he pulled off his jacket and hung it in a closet. “Leo had……some person issues that he needed help with. But I’m here now.”

  April nodded and smiled. “I’ve left the reports that need your signature on your desk; just get to them when you can.” Anthony nodded and moved down the hallway pulling the door to his office open as he began to speak. “Hello Daniel what ha…”

  But Anthony’s voice trailed off he found that it was not Daniel Wilkinson like he had expected. Instead the turtle Jason from the pizza place stood in his office; turning to face him as he had walked in. after a moment of silence Jason spoke. “Where’s my brother?”


  Anthony glared at Jason as he slowly made his way to his desk and sat down. Jason repeated himself. “Where is my brother?”

  Anthony took a deep breath willing him to remain calm. “Your brother…..is home.”

  A moment later Jason slammed his hands down on the desk. “HIS HOME IS WITH ME.”

  To keep himself from lashing out Anthony gripped the arms of his chair until his knuckles turned white. “Then why have you not tried to find him in the last 3 months?”

  Jason shifted his gaze becoming confused. “They…..they told me he moved out of the fraternity house. That he’d gotten a place off campus.”

  Anthony sighed. “And you didn’t think to call him and ask him if any of that was true?”

  Again Jason shifted, his stance becoming slightly embarrassed. “They said he broke his phone in the move and that as soon as he got a new one he would call me. But…….but he never……”

  Jason’s voice trailed off. Anthony sighed. “So you didn’t think to look for him? To wait for him after one of his classes and talk to him?”

  Jason opened his mouth but Anthony cut him off his voice becoming harsher. “It’s not so nice is it? When a person walks out of your life and won’t talk to you. Guess now you know how it feels.”

  Jason’s eyes narrowed as he spoke. “How…..how do you know about that?”

  Anthony rolled his eyes. “He told my friend; when he showed up half frozen and beaten on his doorstep, with no place to go.”

  Jason’s eyes widened. “WHAT?!”

  Jason’s voice echoed through the office. Anthony nodded. “Yes. Somehow managed to drag himself to Le…….my friend’s house where he almost froze, waiting for him to get home.”

  Jason’s face changed through Anthony’s story going from fury, to confusion back to fury, and then to fear. “Is….is he alright?”

  Anthony nodded. “Yes. He’s recovered and has since found………someone who loves him.”

  Jason shifted a bit. “Um……can……can I sit down?”

  Anthony nodded and gestured to a chair which Jason dropped himself into. Anthony watched as Jason ran his hands over his head before speaking. “Look……I…….I freaked out ok.”

  Anthony remained silent watched as again Jason ran his hand over his head. “When Alex told me…….told me he was gay…..I…..I freaked out ok. When we were kids…..he used to get scared at night or during storms……he…..he’d crawl into bed with me and I’d hold him while we slept……I……”

  Jason’s voice trailed off, after a moment Anthony spoke. “You thought that by telling you he was gay, somehow you’d be gay too?”

  Jason looked up at him and nodded slowly. Anthony leaned forward and looked at him for a moment before speaking. “Are you gay Jason?”

  Jason’s eyes snapped up at him. “NO I’M NOT GAY! I LIKE WOMEN NOT MEN.”

  Anthony rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Well then there you go. No reason to freak out is there?”

  Jason’s face flushed red with embarrassment. “No…..no I guess not.”

  After a moment of silence Jason spoke again. “Can….can I see him? I……I need to apologize.”

  Anthony shifted. “That’s not for me to decide. It’s up to Alex if he wants to see you again.”

  He watched as Jason sighed and nodded. “Ok…..just…..tell him I’ve been worried about him. I’ve just…….football has kept me busy.”

  Anthony leaned forward and closely examined Jason’s face. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you love your brother.”

  Jason leaned in so lose that Anthony could feel Jason’s breathe rushing past his face. “I love my brother.”

  After a moment Anthony nodded. “Ok then. Leave me your phone number and I’ll call you with Alex’s answer.”

  As he spoke he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper before pushing it at Jason who scribbled down his number. There was a brief moment of awkward silence as Jason stood there unsure of what to do. “Sorry about yelling last night.”

  Anthony shrugged. “I wasn't scared. I’m used to people shouting at me, I’m a therapist.”

  Jason smiled weakly at him before turning away and moving to leave the office, as his hand touched the doorknob he spoke. “Is…..is he happy?”

  He turned back to look at Anthony. “Is Alex happy?”

  Anthony nodded. “Yes.”

  Jason again smiled weakly. “Good.”

  A moment later he pulled open the door and left.r />

  He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He’d meant to lay there and watch over Leo as Leo had slept. Instead he’d fallen asleep; waking up only when Leo had shifted slightly in his sleep. Slowly Alex shifted looking up at Leo’s face as the older turtle continued to sleep. Leo’s face was relaxed and even peaceful; so different from the panicked and scared face that Leo had worn only a few hours ago. Slowly Alex’s eyes roved over Leo’s closed eye, as they fluttered in his sleep. Leo’s skin which had returned to its original shade of green. His lips……..Alex shook his head slightly, pushing the thoughts of wanting to kiss Leo out of his head; now was not the right time. He would not ruin this moment, instead he would enjoy being here snuggled in Leo’s arms. Shifting a little closer to Leo, Alex froze as Leo moaned in his sleep. “Hmmmmm.”

  Alex watched as slowly one of Leo’s eyes opened and flicked down at him. “So…..it was real? It…….wasn’t a dream?”

  Alex nodded slowly. “Yes. It’s real…….. Is that ok?”

  He watched as Leo closed his eye and sighed deeply. “I don't know.”

  Part of Alex felt his heart clench slightly, fearful that this warmth and love would be taken away from him. “I……I…..”

  Again Leo sighed, Alex waited, as Leo struggled to find the right words. He groaned gently as he felt one of Leo’s hands work into his. “I know……I love you Alex. As much as I want to fight it…….I loves you.”

  Alex felt his heart soar; a moment later he leaned in and kissed Leo, reviling in the feeling of the older turtle’s warm lips against his. The kiss didn’t last long, just enough to make Leo shift and pull Alex in closer. As they broke apart Alex leaned forward resting his forehead against Leo’s who smiled weakly at him. After a moment Leo spoke again. “But……..but there are thing you need to know. Anthony was right if we’re going to be together……you have a right to know about……….about what happened to me.”

  Alex shifted gripping Leo’s shoulders. “I’m right here Leo. I won’t leave. I promise.”

  Leo closed his eyes for a moment, Alex felt his own eyes widen slightly as Leo began to shake a little. “Would…….would you say that if……..if I told you that you and I did……similar things?”

  Alex blinked unsure of what Leo was talking about. “Leo……I love you. Nothing will change that.”

  Leo nodded slowly taking several deep shuddering breaths as he did. “I………”

  Alex felt Leo shift pulling their two bodies as close together as he could. “When……..”

  Leo took another deep shuddering breath, opening his eyes as he felt Alex slip his hands into his. “I’m right here Leo. Just take your time. I’m right here.”

  Leo nodded slowly. “When…..when I was in junior high school……..I wasn't as sure of myself as I am today. I knew……I knew I wasn't like the other boys in my class. Girls……they didn’t interest me….and then……then I met……I met……..”

  Leo’s entire body began to shake again as he felt the memories of his past wash over him. He gripped Alex’s hands begging the younger turtle to stay with him as he fought to move through the sea of his past which grabbed at him and threatened to pull him down. “Leo….”

  A moment later their lips met again, pulling Leo out of his past. “Shhhhh……its ok Leo.”

  Leo shook his head. “No…..no I need to say it. I met a teacher names……Mr. Ellison….”

  As he spoke the name Leo’s entire body shook violently. Alex held onto Alex’s hands. He watched as several small tears fell from Leo’s eyes. Leaning forward Alex put his forehead against Leo’s again. “Just breath; IN and OUT.”

  Leo nodded inhaling and exhaling several times before he began speaking. “He……he was my English teacher. He was………”

  Leo continued to shake as he struggled to say the words that made his skin crawl. “He was smart….handsome…..charming……..”

  Leo spoke each word, hating himself for having ever thought any of them were true. Alex remained silent, gently squeezing his hand, encouraging him to continue. “I remember……I liked him. He made me feel…..special…….like……..like……..”

  Alex continued to grip Leo’s hands as Leo struggled to speak. “He made me feel…….wanted.”

  Alex nodded. He could understand that feeling. Leo took another deep breath before continuing. “I used to stay after school……I’d work in the library, reading books on history, geography, religion, anything I could get my hands on.”

  Despite Leo’s obvious fear Alex could not help but smile as he imagined a young Leo sitting in a library pouring over the books. Leo smiled weakly too, seeming to know what Alex was thinking about. After a moment however the smile vanished. “One night……he was there……in the library. He sat down…..and we started talking. We had so much in common……. I should have known……I should have……”

  Leo began to shake again tears falling from his eyes. “I was so stupid. I should have seen him for what he was…..I should…..should have.”

  He closed his eyes feeling the waves of fear and shame ripping at his insides again. “My home……it……it wasn't good. My dad worked at a warehouse……he drank……a lot.”

  Alex nodded, he’d stayed in a foster home like that; it was obvious why Leo had spent so much time staying after school. Leo opened his eyes willing himself to calm down. “He offered me a ride home one day……..and…..and I told him about my dad…..about……about his drinking and…..he offered….to let me stay the night at his house.”

  Alex’s eyes widened. He was beginning to see where the story was going. “I………we……..we talked for hours and……..and……..”

  Leo gripped Alex’s hands so tightly they ached. “I kissed him.”

  Leo closed his eyes as he spoke. His heart hammered in his chest as his stomach felt like it was getting smaller and smaller. “He……..he led me to his bedroom and…..and…..”

  More tears were falling from his eyes. He lay there, sobbing like a child hating himself for feeling so weak and pathetic. “That night was……..was……”

  Alex nodded squeezing Leo’s hands. “I know…..I know what it felt like……I know.”

  It was true he did know; that night had been magical to Leo. That night he’d felt things that he’d never felt before. Leo opened his eyes after a moment. “I felt loved. Like…..like he really cared about me.”

  Alex nodded. “But it was all a scam……he……the next morning……he dumped cold water on me to wake me up……he……he had a video tape in his hand and said……said I’d like it.”

  Alex bit his lip. He wanted to stop Leo, to prevent him from reliving any of these horrors; yet he stayed silent he could tell Leo wouldn’t stop here. That he would continue with the story until he either passed out or he finished. “The tape……was us…….of the night before when…..when we………”

  Leo’s voice trailed off as he struggled to draw breath, relying on Alex to calm him down. “He…..he said if…….if I didn’t want everyone to see the tape that…….that I’d do exactly what he told me to…….”

  Alex closed his eyes, willing himself to not cry. How could this have happened, how could it have happened to Leo? How could Leo have gone through something like this? He could tell me was still fighting back tears as he continued. “I tried……tried to get away. I told my father…..he……he……”

  Leo broke off as again he was overcome by shaking. “He beat me……”

  Alex clutched Leo tighter, willing the older turtle to understand. He didn’t have to image the storm of pain that was raging through Leo’s mind; he Alex had lived through that same storm. To be abused, seek help from someone you were supposed to be able to trust, and then only to be abused more…..it was a horrific thing to experience. Alex held Leo’s hands as the older turtle continued to shake for several minutes before managing to start speaking again. “I……I never told my father again……I tried to tell the school…….they
called me liar. I…….I was……..stuck.”

  Leo’s shaking was becoming less now, but he still clung tightly to Alex. “for 6 year……..6 years I did what I was told……..until……until I’d had enough.”

  Something in Leo changed. A kind of hardness flashed through his body, instantly ending his trembles. Alex looked up at Leo’s face. A mixture of pain, anger fear, and…….rage? He watched as Leo took several calming breathes before speaking. “That night…….the night before I left for college……I went to his house. I knew it was gunna be worse than it ever had been…….”

  Alex nodded squeezing Leo’s hand gently. “He went downstairs to get something…..he’d been drinking…..and………”

  Leo looked at Alex, his eyes oddly blank. “And I snapped…….I shoved him down the stairs. I watched him fall. I heard his bones break and his cries for help. And I……I……”

  Leo broke off as Alex nuzzled his neck gently. “It’s ok Leo.”

  Leo nodded. He wanted to say more. Wanted to tell Alex the whole truth. The truth about how he’d watched from the top of the stairs as his abuser begged for help. About how he had simply left; leaving the man to die as helpless as Leo had felt for the last 6 years. Yet he couldn't say it. Not to that kind caring face that looked up at him. The abuse, Alex could see past…..but murder? Was that something the young turtle could forgive? He hugged Alex tighter. “I love you Alex.”

  Alex continued to nuzzle his neck. “I love you too Leo.”

  He leaned in so he could return Alex’s nuzzle. “I love you to Alex.”

  After several more minutes Alex spoke. “Come on….get up.”

  Tugging at Leo’s hands Alex did his best to pull the older turtle from his bed. “Where are we going?”

  Alex smiled at Leo’s confusion. “We’re gunna take a shower. It’ll make you feel better I promise. It always helps me.”


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