A Student In Need

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A Student In Need Page 15

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  After another moment Alex spoke. “I think……I think I’m also going to look for a job. Not a full time one……..but something that would give me a little money.”

  Leo nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Alex smiled weakly; his smile returned by a much stronger smile from Leo who gently kissed his forehead. “When something like this bothers you just tell me Alex. I want you to be happy. Ok?”

  Alex nodded, his smile becoming a bit stronger. “Ok.”

  He moved helping Alex get to his feet before handing him back the clothes he’d thrown away. As Alex pulled them back on he spoke. “I did get you a little something for Halloween.”

  Leo cocked his head. “Halloween? But I wasn't going to do anything for Halloween.”

  Alex shook his head. “Well I guess that’s changed. I bought you a costume that I know you’ll love and I have the whole night planned out.”

  Leo bit his lip nervously. “What kind of costume?”

  Alex grinned. “You’ll just have to wait another week to find out.”


  Leo shifted nervously as he looked at himself in the mirror. The costume Alex had bought for him as at least…..flattering. The costume was Asian in design, in fact if Leo squinted at it slightly it almost looked like a 14th century samurai honor gee. He shifted to pick up the last part of the costume; wrapping the white belt around his waist, Leo tied it off as he had been taught to when he had been in Japan. Looking back at his reflection his eyes roved over the plain black pants which fanned out slightly, the simple black and white tunic and it’s black jacket that hung over it. Smiling to himself Leo closed his eyes and readied himself to step out of his room for Alex to see him. Opening the door Leo stepped out of his room before slowly walking towards the living room where Alex was waiting for him. Spreading his arms slightly as he stepped into the living room Leo smiled sheepishly as Alex looked at him. Slowly he spun around offering Alex a full view of how he looked in the costume. Again Leo smiled sheepishly as he looked at Alex again. Alex moved standing up and moving towards him, pulling him into a gentle hug. “You look amazing.”

  Leo felt his face burn slightly as Alex buried his face against his chest. “You look so amazing Leo. Like a real samurai.”

  Leo smiled hugging Alex back. “Technically I’m a ninja.”

  He grinned at Alex as he pulled away and picked up the paper bag that had been sitting next to him on the couch. “Now it’s my turn to change.”

  Leo watched as Alex slowly moved down the hallway away from him; pausing just long enough to stick his tongue out at Leo before vanishing behind the bedroom door. Sighing Leo moved sitting down on the couch to wait for Alex to reemerge from the bedroom.


  He smiled to himself as he spread his costume out over the bed. The memory of Leo in his samurai outfit made his skin itch and tingle; with the desire to kiss the older turtle. But he had to stay focused. Stripping on his clothes Alex soon found himself in only his underwear; picking up his costume Alex pulled the silky fabric over his skin shuddering and groaning slightly as he wrapped the costume tightly against his skin, making sure there were no wrinkles or folds before reaching down and wrapping the sash around his waist, before tucking the ends under the sash to give it a smooth look. He took a deep breath before turning to look at his reflection in the mirror. His skinny figure accented the costume making him look very feminine. Taking another deep breath Alex busied himself with a few bit of makeup he’d bought. Dabbing color around his eyes, Alex paused as he set the makeup down. His heart was beat faster then it normally did. His skin tingled and itched at the thought of leaving the room to show Leo his costume. Taking several deep breaths Alex did as Anthony had showed him; when he’d had one of his panic attacks during their session. He closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths, nervously clenching and unclenching his hands willing himself to calm down. “Alex……..are you ok?”

  Alex flinched at Leo’s voice. His body jerked as he turned towards the door opening his mouth to speak he found his throat suddenly dry. Would Leo like the costume? Or would he find the sight of Alex in a girl’s costume disgusting or ugly? He began to shake. He’d never asked Leo about his opinions on crossdressing. What if Leo was against it? What if…..


  Leo’s voice was soft and gentle, filled with concern for the younger turtle. “Alex are you ok?”

  Alex swallowed his mouth still dry, after a moment he forced himself to speak his voice felt like sand against his dry throat. “Do……do you promise you’ll still love me when you see me like this?”

  There was silence for a moment before Leo responded. “Alex…….I’ll always love you. Please………are you ok?”

  Alex forced himself to move, to stand up before speaking. “Can……….can you come in here?”

  As the doorknob turned Alex closed his eyes. He was scared; the most scared as he had been in a long time. He bit his lip as he heard the door open revealing himself and his costume to Leo who remained silent for several moments. Alex bit his lip again as he heard Leo inhale lightly. Would the older turtle be ok with his choice, or would he be angry? He waited, painfully aware of the seconds that ticked slowly by as Leo looked at him. Then slowly…..movement, Leo moving across the room, coming to a stop in front of him. Alex’s skin jerked slightly as Leo touched his face, gently cupping Alex’s cheek in his hand. “Alex……..can you look at me?”

  He felt his heart rate jump as he willed himself to open his eyes and look at Leo. After a few seconds he shook his head. “I’m……I’m scared.”

  He felt Leo shift, pulling him into a gentle hug. “Then I’ll hold you until you’re not scared. Ok?”

  Alex nodded. “Ok.”


  He’d been surprised when he’d opened the door. He’d wondered if perhaps Alex’s costume would be like his or perhaps something similar but different. What he had not expected when he’d opened the door was to find Alex standing in the room wearing a light blue kimono, with pink tinged makeup around his eyes. His eyes scanned Alex’s costume; inhaling slightly as he did so. Alex looked beautiful; his naturally thin and tall frame accentuated by the kimono’s long sleeves and skirt. Atop the blue fabric pink and orange lotus flowers had been sewn into the costume. But his heart had clenched when Alex didn’t open his eyes. He crossed the room, reaching out to touch Alex’s face, to reassure him that everything was ok. Now he held the young turtle in his arms, willing Alex to understand that everything was ok. After several minutes Alex spoke, his voice weak and tentative. “Do……do…….do you like it?”

  Leo held Alex a little tighter, pulling their bodies in a little closer. “It looks perfect on you you’re so beautiful.”

  He felt Alex shift; the younger turtle now looking up at him his eyes slowly opening. He looked down into those impossibly blue eyes; the same eyes that had captured his attention the first day of school and had held that attention until this very second. He smiled at Alex who smiled weakly back. “I…..look beautiful?”

  In response Leo bent his neck down, capturing Alex’s lips in a gentle kiss. He felt Alex shift, his neck arching up into the kiss while his body shuffled a little closer against Leo’s body. As they broke the kiss Leo spoke. “You’re beautiful Alex. Never doubt that.”

  Alex’s skin flushed a faint red while he nodded “O….ok.”

  Leo leaned in gently nuzzling Alex’s neck. “So……I’m your big strong warrior and you’re my sweet innocent geisha?”

  Alex nodded tilting his head a little so Leo could nuzzle more of his neck. “I……I thought it was sweet.”

  Leo didn’t respond right away; instead busying himself with nuzzling Alex’s neck. “You’re incredible Alex.”

  Alex felt his blush deepen a little. “Th….thanks.”

  They stayed like this for a moment longer, Leo gently nuzzling his neck while Alex clung to Leo’s form; breaking apart only when Leo wit
hdrew his nose from Alex’s skin. “So………”

  Leo continued to hold Alex as he spoke. “What plans does my geisha have for her noble warrior tonight?”

  Alex looked up at him grinning. “It’s a surprise…….although we do need to go to AnMorison Park.”

  Leo smiled and allowed Alex to pull him from the room, lading him to the garage. As Alex moved to get into Leo’s car, Leo moved; kneeling down to pick Alex up off the ground. Alex squealed and clung to Leo’s neck, surprised by the sudden action. Opening the door Leo gently placed Alex in his seat making sure that all of his costume was inside before pulling away slightly. He smiled at Alex who smiled back, the faint blush still covering his face as Leo closed the door before moving around and getting into his own seat. The drive to the park was short but pleasant. Leo watched as Alex stared out the windows at all the children and adult all dressed up in their costumes going door to door. As he watched them he bit his lip. In truth Halloween was probably Alex’s favorite time a year; a time to be mischievous and juvenile, to play pranks and jokes on others. In truth most of the pranks he pulled were against Jason but his brother never seemed to mind them; he’d just laugh or chase Alex around for a few hours before things would go back to normal.

  Pulling into the park Leo felt his eyes widen as he found that theirs was not the only car there. Dozens of other cars were parking along the park. Off in the distance Leo could see dim lights, was there something happening? Pulling into a parking spot Leo shut off the car and looked to Alex who smiled sheepishly back at him. “A friend told me that every Halloween they do a movie night here at the park. They set it up a screen and play classic monster and horror films all night long. I figured……we could watch one or two of them?”

  Leo bit his lip but continued to smile; in truth he wasn't much of a horror fan, but Alex seemed to be excited so he’d give it a shot. Getting out of the car Leo moved around and opened the door for Alex who looked at him a little curious as he offered his hand to help the younger turtle down. “You’re acting strangely.”

  Leo smiled. “I’m following the warriors conduct code. A warrior must be chivalrous and courteous to all women and those in his charge.”

  Alex smiled, “So……if I asked you to carry me?”

  Leo shook his head, “Sorry not gunna happen. But if any thugs impugn your honor or try to take advantage of you I could kill them…….according to 14th century law.”

  Alex giggled as he took Leo’s hand and got out of the car. “Well then for their sakes I hope there aren’t any thugs around.”

  As he feet touched the ground Alex felt Leo pull him in close; gently hugging their bodies together. Alex leaned in, gently nuzzling Leo’s chest for a moment before they broke apart, but continued to hold hands as they walked across the grass towards the lights in the distance. As they neared the lights Leo felt his eyes widen as he found that dozens of blankets had been spread out on the grass while behind the blankets tables had been set up, with people behind them wearing costumes. As they neared the tables a wolf, wearing a torn and tattered suit making him look like the wolf man, grinned at them. “WELCOME TO FRIGHT FEST IN THE PARK.”

  Leo smiled at the wolf who gestured to the tables behind him. “You can buy popcorn, candy, sodas, anything you want. Then just pick a blanket and enjoy the film.”

  Leo smiled again and nodded; watching as the wolf moved to greet more people who were arriving. “Come on, let’s get popcorn.”

  Leo smiled to himself as Alex tugged him towards a large table that had an old portable popcorn popper set up behind it. Behind the table a young fox dressed up like a vampire smiled at them, Leo handed her some money and received two bags of popcorn in exchange. Handing a bag to Alex Leo again allowed himself to be led through the sea of blankets until Alex found one that he liked; a large red one with a skateboard design on it. Sitting down Leo smiled as Alex moved in a little closer to him, moving so the younger turtle’s shell was against his chest. “There….now I’m not cold.”

  Leo smiled but did not respond as a bunny dressed up as a zombie walked out in front of the large white screen that had been set up in front of the blankets. A moment later a loud screeching sound filled the air making everyone flinch and groan as they clapped their hands to their ears. After a moment the screech vanished and the bunny’s voice came through the speakers. “Whoa……sorry about that folks, can barely work my VCR at home. Anyway I’d like to thank you all for coming to our fright night in the park. We’ve got a lot of great movies tonight but we’ll be starting off with my personal favorite; it’s a classic sci-fi horror movie from 1982; THE THING.”

  Everyone applauded as the bunny walked off stage and the lights around them dimmed. Leo gripped Alex a little tighter; he really didn’t like scary movies. He tried to busy himself with other things, tried to push past the thin plot line, or the dramatic music that played as some random women got to close to something she shouldn’t have. He closed his eyes, inhaling lungfuls of the cool night air, feeling the breeze blow against his skin. He flinched slightly as the woman on screen let out a loud shriek and died a moment later; killed by some kind of space monster. In front of him Alex giggled and munched on his popcorn seeming to enjoy the movie. But Leo continued to keep his eyes closed, he felt at peace; happier then he’d felt in a very long time. Alex had brought a kind of….order to his life. A kind of purpose that it hadn’t had before. In his quest to help ‘save’ this young turtle Leo had fallen in love, and while it had been scary and admittedly nerve-racking to him he found himself genuinely enjoying Alex’s company now. He enjoyed being able to hold Alex in his arms, and hold his hand.

  He looked forward to the gentle kisses they gave each other, or the moments where they held each other’s gazes, or at the end of the day being able to crawl into bed with Alex and hold him against his body. It was true they’d yet to have real sex, there had been a few times……….when they had pressed against each other their hands roaming over each other’s bodies, feeling, exploring; but they’d never gone past that. Leo could tell that Alex was a little scared he might freak out again, and Leo admittedly was nervous of pushing Alex to do something that he might not have been ready for; so for now they were ok with the gentle petting and groping moments. Leo felt Alex shift, the young turtle reclining slightly against his chest, his head rolling back to look up at him. “Hey.”

  Alex’s voice was a gentle whisper. Leo smiled down at him. “Hey.”

  A moment later their lips connected. The kiss was gentle, around them couples gasped and reacted to the characters on the screen; but they ignored them. Leo groaned as Alex moved, his hands gently coming up to rest around Leo’s neck pulling him a little deeper into the kiss. They broke apart only when their lungs burned for air, as their lips parted they shifted Leo’s beak coming to nuzzle Alex’s neck, inhaling the gentle smell Alex was letting off. It did something to him, affected him in some way he couldn't explain. On one hand the scent made him want to cling to Alex and never let go; on the other hand It made him want to rip off the younger turtle’s costume and ravage his body right then and there with everyone watching. “Are you enjoying the movie?”

  Leo smiled sheepishly. “I’m enjoying your company more.”

  His heart fluttered as Alex smiled up at him. Slowly his arms moved, wrapping around Alex’s form pulling them in a little closer. “I love you.”

  Alex smiled back at him. “I love you too.”

  They kissed again, this time with a little more passion. Leo felt himself moan slightly as Alex’s scent wafted into his nose; again tearing him between wanting to stay gentle with the young turtle or ravage him. Breaking apart Alex spoke. “We can go after this movie is over if you want.”

  Leo smiled sheepishly. “Thank you. I’m not overly interested in horror films.”

  Alex smiled and turned his attention back to the movie. He watched as the character struggled to survive against the alien monster that could change itself to look like them. He laughed
as one of them made a bad joke before being eaten; while other times flinching as the monster roared and attacked trying to kill them all. After a half hour he moved, pulling away from Leo who looked at him curiously. He shrugged, “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  Leo smiled and nodded, before laying back on the blanket his eyes looking up at the stars above them. Alex stayed for just a moment watching as Leo’s eyes drifted closed; part of him very much wanted to lie down next to Leo and watch the stars slowly move across the sky. But he sighed, standing up and hurriedly following the signs that directed him to the nearby bathrooms. Luckily there was no line and as luck would have it the bathrooms were relatively clean. Hoisting the edges of his costume up Alex ran into the first stall and closed the door. As he began pulling off his costume he heard more people enter the bathroom; the voices laughed talking about how lame the movie was.

  The voice continued to talk making Alex feel slightly uncomfortable as he relieved himself, before pulling his costume back on and leaving the stall. He groaned slightly as he found a group of boys not really using the bathrooms but hanging out near the entrance. Hurriedly he moved to wash his hands, his movement attracting the attention of one of the boys who began to speak to him. “Wha cha doin in da boy’s room huney?”

  he didn’t respond, busying himself with washing his hands, so he could leave faster. “awww yer playin hard ta get. Well I know…..what ya need.”

  Again Alex ignored them; he could tell they were drunk. Finishing washing his hands he turned to leave only to find that the boys had entered the bathroom and were now blocking his bath. “I got it rit here.”

  Alex’s eyes widened slightly as he found he recognized the boys. They had all been at the dorms that night, the night they’d jumped him, burned his things and kicked him out, the night they had all taken turned punching and kicking him while they laughed as his feeble attempts to get away. He watched as the nearest boy, a large ram grabbed his crotch. “yer som kin a hooker righ? So git on yer knees and do yer job.”


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