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The Body Painter (Master of Trickery Book 1)

Page 35

by Pepper Winters

  I cleared my throat as panic raced through my blood. “I’ll behave.” There was no way I wanted to be restrained. Already the desire to run almost overshadowed my need to protect Olin.

  I was willing to run to the police and tell them what happened. I’d risk being charged with assault if it meant I never had to sleep with this psychopath.

  But if I was in jail, how the hell would I ever love Olin? How could our future come true? How could she stay mine when I wasn’t there to care and cherish her?

  She’ll become someone else’s.

  My heart cracked, blood pouring from torn vessels.

  Ms Tallup threw the bottle of lube at me. “I brought that, just in case. But honestly, I’m so wet, we won’t need it. Unless we decide to put something in you. Ever experimented with that area of your body, Gilbert?” She cackled. “It could be fun.”

  I almost vomited on the carpet.

  I threw the lube into the shadows of the room.

  How the hell did she think I could do this? I couldn’t have sex with her because I was as soft as overcooked spaghetti. She repulsed me. No way would I get hard for her.

  I lifted my head, slightly braver. Perhaps this wouldn’t happen. Maybe I could survive the attempt and then accept the ridicule of being a cockless teen who couldn’t get it up.

  With a flick of her mousy brown hair, she headed toward the mini bar. With her back to me, she poured two shots of amber liquor, then carried both toward me. “Here.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I don’t drink.”

  I had a perfect role model in my father of why you should never drink.

  I couldn’t stand the smell because it permeated the entire house I lived in. I couldn’t stomach the effects because it made me bleed on a regular basis.

  “You don’t have sex either, but you’re about to.” She shoved the shot glass into my hand. “Drink it.”

  My eyes narrowed as she clinked my glass with hers. “Here’s to a night of debauchery. You do know that word, don’t you? Don’t worry. If you don’t, you’ll be fully educated by the end of my lesson.” She winked and threw the alcohol down her throat.

  My fingers squeezed the glass, wishing it would break so the liquid would splash onto the carpet. She stole the untouched shot from me, marched me backward to the bed with a hand on my chest, and pushed me when the back of my knees hit the mattress.

  I sat down heavily, heart pounding, pulse throbbing as she walked into me, spreading my thighs and tipping my head up. “I said...drink.”

  I didn’t have a choice as she tugged my chin and poured the liquor past my lips.

  The burn disgusted me, and I grimaced, swallowing the obnoxious alcohol.

  “Good boy.” She patted my cheek, then ducked to kiss me.

  I jerked away, but she threw the shot glass to the floor, grabbed two handfuls of my hair, and held me captive while she planted a wet kiss on my mouth.

  Everything inside me froze.

  Her tongue shot past my lips, bringing another fresh hell of rum and misery.

  I choked, shoving her backward and shooting off the bed.

  She merely laughed, wiping her mouth with heat in her eyes. “My own little virgin to teach. Do you know how long I’ve thought about this? Standing in front of that class, reciting English and Math all while I watched you scribbling notes to a test, imagining you deep inside me.”

  I shivered from ice and revulsion. “You’re sick.”

  “And you’re going to be so much fun.” Holding my gaze, she unbuttoned her white shirt, making quick work of the buttons.

  I dropped my eyes as she yanked off the material and stood in her lacy white bra.

  “Don’t look away. Watch.”

  Her command ordered my eyes up, and I gritted my teeth as she shimmied out of her skirt, undid her bra, and slipped her knickers off until she was bare before me.

  No hair on any part of her.

  Shaved and smooth.

  I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the falseness. The fake innocence of such a thing.

  Nausea was a real problem as I struggled not to be ill.

  She moved toward me.

  I couldn’t control my body’s reaction.

  I stumbled backward, tripping in my haste. She chased me. I found my footing and crashed against the wall. Just as she’d trapped me in the storeroom, she trapped me in the motel room. Her hands scorched my skin as she tugged at my black T-shirt hem. “Off, please.”

  Her politeness teased that perhaps someone sane lurked beneath her sexual deviancy. If I could appeal to that side of her—

  “Please. Let me leave. We can forget this happened and—”

  “T-shirt. Off. Now.” Her eyes narrowed. “I won’t ask again.”


  I was doing this for her.

  Don’t think about her.

  The thought of her in this place.


  If she knew what I was doing?


  My eyes squeezed tight as my teacher tore my T-shirt off and undid my belt. I didn’t open my eyes as she unbuckled me, unzipped my jeans, and dragged both my underwear and pants to the floor.

  I groaned in torture as she ducked before me, untying my boots and easing them off my feet before pulling my trousers off.

  Her hot breath skated over my flaccid cock.

  I flinched as her hand cupped me, pinching the tip and tutting under her breath. “Well, this is a disappointment.”

  My eyes squeezed tighter as she inserted me into her mouth. I jolted against the wall, pushing her head away. “Stop.”

  She merely swatted at my touch and hissed around my cock. “Cooperate, or I’ll tie up those pretty wrists and play with you anyway I see fit, okay?”

  My hands slowly dropped to my sides.

  If it was possible, my cock shrunk inside me, cowering from her mouth.

  I tensed for a strike, a slap—for some sort of abusive punishment.

  Instead, she stood, laughed a little, and returned to her bag.

  Sucking in lungfuls of air, my mind turned dizzy with adrenaline as she lifted two things from the depths.

  The first item punched a hole in my chest: a class picture of Olin with her hair neat in a ponytail, her smile conservative, her eyes bright and intelligent.

  The second dug my own grave: a box of blue tablets that ensured tonight wouldn’t just break me but would shatter apart any future I hoped to give the girl I loved.


  Ms Tallup beamed in her nakedness as I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

  “That’s right. I hid one in the rum that you so sweetly drank for me. In less than an hour, you’ll be as hard as stone and desperate for relief.” She tossed the box back into her bag but put the photo of Olin on the side table. “Might as well place your little girlfriend here, so she doesn’t miss the show.”

  The innocent eyes of the girl I loved mocked me while I stood naked in a motel room about to do something unforgivable.

  I couldn’t look at her.

  Keeping my eyes on the floor, I moved to the bed and collapsed on it.

  All my fight dissolved. My anger exhausted me. My refusal to accept this stole all my energy.

  Slinging an arm over my eyes, I slammed onto my back, not caring I was stark naked. Not caring my goddamn teacher feasted her eyes on me.

  All I cared about was getting this over with so I could go home and forget it ever happened.

  Now I knew how my father’s whores felt like.

  Something worthless—their only purpose to be hired, abused, then tossed aside with no thought to the emotional aftermath.

  For a while, the room was silent and still. Ms Tallup kept her distance.

  Time carried us forward, condemning me with every tick-tock.

  At one point, she visited the bathroom. Another, the minibar opened and closed again. Minutes passed, heartbeats pounded, and slowly but surely, my body was no longer my own.

Blood gathered outside of my control. Heat and hardness slowly building.

  I kept my eyes closed and teeth clenched as the bed shifted and Ms Tallup lay beside me. “Let’s help that Viagra along, shall we?”

  I flinched and sucked in a breath as her lips once again surrounded my cock.

  I didn’t push her away. I just locked down my heart and endured purgatory.

  My world stayed dark as I kept my eyes shut. Repulsion licked through me. Her tongue was vile. Her touch repugnant. At no point did my thoughts betray me. I found no pleasure in her loathsome touch.

  But thanks to the magic of chemicals, what I felt inside no longer matched the outside. My cock swiftly swelled in her mouth. My balls gathered tight. My belly knotted.

  My arm stayed tight over my face as every muscle bunched. Repellent desire crept through my blood, tangling with the righteous nausea.

  For long, torturous minutes, she sucked me.

  And I let her.

  For eternal, horrendous moments, she coaxed my body into forsaking me.

  And I didn’t stop her.

  The quicker she fucked me. The quicker she’d grow bored of me. The quicker I was free.

  The bed creaked again as she climbed on top of me. Her thighs spread over my hips, straddling my cock.


  This was really going to happen.

  I groaned under my breath, sounding like a trapped animal waiting for slaughter as she speared up my cock and sank down slowly.

  The first sensation of her body claiming mine was the cruellest thing in the world. Cruel because my virginity was Olin’s. Cruel because I was supposed to want this, enjoy this, remember this. Cruel because no matter how wrong and revolting this was, my body was no longer mine but an enemy, and it felt good.

  Horribly, disgustingly good.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I trembled so much the bed rocked as my goddamn teacher inserted every inch of me inside her. She didn’t say a word until I was fully sheathed. Her body was hot and tight, and I was trapped. Totally fucking trapped.

  “You’re big. Anyone ever tell you that?” Her breathy voice throbbed with sex. Her hips rolled, welcoming me deeper. “Long and thick. You were made to fuck, Gilbert Clark.” She rocked on top of me, dragging an unwilling grunt from my chest. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” Her fingernails raked down my chest as she sat higher on her knees and thrust against me.

  Stars exploded behind my eyes. A snarl of lust ricocheted down my legs.

  But I never removed my arm. Never looked at her. If I didn’t see, I wouldn’t remember. I wouldn’t have to look at my body in my most hated enemy.

  She gathered speed, using me, fucking me. Her ass slapped against my thighs every time she sat on me, shoving me deeper, making me twitch and tense.

  Primitive nature demanded I drive my hips upward. The instinctual motions of mating fighting against my control to just lie there.

  I was not a willing partner.

  I did not want this.

  I fucking hated her.

  I want to kill her.

  Yet my body no longer listened to me.

  Sweat broke out over my skin as I struggled, but Ms Tallup just bent over me and licked the salt from my flesh, making my nipples pebble and breath catch.

  “You’ve been a good student at school, Gilbert.” She thrust again. “But you’re not being a very good one now.” Her fingers tugged at my arm blindfolding me—the one thing barricading me from the truth of what was happening. “Look at me. Watch me fuck you. I’ll show you things those whores you live with don’t know how to do.”

  I turned my head, keeping my eyes locked tight as she dragged my arm from my face.

  Her breathing turned to panting as she rocked over me, again and again. My ears pounded with my erratic pulse. My body hardened to the point of pain.

  It wasn’t a natural erection.

  It was forced. Just like this sex was forced. Just like all my choices had been forced.

  And I hated her. I detested every sound, every thrust, every touch.

  Anger mixed with the rapidly growing hunger in my blood. I wanted to wring her neck and throw her body in the river.

  She deserves to die.

  She slapped me.

  I grunted as my eyes flew open of their own accord, snapping onto her flushed face just as a gush of wetness made her slide deeper over me.

  The act of violence turned her on.

  Her gaze glittered with malice and lust, riding me with her hands flat on my belly and nails digging into my skin.

  Being forced to witness what she did to me broke something inside me. Something I’d always prided myself on. A gentleness that I’d nursed and protected even while my father tried to beat it out of me. I kept people at arm’s length, but those I let close got everything I had.

  Olin owned every part of me.

  She always would.

  But thanks to this bitch, I could never have her.

  That dream was gone.

  That future destroyed.

  Stolen from me.



  My anger slipped up a notch, licking with flames.

  Ms Tallup rode me faster, her breasts bouncing, her thighs spread and hairless pussy devouring my cock.

  She’d taken everything good in my world and annihilated it.

  She’d decided my fate.

  She’d sullied me, defiled me, and ensured I was no longer good enough for someone as pure as Olin.

  She’s murdered my one chance at happiness.

  My fists curled.

  The flames in my heart incinerated my anger, turning it into ash and rage.

  How dare she?

  How fucking dare she steal everything from me?

  How dare she take Olin?

  How dare she snuff out my life before I’d had a chance to improve it?

  “Fuck me, Gilbert. Don’t just lie there. Fuck me.” Her cheeks glowed a violent red. Her body clutched mine deep inside her, seeking a release.

  My own rage answered hers, tightening with sickening hunger for everything to be over.

  To stop.

  To end.

  And the ash and rage switched into black, dripping savagery.

  I was past the point of humanity.

  Past the point of rationality.

  This woman had murdered my only hope and dream.

  She’d stolen Olin.

  She’ll pay.

  Jack-knifing up, I grabbed her and smashed her onto her back.

  My cock stayed lodged inside her as I slammed a hand over her mouth, pressing her skull into the mattress with barely restrained fury. “You want me to fuck you, Jane Tallup? Fine. I’ll fuck you.” My hips soared into hers, painfully, mercilessly. “I’ll fucking drive you into the goddamn ground.” The bedframe screamed as I let loose.

  Every hatred and depraved, disgusting thought I’d ever had poured out of me as I tried to kill my teacher with sex.

  She gasped behind my palm. Her eyes wide and watering with lack of air supply.

  I didn’t care.

  I honestly didn’t care if she died beneath me.

  My flesh crawled as pleasure darted down my back the harder I screwed her. My teeth bared as I dug my knees into the bed and thrust, thrust, thrust.

  No thoughts, no barriers, no boundaries.

  I hated her.

  And that hate was a brutal, blinding thing.

  Her breasts jerked with each of my impales.

  Her hair tangled beneath her.

  Her teeth scraped my palm as her arms fought me.

  Her gaze turned chaotic with lust and fear, and even that didn’t stop me.

  I pressed her head harder into the mattress, doing my best to crush her. To break her. To crack her skull and be done with it.

  She moaned and thrashed, clawing at my wrist.

  I merely attacked her harder. “You wanted me. You don’t get to stop me now that you’ve dest
royed me.” I buried my face into the crook of her neck as my hips pistoned, over and over. My hand suffocated her as my body squashed hers.

  She fought me. She wriggled and squirmed, but I didn’t let up.

  I wasn’t myself anymore.

  I was the creature she made me, and that filthy knowledge made me want to roar with tragedy.

  I was dead already.

  I might as well take her with me.

  My balls tightened as the first wash of an orgasm ripped into me with needles. Every instinct and sane part of me bellowed to withdraw.

  To stop this.

  To walk out the door and run.


  But she’d broken me.

  She’d turned all the good pieces of me into the thing I’d been terrified of all my life.

  I was my father, after all.

  And this was a whore.

  Just a whore.

  Bought and paid to accept a bloodthirsty assault by a brutal beast.

  I was no longer human as I drove ever faster, harder. My heart pounded, sweat slicked, and my soul vanished beneath contaminated filth.

  And then, I felt it.

  Felt the final condemning, life-stealing thing. The sentence to my future, ensuring I would forever walk alone because I didn’t deserve anyone.

  Especially Olin.


  My fingers dug into my teacher’s cheeks, hoping to draw blood as I stopped fighting the inevitable.

  Tallup gasped behind my hand. Her eyes wild. Her face almost purple. But her body jerked and quaked with frenzied release. Her pussy clutched and clenched. Her limbs stiffened. Her back bowed. Her entire body came apart because of what I’d done to her.

  She was in ecstasy.

  I was in utmost hell.

  I was almost sick.


  But I was lost.

  Lost to the rampaging onslaught I reaped.

  Lost to the chemical intoxication of Viagra and despair.

  And I couldn’t stop.

  My own release shot with the most agonising mixture of pleasure and abhorrence. A firing line of grenades and shrapnel, tearing me apart, stripping me into pieces.


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