The Price We Pay (Life After War Book 7)

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The Price We Pay (Life After War Book 7) Page 44

by Angela White

  Not far from the growing destruction zone, a small group of women were riding atvs west. They were going to an old lab that had been used for experiments and was empty, but stocked as a last resort hub for the bunker train that ran below it. They hadn’t been able to contact the hub or access those tunnels since the war, but Maci was sure life still existed there. The experiments had been nuclear in nature. It was probably the safest place they could be.

  East of Yellowstone, a huge mob of draftees emerged from the ground and swarmed the only sign of civilization in view—a local town too small to have a name. These desperate men and women raced the soldiers they’d overwhelmed and the ash cloud that was raining down them, as they kicked in doors and sliced hunger-weaken necks. They were free and after nine months, they no longer cared about the cost of it.


  Billy brought the train to a gentle halt, still grinning from ear to ear. He’d had a rough moment when the autopilot hadn’t engaged, but he’d found the right controls in time and now had another driving experience to his credit.

  “Is there anything you can’t drive?” Greg joked, slapping Billy on the shoulder.

  “Not that I’ve found,” the driver answered honestly. “Say, what do you think I’d look like with a crewcut?”

  Greg stared in amused surprise. “Decided to go for it, did you?”

  Billy grinned again, shrugging. “It’s not like it’s a secret anyway.”

  “True,” Greg confirmed. “Does the kid know what you have planned?”

  “Nope. She’s a kid. No reason to talk about those things yet.”

  “And if she gets older and doesn’t want you?” Greg demanded harshly, suddenly forced into Daryl’s role.

  Billy’s smile faded and a lost expression came over his face. “I almost think being her friend would still be enough. She’s special that way.”

  “Is she a descendant?”

  Greg nodded reluctantly, knowing that information would only go as far as their leaders. “She hears the voice, sees things that are coming.” His voice lowered. “She can make fires.”

  Greg noted it and the put his friend at ease, suspecting why this had been brought up. “Cut your hair, go the classes, and hope she doesn’t fry you in your sleep when puberty hits.”

  Billy laughed, relieved. He’d witnessed the way everyone treated Kyle over Jennifer, but Billy understood. He had his own…obsession with a girl who was too young for him, though Billy wasn’t sexually attracted to Leeann at all.

  She was like a little sister or the sister of a dear friend that he’d vowed to protect. Something inside said to stay close to her and the early bonding classes and tests were a good way to do that. Billy expected her to choose someone else when she was older anyway. He was used to being overlooked.

  “Things okay here?” Marc asked from behind them.

  “All good,” Greg answered.

  The Eagles joined him and Angela as they left the train and climbed the rubble pile to the surface.


  Neil and Jeremy took off to the car dealership as soon as Marc got the guard posted, both still in good shape despite the long run. The train ride had allowed them a much-deserved rest and they made the two mile run in twenty minutes and had two large vans in front of the group within an hour. Finding the key into the fuel tanks had been the hardest part.

  “Wait,” Marc called, gathering them around to listen.

  “Night will be here shortly. I’m taking Angie to that hotel by the lab and we’ll be along in a day or so. You guys can all go now.”

  Marc led Angela into the van, frowning over her dazed eyes and pasty skin tones. He thought the meal and few hours of rest would help, but she looked worse. It was time to consider following the clues on the scroll. To do that, he would have to discuss it with her witch, who he still didn’t like. Tonight, after he settled her into a pleasant evening, he would make contact.

  “Whatever you can do, Brady,” Angela gagged out, dizzy. “Save our daughter.”

  Marc lifted her into the seat and began digging for the mylar blankets, wishing he had more. Around him, the group went serious and quickly divided up, with little discussion. Marc had Angela covered, they knew that, but it was still evenly split when the two vans pulled out and went in different directions.

  Dog sat down in the isle by his side.

  In Marc’s van, Shawn drove, Becky and Seth dug through gear from all the kits, trying to make the five kits they needed, and Jennifer enjoyed riding shotgun. The atmosphere in the van was calm and even Angela’s breathing evened out. She slowly drifted off in Marc’s arms, leaving the stress for another time.

  Marc knew she needed the day to get her head together and decide how much of what to tell the camp, but he also needed the time for the same thing. He had knowledge about the Calls and other things now—more each time he went dream walking. There were infinite pools to explore and all he had to do was hold his breath. The demon thought he was being reckless, but Marc had to know his role in all this and after what he’d discovered on this run, he would never stop searching until he found what he was searching for.

  What are you digging for? his demon asked curiously.

  The meaning of my life, Marc answered promptly. Why were we cursed to this life, where peace can’t be had? What is the great plan? Is there one? Where do we go when we die? You know—all the usual.

  The demon chuckled, still wrapped around the witch. We shall help you. Won’t we? he asked, looking down.

  The witch was afraid to trust Marc. She’d done so with Adrian and it hurt to be betrayed.

  I understand, Marc sent carefully. For a little while, I started to believe in him too.

  Marc grinned. So I shot him six times.

  The witch chuckled, too tired to keep fighting. Marc’s demon, she knew she could trust. Yes, I’ll help. As long as she’s happy, she allows my freedoms.

  It was a lame excuse and both males knew it, but respectfully kept quiet. The witch loved Angela, the same as the demon loved Marc. Their hosts had accepted their presence, had been strong enough to do so without going mad, and at times, life was very, very good.

  “It’ll get better,” Marc vowed quietly, shifting to be able to smoke and scan the area they were entering. The Timbertop was a mountain cabin suburb built on a thirty-thirty plan, where the owners had spent thirty thousand for a cabin that would only last about thirty years due to being prefabricated construction. For a rental property that charged four thousand a month in total, it was an amazing deal to then be pawned off on some unsuspecting retiree or rookie landlord. It was yet another housing fraud that Marc was glad to know had ended.

  “Take us to the very top,” marc instructed as Shawn turned them onto a long driveway that immediately began winding upward. “There’s a lodge on the right. I saw it earlier. It has all glass windows on one side.”

  The Rainbow Nest Party hall turned out to be empty of cars, people, but not supplies. It was decorated for Christmas, complete with a tree and fake presents, and even a rusting reindeer by the front door. The Eagles cleared it together, leaving Marc and Angela in the van with the wolf.

  “Wow,” Shawn commented. “Nice place!”

  “Too bad we’ve got no power,” Becky stated mournfully, staring at the room with the dual hot tubs. “Wouldn’t that feel good?”

  Both tubs were empty, waiting to massage sore muscles and the men groaned. “Stop it.”

  Becky chuckled, going to one of the bedrooms. There were eight in total, each with their own bathroom, though only that room in the front had hot tubs.

  Becky slung her kit onto the chair by the door and began kicking off her shoes and clothes. She wanted to be clean and naked under the sheets and sleep for the entire time Marc wanted to say.

  Seth stayed with Marc, hoping Becky was going to eat and rest. She wasn’t acting tired, but he knew she had to be running on her last reserves now, like the rest of them.

  “Where do you want us at?�
� Shawn asked.

  Marc considered it and then shook his head. “Go to bed. Anyone who screws with us right now won’t survive, asleep or not.”

  Shawn had to agree. They had three descendants and two high level Eagles here. That was enough to do serious damage and they knew how lethal they were now, thanks to Angela’s plan. She’d given them all a new sense of worth and respect.


  Jennifer took the room across from Becky, sure she wouldn’t be alone in it for long. The trouble with Safe Haven had been chaos over the birds and bugs, but Samantha and Cynthia had things under control now, while she had a worried mobster flying toward her in the dusk.

  Jennifer sent out a strong call, making sure Kyle knew where to find her, but even as the blast rang out, she heard a dirt bike pull up out front. He’d tracked her down without any help.

  Jenny heard him greet Shawn, who had chosen to crash on the couch by the glass widows, though he had turned it away so he would be a surprise to anyone who broke in.

  Kyle stayed there for a few minutes, checking in with Marc, noting Angela was already asleep on the master bed with her shoes and coat still on, then he slowly made his way down the hall. Now that it was over, Kyle was dreading the talks and choices that had to be made.

  He tapped on the open door softly. “Hi.”

  Jennifer motioned him in. “Can you help me with this zipper?”

  She tossed him her kit. “I have a clean change of clothes in there and it would be nice to be able to wear them.

  As men often do, Kyle flipped the zipper around and made it look easy. He handed the kit back with a grin at her glower. “What?”

  Jennifer rolled her eyes, unable to keep from grinning. They’d not only survived, but won! She hadn’t been sure when Angela had first rolled out the grand plan.

  Kyle slowly shut the door, waiting to be told she wanted the room to herself, but Jennifer only took her clothes into the bathroom, using her penlight to view by.

  Kyle dug out clean duds as well, and then he searched the room, coming up with a small bowl of snacks that were still good. He assumed the chips and crackers would be as stale as everything else was these days, but food was food when you were hungry.

  From across the hall, small moans came, making it through two closed doors, and Kyle rolled his eyes.

  Jennifer came from the bathroom in time to hear them as well and witness Kyle’s reaction. She snickered at his expression.

  “Again!” Becky’s plea rang through the hall.

  “Sounds like they’re having fun,” Jennifer stated, unable to block the images she was getting.

  Kyle watched her and was able to tell when the thought he’d been hoping for finally crossed her mind. It took all of his considerable will power not to speak up or rush over to her.

  Jennifer listened to Becky’s pleasure, feeling her body respond and her mind flipped dark images. Instead of avoiding the new feelings, Jennifer faced her fears.

  “You can make me feel like that? Without hurting me?”

  Kyle refused to move a muscle or even breathe too loudly. “Yes.”

  Jennifer blushed at the deep tone of his voice. “How does that work? The second you touch me, I’ll get the flashes.”

  “I’ve thought about that, about you saying even the good will remind you of him,” Kyle began his plan as if he were walking on glass with bare feet. “What if you keep your eyes open?”

  Jennifer hadn’t thought of that. “You mean…watch what you’re doing?”

  Kyle nodded, almost unable to keep from shifting. He managed with a small grimace.

  Jennifer went to the window, mind working on it, and Kyle was able to readjust and then force that side of him down. They were only talking.

  “You promised,” Jennifer reminded him without turning around. “Don’t you back out either.

  Kyle sighed heavily, head resting against the wall. “What do you want from me, Jenny?”

  “I want to feel like that and not be scared anymore,” she blurted. “I want to be able to enjoy that part of my life.”

  Kyle stopped his first thought: So do I, and settled for, “I’ll help you however you want me to.”

  Jennifer looked at him and Kyle could see the fear warring with the courage.

  “Will you… but only me. I’m not ready for more.”

  Kyle swallowed, suddenly unable to think. “You want me to… And then I’ll go away so you can sleep?”

  “You can too. You know, but not sex. With me.”

  Kyle was confused, the lack of blood in his brain a serious disadvantage. “Can you say that again?”

  It was so cute that Jennifer was disarmed into giggling at his lost expression. “Wow.”

  Kyle chuckled along with her and was able to run it through again and understand what she wanted.

  Jennifer waited tensely for his answer. “You do think about touching me a lot.”

  Kyle twitched. He’d thought he was doing a good job at controlling those thoughts while he was around her.

  “You have been,” Jennifer assured him, moving toward the empty side of the large bed. “I, ah, woke up a couple times.”

  Kyle realized she’d heard him taking himself in hand when he was sure she was sleeping and his face flushed dark red.

  Jennifer wasn’t worried about anger, though she didn’t know for sure what his reaction would be. She’d been worried the first couple times she’d woken to discover him curled away from her, rocking and breathing hard, but it had slowly drawn her until she’d begun to scan his thoughts, searching for the violence. All she’d seen was a man who longed to touch and taste. It was part of the reason she had the courage to do this now.

  “Sorry, Jenny,” he whispered as she climbed into the bed and began getting comfortable under the heavy quilts. “I’ll try harder.”

  Jennifer rolled onto her side, facing him, and saw his eyes flick to her gaping top and then find her face. He was ready. Was she?

  She rolled onto her back and placed her arms above her head, face going pale. “Go on.”

  Kyle frowned. Must be the position Caesar required, he thought, hating the man.

  “We’re never going to do this if you think that way,” Jennifer warned him, willingness sinking a bit.

  Kyle went to the next step of the plan he’d made for this moment. “That’s not how it works with me, Jen. I like the woman to get things rolling. It helps me to know for sure she wants me. I don’t do pity moments.”

  Jennifer flushed. Could she do that? The thought of leaning over Kyle, kissing him, touching him, brought fear, but also interest and she chose to try being brave again. She quickly rose up and sealed their lips before he could react.

  Kyle hadn’t been given time to brace and he groaned in need, hands coming up to twist in her curls.

  Kyle’s kiss was all man with no holding back and he tasted every inch of the mouth he’d been lusting for. He kissed her urgently, demanding a response, and felt her shiver. He slid his hand along her neck, deepening the kiss and felt her breath catch. He extended the moment by sliding his free hand down her arm to twine their hands together.

  Kyle drew back and ever so slowly put his hands on her hips and lifted her on top of him. He cradled her close, not doing anything else, and whispered in her ear. “Move around on me, Jen, see if you like that.”

  He bucked gently under her, rubbing their bodies together, and a moan flew out of her lips that sent Kyle’s ego to the roof.


  Jennifer nodded, breathing increasing and she closed her lids as a sharp, sweet bolt of pleasure shot through her at the contact.

  Kyle thrust again and then kept repeating the movement, breaking into a sweat.

  “This way, we both cum,” he gasped out, hand in her hair, eyes on the front of her shirt where he could see her bra and the tops of those beautiful breasts he’d been dreaming of.

  Jennifer was lost and she thrust against him, loving the way his eyes continued to get
darker. Every time she responded, he grew hotter and Jennifer smiled, trying to let him know he wasn’t scaring her.

  “Ready for a little more, baby?” he asked, thrusting faster.

  She nodded and Kyle rolled them over with a fast movement that sent tension into the chilly room.

  Kyle didn’t give things time to cool down. He slid between those long legs, picturing her without the shorts, and rubbed against her heat. “How’s that?”

  Jennifer knew she needed to be scared now, but like before, her body took control and she arched in response, aware of his big arms on either side of her shoulders. It was a flash of the past and Kyle seemed to know that. He leaned down and kissed her, softly.

  Jennifer’s lids flew open, locking with his. Caesar had never kissed her!

  Kyle used his mouth to shower her with affection, moving from the corner of her lips, to her jawline and then her neck. His hips kept a steady rhythm and the sight of Kyle’s face flushing with need and control was an erotic addition that distracted her from her ghosts.

  Jennifer lifted her hand and placed it on his cheek, connecting them, and for an instant, she was terrified of the images there. Again, Kyle knew and placed a gentle kiss on her palm.

  “Touch me if you want,” he groaned, increasing the pace a bit as sweat rolled down his spine.

  Jennifer let her hand go where it wanted—straight to his hair.

  Kyle gasped at the sharp, sweet sensation. His hips thrust harder of their own violation and he felt Jennifer suck in a breath, surprised that harder could be good.

  Kyle knew he was near his limit and reluctantly stopped, sliding onto his side.

  “What are you doing?” Jennifer question roughly, breathing hard. “We’re not done, right?”

  Kyle laughed. “Just need a man minute, baby.”

  Jennifer listened to him talk himself down, not getting all the words, but the general tone. That’s the difference, she realized. Caesar could never keep from hurting me.


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