The Price We Pay (Life After War Book 7)

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The Price We Pay (Life After War Book 7) Page 55

by Angela White

  Her two center tables were busy, all writing and comparing note and jobs, and Angela let them go while she sucked down a few quick bites. She felt like she could eat a plateful.

  “It sounds like a lot going on for those ten days,” Becky commented. “Who has your six?”

  Marc started to say he did and felt Angela’s head swivel toward hm.

  He sighed. “Looks like I have a different job. Shawn and Greg did a good job before. They can cover it.”

  That was good news for the two Eagles who had thought they were still in Marc’s line of fire.

  “Good. We’ll have a second meeting on all of this tonight after we’re settled in the permanent area,” Angela approved.

  “Do you want us to go check it out beforehand?” Jennifer asked eagerly. She was still a little restless from the run.

  “No. We stay together for the move,” Angela denied. “There’s a blank spot when I look ahead. Keep the guards awake as we travel. Kenn, get on the radio doing those new observation quizzes. And that reminds me. We’ll restart Eagles tryouts and classes as soon as the ash storm passes. Get something drawn up that includes promotions of proper size for every person who fought in this war and pulled their duty.”

  Now that it was over, their population had actually increased, through the four camps that had requested to merge with theirs and vowed to follow their rules. Angela had all of them in the QZ now and planned to let them out in small stages that wouldn’t disrupt the normal flow she was trying to reestablish. The soldiers would be shadowed for a long time when they were cleared.

  “The new rule for the camp is no one goes out exploring alone. If they’re with a fighter, all the better. We have less sheep now and most of our camp can take care of itself for a few hours at a time. We will keep guards and cameras on the supply trucks, the weapons and gear, and the food and water. When we get fuel, then we can worry about guarding our fuel.”

  Angela ran through her mental list and got on the next set. They would stay like this for all of those ten days and then the workload would ease and some of the living could take place. “Next, is new assignments. We’ll do leadership first.”

  She dropped a small paper on the table. “This is the new chain of command. I want it posted as soon as we’re done here. Someone tell Doug I want him updating the bigger board we brought from the lodge. Once an hour, people will be able to come by and get news.”

  “What type?” Cynthia asked curiously. Her newspaper hadn’t stood a chance under Adrian’s leadership.

  “You’ll start with updates on amounts for the contest—the tons collected from each site, who has the most hours in for individual lessons, who bought back more than their share of the supplies. These are the days that determine the pecking order of every Eagle in my army, regardless of what they were promised by the former Co.”

  That was big news and the sound of scribbling became loud. “After we get into the caves, you’ll be doing that for power items found, food grown, animals raised, and other things we need our camp to be excited about. If they have fun shoveling pig shit while racing the guy next to them, it gets done faster, there’s a possible reward for it, and afterwards, there’s camp praise when we’re scarfing down the blts.” Angela got out between bites of her now cold breakfast. “Remember these things that I’m telling you. Leadership changes fast during an apocalypse and the next person to fill these shoes could be any one at these two tables right now. Pay attention to the details as if you already know you’re going to be cursed with it. Dig for the extra details, go two more miles, and every Eagles in Safe Haven will follow your lead.”

  Angela stood up, wanting a second plate before they took off. She glanced around the table, sending out her confidence. “In ten days, we will have this entire camp inside those caves and preparing for winter. If we do it in eight, I’ll allow each of you to ask me for something you know I won’t want to give. And if I can, it will be yours.”

  “Must be bad,” Tonya remarked, still scribbling notes.

  “It’s worse than that,” Angela confided, finally succeeding in scaring most of them. “Mother Nature remembered we’re still alive. She’s very unhappy about that.”


  “This is Safe Haven Refugee Camp. We roll out in five minutes. If you get out of sight, you will have to be placed in the quarantine zone again, also known as the QZ. While we load up, the boss has asked me to remind everyone of our few basic rules. She said now that the time for war has passed, we must learn to follow the laws again. These are the Safe Haven Rules of Conduct and Penalties: Abuse (Mental, physical, and verbal) is forbidden here. Punishable by banishment. Fighting, property damage, and violence for any reason but self-defense is not allowed. Punishable by hard labor or banishment. Sexual Assault is a capital offense! Punishable by death, or branding and banishment.”

  Kenn continued to read the entire list as the camp loaded into their vehicles and it was a peaceful start to what would hopefully be their last time doing this for a long while. They would spend the winter in one place and the relief that came from knowing that allowed for laughter amid those grieving. It was impossible to hold in that joy after they’d been literally on the road from late December to mid-September.

  Sam shifted the truck into the wrong gear and threw her hands up in frustration. “I can’t do this!”

  Neil hurried to grab the wheel, thinking of Seth’s explanation on Becky’s wild driving. When he straightened them out, he very calmly began to instruct her again.

  “Hit the brake like we worked on first, but do it—”


  “Easy,” he finished, listening to the sounds of an engine almost at its limit. “Good. Now hold that position until I come around, okay? Ten seconds.”

  Sam nodded, trying hard to control her annoyance. When she lost her temper, things got out of hand.

  Neil slid under her, making her laugh and Sam wormed her way out of the seat and moved to the passenger side. She’d told him she was too scatterbrained right now for a lesson, but he’d insisted.

  Neil breathed a sigh of relief and got them rolling again, to the approval of their rear convoy guards. He and Sam were only carting an empty trailer that she wanted for the next garden setup and he’d thought it was a good time for her to try again on driving the big vehicle. Boy, was I wrong.

  Sam got in and closed the door, not saying anything. She had been trying to track the coming weather when Neil suggested the lesson.

  Neil got them up to speed and left her alone, glad to still have the truck. Sam had a knack for endangering that type of wheels. Maybe he’d talk to Jeremy about switching to a minivan or something else as pathetic for top-level Eagles to roll around in. She’d be safe with that, right?

  Neil watched the rear sentry jeeps fall in and then close the gap to the bumper of the truck. The one Jeremy was driving disappeared in the mirror, he was stayed so close.

  Neil snickered mentally. He’d suggested that Jeremy drove like an old lady and even now, when they couldn’t do more than 40mph on these turns, the computer hacker was determined to prove him wrong. Neil wasn’t sure if maybe that’s why he and Jeremy were able to adjust to this setup when other men couldn’t even consider the idea. Their need for new adventures was an unquenchable thirst that had been held back by the social limits of the old world. Now that there was only the basics of right and wrong again, it was finally okay for them to be curious explorers of whatever they wanted, able to use that precious free will.

  “I find you both amazing for being like me,” Samantha said softly. “We’re different, the Runners.”

  “Do you think she’s right? Can we really change things so all that old sit doesn’t restart?”

  Sam shivered a bit as she answered. “I hope so Neil. If not, I’ve sold my soul to the devil.”

  She chuckled to let him know it was a joke, but Neil knew there was a bit of truth to it as well. Angela was promising them all the moon and stars. She would be given ti
me, but if she couldn’t produce the required results, she wouldn’t remain their leader. The crowd would always look to the one who could give them the most, and there were other descendants out there who might be able to do more or better.

  “Not in this country,” Sam snorted. “We’ve got the best of the lot.”

  Neil heard the slight edge of idolization and shifted his thoughts to a safer topic. “When are you off duty again?”

  “I’m clear until dawn, then I’ll be at the training tent with the rest of her team while you guys recon our caves.”

  “She got you girls on something special again?” Neil joked nervously.

  Samantha didn’t answer. She wasn’t allowed to.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Wait. Slow down.”

  Marc did it carefully, using the radio to notify the convoy behind them.

  He peered through the blowing grit in the late afternoon dusk, but saw nothing.

  “There’s a woman with a little girl,” Angela said “Up on the right.”

  Marc eased forward, knowing she would tell him when to stop. Marc was sure she was already trying to communicate.


  The truck rolled to a smooth stop and Angela darted out and into the grit before Marc could ask who she wanted with her.

  Marc swore under his breath as Shawn and Greg ran after her, and he began issuing instructions on the c.b. The cars and trucks behind them were pulling into those two lanes like they’d been taught for an unscheduled stop and it allowed Marc a narrow view where he scanned, catching a glint.

  It’s him. He won’t ever stop following.

  Marc wanted the conversation with his demon, but he also wanted to keep to his word, and he directed the demon toward their new goal. Her hair only came back part of the way. How do I give her more? Is there a better time, method of delivery, length of time? Hell, what if I eat something special?

  Like what? his demon asked.

  Marc considered and shook his head. He couldn’t find a suggestion that didn’t sound stupid. There was still too much he didn’t know about their kind.

  He has to answer your questions, the demon pointed out. She told him to never deny you any piece of information you ask for.

  Marc was pleased to hear that and he quickly shut the door on the private questions he’d always wanted to ask. He didn’t need Angela to learn some of those.

  Marc concentrated. Check-in, Angie, or I’m sending in your team.

  Sorry, I scared her by stopping so close. Had to catch up. Shawn’s here.


  Twenty-five feet to your left. In a garage.

  Marc could hear her impatience and let her go. He knew she could take care of almost anything that could happen, but it wouldn’t ever stop his need to protect her.

  Slipping into the role of boss, Marc hit his mike. “Did either of you remember to turn on your radios?”

  They were short-wave, close-range, walkie talkies-a new addition from Marc.

  “We’re here,” Greg answered right away. “We have two females. We’re headed your way.”

  Marc saw them a moment later and let out the breath he’d been holding. Shawn was carrying a small child while Angela helped a tall, thin woman wearing a long robe over jeans he could see when the wind blew harder.

  Angela was speaking rapidly, trying to ease the woman’s fear and Greg brought up the rear, head constantly rotating.

  The group went to the small van behind Marc and he sighed when he saw Angela climb inside and give the ‘get us rolling’ motion. A second later, Shawn slid into the passenger seat, shaking his head. “She’s gonna kill me yet.”

  “I know the feeling,” Marc grumbled. “What’s your beef?”

  “She told me I’d meet my mate today. She didn’t tell me the woman would have a kid and a husband.”

  “Oh, Damn,” Marc gave his sympathy. “That hurts.”

  Shawn sighed, staring out the widow without seeing anything. “You know what sucks the most, Brady?”

  “What?” Marc asked.

  “She’s gonna become an Eagle, I already know it. You should have seen her going for the Safe haven security deal Angela laid out.”

  “So that’s good, right?” Marc questioned. “Having the same line of work is easier on a relationship.”

  “But I didn’t pay attention to the specifics when the rest of the guys went through this shit!” Shawn admitted worriedly. “She’s gonna twist me around her finger and I’ll have to pass in my guy card!”

  “Join the rest of us,” Marc laughed. “We’ll do anything for the right set of tits.”

  The rest of the ride was filled with the type of male bonding that had been going on for centuries and forged some of the strongest friendships the world had ever seen.


  In four separate vehicles, descendants stiffened in unison. They’d felt more than a disturbance in the force.

  In the first vehicle, Jennifer turned to Angela with glowing eyes. “Don’t take this one. It’ll only bring us trouble.”

  “What happens if we don’t?” Angela demanded, both of them ignoring their fearful companions.

  “We might be able to save them, but it will always cost the blood of our people,” Jennifer stated, her witch bleeding through in ominous tones.

  Angela nodded and turned to Tara. “Ask for your justice and we shall consider it.”

  “I can’t pay y-you,” Tara stammered.

  “We wouldn’t take it even if you could,” Jennifer assured her. Now that the boss had made the choice, she would do the other parts of her duty as Angela’s right hand. “I’m Jennifer. Who is it that you wish my boss to put out execution orders for?”

  In the second vehicle, Charlie looked over at Tracy with glowing orbs. “Stay close to camp for a while.”

  Tracy nodded, shuddering. “I will. My word.”

  Charlie placed a hand over hers, connecting their minds and Tracy gasped. “You’re not supposed to know about that yet!”

  Charlie chuckled, eyes still crimson. “I’m her son. I have a lot of gifts too.”

  For a brief second, Tracy wished she had the powers too, and then she remembered how haunted Angela had looked at Mess last night and decided her life was okay right now. In time, this run would be a hard memory and a badge of her honor. She’d done more than her duty and come through it.

  In the third vehicle, the vet perked up, listening eagerly to the woman try to barter with Angela. He waited almost breathlessly for Angela to make the choice. If she said no, he would remain in the shadows. If she said yes, that would be the start of her swords of justice being sent out to cleanse the land, as she had promised. He would be able to serve her openly then, alongside her other adoring killers.

  In the last vehicle, Samantha’s shoulders stayed tense and Neil didn’t comment. He shook his head when Jeremy, who had come to stand watch by her door, started to tap on the window. A moment later, Sam let out a sigh of relief.

  “She said no. We’re okay for—”

  Sam paused. “Damn. She scanned the kid. The woman isn’t lying.”

  “What does it mean?” Neil finally asked, flashing gestures to fill Jeremy in.

  “She’s going to ask us to do something. It’s just as hard as what we’ve left behind,”

  Neil wasn’t surprised. “Is it worth it?”

  Sam looked at him with the determination he’d come to respect more than her courage.

  “Only if you kill them all. If you miss a single target, we’ll be at war again, only with my kind this time.”

  End of Book 7

  From The Author

  Dear Readers,

  Another LAW book has come to an end. Sorry about that. You know what Riddick says about: “It all had to end some time.”

  I hope you enjoyed this edition. In the next book, we’re going to see how Safe Haven gets their shelter ready for the long winter that’s coming, while forging a new place in the
minds and hearts of their fellow survivors. Angela isn’t going to be satisfied until she’s improved their lives and if that means killing a few to save the many, we’ve already seen that she’ll do it.

  When will we get book 8?

  I have no idea at this moment. My next project is to finish the climax of my Bachelor Battles trilogy. I already have a nice portion of it outlined, so I hope you’ll start hearing news on that one in May. Afterwards, I plan to take the summer off these formats and work on my screenplay. I may have an interested party, but I have to get it finished. I would not look for book 8 (unnamed) anytime during 2015. I would recommend one of my other series to tide you over, and if you’re up on that, why not try to write a short story of your own? You may have a writer inside you and don’t even know it!

  I’ll be doing a live facebook party to celebrate the release of this book and my audible deal in the next couple weeks. You can get that information from my blog as well, once I have the date set.

  I’m off to format now and find an Advil. I think I dropped my fingers a week ago and I should probably try finding them.

  You folks have a wonderful week and remember:

  “Respect the stone. Love the stone.”


  Waving at you,



  Deleted Scenes



  Deleted Scenes

  Deleted Scene #1

  Inside the camper, Charlie leaned further over the edge to gently scrub the front of Tracy’s over-soaped hair, watching the water run down the crack between her damp-towel covered breasts.

  Tracy slid under the water and let their hands rub as they rinsed her hair. It was a morning ritual that Charlie had begged her for and she’d found no reason to deny him such a simple turn-on. She was covered and there was a wall between them.


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