A Kiss for Christmas

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A Kiss for Christmas Page 4

by A Kiss for Christmas (epub)

  Blair’s eyes opened wide and she jerked into a sitting position in bed, holding the covers to her chest. She felt something big and warm beside her and remembered that Kevin had spent the night.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  Kevin rolled over, the covers bunched around his waist. “What in the hell, Kaylie? What are you doing in here?”

  His sister stood at the end of the bed, gaping at the two of them. She totally ignored his question and went off on a tirade.

  “You know, big brother, I figured you’d make a move on my girl, but I didn’t think you’d do it the first freaking night you were home!” She turned to Blair and pointed a finger at her. “And you, missy, were supposed to be up and making me breakfast, or did you forget?”

  Blair started to answer, but Kaylie cut her off again. “This better not start a habit. I realize my brother is a catch, but you have responsibilities to me as your best friend, things like cooking for me so I don’t starve and meeting me for coffee so we can bitch about our love lives.” Her eyes skidded to Kevin and she amended her statement, “Okay, so I can bitch about my love life. If you start ignoring me, I’m going to sue for best friend divorce and I’m going to find another best friend. I hear Olivia Marshall is looking to replace Mary Goldberg since Mary ran off with Olivia’s husband. I bet Olivia would remember her best friend was coming for breakfast, even after a night of hot sex.”

  Kaylie slapped her hands over hers eyes and gave a small scream. “Dammit, I don’t want to even think about that. No, no, no, fucking no! I can’t believe that even came out of my mouth.”

  Kevin sat up and glared at Kaylie, his eyes narrowed on her. “Sis, I love you, but if you want to live to see twenty-nine, you better get your little ass out of here. Go make some coffee while Blair and I get dressed, okay?”

  Kaylie threw her hands up in the air and stomped out of the room. “Fine, but I expect you guys to name me godmother to at least one of your kids.”

  Blair flung herself back on the mattress and looked over at Kevin.

  “I love her like a sister, but there is something seriously wrong with her,” she said.

  Kevin looked at her a beat and then burst out in huge belly laughs.

  “She is my sister and I’ve known for a while that there’s something wrong with her. Until you, no one else ever agreed with me.”

  He rolled over on top of her and used his palms to shove her hair off of her face. The breath went out of Blair when he gave her most of his weight, which was okay because he kissed her. If she couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t smell her morning breath and she couldn’t smell his. The thought made Blair smile a little.

  Kevin moved off of her and headed into the bathroom. Blair watched the rounded muscles of his backside as he walked away. She had an image of biting him there before she shook her head. Obviously there was something wrong with her if she wanted to sink her teeth into someone’s backside. The promise of coffee and a ranting best friend made Blair drag herself out of bed.

  She found a t-shirt and some pajama pants and used the guest bathroom before heading to the kitchen. Kaylie was sitting at the bar on a stool, drinking from a huge mug that Blair kept especially for her. Blair gave her a look, poured a cup of coffee, and doctored it to her liking. The first sip burned all the way down. Absolute heaven.

  “So, you and my big bro, huh?”

  Blair sighed. “You’re okay with this, right? I mean, I didn’t exactly expect…” she trailed off, unsure of what to say.

  “Of course I’m okay with you and Kevin being together. I’ve seen the way he looks at you when you aren’t paying attention. We may actually be sisters!”

  Blair put down her coffee cup. Kaylie’s words brought to mind the major doubts Blair had the night before.

  “I would love that Kaylie, but Kevin and I, I mean, we just had one night. We haven’t talked about the future or even dating. He’s just getting out of the service, he may not want to get serious with me, girlie.”

  Kaylie rolled her eyes. “And that reminds me that, while you’ve known my brother for almost six years, you don’t really know much about him.” She sipped her coffee. “My brother was never really a player, but he’s dated. He’s never, ever looked at another woman the way he’s looked at you the past five years. In fact, I’m surprised he managed to stay away from you as long as he did.”

  Blair felt hope bloom in her belly. “We’ll see how it goes. Okay?”

  Kaylie looked at her knowingly. “Yep, we will.”

  Refusing to brood, Blair started rummaging through her cabinets for the ingredients to make pumpkin waffles, Kaylie’s favorite. Bacon was sizzling in the skillet and the batter mixed when Kevin came into the kitchen. He immediately went to the coffee pot.

  As he poured himself a cup of coffee, he spoke to Kaylie. “Hey, sis. You really should knock, you know.”

  She smirked at him. “I did. I also tried to call. It seems that you two really were exhausted.”

  Kevin ignored her sarcasm and came up behind Blair as she ladled batter into her waffle iron.

  “What’s for breakfast?” he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.

  “Pumpkin waffles and bacon.”

  He moved to stand beside her. “Sounds good and smells even better,” he said.

  As Blair finished cooking breakfast, they sat or stood around the bar and ate. It amazed her that Kaylie managed to keep her mouth shut about Kevin and Blair. Her friend was opinionated and loved to tease. Kevin was pretty easy-going, but Blair had seen Kaylie irritate him so badly that he’d thrown her up in a fireman’s hold, carried her out to the pool in the backyard, and dumped her in fully clothed. Even so, her crazy best friend had surfaced and almost drowned trying to tread water while laughing hysterically. Kaylie’s parents had explained that she delighted in provoking any kind of reaction from her controlled brother.

  Kaylie helped clean up the dishes and gave Blair a look before she left. Blair wasn’t sure what the look meant but she was sure it had something to do with their earlier conversation. Kevin had offered to give Blair a ride to The Library and take care of both her flat tire and spare. She agreed and told Kevin to make himself at home while she finished getting ready for the day.

  As she did her hair and make-up, Blair discovered that Kevin making himself at home included bringing her a cup of coffee with just the right amount of milk and sugar. She thanked him and dressed quickly. The shop opened at ten and she still had the bank run and definitely a run to the gourmet coffee shop three doors down from The Library. She grabbed all her stuff and called to Kevin as she headed down the hallway to the living room.

  He waited patiently as she locked up the house. Blair couldn’t believe how considerate he was being as he walked with her down the front path to his truck. He waited on her, did things for her without being asked, and seemed to sincerely care about her well-being. In her experience, most men lost interest in being considerate once the clothes came off.

  Blair’s mind was spinning as he drove them to The Library. She enjoyed their time together the night before, not just the sex, but the conversation and companionship. For the first time, she could be herself around a man, completely herself. It felt wonderful.

  Kevin pulled into the employee lot behind The Library and Blair realized that she hadn’t said a word the entire ride.

  Slightly embarrassed, she looked at him. “Sorry if I was ignoring you. I have a lot on my mind.”

  He tugged a hank of her hair. “That’s okay. Are you planning on coming to the house for the Christmas party tonight?” he asked.

  Blair nodded. “We’re closing up early today so that Kaylie and I can help your parents set up. I need to go home first so I can get my dress before I head to your parents’ place.”

  “I’ll pick you up at your place.” Blair started to argue, but he kissed her lightly to shut her up. “This way, you’ll need a ride home and, as it happens, I’ve got a vehicle.”

  She laughed
. “Fine. I’ll be ready around six. Can you be there to pick me up?”

  Kevin kissed her again. “You bet. Now, give me your keys and get your sexy ass outta my truck. I have tires to fix and other stuff to do today, like buy presents for everyone on my Christmas list.”

  Blair stared at him in horror as she handed him her keys. “Christmas is in less than a week. You haven’t bought any presents?”

  “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that my answers will incriminate me.”

  She had to giggle at his humor. “Well, don’t come to me, begging for help getting Kaylie a present.”

  Kevin scoffed. “I don’t need any help picking out Kaylie’s present. If it has booze or chocolate, she’ll be happy. If it sparkles, she’s even happier. Besides, I saw a very pretty bracelet yesterday before I came to get you. I’ll probably go back and get it for her today.”

  Blair rolled her eyes and opened her door. Kevin turned off his truck. He climbed down and came around the vehicle.

  “Thanks, Kevin,” she said. “I appreciate your help with my car.”

  He hugged her close. Again, Blair felt a moment of confusion. He’d never been demonstrative with her before. She knew he was affectionate to those he cared a lot about, like his mom and Kaylie, but she was surprised at how often he was touching her. Still, she did like to be cuddled, so she leaned into his hug.

  He dropped a kiss on her upturned face. “You’re welcome, Blair. I’ll bring your keys in to you when I come back.”

  She nodded. “See you later, Kevin.”

  He watched as she walked away and unlocked the back door of The Library.


  By four that afternoon, Blair and Kaylie were run ragged. Christmas Eve was three days away and the shop was crawling with customers all day. They still had to help Barb and David Masters set up for their annual Christmas party. Every year, Barb threatened to have it catered, and every year, she spent the entire three days before the party in her kitchen, cooking and baking like a crazy woman. This year was no exception, though she was having a few meat and cheese trays and fruit bowls put together at the local grocery store. That in itself was a huge compromise for Barb Masters.

  It was a mutual decision between Blair and Kaylie to close the store at four, but they still didn’t get out the door until a little after five. Kevin came by earlier in the day to drop off Blair’s keys after her spare and tire were fixed. When he came into the shop to give them to her, he leaned over the front counter to kiss Blair and Kaylie immediately started acting like obnoxious ten year old.

  It was when Kaylie started making kissing noises and singing, “Blair and Kevin sitting in a tree,” that Kevin had enough and palmed her forehead to give it a gentle shove.

  “Knock it off, Frog,” he said as he ruffled her hair.

  Kaylie jerked away, scowling at her brother. “You’re a pain in the ass,” she snapped.

  Kevin just smirked at her and Kaylie stuck her tongue out at him and flounced away. Blair smiled as she watched their byplay. It reminded her of the way she and her brothers teased each other. After another kiss, Kevin left. The Library remained extremely busy until their early closing time.

  At five-fifteen, Blair promised to meet Kaylie at her parents’ house by six-thirty, hopped in her car, and drove like a maniac to her house. By six-fifteen, she was showered, shaved, and made up. She wound her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck because it complimented the neckline of her dress and it was quick. The snug dress had a wide scoop neck in the front and the back, the dark green material clinging to her breasts and ass. Black and pewter-colored rhinestones were scattered around the top of her neckline. She was wearing smoky black stockings and dangerously high black stiletto pumps. Blair had just finished putting in her black diamond hoops in her ears and spritzing her perfume when the doorbell rang.

  Kevin was supposed to pick her up, but she still checked the peephole first. Her father had drilled cautious action into her from the time she was a little girl, to the point she was almost paranoid. He made Better safe than sorry into a mantra that Blair would never forget. Ever. She still woke up with those words echoing in her brain, wondering why in the hell she wasn’t a complete paranoid nutcase from hearing it all her life.

  She saw it was Kevin on the porch and he looked tall, dark, and too sexy. He was wearing dark gray slacks and a plain white shirt. He also made them look beyond good. Blair opened the front door.

  “Let me get my bag and I’ll be ready to go.”

  She said this over her shoulder as she was already turning away to go back to the bedroom for her shiny pewter clutch. A big, hot hand closed over her wrist and stopped her short. Kevin turned her with a sharp tug, pulling her off balance. Blair fell into his chest.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed.

  Blair couldn’t say anything else after that because Kevin kissed her, and it was good. Any ability she had to think immediately disappeared. All she could do was feel the heat of his mouth and his tongue. When he stopped the kiss she realized that he had her practically bent backward over his arm.

  She blinked up at him. “What was that, exactly?” she asked.

  Kevin slowly straightened them and cupped her cheek with his hand.

  “I just really like your dress,” he answered.

  Blair couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling up her throat.

  “You might have just said, I really like your dress, instead of attacking me.”

  He sighed and released her from his tight embrace. “Yeah, but this was more fun.”

  She shook her head. Usually, she wondered how Kaylie and Kevin could even be related. If their coloring wasn’t exactly the same, Blair would have thought Barb, their mom, must have stepped out on Dave, their dad. Occasionally, Kevin would do or say something that was pure Kaylie. Though he didn’t show it as often as Kaylie did, he had a wild streak just like his sister.

  A few minutes later, they were on their way. Blair touched up her lipstick in the visor mirror. After she did her primping, she looked over and saw Kevin watching her out of the corner of his eye.

  “What?” Her tone was slightly defensive. “You ruined my lipstick with that make-out session back at the house.”

  Kevin just smiled and shook his head like he thought she was amusing, so Blair decided to change the subject.

  “So, are Barb, Dave, and Kaylie going nuts to get ready for tonight?”

  His smile widened. “Actually, things were very calm at the house when I left. Probably because they each had a tequila shot earlier.” He chuckled. “Honestly, things have been going smoothly. I’ve been helping Mom out the last couple of days and I did a lot after I took care of your tires this morning. Dad has been doing a lot this year, too. I think tonight will go well.”

  Blair nodded. “I’m sure your mother appreciates the help.”

  Kevin threw his head back and laughed long and loud. “Not really. I think she prefers to do things herself because she’s such a control freak. I can see her literally biting the inside of her cheek or the tip of her tongue when one of us is trying to do something to help her. She wants to tell us exactly how to do it, but knows we’ll all just ignore her and do it how we think it should be done.”

  Blair had to bite back her own smile because Kevin was telling the truth. Barbara Estelle Masters was the control freak to end all control freaks. It was almost impossible for her to let people help her do things and, when she finally did allow someone to help her, she could be a bossy pain in the ass.

  “I’m sure the party will be as beautiful this year as it was last year,” Blair said.

  Kevin grunted but didn’t really answer. They rode the rest of the way to his parents’ house in silence. Blair wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but she was wondering about the end of the evening. Earlier, he’d said something about staying the night with her, and she wanted him to, but she also wondered what his intentions really were. It was completely unlike her to jump into a situation t
hat could end up so messy, but her hormones had been in charge last night. Her brain had kicked in that morning and, all day, she wondered if she’d made a stupid mistake.

  They arrived at the Masters’ home and Barb immediately put Blair and Kevin to work. By seven-thirty, people were arriving and the party was getting started. Blair and Kaylie were mingling and chatting with all the friends and neighbors they saw each year. They were talking to an older couple when Blair felt a light hand on her arm. She turned and found herself staring into the brown eyes of her ex, Dr. Stephen Marshall.

  “Blair, I wondered if I would see you here. How have you been?” he asked.

  Blair stared up at Stephen, unsure of what to say. While their break-up had been amicable, it had also been final. They were cordial when they saw one another in public, but Blair didn’t go out of her way to see him, and he didn’t call or pursue her.

  “Hello, Stephen. It’s nice to see you.”

  He smiled, clearly happier to see her than she was to see him. She shifted slightly away from his hand, which was still on her arm, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “You too, Blair. You know, I’ve been meaning to call you. We should get together sometime after the holidays. Catch up, you know?”

  She sputtered for a moment. She hadn’t seen him or heard from him for over a year, thirteen months to be exact, and now he wanted to get together? Blair wasn’t stupid. From his body language and the gleam in his eye, her ex wanted a booty call, and getting together was only a thinly veiled euphemism. Normally, Blair would have hesitated to make that assumption, but she knew Stephen pretty well and the man wanted to eat something that wasn’t listed on a restaurant menu.

  Blair was very aware of the eight pairs of eyes on her and froze. Frantically, she tried to think of a way to let Stephen know he should piss off and forget about ex-sex, when a hot, calloused hand clasped the base of her neck. She looked over her shoulder and saw Kevin staring at Stephen.

  “Sorry, Dr. Marshall. Blair’s gonna be a little too busy after the holidays for dinner.”

  He sounded polite, even friendly when he spoke, but the look in Kevin’s eyes was anything but friendly.


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