Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two

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Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two Page 9

by W. R. Hobbs

  “As it turned out, his control was not a simple case of a single individual with evil intent and thirst for power. The oracle possessed abilities that only one other force that we know of in our dimension possesses – the Progenitors. At the time, we suspected the oracle had once been a Progenitor and later we learned for certain that he was in fact one of the originals. But this particular Progenitor had evolved into a malevolent force that either escaped or was cast out of God’s dimension.

  “This sounds awfully familiar,” Leroux interjected.

  “That is because many of your major world religions have long been subtly influenced by the Torahnossian presence on Earth in order to inform your population of his existence.

  “For whatever reason, this dark force physically manifested on Anshar in the form of the oracle and controlled their world directly for nearly a thousand years. The oracle has not been seen on Anshar since that time but if there is a real Devil in our universe, the evil force that the Ansharians now call their creator would be it.”

  “Doctor, you explained that the Progenitors seeded life on Earth. Exactly who or what are they? Are they the same as God?” General Bracken asked, attempting to make more of a tactical assessment than anything else.

  “I said they manipulated DNA on our planets. Your primate ancestors, the planets, the galaxy and the universe were here long before they arrived. The Progenitors are very ancient, but they are not gods per se. However, they are from the dimensional universe that created this one. I can explain that in more detail when it comes time for us to attempt communication with them,” Gideon added, knowing that Leroux in particular would uniquely appreciate such an explanation of what Earth scientists had coined M-theory.

  Gideon continued, “Billions of years ago, they learned to ascend to the spiritual plane that transverses all of space, time and creation and throughout all dimensions of existence. There they found the true Creator, our true God. The Progenitors learned that it was God’s intent for all intelligent life that existed everywhere to eventually ascend to the spiritual plane as a result of learning how to respect and properly employ universal and dimensional laws such as honesty, kindness and compassion.

  “From that time forward they have been God’s emissaries to the physical dimensions of existence. They have manifested in physical form on occasions to bring the teachings of how to live properly and achieve ascension - a message they have delivered to intelligent beings everywhere in every form in every dimension. In fact many species have reached this level of existence and the term Progenitors now more accurately reflects a group of races that exist with God.

  “Between 2000 and 3000 years ago, across this particular galaxy, the Progenitors manifested in physical forms on all of the worlds they had previously visited. The vast majority of these worlds were in balance but the ones which were not received somewhat of a ‘restatement’ about how intelligent beings should live, coexist and spiritually evolve. On most of the unbalanced worlds, it was usually a matter of correcting indigenous cultural and societal evolutions. And then there were the few worlds that were under the hidden long-term manipulatative control of other races and planets. Of that group the Ansharians held the highest number of planets and Earth was one of them. The man known as Jesus was the Progenitor that visited this world and delivered God’s true message.”

  Leroux looked at the doctor with an expression of confused disbelief. "Hold on. How does that make sense? Even in the historical record, his birth and childhood is considered factual by the mainstream academia."

  "As I said, the Progentiros manifested in physical form. His manifestation was at the beginning of the life cycle for a normal human inhabitant of this planet. The true Creator actually did communicate many of the messages referenced in your world's religions. The messages speaking of this Progenitor are among them," Hauer detailed.

  “So why are the Ansharians purporting to be the messengers and vessels of God? And why did their leader reference Jes…” Leroux stopped in the middle of her questioning as her mind raced to the memory of her Sunday school lessons as a child.

  There is no way ‘that’ could be happening now. It was metaphorical and symbolic, she told herself.

  She never for one second in her adult life allowed her scientific mind to entertain the notion that biblical prophecy was anything more than a mythic construct of an ancient people. But her spiritual mind was fully entertaining the thought now.

  Gideon watched Leroux’s face become even paler as her highly analytical brain began drawing the corollaries between the current events and the biblical account of the end days.

  They are purposely acting as false prophets? she thought just before reaching her ultimate conclusion.

  “Suen-Nergal, by professing himself to be in direct communication with God, is fulfilling the prophecy of the Anti-Christ as depicted in the bible?” she asked.

  “The warning has been there all along for this day hasn’t it? You see, the Progenitors’ visitations were not simultaneous across the universe. On three other worlds, between 2800 and 2200 years ago, the Ansharians decided to use the Progenitors’ appearances to further their own religious mythos on each of those worlds and misrepresent themselves as the returning saviors that the Progenitors had spoken of during their visits.

  “We already had a clear understanding of how they were manipulating events using the indigenous religious prophecies of each planet. And that is why we had at least one warning included in the New Testament known as the book of Revelation – a warning that should be ringing true to those left on Earth that know it.”

  “Excuse me doctor. Did you just say you had the book of Revelation added to the Bible?” Bracken asked, now with his undivided attention.

  “Shortly after the Progenitor’s return to God’s dimension, one of our Torahnossian ancestors created much of the apocalyptic symbolism that is written in the book of Revelation in its modern form today. The book was actually written in Patmos and by a person named John. But John was a pure blooded Torahnossian that created a way to begin spreading a symbolic warning for an event that could have happened anytime from that point forward. It was written cryptically enough to apply to the events of the contemporary times as well as far into the future. There was no way to know if and when the Ansharian leaders in control of Earth may attempt a similar misrepresentation here on this planet. We could not assume they would wait until the reappearance of the wormhole.

  “So, we created a warning that could be eventually embedded in the teachings of the new Christian religion which spawned from the Progenitor’s visit on Earth; one that the Ansharians had very little control over during its early development. And of course much of it was symbolic- there was little chance of getting a book in the bible that told of aliens returning to take control of the planet. For example, instead of explaining the Kadingir wormhole literally, the word wormwood was used. We consider the inclusion of the book in the New Testament one of our most successful subterfuges of the Ansharian presence on Earth.”

  “So you are telling us that Jesus was an extraterrestrial from a different dimensional universe that learned to ascend to ‘heaven,’ met God and has been delivering his message across other universes and galaxies for billions of years?” Leroux cynically queried with her scientific training beginning to reignite her skepticism.

  “And you just determined that a five million year old cranial fragment was from a modern human…”

  He’s got a point , Leroux thought.

  “He called God his Father not in the corporeal sense but in the metaphysical spiritual sense. All Progenitors are sons of the one true Creator. And all other intelligent life can be as well. But it takes certain awareness. If an intelligent being dies without this awareness, their physical energy randomly disperses back into the dimensional plane it occupied. The majority of intelligent beings in this dimension that followed the Creator’s message have achieved ascension from the physical plane through the release of their spiritual ene
rgy upon death. The Progenitors are of special interest because they are the only ones we have communicated with that actually learned to consciously ascend and willfully return to the physical plane,” Gideon revealed.

  “How are you so certain of these things?” Leroux interjected, regaining her scientific composure.

  “Because he told us,” Gideon succinctly replied.


  “Try to see things from our point of view. We have been aware of the Progenitors long before the last one that visited Earth. Once it was clear to our ancestors that the man known as Jesus was a Progenitor, they sought him out. One of our representatives successfully made contact, informing him of our presence here on the planet and our efforts against the Ansharians. But he already knew all of it.

  “It was during this direct contact with him that our ancestors learned about the final piece of the puzzle to communicate directly with the Progenitors in God’s dimension. He gave us instructions on how to willfully ascend to their dimension. We also learned that he was an original Progenitor and not one that had 'learned' to become so.

  “Many species in the history of all dimensional existence found different ways to achieve ascension beyond death of the physical form. Some were through natural evolution and others through scientific evolution. Our path to that goal is the latter one – we are using the true Creator’s science to achieve a similar state of existence. The Progenitor provided the precise genetic knowledge required to achieve ascension through the ability to control molecular vibration.

  “However, here on Earth, the implementation of such knowledge was hampered until certain technologies came into existence. Our only remaining ship, the Zealieon, was not equipped for such research on the scale that was required. Finally, by the 20th century the technology was approaching an adequate level to carry out the instructions.

  “Subsequently, my fourth mission involved the infiltration of the Nazi war machine and the subtle manipulation of its search for biblical artifacts. The cranial fragment that was found in Nepal was that of a Progenitor that traveled to Earth on their first visit. We knew where to find it because he told us where it was. As we were originally instructed over 2,000 years ago by the Progenitor, I began the genetic recombination derived from the Progenitors DNA which was extracted from the fragment. In both the German and US militaries, I covertly conducted this process of genetic evolution which I eventually completed with the emergence of Taon.

  “Do you know how the fragment got there?” Leroux interrupted, having grown impatient with not knowing its full origin and being left in the dark for years while she researched it.

  “Yes, but that is a longer story,” Gideon revealed.

  “He’s leaving,” Bracken alerted, after keeping a constant check on the conclusion of the conference on the main viewer.


  St Peter’s Basilica – Vatican City

  Still absorbing the unbelievable remarks, Dr. Danika Sarasin was sitting five rows back from the podium. She observed the applauding crowd that was supposedly full of the brightest minds on the planet.

  How can they believe these theatrics? There is no way the Governors voluntarily resigned and Darisam is a crackpot! Suen-Nergal’s pretention is so transparent. It is obvious these Ansharians are manipulating the Christian savior mythos. None of this is right, Sarasin concluded.

  Dr. Sarasin, an accomplished History professor in the field of European religions at the University of Oxford, was in her early 40s and British born. Although she was not an official member of the AWR, her expertise had placed her in the forefront of academia with her research on the evolution of monotheism and earned her a seat at the meeting.

  She exited her row and began walking behind the crowd following the leader’s entourage. By the time the emperor’s entourage reached the nave it was engulfed by more and more people. The emperor’s guards were now in tight formation a couple of feet around their leader as he immersed himself in the adulation and praise – most of which was being offered by pure blooded Ansharians that believed they were witnessing the long anticipated fruition of their well laid plans.

  Sarasin followed the entourage back down the nave making a studied observation of the crowd’s behavior. The professor was about thirty feet behind the emperor when she paused in her step.

  After looking more closely, Sarasin suddenly sped up her pace in the direction of Suen-Nergal. The interior of the basilica clamored loudly with the crowd’s increasing volume. When she was about five feet from the guards behind the emperor, Sarasin yelled loudly, “Raylen!”

  One of the guards turned around and saw Sarasin trying to flag down a man standing on the interior of the narrow path cleared just ahead of the emperor. The professor was simply trying to get the attention of her acquaintance, but unfortunately in the process she subjected the man to the attention of one of the emperor’s guards.

  As Raylen looked back at the call of his name, he first met eyes with the guard and then Sarasin standing slightly behind him.

  What the hell? Raylen fumed.

  As an expression of surprise slightly emerged on Raylen’s face, the Ansharian guard isolated his posture as a threat. Raylen realized that it was too late to stop and proceeded to step into the emperor’s path.

  “You do not belong here,” he proclaimed, lunging toward the emperor with his blade that bypassed security.

  The guard, due largely in part to Sarasin’s behavior, was able to target Raylen as he approached, dropping the Torahnossian to the marble floor. Chaos immediately ensued with the spectators and admirers scuttling away from the guards as they extended their perimeter.

  The Ansharian guards in front of the emperor surrounded Raylen. Sarasin, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt, ran toward Raylen. The guards were about to fire again on Raylen but Sarasin had made her way there and jumped in front of their shot. Only one of the guards fired, inadvertently striking the professor in the thigh.

  “No! Do not kill him!” Sarasin said after she fell to her knees with her thigh singed.

  What the hell are you doing? She asked herself, as the sting of her wound fully registered across her nervous system.

  The emperor, recognizing a priceless opportunity to manipulate public opinion, stepped toward the two of them.

  “Do not harm them,” he instructed. “They are simply misguided children of our Creator. We must demonstrate mercy and forgiveness. Have them detained so that I may visit later and try to reach their hearts,” Suen-Nergal smiled.

  Raylen and Sarasin were surrounded by C7 personnel as the emperor exited the basilica and boarded his shuttle. The professor’s wound was little more than superficial but Raylen had taken a shot directly to his upper right torso. The particle weapon had punctured his lung and he was having serious difficulty breathing.

  Prime Rothstein walked over to Raylen lying in pain on the floor and disdainfully looked down at him. “Take them to Old Cairo. And make sure they receive medical treatment. Especially this one,” the prime ordered, pointing at Raylen.

  Outside the basilica, the emperor’s shuttle lifted off. As they ascended to the orbiting carrier, the Ansharian leader grew more irate. The emperor had been off the ground for no more than a minute before he established a channel to Gibil. “Proceed immediately with your offensive directives!” he barked.

  “Yes your Excellency!” Gibil acknowledged, eager to carry out the order.

  Greek No. 9

  The cameras had panned away from the commotion around Suen-Nergal. They made a slow sweep back to the baldachin where the conference participants were all looking in the direction of the nave. A couple of minutes later, the NEU broadcast switched to a view of the emperor walking out of the basilica and boarding his shuttle.

  “So that was his plan?” Conrad asked.

  “It’s hard to say. Raylen did not elaborate on his exact approach to infiltrate Old Cairo but the task seems to be underway...if he survives. We must wait and see at this point,�
�� Turner replied.

  “I will research the other individual,” Conrad informed, zooming in on Sarasin’s face.

  “Let us hope this provocation somehow disrupts their tactical posture,” Turner declared after observing the emperor’s attempt to mask his rage before entering the shuttle. “It is time to prepare for Taon’s arrival at the Old Peaks. Inform Akilan to accelerate his training as quickly as possible. We must get Uzal’s fleet here.”


  Dugway Facility - Command Level

  Once the conference had concluded, the NEU worldwide broadcast was directed by Sepsu to transmit a recorded loop of Suen-Nergal’s statement: “Do not harm them…they are simply misinformed children of our Creator. We must demonstrate mercy and forgiveness. Have them detained so that I may visit these men later and try to reach their hearts.”

  The brief clip ended with a fade away on Raylen while a NEU correspondent commentated on the “insurgent” attempt to assassinate the Ansharian leader.

  General Bracken activated the desk viewer on the conference table and summoned General Tucker. When Tucker reached the doorway to the conference room, Bracken explained his instructions.

  “We are initiating phase two of the Dulce offensive. Once the first Griffin squads reach General Kirsch's forces, he will proceed with the second assault under your air cover. Make sure the Griffins keep their attack patterns tight around the armaments on the surface of the base.” Bracken continued, “Once the Ansharians respond with their interceptors and frigates, we will initiate phase three. Is the Helios attack wing in place?”


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