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Mistletoed Page 2

by M Andrews

  “England to America, that’s a pretty big slate. Things end that badly between you two?” After Sonia passed away, I couldn’t stand living in our old house in San Francisco, so I moved into a new house on the other side of the city. I can’t even fathom the thought process one goes through when they decide to uproot to a new country without friends or family.

  “No, not really. We just weren’t right for each other. After we broke up there wasn’t anything holding me back from moving to America. My family thought I was out of my mind when I told them my plan. My father said I should get my head out of the clouds, marry a nice man, and have a family like my sisters. My sisters gave up on their dreams the moment they got engaged. I don’t see why I can’t have a career and a family. Why should I have to give up my dream of writing children’s books just because I get married?” She sets the icing bag on the table and blows a puff of air along the line of icing. Once satisfied, she instructs me to let go of the wall. She lets out a relived sigh when the wall stays standing.

  “You should get everything you’ve ever wanted. No one should have to pick one or the other. My wife wanted to be a surgeon, she also wanted to be a mother, but she never let anyone tell her she couldn’t be both. Unfortunately, cancer couldn’t be reasoned with and she passed away before we could start our family.” We tried for years with no success. Sonia would go as far as sneaking me into the on-call room on the nights when she worked late, so we could work on making that baby. Now I see why we were never so lucky.

  “I’m so sorry about your wife. Your mum told me about what happened.” She gives me a comforting smile.

  “Thank you. Sonia was one of the few people that ever got who I was. We met when we were in high school. She was the first girl that had ever paid me much attention. I was the nerdy guy who spent his time on crazy inventions. Sonia knew that someday my inventions would take me somewhere. She was right.

  “She sounds like a wonderful woman.”

  “She was. I’m sure she’s disappointed with how I’ve been living since she passed away. One of the last things she told me was that she didn’t want me to lock myself away and live a lonely existence and . . .”

  “And you didn’t listen to her,” she interrupts.

  “No, I did not. I basically drowned myself in building my company. This is the first time since she passed that I’ve made it to Christmas with my family.”

  “And now you are stuck me. Aren’t we the pair.” She softly giggles.

  “The adventurer and the hermit.” I chuckle. We lock eyes and the electricity I felt the night before sparks between us. Eliza came to America to find the missing piece in her life. A part of me feels like I can give that to her. Whether she knows it or not, she has started chipping away the frozen fragments around my heart. Maybe this getaway is exactly what the two of us needed. To fill the void of what’s been missing for so long in our lives.



  I look up from my piping to see Derek with furrowed brows and a look of intense concentration on his face while he lines the roof of our creation with red and green hard candies. We’ve spent all morning and most of the afternoon decorating this massive two story gingerbread house. Once Derek got the hang of it, he took over the design. It was just supposed to be a small little cabin, but Derek decided we needed to make a replica of his family’s cabin. I was happy to spend hours making the beautiful house, one, because it was cute seeing his excitement, he was like a cute little kid and, two, I like spending time with him. Once he warmed up to me, he was quite sweet and charming.

  We’ve laughed and had candy fights. It’s been the most fun I’ve had since I moved to America. The more time we spend together, the more I’m starting to like him and not just because of how attractive he is. He’s a little broken, but I know in my heart I can put him back together.

  Suddenly Derek’s head pops up. “What time is it?” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. “It’s after five, we have to go.”

  “Go where?” I ask.

  “The Christmas Festival is happening in town tonight. We have to get there early to get a good spot to watch them light up Snow Flake Lane.”

  “What is Snow Flake Lane?” This is already peaking my interest.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see. Now go and put on some more festive layers and meet me back down here in ten minutes. I’ll call the car service to pick us up. We can grab a bite to eat after the show if you’d like.”

  “That sounds perfect.” I set my piping bag back down on the table, get up from my chair, and calmly walk out of the room. Once I’m out of sight, I run full speed to my room. I fling open the door to the closet and pull out half my wardrobe, throwing it on the bed. Should I wear a dress or just leggings and a warm sweater? If this was a date I would wear my favorite long sleeve red dress with my white snow flake leggings, but is this a date or is Derek just taking pity on the lonely girl invading his Christmas holiday? The hell with it, I’ll just wear my red dress.

  Ten minutes on the dot I walk down the stairs freshly showered and dressed for whatever Derek has in mind for the night. He is standing in the foyer, looking handsome in his black pea coat, navy blue sweater, and black slacks. His gray eyes sparkle under the lights. A warm grin spreads across his face when our eyes lock.

  “You look stunning, Eliza.”

  “Thank you.” The heat builds in my cheeks at his compliment. He helps me with my coat then offers his arm to me as we walk out to the car.

  * * *

  The night air has a cold bite that is nipping at my nose. All of Aspen is huddled together down the main strip of the ski town. Derek has his arm resting around my waist, keeping me close to his side. He whispers in my ear to keep looking up. Winter Wonderland begins to play in the distance. Silver snowflakes hanging above the street flicker along with the music.

  “This is amazing!” I gush.

  “I knew you would love this,” Derek whispers in my ear. We both watch the show in amazement. Noticing my shivering body, Derek opens his coat and wraps me in his warmth. The heat of his body calms the chill in my bones. His arms feel so good around me. It’s the first time in four months I feel at home. It’s strange to have such a connection with someone I’ve only known for a few hours. It’s there and it’s strong. I just hope I’m not the only one feeling it.

  The show ends and the crowd dissipates, leaving Derek and I standing under the glow of the snowflake lights. I don’t want to leave the warmth of Derek’s arms. Sadly, he pulls away. My body sighs at the loss of contact.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” he asks, offering his gloved hand to me. I give him a nod and slide my hand into his.

  The streets are lined with vendors selling hot cocoa and roasted spice nuts. The center of town is filled with happy families playing games at the carnival. We duck into a little Italian restaurant with red and white checkered tablecloths and poinsettias in the middle of each table. We grab a booth by the window. The snow is starting to fall again outside. It looks beautiful sparkling in the glow of the Christmas lights.

  I slide into the booth across from Derek who is ordering us a bottle of wine from the waitress.

  “Are you having fun?” he asks, turning his attention back to me.

  “I’m having a wonderful time. Thank you for bringing me here. It’s much more fun than the night of hiding in my room watching Christmas movies on my laptop that I had planned.”

  “My mother would have had my head on a spike if I let you miss the Christmas Festival. I forgot how much fun it is.” His eyes stay locked on me. Even though every woman in this place, including our waitress, has their eyes on him, he doesn’t seem to notice anyone but me.

  “It reminds me of my town at Christmas.”

  “Do you miss not being home?”

  “A little, but spending the day with you has made me feel better,” I admit. The heat rises in my cheeks. I’ve never had a man make me blush so much.

ek’s hand rests next to mine; his fingertips gently circle my skin. My whole body is blushing. “It’s cute when you blush. Do I make you nervous?”

  “Maybe a little. I’m not use to men who look like you paying me any attention.” My face is the color of my dress now.

  “How do I look?” He cocks an eyebrow up at me.

  “Like a Greek god with a devilish grin.” Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that.

  He throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh. “Well a Greek god, such as myself, is honored to be spending the evening with a beautiful woman like you.” He smiles at my blushing again.

  The rest of the night is spent drinking wine and laughing and flirting. By the end of our appetizer, Derek’s hand was in mine and stayed there through the rest of our meal. I’m not the only one feeling this connection between us. Even the sweet owner, Mrs. Soprano, noticed the heat between us, she kept passing our table to tell us what a handsome couple Derek and I make.

  Derek pays the check and, while I’m putting my coat on, I hear Mrs. Soprano telling Derek not to let me slip from his fingers. I giggle to myself at her comment. Derek joins me and puts on his coat. Before he can open the door for me, Mrs. Soprano points out that Derek and I are standing under the mistletoe. We both look up at the green ball hanging over our heads.

  “Christmas law states that you must kiss when standing under mistletoe,” she casually informs us. Every eye in the restaurant is on us, waiting for us to kiss.

  “Well I wouldn’t want to break the law by not kissing these beautiful lips,” he says, running his thumb along my lower lip.

  “We wouldn’t want that,” I whisper. Derek dips his head and captures my mouth in a soft kiss. He tastes like red wine and chocolate, and his tongue is like velvet against mine. The restaurant and patrons all fade away. It’s just Derek and I and the most incredible kiss I’ve ever experienced.

  When we finally pull away, everyone in the restaurant cheers and claps, and we both share a chuckle before we sneak out the door. Once outside, Derek’s demeanor changes. There is a primal look in his eyes that sends heat pooling between my thighs. He takes my hand and pulls me down the street.

  “Where are we going?”



  I can barely hear what Eliza is saying over the blood rushing through my ears. My heart is pounding wildly in my chest. The beast is roaring to life, and I need to get Eliza alone and now.

  I lead us down the alley behind the restaurant. It’s dimly lit and away from prying eyes.

  “Derek . . .”

  Before she can finish her sentence, I stop her with a deep kiss that takes both our breaths away. That kiss in the restaurant sealed her fate. She’s mine.

  I press her against the brick wall. My lips move along her jaw to her ear. “I need you, Eliza,” I growl, pulling her lobe between my teeth.

  “I’m yours,” she chants, pulling the full weight of me against her. She feels so damn good against me.

  “You’re mine Eliza. Your heart, this mouth . . .” My thumb traces along her warm soft lips. “ . . . every inch of this gorgeous body is mine.” She bites down on my thumb as my hand reaches under her dress and inside her leggings, two fingers plunging into her warm wet channel. She clamps down so tight around my fingers it feels like she’s going to break them off. “Your pussy is so fucking greedy it’s pulling me deeper. I want to feel it choking my dick, my sweet little snowflake.” She is so tight and wet. My dick is straining against my pants, growing more impatient and jealous of my fingers.

  I release my hand and force her leggings down off her hips. Eliza gasps as the cold air hits her skin. I lift her dress up exposing her bare perfect pussy. Her desire is glistening off her pink lips. My tongue glides across my lower lip, hungry for a taste, but my cock is winning the war. He’s aching to be enveloped in her warmth.

  I work my belt and zipper open and free my rock-hard cock. Eliza looks down with wide eyes, watching me slowly stroke myself. “You’re so big. I’ve . . . oh my,” she babbles.

  “Don’t worry sweetheart, he’ll fit,” I assure her, aligning my fat tip at her entrance. I slowly thrust inside her. I let out a low hiss as her warmth surrounds my length. Fuck, she is so damn tight. “See, we fit perfectly together,” I groan. I could blow my load just from the sweet pulse of her pussy.

  She grinds her hips against me, trying to get me to move. “Derek, please,” she begs. I pull almost all the way out then slam back into her. Her hands reach above her head, grabbing ahold of the flickering light fixture, bracing herself as I pound into her tight channel.

  Her head falls back exposing the soft delicate skin of her neck. I kiss, lick, and suck her there. Marking her, claiming her, owning her. Eliza is mine, I want to love her, take care of her . . . be her family now.

  “Come with me, Eliza,” I urge, feeling my own orgasm imminent. Our bodies move in rhythm working each other to the brink. Her pussy pulses and pulls me to come, filling her with every drop I have. One deep earth shattering thrust has us both coming hard. Each pulse setting my soul on fire.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, kissing my lips. Her hips roll and rock along my still hard cock, and he’s showing no signs of going down anytime soon. I need to get Eliza home and naked in my bed right fucking now.



  Once we are back at the cabin, Derek’s skillful fingers lower the zipper on my dress, lips following the path of exposed skin down my back. Much more sweet and gentle now, compared to the wild beast that took me behind the restaurant. Though, I loved that he wanted me so badly he couldn’t control himself, I’m enjoying this sweet side. The rich red fabric falls from my shoulders and pools at my feet. Derek’s tongue glides up the length of my spine, fingers trailing up my sides.

  “I’m going to take my time with you, Eliza. Taste and explore every inch of your body.” His breath is hot against my neck, hands moving around to cup my bare breasts. My nipples are diamond hard under his touch. “You are so perfect.” His tongue licks the shell of my ear, sending a wave of pleasure through my body.

  He steps in front of me, dips his head down, and captures my lips in a deep passionate kiss. One hand massages my breast, while the other rests on my lower back, tracing delicate circles along my skin. He pulls away and lifts the hand that was on my breast up to my cheek. “So delicate, so beautiful,” he whispers, letting the pads of his fingers dance along my jaw and down between my breasts.

  He slowly lowers himself to his knees, kissing a path from hip to hip, while his hands slide my leggings down my thighs. He helps me out of them, then helps me onto the bed. I lie back on my elbows so I can get a good view of Derek taking off his clothes. He reaches behind his head and pulls off his sweater. The light from the fire burning in the fireplace dances along his bare chest, illuminating his sculpted toned muscles. Clothes on this man is a gorgeous dream, but now naked, and crawling up the bed, he’s even more breath taking.

  I watch eagerly as he grabs my right foot and brings it to his mouth, sucking on each of my toes. A soft giggle escapes my lips when the tips of his fingers glide up the back of my knee.

  “I see someone is ticklish.” A wicked grin tugs at the corners of his mouth as he wiggles his fingers under my knee again, making me shriek with laughter. The laughs quickly turn to moans when his tongue snakes along my inner thigh.

  None of my former boyfriends ever took this much time to pleasure me. It was usually a few rough finger flicks and some awkward groping before they turned into a jackhammer on top of me. I’d given up on ever having an orgasm without the use of a battery-operated toy. The way Derek is taking his time, torturing me with his mouth and his hands; I could come with just a flick of his tongue.

  He breezes past my aching mound and continues his exploration of my body. This is so sweet and erotic, but he’s killing me. I need to come. My hips rise, begging for his attention to go back to my core. One of his strong hands holds
me down. My body shivers as he blows a stream of cool air across my overheated pussy. His lips finally make contact, kissing my swollen clit.

  His fingers spread me open, blowing another cool puff of air over my little bud. “Mmmm, Derek,” I moan, my hands reaching down to the top of his head, gripping his golden locks between my fingers as his tongue circles and laps at my mound.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he growls, thrusting his tongue deep inside me. The swirling and thrusting has me seeing stars. My body trembles, hands gripping the blanket as the pleasure washes over me. His hands reach up to my breasts, massaging and pinching my nipples, while he continues to lavish my pussy, working me to another orgasm. This man is a god, and he is owning my pussy with his golden tongue.

  Still in a daze from two more earth-shattering orgasms, I barely notice Derek climbing up the bed. He pulls me in his arms. My back to his chest. His cock presses at my entrance, slowly sinking into my warmth. As we make love, I feel safe and loved. I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere, until now. I’m home.



  “Eliza,” I whisper in her ear, urging her to wake up. “Come on sleepy head, we have a lot to do today.” I place a kiss on each of her eyelids.

  “Is that code for we’re going to stay in bed and make love all day?” she asks in a groggy tone. Her eyes flutter open, and she pouts when she sees that I’m dressed. “Get out of those clothes and get back in this bed.” She grabs my arm, trying to pull me back in. It’s tempting, goddamn it’s very tempting to get back in this bed and worship her body. As much as it pains me, we have other plans.

  I lean down and flick my tongue across her exposed rosy pink nipple. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you later. If you’re a good girl and get out of this bed and come downstairs, I’ll eat you out while you eat pancakes.” I pull her nipple between my teeth and give her a wink.


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