Double Boss Me: A Billionaire MFM Romance

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Double Boss Me: A Billionaire MFM Romance Page 2

by Juliet Woods

  She'd walk slowly to my desk.

  “Mr. Black, will you fuck me?” she'd ask innocently. “Please?”

  “Only if you can follow directions,” I'd say.

  “Anything you say, sir.”

  “Take off your clothes, get on your hands and knees, and crawl over here to me,” I'd growl.

  Obediently, she'd begin to unbutton her blazer, letting it slip to the floor, and then take off her blouse, skirt, and lacy panties. She'd do it slowly, teasing me. I can imagine her perfect, full tits bouncing, the curve of her hips and ass as she struggles to get out of her tight skirt. Perfection. Then she'd get on all fours and with a naughty smile, looking me straight in the eyes, she'd crawl slowly to me.

  By this time I'd have a raging hard-on. I'd stand up, towering over her.

  “Do you want my cock in your mouth?” I'd ask.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she'd say sweetly.

  I'd look down at her and nod, silently ordering her to do so. Her eyes would go wide as she holds the massive dick in her hand. She'd begin by licking the head, then take it slowly in her mouth, sucking hard, inch by inch. Those plump lips wrapped tight around my cock, those big eyes looking up at me as if to ask if she's doing a good job. Her little hand grasping and rubbing the base.

  “That's it, that's very good. Now stand up.”

  But before she’d be able to stand up, I’d grab her firmly, picking her up and putting her face-down on the desk. I’d plunge my fingers into her dripping pussy, getting her off with my tongue. Licking her as she comes. And as she would try to recover from her climax, I’d pull her ass cheeks apart and push my dick all the way inside her soft, wet little flower. I’d make her cry out in bliss as I’d fuck her. I feel the pressure building up in my cock as I jerk off, getting closer and closer...

  A fucking knock at the door startles me from my daydream, and just when I’m about to get off.

  “Just a minute!” I yell a bit too gruffly as I scramble to put away my cock, zip up my pants, and conceal my erection behind the desk. And finally, annoyed as hell, “Come in!”

  The door meekly opens and in walks Katie, visibly frightened by my tone.

  “Sorry to bother you, sir, but Austin told me to stop by and—and—ask what help you'll be needing this week?”

  “Of course, Katie, come in, and please call me Tyler.”

  Damn it, I didn’t want to scare her. I was just so frustrated from not being able to finish jerking off and releasing some of the sexual tension that built up from meeting her this morning. And where did this even come from? I’m not usually one to jerk off in the office. But I couldn’t stop myself. There’s something about this girl that’s gotten under my skin.

  As she enters the office, I have to stare hard at some project reports to avoid seeing her hips swing from side to side as she walks. I need this erection to go down fast.

  She sits near my desk and takes notes as I talk, rarely removing her eyes from her tablet. I use all my willpower to stay focused and not let my thoughts veer toward how much I want to blow my load in this girl.

  I begin to wonder if there's any way I could get around Austin's rule against dating employees. I don't know how long I can last around Katie.

  Chapter 5


  “To your new job!” Michelle says, lifting her glass and beaming at me. “I know you'll knock those geeks dead.”

  I clink my mojito glass against hers, and smile at my friend. Definitely one of the perks of working at Tyaus is that I'll be working just three blocks away from Michelle's job. My closest friend since ninth grade, she's been with me through thick and thin. I couldn't wait for the work day to end so that I could meet her at the bar for happy hour.

  “So, have you seen your hot new boss naked yet?” she asks, sipping her drink.

  “Michelle!” I give her a playful slap on her arm. “No, I haven't, and it's not going to happen.”

  “It would make the office a lot more interesting if you did.”

  “It would also put my job at risk,” I sighed, worrying. “Anyway, it's worse than I thought. Much worse. Because not only am I working for Austin, but his partner Tyler, who is just as hot as Austin. Maybe hotter.”

  “Holy shit!” Michelle practically screams. “It's a dream come true. You have no idea how good you have it, Katie!”

  “No, I'm totally fucked!” I roll my eyes when Michelle lifts her eyebrow. “And no, not in that way. I can't start this job and jump into bed with one of my bosses.”

  “No, I'm not telling you to do just one of them – you need to fuck both of them. At the same time!”

  I look around nervously, worried people will hear us. “A threesome?!” I whisper, shocked. “I'd never in a million years do that.”

  “You have to try it. This is your perfect opportunity. And Katie, you've had everything down there locked up so tight for so long that it's gonna take two studs to loosen it all up,” she says.

  I stiffen, and she gives me a side hug. “Sweetie, I know it's taken you a while to get over that douchebag Eric, but I really think this might be good for you.”

  Hearing my ex's name makes me feel depressed. When I found him cheating on me, it hurt so bad I thought I’d die. I'm terrified of feeling that kind of pain again.

  When I look up again, I see Michelle's attention is focused on the other side of the bar.

  “Speaking of fuckable men, check out those two,” she says.

  I have to crane my neck to see around the people on bar stools. And then I jerk back onto my stool in a flash.

  “Oh my God, it's them!” I whisper to Michelle under my breath.

  “Shit, Katie, you said they were hot but you didn't say they were like this... they're perfect!”

  “I know, I know. It's going to be torture working for them. C'mon, let's get out of here before they see us!”

  “I think it's too late, my dear. It looks like you've been spotted, and look – they're coming over here!”

  “Oh shit, oh shit,” I panic. “Please don't tell them anything embarrassing!”

  And just like that, Austin and Tyler, my two sexy bosses, are standing in front of us. Well, standing in front of me. I feel my face burn with embarrassment.

  “Hey Katie, having some drinks to celebrate your new job?” Tyler grins.

  “Oh, well, just one. Just one drink,” I stammer.

  Tyler laughs. “It's OK, you're off-duty.”

  I manage to introduce them both to Michelle, and they shake her hand politely.

  “I hope you’re treating my friend well,” Michelle says coyly.

  “I’m personally making sure Austin doesn’t work her too hard,” Tyler says. “You should see how traumatized the last assistant was.”

  “He’s joking, of course,” Austin says. “Our employees are happy.”

  “Oh, I’m sure Katie will enjoy her time there,” Michelle says. I hold my breath, worried she’ll say something to humiliate me.

  I try to change the subject. “So, this is convenient, having this great bar practically right outside the office building.” Damn it! Why did I say that? Now I sound like an alcoholic. “Not that I drink that much...” I awkwardly add.

  Michelle laughs. “It’s true, she’s a cheap date.”

  Tyler smiles.

  Kill me now.

  “Yeah, it’s a great bar. We come here a lot. They make the best gin and tonics,” Austin says.

  “And mojitos,” Tyler says, giving me a wink.

  “Well, you ladies try not to get too crazy,” Austin says, and I swear I catch him sneaking a peek at my chest. “Another big day at the office tomorrow.”

  Tyler rolls his eyes playfully, then flashes one of his toothy grins at me and Michelle. “Have fun, ladies. See you tomorrow, Katie.”

  We say goodbye, and as Michelle and I watch them leave, I let out a deep sigh.

  “You should be doing a victory cheer right now,” Michelle says. “Those two fine-ass guys want you.”

nbsp; “Are you crazy? I'm just their nerdy assistant,” I say doubtfully.

  “Didn't you see them staring at you? Austin was practically drooling, looking at you like a steak he wants to devour. And Tyler – well, he plays it cool, but I definitely saw him checking you out too.”

  I feel light-headed. So it wasn't just my imagination. “You really think so?”

  “Most definitely. They want to play naughty secretary with you.”

  I blush again. “Oh my God.”

  “I think this is a great opportunity for you to have some fun and forget about your ex. Who knows what could happen? And Katie, something tells me that you may end up in bed with both of them at the same time.”

  My inner good girl tells me to be shocked and disgusted at the suggestion. But the stronger part of me, the primal part of me, is immediately turned on, big time. An image flashes through my mind of both of them inside me at the same time, their four hands groping me and fondling me. It is so naughty, but so good.

  “Are you thinking about them spit-roasting you?” Michelle asks, laughing. “It's a good time, trust me. I've only done it once, and I can tell you I'd love to have the opportunity to do it again, especially with two guys like that.”

  “Well, the idea is intriguing...” I start.

  “Oh, come on, Katie, you know you want to do it, and you want it bad,” Michelle says tauntingly.

  “Okay, okay, I want to fuck them both, and maybe at the same time. I feel so dirty admitting it!” I bury my head in my hands.

  “There's nothing wrong with sexual desires, kiddo,” Michelle says, putting her hand on my shoulder. “And there's nothing wrong with a threesome, as long as everyone is willing. And I think those two are definitely interested in you, and maybe in some three-way action as well.”

  “Maybe so, but the important thing is that I keep this job. And sleeping with the boss – make that sleeping with both my bosses – doesn't sound like a way to secure my future at the company.”

  “Well, you have to be careful, but I think it's a possibility,” Michelle says.

  “I don't know, it doesn't sound like a good idea to me,” I say, feeling the good girl part of me taking over again.

  “Whatever you say,” Michelle says, looking at me with a sly smile on her face.

  Chapter 6


  As we walk out the bar, Tyler and I are quiet for a moment. I sneak a glance sideways at him.

  “So, how do you think Katie's going to work out as an assistant?” I ask.

  “As an assistant, stellar. She's really on top of things,” Tyler says. “Problem is, I also want to be on top of her.”

  I swallow, disappointed to hear his interest in her. “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, you saw how hot that girl is. And the sexy little innocent thing she has going on. It's pretty hard to not notice,” Tyler says.

  “Well, of course I noticed,” I say cautiously. “But we decided years ago that office romances are off-limits. You do remember that, don't you?”

  “Yes, I remember your little rule. It's all about rules and protocols with you, isn't it?” Tyler scowls.

  “Tyler, you know it's for the best. You remember what happened after you slept with Jessica,” I say.

  “Yeah, but Katie doesn't strike me as the type of girl to make a big drama at work. She seems a lot more low-key, which I like.”

  “That may be, but you can't pursue her. You know that,” I say.

  “Dude, I'm the co-CEO, remember? I have just as much authority as you. Last time I checked, I'm all grown up and I can make my own decisions,” Tyler spits out.

  I'm surprised at how upset he is about this. He's usually so laid-back all the time.

  “I know you're the co-CEO, but we agreed to avoid this type of thing for the good of the company,” I say.

  “Is this for the good of the company, or for the good of your own dick?” Tyler says. “I saw you staring at her tits. You just want her for yourself.”

  Fuck. He caught me. “You didn’t see shit.”

  “I know you want her just as much as I do. And I'll be damned if you're going to beat me to her. Katie is mine. We have chemistry, and I can tell she wants me too.”

  Now I'm pissed. “And just how do you know that?”

  “Well, if you'd ever make any effort to get laid once in a while, you'd have a sense for when a woman wants to hook up,” Tyler says. “But you're too damned busy with your head up your ass.”

  I want to bash his face in for talking to me like that, but instead I take a deep breath and count to 10.

  “You're right, Tyler, I'm interested in her too. But I’m adult enough keep a professional relationship. You know we have a tough few weeks coming up with the new software releases, so I’m going to keep my dick in my pants and focus on work.”

  “Got it, Austin. But just don't be surprised if things with me and Katie go beyond professional.”

  “There will be problems if you do,” I say through clenched teeth as we walk into the lot where our cars are parked.

  “You mean you want to fuck her first,” Tyler says, walking to his car.

  My hands clench into fists. Not this, not here. Calm down.

  “Come on, man. We've never let a woman come between us before. Let's just both chill out.”

  Tyler sighs. “You're right, I don't want Katie to come between us.” He opens his car and gets in. Rolling down the window, he says, “But we both want her. So let's just see how this all plays out.”

  “All right, man,” I say, trying to sound casual. “Later.”

  I drive home, gritting my teeth. Tyler can be such a dick when he wants to be. When he gets his sights set on a woman, he won't back down. But I never paid it much mind, until now. We’ve never been after the same woman before.

  I know the wisest thing to do would be to stay away from Katie, to interact with her only as boss-assistant. But the thought of Tyler getting to her drives me crazy.

  Ever since we were in college together, he's always gotten what he wants. He barely studied, partied all night, banged whoever he wanted, but somehow always managed to get by. He's a trust fund kid, and I went to school on scholarship. So that right there tells you how different we are.

  True, he put in his hours in the early days of our company, when we both had to practically live in our first tiny office to get the business off the ground. But now that it's running more smoothly and we're rich, he thinks he should get to go back to the old college party days.

  I haven't protested too much, usually letting him get his way and putting in the extra hours at work to boost our profit margins. Not saying much when he rolls into the office hungover, or bragging about bedding some hot woman.

  And lately he's been on my case about my own sex life. The nerve of the guy! I mean, I know I've had my mind on other things the past couple years. And a big part of that is because my ex trampled all over my heart. I just don't want to go through that kind of thing again. Too much fucking pain.

  I've never been the type of guy to have one-night-stands. I don't know, I just want more from a woman than just to fuck her and never hear from her again.

  And I want more from Katie. I have this primitive urge not only to have sex with her, but to protect her, to take care of her.

  My thoughts turn to Tyler's words, “Katie is mine.” Tyler's gotten everything he's wanted all his life. This is one thing he's not going to get, dammit!

  I feel my self-restraint about office romance falling away as I park the car and walk inside my house. I do want her, and I want her bad. I can't just let Tyler scoop her up like he always does.

  Walking in the back door, I toss my keys in a bowl and it echoes through the huge, empty mansion. I make a mental note to get a houseplant. At least there would be something alive to say hello to when I come home.

  I slink into the overstuffed leather couch and my thoughts turn effortlessly to Katie.

  Already I'm hard. I take it out and begin to strok
e myself.

  I imagine her standing in front of me, between my legs, with her little green pencil skirt and white button-down skirt.

  I imagine her sitting on my lap, squirming as my hard rod presses up into her plump little ass.

  She'd reach down and stroke me, making me groan with anticipation.

  I'd run my hands over her ass, then move up to her round breasts, feeling them under her shirt. I'd strip her down, first unbuttoning the shirt and removing it and her bra, then pulling that skirt down over her curvy hips. I'd pull her panties down with my teeth, picking her up and laying her down on the couch.

  Then I'd lick her sweet little pussy, flicking my tongue to tease her, then going harder and faster as the moans come faster and louder. I want to make her moan in ecstasy. I want to feel her digging her fingernails into my back.

  Just as Katie climaxes in my fantasy, I climax in real life, groaning loudly. I imagine myself coming on her tits, spilling my seed all over her tight little body. Holy shit, she gets me worked up.

  I change clothes and head to my home gym to work out the frustration that remains even after jerking off. As I push myself on the weight machines, I can’t get her image out of my fucking mind.

  Maybe Tyler is right. Maybe I do need to cut loose a little.

  Chapter 7


  The next few days are a blur. I'm flirty with Katie but don't want to go too fast and scare her off. She seems interested in something adventurous, but her shyness holds her back. But every day makes me want her more than the day before, and I have to restrain myself from acting out my fantasies with her in real life.

  Surprisingly, Austin is flirting with her too. I mean, in his socially awkward way. It's pretty funny to watch. But what surprises me even more is that Katie doesn't seem turned off by his social clumsiness – I think she may even find it charming. I don't get that at all. Most women respond to my smooth talking and deft moves, and it’s a little irritating that Austin’s not out of the game yet with her.


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