Three Wishes

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Three Wishes Page 16

by Sean Michael

Pierce nuzzled against him, two fingers rubbing at his hole then slipping in. Quinn moaned, his hole so sensitive, so tender.

  “Good?” Pierce asked, continuing to stroke.

  “Yes…” He rested his head on Pierce’s shoulder, letting his back curl.

  Pierce’s free hand slid up along his spine, then Pierce pushed those two fingers into his body.

  “Pierce.” His lips parted, his cock starting to ache.

  “God, you’re still so hot and tight inside.”

  “I can feel you.”

  “I certainly hope so.” Pierce’s fingers wriggled and scissored.

  He panted, flicking his tongue out to taste Piece’s skin. That had Pierce groaning, and more cool lube was pushed into Quinn’s ass. He rocked lazily, barely moving, encouraging Pierce’s touch.

  “Me now—I can’t wait anymore.” Pierce’s fingers slid away.

  “You. You.”

  “Gimme a second…” Pierce helped him, guided his hips back, then the tip of his lover’s hot, hard cock pressed against him.

  He reached back, sliding his hands on Pierce’s thighs.

  “Mmm. Come on down, Quinny. Let me fill you.”

  “Yes, love.” He moved steadily but slowly, easing himself down, the burn perfect and right.

  “Oh, fuck, Quinn. Tight. So fucking tight. Still.”

  “Yes. Take me. I’m yours.” All of me.

  He’d thought he’d be able to drive this need out of him, and had found it had only gotten bigger.

  “Mine. Yes.” Pierce thrust up into him, cock pushing deep.

  Head falling back with pleasure, Quinn arched, bow-string taut. Pierce ran a hand along his pecs, down along his spine. He needed, wanted, loved.

  “Now ride me. Come on.”

  His abs tightened and he sat up. He began fucking himself, rising up on his knees until Pierce almost escaped him, then sinking down.

  “Oh, fuck. Yes.” Pierce’s hands wrapped around his hips, holding on tight.

  He did it again, holding himself with only the tip of Pierce’s cock inside.

  “Quinn!” Pierce’s eyes were wide, his nostrils flaring.

  Quinn rocked, teasing. Daring.

  “Fuck. Tease.”

  “Hmm?” He went for innocent.

  Pierce chuckled, the sound husky, needy. Quinn rocked his hips, nice and slow, massaging the tip of Pierce’s cock.

  “Quinny. Fuck. Fuck.” Pierce was practically incoherent.

  “Yes. Yes.” He kept rocking, sweet and slow.

  Pierce panted and gasped, hands opening and closing on Quinn’s waist. He tried bouncing, taking Pierce in a tiny bit deeper.

  Groaning, Pierce thrust up, surprising him as that thick cock slid in hard.

  “Pierce! Yes!” He bucked, cried out in pure joy.

  “Yes.” Pierce nodded, hips moving, jerkily at first, but then finding a rhythm, the hot cock pushing into him.

  Pierce fucked him like he was necessary, like Pierce needed nothing but him. He could see it in his lover’s eyes as well, that same need shining up at him.

  “Love you.” The words didn’t have any sound behind them.

  “You, too.” Pierce was barely coherent now, the emotion right there in his face.

  “Yeah. Harder. Please.” Make me feel.

  Pierce wrapped his hands around Quinn’s hips, his lover pulling him down into each thrust. He screamed with pure overload, pure joy. Then Pierce’s hand wrapped around his cock, started pulling.

  “Yes!” He bucked, riding harder, faster.

  “Show me. Come for me.”

  He nodded, balls drawing tight as Pierce’s words sent him over the edge.

  “Yes!” Pierce cried out beneath him, and heat filled him deep inside. Those strong, loving arms dragged him close. Pierce pressed kisses over his face. “Damn, Quinny.”

  “Uh-huh.” His breath caught in his chest.

  “Yeah.” Pierce’s hand patted his back, his lover beginning to soften inside him.

  “Hold me for a little while?”

  “No. I’ll hold you forever.”

  “Okay.” It was a deal.

  * * * *

  When Pierce woke the next morning, he ordered their breakfast to be delivered to their room. He had an idea or two and he wanted to try them out right away. He wanted to see if this whole submission thing was more than just the doctor fetish. It seemed important to know.

  When the knock came, he nudged Quinn. “You need to answer the door.”

  “Hmm. ’Kay. Hold up.” Quinn stumbled around, looking for a robe.

  The knock at the door came again, a little louder this time. “Don’t make them wait, Quinn, or I’ll have to punish you.”

  “What?” Quinn spun around, eyes wide, so hot.

  God, that was something else, the way just the words got right to the core of Quinn’s need.

  “You heard me.”

  “I have to find a robe.”

  “You could answer the door as you are. But you can find a robe if you insist. You have ten seconds.”

  “Ten seconds!”


  “Fuck!” Quinn scrambled, and Pierce knew he wouldn’t make it. Pierce was quite looking forward to that, honestly.

  He kept counting. “Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Zero.” He made a buzzer sound. “Oops, you lose.”

  “Stop it!” Quinn wrapped a towel around himself, cracked the door. “Sorry. Come in.”

  Pierce just grinned, thinking about what exactly he would do as punishment. Quinn got the food in, thanked the man, ushered him out, then disappeared into the bathroom.

  “I want you to serve me naked.”

  Quinn wasn’t getting dressed today.

  The water started running, Quinn mumbling something.

  “Make it snappy, Quinny. I’m hungry.”

  “Then grab a bite. I need a second.”

  “No, you’re serving me this morning.”

  Upon first waking, Quinn was, at best, a confused man. At his worst, he was grumpy and strident.

  “Serving you what?”

  “Breakfast!” The urge to call Quinn boy was huge. Enormous.

  Quinn peered out of the bathroom door. “You don’t have to yell…”

  “But you need to get with it. You’ve already got a punishment coming from making the room-service server wait.” He was enjoying this far more than he ever thought he would.

  “I am. Give me a second to wake up.”

  “Maybe you need to get up earlier, so you’re awake when I need you.”

  He got a completely confused look.

  “Are you my boy or not?”

  Those lips parted and Quinn’s cock started to fill, pale and thick against the dark curls. “I— Yes.”

  “Then I want my breakfast. And I want you to serve it to me. Now.”

  “I… Okay.” Quinn went to the table, poured him a cup of coffee, brought it to him.

  He took the cup from Quinn, making sure his fingers stroked along his lover’s. “Thank you.”

  Quinn’s tension eased, his lover’s expression softening. “You’re welcome. Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Quinny.” He stretched, reclining on the bed as he took a sip of his brew.

  Quinn handed him a plate of food—cheese omelet and fruit—before going to pour another cup of black coffee. He took the plate and waited for Quinn to finish pouring his coffee. “I want you to actually feed me this morning.”

  Quinn looked at him, eyes curious but present, awake, aroused. “Can I sit on your lap?”

  Oh, that was a lovely idea. “Yes, that will work.”

  Quinn came to him, cuddled into his lap, pretty ass on his thighs as Quinn cut a bite of omelet off. “Open up.”

  “Mmm.” He opened his mouth like a little bird.

  He’d worried it might be awkward or strange, but with the feeling of Quinn’s hot ass on his thighs and the light of arousal in Quinn’s eyes, awkward was th
e last thing he was feeling. Quinn slipped the food into his lips, free hand stroking over his chest.

  He chewed slowly, enjoying the flavors, enjoying the feeding. Quinn offered him bites of fruit, staying close, periodically stopping to suck down the coffee.

  “Have some yourself, too. You need your energy.” After all, he had plans. And a punishment to administer.

  Quinn nibbled on pineapple, toast, bacon. Pierce grabbed the next piece of pineapple that Quinn picked up, snapping it up with his lips.

  Quinn laughed at him. “Hey! That was mine!”

  He grinned at his lover and swallowed the fruit down. “No, I’m pretty sure it was mine.”

  “No way.” Quinn tickled him or tried to.

  He wrapped his fingers around Quinn’s wrists, stopped it. He met Quinn’s eyes. “Not today. Today you’re my boy and you’re serving me and what I say goes.”

  He felt Quinn’s cock jerk against his belly. Someone liked that. Quinny wasn’t the only one, either. It was hot.

  “You need more coffee?”

  “Just a little, yes.”

  Quinn reached, belly taut and lovely as he poured another half cup.

  Pierce waited until Quinn had poured, but didn’t let Quinn pick up the cup before he slid his fingers along Quinn’s stomach. Quinn rippled, arched under his touch.

  “So sensual.”

  “You have amazing hands.”

  “I hope so.”

  Quinn chuckled, but nodded. “It’s the truth.”

  He wrapped his fingers around Quinn’s chin and pulled him in for a long kiss. His boy. The thought made him moan, even as the idea that Quinn had been hiding this from him made him growl.

  He sat back and narrowed his eyes. “Now you’re going to clear up, leave the tray outside the door and get me some rope.”

  “Rope? Where am I supposed to find rope?”

  “Are you kidding me? I bet there are drawers full of it in the other cottage.”

  “It’s not like I got to explore the other place!”

  He chuckled. “But you know what it was there for. Go on. Find me some rope. I’m going to tie you to the bed.”

  “I’ll see what I can find. Let me find some pants.” Quinn got up, started putting the tray outside.

  “Make it snappy, Quinn.”

  “Is the cabin thing locked?”

  “I hope for your sake it isn’t.”

  Quinn pulled on some pants, eyes rolling. “Grumpy pants. I’ll be back.”

  “Not grumpy pants—dominant pants.”

  Quinn looked at him, eyes twinkling. “What happens if I don’t find rope?”

  “Then we’ll have to make a call to management. I’m sure they’ll be able to find some for us. Of course, if we do that, I might have to get them to bring a paddle with them, too.”

  Quinn stared at him. “I’ll be back.”

  It took about twenty minutes before Quinn was back, carrying a little duffle. “There’s all sorts of shit in there.”

  “My, my. What have you brought for me?”

  “I… I just grabbed the whole shelf. There was a maid in there. It wigged me out.” Quinn handed over the bag, shoved it at him.

  Pierce handed it back. “Take out the rope and one other thing.”

  Quinn sat on the end of the bed. “I don’t even know what’s in there.” Quinn unzipped the bag and started digging.

  Pierce watched, curious beyond belief over what Quinn would choose. Quinn took out soft white ropes, and Pierce could hear metal jingling.

  “These are perfect,” Pierce murmured, taking up the ropes.

  “Thank you.” Quinn reached out for him.

  He took Quinn’s hand. “And what else?”

  “I…” Quinn just pushed his hand in, coming out with a medium-sized sound with a nice, large tip on the end. He frowned at it. “I don’t even know what this is. I’ll grab something else.”

  “No. That’s a sound. It goes in your cock, but that one is way too big to start out with. We’ll go through some web pages when we get home and explore everything together.” He smiled. “For today, we can use my hand.”

  Quinn nodded, trusting him immediately, instinctively. “I like the sound of that.”

  “The sound of it, eh?” He couldn’t help but tease.

  Quinn took it seriously, though. “Yes. Together. I like that.”

  He nodded and drew Quinn close, taking his lover’s mouth. Their bodies pressed together, Quinn bowing underneath him. He could feel the heat of Quinn’s cock, knew his own was filling to match it. This was… It was wow. His fingers brushed over Quinn’s ass, the flesh covered with gauzy pants, hidden from him. He pressed against it, the flimsy material not enough to keep the heat from him.

  Quinn arched closer, and he wanted to see it, to heat it again. To slap the pale flesh again. He tugged, pulling Quinn’s pants down, fingers rubbing along Quinn’s ass as he tugged.


  He nodded at Quinn’s word. He was. He took Quinn’s mouth again, squeezing the lovely, bare ass. Then he drew Quinn onto the bed. “Punishment first. A spanking.”

  “What for? I did what you asked…” Like Quinn wasn’t panting for it.

  “I gave you a ten-second countdown and you were late.” He climbed onto the bed and sat against the headboard before patting his legs. “Lie over my lap.”

  Quinn stared at him, cock filling, eyes wide.

  “Get moving, boy.”

  Quinn took a step forward, then another. Pierce rubbed his thighs, watching Quinn come closer.

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  “I’m going to hit you with my hand, Quinn. It’s going to hurt. But it’s going to be a good hurt.”

  Quinn nodded, managing to push right into his arms.

  He wrapped them around his lover and kissed Quinn hard. “I love you, Quinny.”

  “Love you.” That made Quinn relax, the lean body draped over his lap. “Not too hard.”

  “Hey, who’s in charge here?”

  Quinn chuckled, but the grip on the sheets and the hardness against his leg belied how casual Quinn was feeling.

  “I’m starting now.” He let his hand fall from a couple feet up and land on Quinn’s ass, no force behind the move.

  Quinn moaned, but the sound was happy, he thought. He dropped his hand again, this smack a little more solid—he could feel it in his palm.

  “I need you.” Quinn rocked a little, side to side.

  “I know.” He smacked Quinn again, this time actually bringing his hand down instead of just letting it drop.

  Quinn jerked and scrambled forward. “Ow!”

  “Get back here!” He tugged Quinn into his lap.

  Quinn wasn’t lying on him now, was crouching over him.

  “I want to feel your cock against my legs.” He used his arm and elbow to encourage Quinn down, making sure the lean thighs were spread. He could feel the heat of Quinn’s cock on his thighs, could feel it leaking. “Good boy.”

  The words made Quinn gasp and jerk. Groaning, he started smacking Quinn some more. Quinn tried to get away but he held on, began murmuring to his lover about what a beautiful boy he was, about how hot and fine Quinny was.

  He meant every word of it, too. The more he spanked his lover, the hotter it made them both, and it was all because of Quinn.

  “Please. Please, love. Pierce. Sir.”

  He didn’t know if Quinn was begging him to stop or asking for more.

  He smacked the reddening ass again, then pushed his thumb into Quinn’s hole, listening to the soft cry. His cock jerked and he pushed his thumb deeper, loving the way Quinn’s body pulled at him. He let his free hand find Quinn’s ball sac, tugging almost hard enough to hurt.

  “You like that, boy?” He tugged again, almost twisting.

  “I— I— Oh, fuck.”

  He swatted Quinn harder. “That wasn’t an answer.” He let go of Quinn’s balls and set a series of short spanks on Quinn’s upper thighs. The co
lor was lovely.

  Quinn tried to jerk away again, cock leaving wet kisses on his thigh. “Stop it!”

  “That’s not how this works.” He gave Quinn a few more slaps, holding Quinn down with his free hand.

  “Stop. Fuck. You’re making me crazy.”

  “That’s the point.” He stopped hitting and started rubbing instead, fingers dragging over Quinn’s reddened skin.

  Quinn began to slowly rock against his thighs, jacking off on him.

  Good, but he had an idea of how to make it better. He shifted them both until, oh yeah, right there—Quinn’s cock pushed against his now, each movement good for both of them. He kept rubbing, giving the dark pink flesh the occasional slap.

  “So hot.” The words were soft, shaky.

  “Uh-huh.” He was feeling rather breathless himself, and the way Quinn was wriggling against him, he was going to come pretty soon, too.

  “Need you.” His sweet lover was moving more steadily now.

  “You’re doing great, Quinn. Just keep doing that.” That was his voice—all husky and needy, praising his lover, his boy.

  “Yes, love.” Quinn did, too, kept rocking, moving against him.

  He started softly slapping Quinn’s gorgeous ass, not hitting him hard at all, more letting Quinn’s backward thrusts push them into his hand.

  “Gonna come soon.” Quinn’s motions got faster.

  “Okay.” He was close, too. He pushed his thumb back into Quinn’s ass.

  “Pierce!” Heat splashed over his thighs, over his cock and balls.

  Yes! He’d made Quinn come from spanking. He rubbed up, his own cock sliding against Quinn until he came, too, adding more spunk between their bodies. Panting, he collapsed back against the headboard, his hand idly patting Quinn’s ass. Hot and red, the flesh was taut under his hand.

  “God, you’re a sexy boy.”

  Quinn moaned, breath hitching a little.

  He bent to press a kiss to Quinn’s shoulder. “Love you. Love you so much.”

  “Thank God.”

  He closed his eyes and patted Quinn’s ass again, loving the heat there.

  “What happens now?” Quinn asked, the words sounding tentative.

  “We’ve got three more days in paradise, I say we enjoy it. Play. Explore this whole thing. I mean,” Pierce chuckled. “It obviously turns us both on, huh?”

  He loved the husky, warm laugh that answered him. “Yeah.”


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