Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble)

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Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble) Page 7

by McGraw, Becky

  "Let's look at a map and draw straws, maybe we'll get lucky," Chase said with a chuckle. They all got up and walked over to the large map of their active wells mounted on the far wall. Dave pinpointed where the recent fires had happened, and he pulled pushpins from the cork board beside the map and put them on the map.

  "Here's where the five fires that you've had so far have occurred..."

  They looked over the adjacent wells and triangulated the area, then Chase and his dad pointed out possible wells to cover. It was all a shot in the dark, but they had to do something, and start somewhere.

  "I'd say give it a week, and if your men don't see anything, move to another location. If you need help getting them established there, let me know," Chase told him, then they walked back to the table and sat down.

  "Any idea on the motivation?" Chase leaned back in his chair and tented his fingers.

  "I'm thinking it's something political, or maybe disgruntled employees? Maybe a combination of both? From investigating the scene and talking to the fire inspector, it's someone who knows what he's doing. They're putting charges in just the right place, so when they blow, they achieve the maximum damage. The charges are small, and if you didn't know what you're looking for, you'd think it was an equipment malfunction that caused the fire."

  "Safety equipment?" Chase guessed.

  "Yeah, the new overflow valve that diverts gas and fire to the flare," his dad added.

  "Papa Jack invented that device didn't he?" Chase's grandpa was a brilliant developer of safety and efficiency equipment to improve drilling operations.

  "Yeah, and it's one of the required mods in that last of the main ones," his dad agreed then huffed a frustrated sigh. "Those damned fires have put five of our rigs out of operation, and almost killed four of our men. If this is some half-assed attempt by some jackleg driller to keep from doing what they're supposed to do, I'm going to make sure they won't be around long enough to have to worry about paying a damned fine."

  Chase glanced at his daddy's red face then pinned Dave with his eyes, before answering his question. "The only thing political we're lobbying for right now is higher fines for companies that haven't retro-fitted to comply with the latest safety equipment modification legislation that was passed. I know that put a crimp in some of the smaller companies budgets, but most have come around. It's the bigger ones that don't give a shit about the piddly fines attached to the updated requirements who haven't done anything."

  "Are the increased fines and penalties substantial enough for someone to bother sabotaging your wells?" Dave inquired.

  "Yeah, we kind of went for broke. Either they spend the money to make things right, or they're out of business. We gave our lobbyist statistics to prove the new equipment and modifications are making a big difference. Our lost-time accidents have been reduced by thirty percent, they were low to begin with, but some of the other companies had records that were a lot worse, so the improvements could save a lot of lives."

  "What about employees? You fired anyone lately?" Dave queried.

  "There are always worms and roughnecks coming and going, they're probational when we hire them, and some figure out the oil patch isn't for them pretty quickly, or we figure it out for them. As for higher ups, the only one I can think of off hand is the toolpusher at well number 51 in Alton. He was cutting corners and getting people hurt. He had two accidents in the month before he was fired that were preventable. We also let the company man go there, because production was way down and he didn't have a good answer when we asked him why. That was about three months ago, so the timing fits."

  "Give me their names and I'll check it out. Go ahead and give me a list of the worms and roughnecks too...that'll take longer, but we should check it out."

  "Thanks, Dave, I'll fax it to your office in a little while," Chase told him then stood and looked at his dad. "Dad, I'm going to Henrietta this afternoon, and take that contract to Jenny Anderson. I'll be back tomorrow."

  "Fine, just get that girl on board quick. We need to get moving on overhauling that damned manual. It's out of date and we don't want our men going off half-cocked with cockamamey bullshit direction. OSHA will have our ass if they look at what we have now."

  "I know dad, that's why we're hiring her...and so she can get the medics hired and up to speed. That'll help stop workers leaving for headaches or bloody noses. The medics can patch up the small stuff and put 'em back to work."

  "Yeah, yeah...just get her here," Jack Rhodes told him then waved him off with an impatient hand. "Good, job by the way, son," he mumbled.

  "Thanks..." Chase said and turned his back so his dad didn't see him smile.

  As gruff as Jack Rhodes tried to be, he was a good man, a fair man. He knew his business, and what he expected, demanded, but he always gave credit where it was due. Chase had a good example to go by for his similar work ethic. They didn't always agree on things, but when all was said and done they were always in the same corner. Chase could always count on his daddy to have his back.

  It was late afternoon by the time Chase pulled up into the parking lot of the Henrietta hospital emergency room. He found a spot up front and parked, then leaned over and picked up the flowers he'd bought for Jenny. He left the contract and champagne on the seat, then got out and walked toward the entrance.

  There was a pretty dark-haired nurse at the desk and he smiled at her. "Hi, is Jenny Anderson here?" he asked.

  "Dr. Anderson?" A big grin spread across her face and her eyebrow lifted. After a glance at the flowers in his hand, she shook her head then said, "Sure, let me go get her for you...she might be with a patient," the nurse whose nametag said her name was Terri told him.

  "Thanks," he told her then turned to look at the filled waiting room. Maybe this wasn't a good time to visit, he thought and then started to leave and come back later when she got off.

  "Chase?" Jenny said, not really sure her visitor was him. He sure looked different than he had the last time she'd seen him at her apartment in jeans and a t-shirt, or the time before at the hospital when he'd been shirtless in board shorts.

  This guy was a business man in an expensive suit, highly shined shoes and perfectly combed hair. Not the guy who'd massaged her feet when she'd been dead on them. Or the man who'd kissed the stuffing out of her after that. A man who had been starring in her dreams every night since.

  When he turned toward her with a broad smile, her heart did a little dance in her chest, and her mouth dried up. It was him, just a buttoned-up version. The man had many sides she was coming to find out. This one was spectacularly easy on the eyes, but a little intimidating.

  "Hey, sugar," he said then leaned down and kissed her cheek. When he stood back up, he handed her the pretty yellow daisies he had in his hand. "You're a sight for sore eyes," he told her and grinned, his beautiful blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I have the contract and wanted to see if you'd have dinner with me to go over it."

  "Um, I don't get off until six," she glanced at her watch and saw it was just now four o'clock.

  "I'll just wait," he told her.

  "Oh, god, I don't want to make you wait two hours..." she looked around at the faces in the packed waiting room and knew she wasn't going to be able to get off even fifteen minutes early, much less an hour.

  "I don't mind. I've got some calls to make, I'll just wait out in the truck for you. I'm right out front." He tossed his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the parking lot and smiled again.

  "Let me get the keys to my apartment, you can just wait there..." she said then turned and ran to the nurse's station to get them from her purse. Walking quickly back to him, she handed him the keys and warned. "Be careful not to let Chloe out."

  "Chloe and I are friends, we'll just hang out until you get there."

  "I should be there by six fifteen...sooner if I can get off early," she said and then turned when someone called her. "Um, I've got to--"

"Go," he said then tossed the keys up in the air and leaned down and kissed her once more. "No worries, darlin'. You take care of the masses, and I'll see you in a little while."

  She could definitely get used to being around Chase Rhodes, she thought as he turned and walked off through the waiting room to the front entrance. Terri walked up beside her and nudged her with her elbow.

  "Prince Charming own a flower shop or something?" she asked her with a grin.

  "Shut up, Terri," Jenny said and shoved the flowers at Terri, before heading down the hall to see who was calling her a minute ago. Terri's laughter trailed behind her.


  Chase shifted the grocery bags in his arms and stuck the key into the front door of Jenny's apartment. He twisted the knob and extended his foot to stop Chloe from escaping.

  "Back up, sweetheart..." he said gently and nudged her out of the way then opened the door wider. Once he was inside and shut the door, the cat twined around his ankles. Mindful not to step on her tail, Chase carefully walked to the breakfast bar and sat the bags down, then slid his suit jacket off and laid it over a barstool.

  After rolling up his sleeves and loosening his tie, he unloaded the fixings for dinner from the bags and organized them, then went to work. It took a bit for him to find where everything was in the cabinets. Jenny must not be much of a cook, because she didn't even have an egg whisk to make the egg wash for the fried pork chops he was going to make. He made do with a fork, and then put the thick chops in the batter before sliding them through the seasoned breadcrumbs and dropping them into the skillet he'd heated with oil on the stove.

  Chloe rubbed against his legs and meowed and he looked down at her. "What's wrong baby, you jealous I'm cookin' for your mama?" he cooed then leaned down and scratched her head. "I'll see if she has some cat food somewhere, but I doubt it. Her refrigerator is empty except for takeout containers." Chase quickly flipped through the cabinets until he found the one where she hid the cat food. He took a can down and opened it, then plopped it onto a saucer before putting it down for Chloe.

  Of course the cat sniffed it then turned her nose up at it. It was that healthy, no additive, organic shit. She rubbed up against him again and it dawned on him the egg and milk mixture he'd used for the wash must smell like heaven to her. He grinned and said, "Okay, you can have milk...just don't tell your mama. One second," he told her then pulled down a shallow dish and filled it from the milk jug on the counter. She meowed and was purring like a hot rod engine before he even set it down so she could drink from it.

  A little while later, he had boiled and mashed potatoes, and made green beans seasoned with bacon for sides, then threw some garlic bread in the oven. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw she'd be home in fifteen minutes, so his timing was spot on. Chase hoped she liked pork, he hadn't even thought about the fact that she was a physician and might be either a health freak or a vegan. After a moment of panic, he settled down and took the bread out of the oven and decided if that turned out to be the case, he'd just take her out to dinner after all.

  The door knob rattled then it swung open and Jenny walked in looking frazzled and exhausted. Here eyes caught his and he saw what he thought was desire spark in her eyes, but then she took a deep inhale then said, "God, what is that incredible smell?"

  Kicking off her shoes, she tossed her tote onto the sofa then shuffled to the breakfast bar, lifted her nose, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply again. The look on her beautiful face made him imagine that's how she'd look in the throes of ecstasy. He hardened and leaned closer to the counter to hide the fact.

  "I hope you're not vegan," he said trying to divert his mind from that path. It was already hard enough for him to be around her and not kiss her. He'd even been tempted at the hospital when he'd seen her earlier. How would that have gone over with her colleagues?

  "Heck no, and I walk to and from work, and am on my feet all day, so I'm not worried about calories either," she said and grinned. "You didn't have to do this you know...I usually eat out."

  "I know...your refrigerator looks like a takeout carton graveyard."

  "Science experiment?" she ventured with a chuckle.

  "Penicillin farm?" he volleyed and moved around the counter toward her.

  "Ptomaine cultures," she corrected a little breathlessly, then stepped closer to him.

  He couldn't have resisted if he was the strongest man in the world. Around her he was on the other end of that spectrum, so when she tilted her chin up and met his eyes, his mouth moved to hers like it was being pulled by magnetic force.

  Her palms flattened against his chest and with a moan, Chase covered her sweet, sexy mouth with his own and pulled her to him. She tasted like cotton candy and candy apples all rolled into one to him, and he savored her sweetness. They fit together so perfectly, he knew it would be the same in bed. When she leaned against him and slid her arms around his neck, his heart took a sprint through his chest and he hardened against her and held her hips tight against him.

  Chase pulled back and moved his lips across her cheek to kiss her neck where her pulse was beating wildly. She groaned, then said, "You're too good to be am I supposed to resist you? You make me crazy."

  "Not any crazier than you make me, sugar," he whispered by her ear, before he took her ear lobe in his mouth and sucked it. Her body jerked and she pressed tighter to him.

  "This isn't supposed to happen. What are we going to do?" she groaned and he heard the frantic edge to her voice.

  Chase pulled back from her and stared down into her passion-glazed eyes. "Want me to show you?" She nodded then he went into the kitchen and put all the food into the refrigerator quickly, then walked back to her.

  He pulled her to him, then put his arm beneath her legs and swept her into his arms then headed toward her bedroom.

  Screw dinner, they'd have it later. She had a microwave. What he was hungry for now had nothing to do with pork chops and everything to do with the delicious doctor in his arms. His mouth found hers and he kissed her fiercely as he pushed the bedroom door open with his shoulder, then went inside.

  "Chase, we can't do this," she tried again when he pulled his lips from hers to find the bed.

  "We can do, sugar," he growled then put her on the bed and began unfastening her blouse. Jenny put her hand over his and he thought she was going to stop him, but she sat up and finished unbuttoning her shirt instead.

  Chase swallowed hard and loosened then removed his tie, before unbuttoning his shirt. "You have any lotion or oil?" he asked. He knew she'd had a long day, and was probably exhausted and keyed up. Her body had been strung tight as a bow string when he'd held her earlier. She needed to relax first.

  Her eyebrows shot up and her hand stopped on the last button of her shirt. "Why?" she asked suspiciously.

  He leaned his head back and drew a deep breath, then repeated, "Where's the oil?"

  "Bathroom cabinet, top shelf," she told him and unbuttoned the last button, then shoved her blouse from her shoulders. Her full breasts pushed over the top of the black and pink lace bra she wore making tongue tingle to taste her.

  Chase was determined to take things slowly though, so with considerable effort, he dragged his gaze from her body and walked to the bathroom. The bathroom smelled like her...flowery, powdery...feminine and sexy. He opened the cabinet and grabbed a bottole of shampoo that almost fell on his head from the jam packed cabinet. Shifting bottles around, he searched until he finally found the oil amongst a million other things on the jam packed shelf. He grabbed it and a towel then headed back to the bedroom.

  She was sitting on the side of her bed, bare above the waist except for her bra, but she still had on her skirt. "Take the rest off, then lay on your stomach on the bed," he told her and walked over to spread the towel on the bed, then he put a pillow at the top of it.

  Jenny stood and reached for the zipper of her skirt, her eyes wary and uncertain.

  Chase huffed out a breath and
put the oil down on the nightstand, then pulled her to him and unzipped her skirt. It whoosed down her long legs to settle at her feet. He stepped back and saw that she wore lacy thigh high stockings attached to a garter belt. Chase tamped down the instant lust that heated his blood, and brought other body parts to full attention. All he wanted to do was throw her down on that bed an bury himself inside of her. Slow, he reminded himself and sucked in a deep breath.

  Stepping forward he grabbed one clip that held the lacy material in place and flicked it open, then did the same to the other side. Jenny stood as still as a fawn on alert in a field. He held her gaze then dropped to his knees and rolled first one then the other stocking down her legs, his fingers taking advantage of the opportunity to touch her soft skin. He groaned when the second silky confection reached her ankle. He had to taste her, so he leaned forward and kissed the inside of her knee.

  "So damned beautiful..." he whispered against her skin, then he inhaled deeply. "You smell like a field of flowers, baby..." he told her, before forcing himself back up to his feet. He shoved her back to the bed and she bounced then caught herself.

  With purpose, Chase took control and lifted her leg and eased her feet from the stockings, then kissed the arch of each foot. "Scoot back," he instructed, then when she was positioned on the towel, he told her, "Now, lay face down and're about to be taken to heaven, sweetheart."

  "Just so I don't have to die to get there, I'm good..." she told him then, then did as he requested. Her body shuddered with her long sigh, and the tension that had been with her all day eased a little. Jenny didn't know what Chase was up to, but she was game for about anything, almost anything, as long as she didn't have to get out of this bed.

  He'd cooked her dinner. That fact alone just about brought her to orgasm when she smelled what he'd done. Chase Rhodes really was too good to be true. How was she supposed to keep her resolve not to sleep with him when he looked like a male model, smiled like the devil and cooked like Gordon Ramsey?


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