Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble)

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Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble) Page 15

by McGraw, Becky

  "So, have they found that key to the Vee Door yet? Someone filed a report that it had been lost," Chase asked gruffly, but he was laughing inside.

  Will's mouth opened and closed a few times then he glanced at Chance with a worried expression on his face. "Nobody gave me a copy of that report..." he said brusquely. "I'm gonna have Lathan's ass."

  Well at least Lathan would get a good laugh out of it. Anyone with even a week working on a rig knew that the Vee Door was a chute where pipe was sent up to the catwalk where hands waited to stack it. When a worm, or newbie, started working in the patch, the seasoned hands would often harass them to go find the key to the Vee Door. It was a standing joke, and a rite of passage. When Will confronted Lathan he was going to get his initiation.

  Chase hid the grin he couldn't hold back by looking out the window across the wide open field surrounding the derrick. His fingers moved to his face to feel it, because he hadn't smiled all week.

  Will pulled the truck up next to his trailer and they both got out, then Chase asked, "Where's Lathan?"

  "Um, last I saw him he was in the doghouse," he replied and Chase headed in the direction of the control shed beside the derrick.

  Before he got to the door he heard shouting inside and stopped to listen.

  "I don't give a flying rat's ass if you can move faster without the harness, Joe. Just put the damned thing on! Doing stupid shit like that up on the monkey board can get you killed. That's why John lost this job, and I'm not gonna follow in his footsteps. If I see you up there again without it, you're going home, then next time you're fired. Got it?"

  "Yeah, I got it," the other man said, then Chase heard footsteps and stepped in the doorway. The man shouldered his way past Chase and two-stepped down the stairs.

  Obviously, the heavily tattooed and solidly built man standing there looking at the control monitors was Lathan, he surmised. Lathan pulled off his hard hat then ran a hand through his thick sandy colored hair, before jamming it back on his head and huffing out a breath.

  "Tough day?" Chase asked with a smile and stuck out his hand.

  "Yeah, I'm surrounded by dumbasses, are you the new worm?" he asked grumpily then turned his attention back to reading the monitors mounted on the wall.

  Chase dropped his hand back to his side and told him, "No, I'm Chase Rhodes and you must be Lathan."

  Lathan swallowed a couple of times then dragged his eyes back to Chase. "No, shit?" he said with a groan. "I'm sorry, man."

  "No, shit, and no worries, come see me in Will's trailer when you get free."

  "Sure thing."

  It was almost dark by the time Chase had Will drive him back to the airport where the helicopter was waiting to take him home. He was hot, tired and covered in mud. As a final step before he hired Lathan to be the permanent tool pusher, he'd done a full inspection of the well with him. Lathan had pointed out the improvements and repairs they'd made since the former tool pusher was fired. Chase was impressed, the man knew his job and he was going to be one of the best pushers they had.

  Some of the other hands on the crew he had doubts about, and he'd voiced them to Lathan and Will. Because of the arson recently at adjacent wells, he made sure to warn him to keep a good eye on the new hires too.

  That was something else he needed to ask Dave Logan about when he called. He needed to know if Dave had made any progress in discovering who the arsonist was or their motive for sabotaging the wells. Chase agreed with Dave's early assessment that it had something to do with the new safety legislation they were lobbying for. It was coming up for vote soon, and would affect a lot of companies who were behind retrofitting their rigs to comply with regulations. The tree huggers had also piggybacked environmental legislation with it, so if it passed it would cost drillers a bundle.

  The fines and penalties they proposed were very stiff, and might close some of the main offenders down. Like Pinion, the worst of them. They were a big drilling operation, but they were top heavy, the big wigs got most of the money the company made. The owner, Slim Watkins, liked the high life, including toys, tequila and trophy wives. Slim must've been married six times now, that had to put a dent in his pocket book.

  Hell, between seeing what a mess that man made of his life by getting married and the fact that his brother, Joel, who he thought had a solid marriage getting a divorce, Chase decided maybe he'd be better off like that movie star George Clooney and staying single.

  Women just seemed to want Chase for either friendship or sex, maybe he'd be better off just going with that and forgetting about the happily ever after. He was beginning to believe that didn't exist for him.

  Of course all of his friends were married now, or nearly married. He'd be an awfully lonely camper at cookouts and on Friday nights, unless he brought a hot girlfriend with him like George would do. Not a bad idea at all, he thought and grinned, his spirit lifting a little.

  Chase climbed into the jump seat of the aircraft and his phone rang. He reached into his pocket, pulled it out and saw that it was Dave Logan. Hope surged inside of him and he quickly answered. "Yeah, Dave, what did you find out?"

  "She's at the Bowman Ranch," he informed shortly.

  "Where is it?" Chase asked and grabbed a notepad and pen from the seat pocket to jot down the information, repeating it loudly so the pilot could hear.

  "Thanks man, call me tomorrow and update me on the fires." he said then disconnected the line. He glanced over at Tom his pilot and smiled. "You get all that?"

  "Yep, I can have you there in thirty minutes," he replied.

  "Thanks," Chase said and sat back in his seat then folded his arms across his chest in satisfaction. You can run, but you can't hide Dr. Anderson, he thought smugly.


  Jenny brushed the mud and hay off her boots on the boot scraper that was nailed to the back porch, then raised her arms over her head in a long stretch. Although she was tired and sore, she felt more relaxed than she had in years. It was amazing that she'd forgotten how much she loved working outdoors with her hands. It was also amazing that she and Beau had buried the hatchet last night, and everyone still had their scalps.

  The 'Come to Jesus' meeting Ben had commanded could have something to do with her lighter mood too. Beau showed up last night at the ranch, and he, Jenny and Ben "put the shit to bed", Ben's words again, once and for all.

  At first, Jenny had resisted, she was still extremely pissed at Beau about how he acted toward her at the hospital, but then she realized Ben had a point. Carrying around the garbage and bitterness for so long hadn't done any of them a favor.

  None of them could move on, until they settled it once and for all, and now that they had Jenny felt like a lead weight was off her back.

  Apologies and explanations were given all the way around, they'd discussed everything from Jenny leaving without a goodbye to Ben not being Beau's biological father. Some things were still not fully resolved, but they all agreed to disagree.

  "Hey, sugar..." Beau's familiar deep voice sounded behind her and she turned to face him. After they'd finished talking, and drinking, last night, Beau decided to spend the night at the ranch, and help with the chores today.

  She gave him a smile she thought she'd never be able to give him again, "Hey, dumplin'," she replied with a grin.

  "Dumplin', huh?" he repeated with a matching grin.

  "Yeah, isn't that what your mama called you as a kid?"

  Beau's grin faded and he growled before stepping into her space, "Don't call me that, and don't ever mention that woman again." He was still dealing with what his mother had cost him...cost them. She should have thought before speaking.

  Jenny took a step back from him and put a hand on his broad chest. "Sorry, I was just playing around."

  Beau huffed out a breath and she saw the tension leave his shoulders. "I'm the one who's sorry...just touchy I guess," he told her then leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  "Understandable," she told him and patted his
cheek. "I'm glad we worked things out, I've missed you."

  His jaw worked a couple of times then he told her, "I'm sorry I hurt you, Jen..."

  "We just weren't a good match, it wasn't your tried," Jenny ducked her head and admitted then turned toward the door.

  "I didn't fucking try, that was the problem," he argued gruffly then put his hand on the doorframe, leaning over her. "But I'm going to do it right this time. I don't know how, but I've got make up with Jazzie. I've been going crazy missing her, and she won't talk to me."

  "You called her?" Jenny asked incredulously.

  "Yeah?" Beau's brows knit together over his green eyes.

  "Dumbass, when you're in as much trouble with her as you seem to be, you go and see her, you don't call."

  Beau stood up and looked stunned. "Did you just call me a dumbass?"

  "If the ass fits..." she told him with a chuckle.

  "I've been a miserable bastard without her, that's for sure," he admitted then took off his hat then ran a hand through his dark hair. "I don't know if she'll even talk to me in person."

  "There's only one way to find out," Jenny told him. "If you love her, go after her...and fucking tell her you love her, dumbass."

  "Wow, you never talked to me like that before."

  "Well, get used to it, because now that we're friends I don't have to worry about pissing you off, do I?"

  "I reckon not," he agreed with a snort, then leaned around her and opened the door.

  "Let's eat supper, then we'll go for a ride down to the creek," he suggested. "You've been working your ass off this week, but you haven't had much time for fun. Dad said you've been keeping busy."

  "I like it...I forgot how much," Jenny told him.

  "Well, we'll go for a ride, then I've got to get back to Lubbock. I work in the morning...if I still have a job. When Dad called I hauled ass out here, I thought something was wrong."

  They walked inside the door into the mudroom and Jenny bent down to take off her boots. "I'm glad he called," she said standing back up to look at him.

  "Me too, sugar," he said then hugged her.

  Ben's housekeeper, Shorty, and that was a good name for her because she was barely five feet tall, had fixed stew and big fluffy buttermilk biscuits for dinner. According to Shorty, Ben had eaten earlier and had to go to town for a while.

  Jenny knew he had a girlfriend there, but she wasn't going to share that information with Beau. As upset as he was right now over Jasmine Ramos, and his mother's lies, he didn't need another layer of worry added. If Ben wanted him to know, he'd tell him.

  Jenny noticed that Beau didn't eat much, just sipped on tea and talked while she cleaned her plate. "Not eating isn't the answer,'re gonna make yourself sick," she chastised then popped the last of her biscuit in her mouth.

  "Yes, Doctor," he said and grinned, but it didn't reach his sad eyes.

  Her eyes traveled over his leaner frame and hollowed cheeks. "Seriously, honey, you need to go see her...the sooner the better."

  "I just feel so damned guilty about what happened and how I treated you," he told her and finished off his tea. "I don't know if I can do it right with her, either. My track record leaves a lot to be desired." He fingered the condensation on his glass then said morosely, "She's probably seeing someone else by now."

  "Who could she be seeing?" Jenny asked. "If she loves you, she's not seeing anyone else, she's probably as torn up as you are."

  Beau snorted then looked up at her. "She told me she never wanted to see me again."

  "No, shit?"

  "Yeah, go figure, huh?" he replied and his eyes glittered.

  A loud sound broke the silence that fell between them and Jenny pinned him with her eyes. "What the heck is that?"

  It sounded almost like a helicopter was landing on the roof of the house. Both of them scooted their chairs back and started toward the front door. Beau grabbed his weapon off of the table by the door and shoved it into his belt at the front of his jeans, then he flung the door open and she followed him out onto the front porch.

  When she stood beside him, he put his arm around her waist and held her protectively at his side as a green and black helicopter landed right in the front yard. Jenny groaned when she saw the words emblazoned on the side of the aircraft...Rhodes Drilling & Exploration.

  "What the fuck?" Beau said with amazement in his tone.

  "My new boss," Jenny explained.

  "Tell me you're not fucking working for Chase Rhodes..." he growled and his hand tightened at her waist. Last night she told him about her new job, she just didn't mention who she was working for.

  "Afraid so."

  "That bastard gets around, doesn't he?" Beau grated and stepped in front of her, reaching back to keep his hand on her waist.

  "I treated him at the hospital, then he offered me a job I couldn't refuse."

  "Of course he did. That job include warming his bed?" Beau asked nastily with a glance over his shoulder.

  "We're not engaged anymore, Beau. You don't get to ask those questions, but no it doesn't include that. I'm the Vice-President of Health and Safety."

  Beau snorted, then asked gruffly, "What the hell do you know about oil wells or drilling?"

  "Funny, that's exactly what I asked Chase..."

  "So what did he say? Don't worry, sugar, you just wear those short skirts and high heels and it'll all be good?"

  Jenny huffed out a breath, then pushed away from Beau and stomped down the steps. "I can't believe you just said that. I'm a damned good doctor, and you need to mind your own business!"

  "We're friends, you are my business!" he shouted behind her then jogged up to her side and put his arm around her waist again. "Especially when some asshole is trying to take advantage of you."

  "If you saw what he offered, you'd know how ridiculous that statement is Beau."

  "He bought you, huh?" he huffed as they kept walking toward the helicopter. Nobody had gotten out yet, but Jenny could see two people inside.

  "No, he didn't buy me, so shut up!" she growled in frustration and shook off his arm to walk faster. Finally the door to the helicopter opened and someone slid out of the passenger side and slammed it behind him, then stalked toward them. The man was built like Chase Rhodes, but he sure didn't look like him. This guy was covered in what looked like mud from head to toe. Only a pair of intense angry blue eyes were visible in his dirt streaked face, when he reached them.

  "What the fuck are you doing here Rhodes?" Beau said gruffly and stepped in front of Jenny. Shoving him back, she stepped around him to face Chase.

  "I've got this, Beau!" she yelled then put her hands on her hips. "What the fuck are you doing here, Chase?"

  His eyes traveled over her face then down across her chest leaving a trail of fire to her toes then back up again. "I came to make sure my investment was still viable. We have a contract, and you better have your ass in the office on Monday morning."

  Jenny tilted her head and cocked an eyebrow. "Do you track all of your employees down at their homes to make sure they show up for work? Or am I just getting preferential treatment?" she asked then stepped close to him. "A helicopter, Chase? Really?, she continued then raked her eyes over him and added, "You look like you've been rolling around in a pigpen..."

  He was dirty, sweaty and rugged that's what he was and Jenny's hormones did a little dance through her body, setting off all kinds of alarms. A flash of being in the shower with him, washing his body clean flitted through her mind and Jenny swallowed hard against the lust that surged through her. Chase's shirt was glued to his defined chest and the weight of the mud had dragged his pants down low on his hips. Jenny's mouth watered.

  "I worked today, unlike you," he said snottily, then added, "You're getting what you deserve for taking off like you did and not answering my phone calls. I put out a lot of money out to hire you and my ass is on the line." He huffed out a breath, then went to shove his hand through his hair, but dropped it back
to his side when it wouldn't go through the hardened mud. "I just need to know if you plan on showing up, then I'll decide what I need to do."

  Jenny let him stew for a second, then lifted her chin and told him, "Of course, I'll be there. I live up to my commitments."

  "Fine. Good," Chase said shortly and glared at Beau before looking back at her. "I'd like to speak to you alone, please," he requested figuring he might get less attitude if her bodyguard ex-fiancé wasn't there. He could also give talking sense into her about what she thought of him another try. He wasn't doing that in front of Bowman.

  His eyes drifted to the gun in the man's waistband. If the Ranger thought he was scaring Chase, he was wrong. He'd have his ass under the jailhouse in the morning, and lose his job to boot, if he tried using it to intimidate him. Being a Texas Rhodes came in handy sometimes. His daddy knew people.

  "Not happening, Bud. You can say whatever you have to say at work on Monday. She's not on the clock," Beau spat then stepped forward, but Jenny put out a hand on his stomach to stop him. Then intimacy in that action made Chase's gut clench.

  "So, he decides if you can talk to me?" The question came out as the challenge he intended it to be, then he swallowed hard and forced the other question burning in his mind past his lips, "You two back together or something? Jazzie might be interested to hear that."

  Beau Bowman's eyes narrowed and Chase opened and closed his fists. Let that fucker make a move, he thought. Chase might be a lover and not a fighter now, but he'd had his share of fights with his brother...and usually won. Putting his fist through that smug bastard's face would give him the ultimate pleasure right now. Especially with how possessive he was acting toward Jenny.

  "We're friends," Jenny told him bluntly and crossed her arms over her chest.


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