Moon Burned (Mirror Lake Wolves Book 4)

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Moon Burned (Mirror Lake Wolves Book 4) Page 3

by Jennifer Snyder

  I frowned as I stared at it. Another text came through before I could reply.

  I get you might not be able to tell me a whole lot. I’ve read books. I know there’s some sort of pack code or pack law you have to abide by, but at least answer me this: Is Peter okay?

  I had to give him credit because he knew more about werewolves than I’d thought he did. Maybe it was a good thing. At least in this situation.

  A yelp echoed through the vet clinic.

  “That was Winston. I know it was.” Gracie winced. “He’s going to hate me after this.”

  I flipped my cell facedown and set it in my lap. Alec could wait. “No, he’s not. He probably won’t even remember this in an hour,” I said, trying to comfort her.

  “He will remember. They just jabbed him in the heart with a needle. Wouldn’t you remember that?”

  I suppressed the chuckle that wanted to slip free, knowing Gracie was about to go into full on panic mode and laughing would only make it worse. “I told you, I don’t think they stab him in the heart. I’m sure they picked a vein in his leg and drew blood from there. They aren’t monsters.”

  At the mention of monsters, I remembered a vampire worked here now. What if he’d gotten hungry? Winston was probably the perfect size for a snack.

  “The poor baby,” Gracie muttered. “I wish they’d hurry and bring him back to me.”

  “Me too.” I was slightly nervous for the little guy.

  A few minutes later, the same nurse who’d taken Winston came back with him. There was a piece of blue tape wrapped around his tiny stick leg. I expected him to look pitiful and sad, but at the sight of Gracie, he wagged his stub for a tail while struggling to get free from the nurse’s grip.

  It was clear he loved my sister as much as she loved him.

  “I’m sure you heard him yelp,” the nurse said. Amusement flickered through her eyes. “I just want you to know it wasn’t from drawing his blood. He yelped after-the-fact, when we were taping his leg.”

  “Aww, that’s so cute,” Gracie said as she reached out and took Winston from her. “He’s afraid of tape.”

  “Or maybe they pulled the hair on his leg,” I offered, while thinking the vet who’d most likely performed the test probably freaked him out too. I doubted Winston had come across a vampire in his few months of life before now.

  I kept my thoughts to myself, though.

  “The vet will be in shortly to look him over thoroughly and give him his shots,” the nurse said while she flashed me a bemused glance. Her gaze drifted back to Gracie. “Oh. I forgot to ask if you wanted him to get a kennel cough shot today as well.”

  “What’s that for?” Gracie asked as she stroked Winston’s soft fur, soothing him even though he didn’t need to be.

  “It’s for when/if you ever have to board him anywhere, or if you take him to a groomer. It helps keep him healthy if he has to be in a kennel where other dogs have been.”

  “Sure. Add it in,” Gracie insisted.

  How was she paying for all of this today?

  “Okay, I’ll let Dr. Montevallo know,” the nurse said before she left the room.

  “Montevallo?” Gracie swallowed hard.

  While Gracie was only thirteen, she still knew the makings of the supernatural world inside Mirror Lake. That meant she also knew the Montevallo family were the only vampires allowed in town.

  “Eli mentioned they’d come back to town about a week ago,” I said.

  “And one of them happens to work here?” Gracie shivered and then shifted her attention to Winston curled up in her lap. “No wonder the poor guy yelped. He was probably scared of the vampire.”

  Even though I had the same thought, I pretended otherwise. “I doubt it. I think your dog is just scared of tape,” I teased her.


  Dr. Montevallo was a lot younger than I thought he would be. While I hadn’t imagined him to be in his seventies, I didn’t think he would be as close to my age as he was either. Of course, looks were deceiving when it came to a vampire’s age. If I had to peg him based on his looks alone, I’d say he was between twenty-three and twenty-six.

  “He’s a vampire?” Gracie whispered as she eyeballed Dr. Montevallo.

  The quirk of a smile that spread across his face let me know he’d heard her. Of course he had. He was a vampire. They had perfect hearing.

  While I probably should have scolded Gracie, I couldn’t bring myself to because I was as shocked as she was at the sight of him. Nothing about him screamed vampire. Instead, everything seemed to scream nerd.

  With thick black-framed glasses, dark, gelled hair spiked to perfection, and chiseled features I had to admit he was the sexiest nerd I’d ever come across. He oozed the type of sophistication I’d read about vampires having, which seemed to amplify his sexiness.

  “Hello. I’m Dr. Montevallo, but you can call me Julian.” He flashed a white toothy smile that was devoid of fangs. Thank goodness. “Winston is a little booger. I’m sure you heard him yelp when we drew his blood for the heart worm test. Like my nurse said, it happened after the blood was taken. I was wrapping the bandage around his leg and he yelped. Actually, he nipped at me. Barely grazed the skin, though.” He winked, downplaying the situation as best he could.

  “Maybe it’s because you’re a vampire,” Gracie said.

  My mouth dropped. I hit her thigh, but it didn’t do any good. The words had already been said. There was no taking them back.

  “Could be. You’d be surprised how much that happens,” he said, the smirk on his face never wavering. It seemed as though he thought Gracie was cute. Cute and funny. He wasn’t offended, then. Relief trickled through me.

  “I’m sure. They probably sense you’re a creature of the night,” Gracie insisted, refusing to let his vampire status go.

  What was she thinking? Why did she keep opening her stupid mouth?

  “If I’m not mistaken, aren’t you a creature of the night too?” Julian asked as he arched a dark brow while flashing a pointed gaze Gracie’s way.

  Again, he didn’t seem offended but instead amused by the entire conversation.

  “Sort of,” Gracie said. Disappointment hung in her words. I imagined it was because she hadn’t been moon kissed yet.

  “It will happen. In its own time,” Julian said in a reassuring tone, as though he had picked up on her thoughts somehow.

  The fine hairs along the back of my neck rose to attention. What did he know about the way things worked for werewolves? Did he know about being moon kissed?

  Probably. He was more than likely older than dirt. Something in his eyes confirmed this for me. A sense of ancientness swirled in their color.

  “How about we take a look at Winston? Make sure he’s healthy,” Julian said as he stepped to where Gracie sat with him in her lap. Winston didn’t seem as freaked out by the sight of him as I’d thought he would be. Maybe he hadn’t yelped because he was a vampire. Maybe it had been because of the tape after all. What a little wimp. “His weight was perfect, and he seems to be growing at the right rate. I don’t think he’s going to get much taller than he is now. Maybe a few inches. He does seem to have a bit of an under bite, but that’s no cause for worry.”

  “I like his under bite. I think it’s cute.” Gracie smiled, her tone soft. Clearly, she was no longer worried about being in a room with a vampire. All she cared about now was hearing about Winston’s clean bill of health.

  “It is cute,” Julian agreed as he ran his hands along the length of Winston, feeling bones and muscles with his fingers. “He appears to be healthy to me, which means he’s okay to get shots today. However, because he’s so small, we’re going to give them in two doses. Half a dose today and then the other half in two weeks.”

  Gracie wrung her hands together. “Okay.”

  “Don’t worry. He won’t feel anything more than a slight pinch. Most likely, he won’t even remember anything happened in a few minutes,” Julian said before he poked his head out of th
e room and motioned for a nurse to step inside. His attention shifted to me. “Sorry, we’re a bit understaffed at the moment,” he apologized as a nurse came in and moved to hold Winston in place.

  Understaffed? By one veterinarian. That was all I knew. I guessed there could be a nurse or two out. Still, I found the term understaffed comical.

  Gracie winced beside me as Winston was given his shots. As for Winston, he didn’t seem to care. He squirmed in the nurse’s arms but didn’t yelp this time around.

  He was a trooper.

  “There, all done,” Julian said as he tossed the empty syringes into the sharps container. “Carmen at the front desk will schedule your next appointment for you. It was nice meeting you today, and it was really nice meeting Winston.”

  “Thank you,” Gracie insisted as she took Winston from the nurse’s arms.

  “His heart worm test came back negative, and he’s free and clear of parasites,” the nurse said with a smile.

  While I was glad he was free of parasites, I had to admit I was a little surprised. His belly was so round. I’d been sure it was filled with worms. Guess the little guy just liked to eat.

  “We’ll see you in two weeks,” Julian said as he flashed another pearly smile.

  “Yeah.” Gracie nodded. Her voice sounded breathy. Did she have a crush on him?

  As we headed for the receptionist desk, another text came through on my cell. It was Alec. Again.

  I’m sitting at Shane’s. All he keeps talking about is how he thinks you were involved in his brother’s death. You and your pack. You should probably fill me in on the truth.

  Shit. I hadn’t wanted Alec involved in any of this, but he seemed to be inserting himself.

  My thumb hovered over my keyboard. I knew I needed to reply, but I still didn’t know what to say. I released a long breath and went with the first thing that came to mind.

  You’re right. I can’t tell you a lot due to pack law. You shouldn’t have gone to Shane’s. You shouldn’t try to involve yourself in this. - Mina

  Straightforward. It was the only way to be in a situation like this. Alec didn’t realize what he was getting himself into. He needed to stop while he was ahead.

  Answer my last question: Is Peter okay? Has your pack done something to him, or are they trying to protect him from something?

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip. What was I supposed to say? I didn’t want him to know any more than he already did, but I had a feeling he wasn’t going to let me slide with basic answers.

  He’s okay. For now. – Mina

  It was the truth. While Peter was in our custody, he was safe. Even if he was locked inside a cage in his own basement. Dorian and Tate wouldn’t do anything to him that would jeopardize what we had planned. We needed Peter. He was our only link to Regina’s vampire goons, and they were our way to my mom and the others.

  However, after I was handed over to them, Peter was on his own.

  I couldn’t promise Alec he’d remain safe after the exchange took place. Things with Peter ran deeper than our pack. In fact, my pack was the last thing he should worry about.

  That’s not very comforting, but I guess I’ll take what I can get. I can occupy Shane for you today, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last. He’s pissed. Pretty out of it, too. Whatever it is you don’t want him seeing at his brother’s place, you’d better hurry up with it. I won’t be able to keep him away forever.

  All we need is through tonight. - Mina

  I cringed at the detail I’d given him. What if he showed up at Peter’s place tonight out of curiosity? It sounded like something he would do.

  Damn it.

  I can’t guarantee anything, but I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I’ll take him fishing.

  I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to seem as though I was asking Alec to do anything. I couldn’t. Alec being involved put him in danger, and that was the last thing I wanted. He was a good guy. He always had been. I didn’t want him mixed up in all of this any more than he already was, especially not anything that had to do Regina and her vampire goons. It wasn’t safe.

  “Okay, let’s get out of here,” Gracie said once she’d paid for Winston’s visit and scheduled the next appointment in two weeks.

  My cell vibrated in my hand with another incoming text. I glanced at the screen as I followed Gracie to the exit.

  It was Alec again.

  Still wish you’d trust me enough to tell me what’s going on. Shane is my friend. So is Peter. If they’re in some sort of trouble, I’d like to know about it. Especially if it involves you as well.

  My stomach somersaulted. I felt horrible for keeping him in the dark, but what else could I do? He was human. He didn’t need any part in this crap hole we were in. I started to type out a response but slammed into what felt like a brick wall. It was Julian.

  “Sorry,” I muttered as I sidestepped him.

  “It’s okay.” His eyes narrowed behind his thick framed glasses. “Are you okay? You seem distracted and on edge.”

  Mentioning being so close to a vampire was distracting and put me on edge played on the tip of my tongue, even though it wasn’t the truth. I couldn’t say something so harsh to him when he seemed to be genuinely concerned. There was something sweet about him. Something almost human.

  Maybe vampires weren’t as cruel and soulless as I’d thought. Maybe some of them still held on to their humanity. This one seemed to. He helped hurt animals for crying out loud.

  “I’m fine,” I breathed even though it was as far from the truth as possible.

  The area between his brows puckered. He didn’t believe me. “If you’re in trouble, you can tell me. I know you don’t know me, but I’ve known your family for… a while. Maybe not your living family.” He coughed into his hand. “But some of your ancestors. Jesus, that makes me sound old and creepy.”

  “Uh. Yeah, it does.”

  “I’m sorry. None of that came out right.” He shook his head and rubbed along his jawline as he seemed to be contemplating how to word what he wanted to say next. “All I’m trying to say is I know what’s going on. I’ve been in contact with your alpha. I know all about the missing pack members.”

  “Why?” I’d meant to say how, but it didn’t come out.

  What reason did Eli’s dad have that would make him tell this guy about our pack business?

  My mouth grew dry as my chest seemed to tighten while I stared into his eyes. Was this a trap? Was he somehow involved with Regina and her goons?

  “The supernaturals in this town tend to stick together. We inform each other of things happening, especially when they threaten the peacefulness of our town.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t aware.” I glanced at the front door. Gracie had disappeared through it minutes ago and was probably waiting for me at my car.

  “Most aren’t. I have a feeling you know more than the others in your pack when it comes to this specific situation,” Julian said, drawing my attention back to him. “You’re of a higher ranking. Imprinted with the alpha’s son.”

  Alarm nipped at my insides. All right, he was officially freaking me out now. “How do you know that?”

  “Call it a gift, call it a curse, call it what you will, but I can sense things about people, supernaturals even. I’ve been around a long time. Trust me.” He flashed me a lopsided grin that contradicted with what he’d said since it made him seem boyish.

  “I said I’m fine.” Bitchiness rang through my tone. This vampire knew too much about me, and I knew too little of him. It didn’t sit well with me.

  “Okay, just wanted to check,” he said as he held up his hands in surrender. He stepped away from me, and I started toward the exit, eager to put as much distance between us as possible.

  My cell vibrated with another incoming text as I stepped outside. I released a long sigh, thinking it was Alec again, but was pleasantly surprised to see Eli’s name instead.

  And how did your first encounter with a Montevallo vampire go?<
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  A wide grin stretched across my face.

  Oh, it was interesting. Nerdy, but interesting. Especially when he started grilling me, asking if I was okay. - Mina

  Why would he ask if you were okay?

  Shit. I’d forgotten I hadn’t told him about the text messages with Alec.

  He said he could sense something was wrong. And, there is something wrong. I sent Alec a text message by accident that should have gone to you. - Mina

  I slipped behind the steering wheel of my car and cranked the engine, ignoring Gracie’s questions about where I had been.

  My cell buzzed with a response from Eli before I could shift into reverse.

  What did the text say?

  You should warn Dorian or Tate, whoever was guarding Peter, that Shane might swing by. - Mina

  My stomach flip-flopped as I typed. Eli was going to be pissed.

  Alec has Shane occupied for the moment. No need to tell Dorian or Tate to worry right now. - Mina

  Did you tell him anything else?

  No. – Mina

  “Stop texting. Start driving,” Gracie insisted.

  I’ll explain everything when I see you. Heading home now. - Mina

  I put my cell in the cupholder and shifted into reverse, figuring I’d deal with it when I got home.


  My dad’s truck wasn’t in the driveway when Gracie and I made it home. He’d been shit-faced when we left. There was no way he could have driven anywhere. Gran must’ve taken his truck.

  I followed behind Gracie and Winston up the stairs and inside. I needed a glass of water to calm myself before I walked to Eli’s. My heart pounded in my throat at the thought of what I’d done. At the thought of what Eli might say to me.

  God, it wasn’t even ten in the morning, and already this day had been hellacious.

  Dad was still passed out on the couch when I stepped inside. No lights were on and neither was the TV. The only sound besides him snoring was the low hum of our AC unit in the living room window. I swore it was louder today than yesterday. The thing was defiantly on the fritz.


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