In Your Room

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In Your Room Page 12

by Jordanna Fraiberg

  Walk through the opening.

  She crouched down and stepped through the makeshift entrance created by the overlapping boulders.

  You’ll know you’re there.

  She kneeled lower and crawled the rest of the way in on top of a layer of pine needles. Charlie had clearly gathered them from the surrounding trees and laid them out like a carpet. She looked around at this secret cave, perched on the edge of the forest on top of the mountain. It felt surreal and beautiful and otherworldly. Like a place in a fairy tale.

  She took out her iPod, put on her headphones, and lay down on the bed of needles, staring up at the canopy of stone overhead. The upbeat melody of “Such Great Heights”, by The Postal Service started to play. She closed her eyes and listened.

  They will see us waving from such great

  Heights, “Come down now,” they’ll say

  But everything looks perfect from far away

  It felt like Charlie was speaking directly to her through the song, like they were his lyrics specially meant for her. Molly lay there listening until she eventually dozed off.

  • • •

  When she woke up, the sun had risen so high that shafts of light darted all around her, creeping through the openings above. She could now see the mossy green hue of the surrounding rocks and a single purple wildflower poking up from the damp earth by the entrance. She poked her head outside the cave, where the distorted shadow of a bird glided in and out of existence. One second Molly could make out the contours of a wing, the next it was gone.

  A few minutes later the actual bird appeared, hovering above, revealing its red underbelly and the bright yellow, blue, and green of the rest of its feathers. She had never seen anything like it.

  She watched it arc back and forth above her, stretching its wings wide like it owned the sky.

  She sat up with a start and fished her notebook out of her bag. She took another look at the bird and began to sketch.

  • • •

  It was almost five when she got to the store. She hadn’t checked in or told Penelope she was taking the day off, because she hadn’t known herself until the day just happened. Penelope would be closing any minute, but that wasn’t why she was there.

  “Oh my! What happened to you?” Penelope asked, taking in Molly’s state.

  She had gone straight there from the trail, with cuts and mud all over her legs and pine needles stuck in her hair, still wearing Charlie’s yellow COLORADO T-shirt. She walked with purpose down the center of the store toward Penelope, who was sitting behind the desk. Molly pulled up her usual chair, reached into her bag, and handed Penelope her sketchbook. “I want you to see this.”

  She leaned back and closed her eyes as Penelope flipped through the pages.

  “These are fabulous,” she said when she was done. “You have to do something with these.”

  “I know,” Molly said. “And I need your help.”

  • • •

  Charlie vaguely heard a persistent honking outside and pulled the pillow over his head to block it out. He was exhausted from having been up practically all night the night before, and was trying to crash early.

  The honking stopped and was replaced with the sharp staccato of a handful of pebbles hitting the window almost simultaneously.

  He shot out of bed and looked outside.

  “What are you doing?” he cried. Celeste was leaning against her father’s red Porsche, still idling in the middle of the road. It sparkled, even in the dark.

  “Come on down and you’ll find out.”

  She was being the same old Celeste, trying to playfully lure him toward her with her L.A.-cool facade. He doubted she had gone to all the trouble of getting the Porsche for her own benefit.

  “Give me two minutes,” he told her.

  • • •

  Charlie had learned to drive a stick, but it took a couple of blocks until he felt comfortable behind the wheel. The car had so much force, he barely had to touch the gas pedal to make it take off.

  “Looks like you’re ready. Take a left here.”

  Charlie didn’t ask any questions, just followed Celeste’s instructions as she directed him up a steep, windy road.

  “Right! Right, right now!”

  “How about a little notice!” Charlie made the sudden turn, not expecting it to be so sharp, but the car complied, sturdily hugging the road around the corner. He kept driving uphill, following the snaky route he was now accustomed to in L.A. from having ridden his bike everywhere, until it ended at a large black gate. It was the entrance to a path in the Hollywood Hills. It was, in fact, the path that led to the Hollywood sign. Even in the dark Charlie could see the iconic white letters perched at the top of the hill.

  “What are we doing here? It’s locked.”

  The headlights revealed the thick chain around the gate and a sign that read CLOSED. NO ACCESS TO HOLLYWOOD SIGN.

  Celeste hopped out in front of the car without answering. Fully illuminated, she took out a key, placed it in the padlock, and next thing he knew, she was pushing the gate open and motioning for Charlie to drive in.

  “How do you even have that key?” Charlie asked when she got back in the car.

  “One of the perks of my dad being a slimeball producer. He shot a movie here last year, and someone conveniently made copies of his keys.” She pressed a button and all the windows rolled down. “Don’t just sit there, let’s go!”

  Charlie shifted into first, released the clutch, and pressed the gas. It was pitch-black in the canyon, with only the moon and light from the occasional house spotting the outskirts of the hills. But the headlights brightened the path enough to convince him that they weren’t going to drive off into the dark abyss. He shifted into second and then third.

  “That’s more like it,” Celeste yelled over the rumbling engine.

  Now that he was used to the car, he felt more confident picking up the pace and pressed his foot down even further, the speedometer nearing forty. He slowed down as the road suddenly veered left, ending a few hundred feet ahead at a fence, behind which stood what looked like a radio transmission tower. Charlie got out of the car, leaving the headlights on.

  “What is this place?” It looked empty and creepy, like an abandoned research post in some sci-fi movie.

  “I have no idea,” Celeste said, walking in the other direction. “But that’s not why we’re here.”

  He followed her down the road to an opening in the fence, behind which stood the nine letters of the Hollywood sign.

  Celeste crouched down and slipped through the tear, barely managing to avoid snagging her dress on the fence.

  “You’re nuts,” Charlie said, squeezing through next.

  He wasn’t expecting the hill to be so steep. He grabbed onto a tangle of tree roots for balance as he made his way down, sideways.

  “Hoist me up.” She was standing behind an O, her hands gripping the bottom of the letter, waiting for Charlie to help push her up the rest of the way, into its center.

  He formed a step with his hands and launched her up. He was both tall and strong enough to lift himself up next.

  “Isn’t this awesome?” Celeste asked. They were squeezed in with their legs dangling over the edge like a swing, the curve of the O pushing them each in toward the middle.

  It was incredible. Charlie felt like he was floating over the city. “So what am I, the hundredth guy you’ve brought up here?”

  Celeste got quiet and looked away. “Actually, you’re the first.”

  It was not the answer he’d expected, but he believed her. They were now sitting so close that her hair gently brushed against his cheek. It smelled sweet, like cucumber.

  They turned toward each other at the same time.

  Look away, Charlie, he told himself. Look away.

  The wind blew her hair into her eyes. Charlie reached over to push it away, letting his hand linger on her cheek.

  Celeste inched her face closer, her eyes locked on his, w
hen the choppy drone of a helicopter interrupted. Less than a minute later, it flew right over them, briefly revealing their position with its roaming searchlight.

  “Run!” Celeste laughed.

  She slid down to the ground and sprinted back up the hill, with Charlie right behind. They got in the car and rolled most of the way down, with the engine and headlights off to avoid detection.

  They didn’t speak much the rest of the way home, aware of what had almost happened. Both things.

  Celeste muttered something about the stupid helicopter ruining their good time, but Charlie was relieved it had.

  He wasn’t so sure he could have pulled away on his own.

  From: Molly

  To: Charlie

  Date: July 17, 2008 10:58 P.M. MST

  Subject: such great heights

  * * *


  It’s the most magical place in the world!!!! I’m sooo honored you shared it with me. I felt like I was in the middle of nowhere and totally lost track of time. I just lay there all day sketching. I had so many ideas I could barely draw them fast enough—I didn’t even realize so much time had passed, it was like I was transported or something. Crazy!!! Has that ever happened to you?

  Anyway, IM as soon as you can. I have so much more to tell you!!!



  Charlie’s insides tightened. He felt like such a jerk, like he had betrayed Molly, even though nothing had happened. If Molly had sent the e-mail just a few minutes earlier, he never would have gone out with Celeste. He also knew he couldn’t continue this way. Something had to give.

  He hit reply.

  From: Charlie

  To: Molly

  Date: July 17, 2008 11:01 P.M. PST

  Subject: Re: such great heights

  * * *


  I’m so glad you loved it. I had a feeling you would. I’ll be up for a while if you get this tonight. I have something I want to talk about with you too.


  • • •

  Mollypop: boo.

  Mollypop: u still awake?

  Snowpeak99: hey. i thought u were down for the count.

  Mollypop: nope…WIDE awake…too excited to sleep!

  Mollypop: so what did u want to tell me?

  Snowpeak99: you go first.

  Mollypop: it’s been THE best day.

  Mollypop: that cave was the most special place i’ve ever been.

  Mollypop: i’m so so honored you shared it with me.

  Snowpeak99: so no trouble finding it?

  Mollypop: nope, not at all.

  Mollypop: your map was perfect.

  Mollypop: i fell asleep for a while on top of all those pine needles—so comfy, who knew?!

  Mollypop: when i woke up there was this amazing bird flying back and forth right out front.

  Mollypop: i’ve never seen one like it.

  Snowpeak99: what’d it look like?

  Mollypop: it was so beautiful…like a red robin.

  Mollypop: but only its stomach was red. he had a blue head and a green back…. it was the coolest thing.

  Snowpeak99: no way. sounds like you saw a painted bunting.

  Mollypop: of course you knew what it was! have you ever seen one?

  Snowpeak99: just once.

  Snowpeak99: they’re incredibly rare in colorado.

  Mollypop: really? well…it was definitely rare to me! this leads to my other news….

  Mollypop: after seeing the bird I suddenly got a design idea.

  Mollypop: and i literally just sat there for hours sketching.

  Mollypop: I didn’t even realize how late it was when i finished.

  Snowpeak99: that’s SO great.

  Mollypop: there’s more.

  Mollypop: i’ve decided to go for the internship.

  Mollypop: i talked to penelope about it and everything.

  Snowpeak99: AWESOME.

  Mollypop: she’s going to help me so i can get it done in time.

  Mollypop: i’m so excited!!! i know i keep saying that but it’s true.

  Mollypop: and it’s all because of you.

  Snowpeak99: i have to see you, molly.

  Mollypop: what do u mean?

  Snowpeak99: i don’t think i can wait till the end of the summer.

  Snowpeak99: i really want to meet u in person and i figured out a way.

  Mollypop: r u serious?

  Snowpeak99: completely.

  Mollypop: how?

  Snowpeak99: i’m going to utah for a weekend to visit my friend dan.

  Snowpeak99: his uncle lives in park city and we go every summer.

  Snowpeak99: it’s a big house with lots of room.

  Snowpeak99: i looked it up and it’s almost exactly halfway between boulder and L.A.

  Snowpeak99: so what i’m saying is…

  Snowpeak99: i really want you to come.

  Snowpeak99: and meet me there for the weekend.

  Snowpeak99: if you think you could get away.

  Snowpeak99: but i don’t want to pressure you or anything.

  Mollypop: wow.

  Snowpeak99: is that a good wow?

  Mollypop: when r u going?

  Snowpeak99: august 1.

  Snowpeak99: u don’t have to answer me now.

  Mollypop: that’s in two weeks…the day i hand in my application.

  Snowpeak99: even more reason to celebrate.

  Snowpeak99: it might seem crazy but I just really want to see you.

  Mollypop: tell me how to get there.


  I’m adding something new to the mixture / So there’s a different hue to your picture / A different ending to this fairy tale…

  —The Raconteurs, “Together”

  Molly burrowed under the blanket, where she came face-to-face with Yoda, the Jedi Master. She had dug Charlie’s Star Wars sheets out from the bottom of the laundry basket and put them back on the bed before going to sleep. They smelled just like his yellow T-shirt. Her spine tingled as she wrapped the sheets around her. In less than two weeks, Charlie’s arms would be enveloping her.

  In less than two weeks. It was real. It was happening. They had stayed up practically all night planning the trip, down to coordinating their arrival in Salt Lake City within an hour of each other. But there was so much to accomplish before Molly could even contemplate getting on that bus.

  If she didn’t get started, she would never make it.

  She sat up with a start when she heard the sound of an incoming instant message. She had fallen asleep next to her open laptop, which was becoming a habit.

  DoctoRina: I’M HOME!!!!!

  Mollypop: oh, reen! i’m so relieved…. even though i still don’t get to see you, it feels better knowing that you’re back on this continent.

  DoctoRina: so what’s the latest? i’ve spent the last month stuck with my grandparents and fifty thousand relatives so i need gossip.

  Mollypop: you’re never going to believe what’s happened.

  DoctoRina: tell me!!!! i’m dying over here….

  Mollypop: there’s so much, i don’t even know where to start…. first, i’m applying for the internship! i’m so excited, reen. i’m really doing it and i’m going to work my butt off for the next two weeks. penelope said she’s going to help and write my letter and everything.

  DoctoRina: GREAT, molls! you’re totally going to win too. i can feel it.

  Mollypop: there’s more. charlie asked me to meet him in utah for the weekend after i hand in my application.

  DoctoRina: NO. WAY.

  Mollypop: i know…it’s so crazy i kind of can’t believe it either.

  DoctoRina: your mom was cool with it?

  Mollypop: she doesn’t exactly know, and i kinda want to leave it that way.

  DoctoRina: how???

  Mollypop: well…i was hoping that maybe i could say i was with you and your family?

  DoctoRina: in utah??!!

  Mollypop: she’d never
find out or have any reason to not believe me…. i’m not psyched about lying to her, but i really can’t risk her saying no.

  Mollypop: i can’t explain how much this trip means to me.

  Mollypop: so please, please, please could you do this one favor for me?

  DoctoRina: on one condition.

  Mollypop: okay…

  DoctoRina: i have to meet him first.

  DoctoRina: it’s not that i don’t trust you, please know that, but i’m the only person in the world who’s gonna know where you really are, so it’d make me feel better if you let me at least talk to the guy first.

  Mollypop: that seems fair…but please at least pretend you’re picking something up for me so he doesn’t think i’m spying on him or anything??

  DoctoRina: like what?

  Mollypop: how about the silver thimble in my sewing basket?

  DoctoRina: the one i gave you?

  Mollypop: yup! :)

  Mollypop: and reen?

  DoctoRina: yeah?

  Mollypop: please like him!

  DoctoRina: if you do, i’m sure he’s great.

  • • •

  Molly arrived at the store an hour early so she could get right to work on her application. The designs she’d sketched in the cave had come out so well that now she just had to narrow them down to her top five for her portfolio. From that group, she’d select her favorite to make as the prototype for her collection. She took out her key to unlock the shop’s door, but it was already open.

  It was dark inside, except for a glow coming from the back room. “Hello?” she called out.

  Penelope emerged a minute later with a broom and cloth in hand.

  “What are you doing here so early?” Molly asked, relieved that it was Penelope and not some burglar.

  “There you are. Just in time. Come here, I want to show you something.”

  Molly followed Penelope into the storage room and stood, mouth agape, at the door. It was unrecognizable. All the boxes had been unpacked and cleared out. The once cluttered shelves had been tidied and lined with vintage accessories from costume jewelry to handbags. But best of all, a large drafting table had appeared and now sat in the center of the room with a sewing machine placed on top. “I can’t believe all this. Penelope, it’s…I don’t even know what to say.”


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