CAIN (Hell's Lovers MC, #4)

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CAIN (Hell's Lovers MC, #4) Page 7

by Crimson Syn

  I frowned as she tucked herself into my side. I stroked the side of her breast until her breathing slowed. “I’m glad I found you too, Sophia.”

  We fell asleep that way, and it was the first time in a long time that I had a fully restful sleep.



  Two weeks later, I woke up covered in black silk and wrapped up in Cain’s arms. I snuggled up against him and he grunted, tightening his hold around my waist and dragging me up closer.

  My eyes met the giant, padded X that hung on the wall and I smiled remembering everything Cain had done to me the night before. Everything I’d experienced the last couple of weeks had been amazing and new. I never thought I could lose myself to someone in such an incredible way. But it wasn’t just what he did, it was what he said. He kept sharing with me so many things about his past, about himself and I cherished every single piece of his heart that he gave to me. But I also yearned to tell him more about myself, about my past, about who I really was. I’d tried several times to tell him, but I could never bring myself to confess. My fear held me back and I hated it.

  The more we spent time together, the more we shared our bodies, the more scared I became. I didn’t want to lose Cain, I wanted to get lost in him. The feelings he brought out in me were so overwhelming, they frightened me. I could honestly say that he made it easy to fall in love with him. As rough as he was beyond these doors, inside he was a different man. He was sweet and caring, possessive and raw, he was quickly becoming much more than I ever wanted.

  “Are you awake?” He murmured against my neck.

  “Mmhmm,” I hummed in response.

  He tugged me towards him and I turned in his arms, stretching my naked body against him. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “You feel so good.”

  He chuckled and buried his head against my breasts. “So do you.”

  He licked the tip of my breast and I arched into him. “You are insatiable,” I whispered.

  “I fucking love that you’re here.” He groaned and took my sore nipple into his mouth.

  I gasped and gripped his hair. He grabbed my wrists and pulled them up over my head. Looking down on me he grinned in that wicked way of his. “I want you.”

  I giggled. “So what are you waiting for?”

  He growled into my neck and bit my collarbone as his cock entered me. I arched my hips up taking him in deep.

  “God, you feel good,” he groaned.

  His strokes were long and deep. He took his time with me, making me feel each ridge and bump of his dick as it slid in and out of me. My hands trailed down his hips and gripped the taut muscles of his ass as he thrusted himself inside me.

  “I’ve never done something like this before,” I breathed into his ear.

  He perched himself up just enough to look at me. “You’re incredible, Sophia. Your lips, your pussy, your body just fucking wrecks me every time.”

  “I’m not who you think I am, Cain,” I moaned as he pulled out of me, only to slide back in slowly and powerfully.

  “I don’t care about your past. I want you now, Sophia. I want to be your present.”

  “Yes, baby! Oh God, yes! You’re my everything, Cain. You’re everything!” I arched my back up as I felt that electric sensation start at the tips of my toes and flow up my thighs until it made me explode all over him.

  His thrusts sped up, prolonging my orgasm and sending me flying into a whirlwind of emotions I’d never felt before.

  “Fuck! Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking sweet! You feel so fucking good!” He roared his release and I watched his powerful frame shudder around me. He was absolutely incredible.

  His body lay on top of mine as I stroked his hair. “I love you, Cain.”

  I felt him stiffen against me, and he stayed quiet. He then smiled against my breast. “You are a mystery, Sophia,” he leaned up and met my eyes once again. “You’re beautiful and you’re mine. I warned you, I’m not letting you go now, Sophia.”

  I smiled at him and stroked his cheek. I didn’t care that he hadn’t said it back, I knew what I felt in my heart and I needed him to know it too. “Really?”

  “Baby, if you have to ask me that, then I didn’t do a good job of showing you just how much I own you.”

  I giggled, but that guilt hammered in the back of my head. “I need to tell you something.”

  He looked at me. “Is it that secret you keep hiding from me?”

  I stared at his steely blue eyes and my heart beat faster. I needed to tell him the truth. I didn’t want him finding out any other way. He’d given me so much in the last few weeks, I just couldn’t do this to him anymore.

  “I’m not who you think I am.”

  “You said that before,” he knelt up and stared down at me.

  “Who are you Sophia? What are you afraid of?”

  My response was interrupted by a pounding at the door.

  “Cain, open up!”

  “Fuck! Wolf’s back,” he shot up from the bed and started to get dressed. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait, Cain. I need to tell you…”

  Before I could say a word, there was a lot of yelling coming from the hallway and then a gun went off. Cain shot me a look and grabbed his gun. “Don’t leave this room!”

  In seconds, my world came tumbling down and Cain had disappeared through the door. I could hear some more yelling and then I heard Tuco’s voice.

  “She’s my fucking wife! I want her out here now!”

  I closed my eyes praying it was a nightmare, praying he hadn’t actually gone through with his word. I knew he’d come looking for me, it was only a matter of time. It had been nearly a month since I’d last seen him, and me disappearing and not coming back to the apartment probably ticked him off that something was wrong. I shook as I threw on Cain’s t-shirt. I found the remains of the skimpy underwear I had worn the night before and I shook my head, throwing them back onto the floor.

  Suddenly the door slammed open and Tuco stormed in, followed by Cain, Wolf and Seth. Before anyone could do anything, he grabbed me by the hair and swung me in front of him.

  “You fucking, puta! You think you’re smarter than me? You think you could go behind my back and I wouldn’t know about it? I told you I’d come looking for you!”

  I screamed as he yanked my head side to side.

  I heard Cain’s voice ring out. “Let her go, motherfucker! Let her go or I’ll fucking shoot you down like the dog you are!” His gun was pointed directly at Tuco’s head and he clenched his jaw trying to keep his control, it was a small tell I knew too well.

  He pressed his lips to my ear and sneered. “Is this who you’ve been fucking behind my back? Is this the hijo de puta who stole my wife?”

  I stared at Cain, but he remained eerily calm. His eyes flashed to mine, almost questioning me, but then went back to focusing on the man behind me.

  “I’m going to shoot this motherfucker!”

  Wolf’s voice rang out next. “Let her go, Tuco. If not, I can’t stop what my man will do to you.”

  Tuco smirked and swayed back and forth. He was completely wasted and out of his mind. “You think she loves you? This bitch doesn’t love anyone! I told her to seduce you. She was following my orders!”

  “No!” I screamed and struggled against his hold.

  He yanked my head back, making me cry out. “Tell them, bitch! Tell them why you’re here!”

  “Let me go, Ramon!”

  “Tell them!” He roared and threw me to the floor. I landed right in front of Cain’s feet. I gripped onto his leg and he crouched down to me. His hands wrapped around my shoulders as he dragged me to his side. He kept his gun trained on Ramon’s head, and in that instant, I wished he’d pull the trigger.

  “I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I blow your fucking head off!”

  Tuco laughed sarcastically. “You’re such a fucking fool, pendejo! This pussy isn’t worth it.
It’s fucking dirty and she knows it.”

  Seth gripped him by the arm, and began shoving him out the door. “You’re fucking crazy Tuco! Get the fuck out! You’re lucky that bullet didn’t kill you.”

  Tuco turned and I saw blood run down his arm. The shot we heard was probably the one that had penetrated his shoulder. He stared at me, an evil look in his eyes. A look that said he was gonna hunt me down the first chance he got.

  “If I see you again, I’ll kill you, puta! I’ll fucking kill you!” He spat out and I tucked my face into Cain’s chest.

  Seth dragged him out and Wolf turned to Cain. “Meet me outside,” his voice was low and held a warning, one you’d be crazy to ignore. He stared at me and his dark glare said it all, he wanted me gone.

  Soon, all the men had cleared out, and Cain and I were left alone in the room. He started to pace back and forth as I sat perched on the bed.

  “Listen to me, Cain. Let me explain.”

  He held up a hand to shut me up and then he looked at me. “Is that what you wanted to tell me?”

  I nodded.

  “Is it true? What he said. Are you Tuco Moreno’s wife?”

  I nodded again.

  He scowled and ran a hand through his hair. “Did you come here to spy on us? Was I just a pawn in this fucking game?”

  I shook my head. “No! No, Cain. I promise you, I didn’t tell him anything!”

  “How am I supposed to trust you? How do you want me to believe that?” He turned to me, a torn look came across his features, ripping my heart in two. “How am I supposed to protect you? I have a room full of men who want your head. My brothers want you gone, do you understand that?”

  I looked down at the floor and hugged my knees to my chest. “I never meant for this to happen. At first, he told me he just wanted me to find out about your weapons and how many of you there were. Then he wanted more information and wanted to know what your next moves were going to be, he even wanted your blueprints. I was supposed to give him information nearly a month ago. He’d warned me about coming for me.

  I’ll admit, at first I told him what I could, but when I saw you, and…things happened. I didn’t want to tell him anything anymore. He was using me, and he didn’t care about me. I realized that early on. I love you, Cain. I’d never betray you!”

  “You love me just like you loved him? You knew about my past, didn’t you? You got enough information from Jade to be able to use it against me.”

  “No!” I shook my head, slowly starting to lose hope. “I knew nothing of you, Cain. I swear!”

  “I don’t want to hear it, Sophia. If that’s your real name.”

  “I never lied to you about how I felt,” I said to him as the fear of losing him loomed over me.

  “It’s too late now, isn’t it?” He turned towards the door. “Don’t you dare leave. If you do, I’ll be the one hunting you down. And when I do, Sophia…when I do, I’ll really hurt you,” he slammed the door shut, leaving me by myself.

  I shook, and a sob escaped me. I was about to lose the one person who mattered to me the most and I didn’t know what to do to fix it.



  “How the fuck did he get in?” Wolf asked Riggs.

  “I found the camera out back smashed to pieces. He must’ve snuck in with the shipment this morning.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Riggs shrugged. “Guy had a vendetta. Didn’t even have back up. He was here for her. He wasn’t even in his right mind. He was totally wasted, stunk of stale alcohol.”

  Wolf shook his head. “Fucking crazy son of a bitch! The Hell’s Lovers would have had two dead bodies hanging over us.”

  “You really need to stop taking your pointers from Grayson, brother,” Diesel slammed a hand on Seth’s back and Seth scowled at him.

  Wolf focused on Diesel. “How the fuck did she get through the background?”

  Diesel shook his head. “She was clean, brother. I ran her through my system. She was fucking clean. Not even a speeding ticket.”

  Wolf turned to me and I knew I was going to get the brunt of his wrath. “You’re fucking the enemy? Did you not think what this could do to the club, to your family!”

  “I didn’t know! I don’t think she was ever going to betray us!”

  “Bullshit! She’s a fucking mole!”

  “You saw her! She was fucking afraid of the motherfucker! I can’t let her go, Wolf. They’ll fucking kill her.”

  “Well she can’t goddamn stay here!” He roared. “I’m done with this bullshit! I want her the fuck out!”

  I swept my hand down my face. “They’ll kill her, brother. Please.”

  I begged because it was my only hope. As much as I didn’t trust her, I couldn’t let her die. I loved her.

  Wolf stared at me for a long, tension filled moment and an unspoken understanding ran between us. “Call the Death Row Shooters. Maybe they’ll watch her until we get all this shit straightened out.”

  I stood up and looked down at my brothers. “If I would have known…if I just….”

  Seth patted me on the back. “It’s okay, man. It’s not your fault.”

  I looked at Wolf, and he nodded. “Don’t blame yourself. She took you for a fool.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case.”

  “To be honest, I don’t care. I don’t fucking trust her.”

  I nodded. “She’ll be out of here as soon as I find a safe haven for her.”

  I WALKED BACK into my room and saw her perched on the chair by the desk. She looked sad and worried. I didn’t know what to make of her just then.

  “Where are you living?”


  “I’m not going to repeat myself,” I said harshly, waiting by the door.

  “Um, just a few blocks from here.”

  “With him?”

  She shook her head. “No! I live alone.”

  “But you were living with him?”

  She remained quiet and my blood boiled with a jealousy so strong I thought it was going to consume me.

  “Answer me!” I yelled.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I was,” she whispered.

  I went up to her and grabbed her by the arm. “Let’s go!”

  “No! Cain, please! He’ll kill me!”

  I turned to her as the anger literally poured off me. “Do you think I give a shit?” I seethed at her and grabbed her by the neck.

  Her pretty eyes widened as she clung to my wrist. I slammed her up against the wall and leaned into her. “Right now, I wish I’d never met you,” I sneered.

  Tears flowed down her cheeks and a sob escaped her. “Please, Cain. I never meant to hurt you. You’ve got to believe me!”

  “I don’t have to do shit!” I slammed my fist against the wall by her head and she cowered away.

  “I’d rather be at your mercy than his. I’ll do anything you want, just don’t send me away.”

  She cupped my face and it angered me that my body immediately reacted to her touch. What pissed me off even more was that she thought she could manipulate me. As if I was that easy to control, to lie to. As I looked down at her pleading eyes I realized I fucking was that easy. I would do anything for the pretty wench.

  “Please, Cain. Use me, keep me locked in here, but don’t throw me away. Please!”

  I tightened my grip on her neck and pressed my forehead to hers. “Stop, begging! Have you no dignity?”

  “Not when it comes to you! I don’t want to lose you!” She gripped me to her and whispered, “I’ll do anything for you. I love you.”

  I took a step back and stared at her, anger pouring through every cell of my body. “Stop telling me that! Love? You don’t lie to the person you love! You show them trust! You give them yourself! You have some fucked up way of loving someone, Sophia.”

  She fell to the floor as the sobs wracked her body. A pang of guilt ran through me followed by something deeper that seeped into my
heart, because as much as I didn’t want to, I had fallen in love with Sophia Moreno.



  Cain had left me with Ryan Simon and the Death Row Shooters. It had been nearly a week and I hadn’t seen him or heard from him. I wasn’t allowed out, nor was I allowed to speak to anyone but Mr. Simon.

  I didn’t know if I was being kept prisoner or if Ryan just didn’t trust me, but I wasn’t going to push my luck. I had a warm clean room in the back of his club and I was brought clean freshly pressed clothes, fresh fruit and warm food daily. I spent the last few days contemplating what to do and how I was going to get out of here when Cain suddenly showed up one night.

  He stood in the doorway looking even more powerful and threatening than I remembered him. He loomed like a dark shadow in the entrance, staring at me across the room. I wanted to run up to him, but I stood still afraid he’d leave, afraid he’d reject me.

  “You came,” I whispered.

  He didn’t say a word, he just walked in and shut the door, making sure to lock it behind him. He took in his surroundings and went over to the chair. He lifted a black silk robe that was hanging off it and fisted it while looking over at me. His eyes travelled slowly down my body and I could feel traces of their heat through the silky material of my nightgown, taking my breath away .

  “Aren’t you going to talk to me?” I asked carefully.

  He threw the robe on the floor and stalked up to me. I took a few steps back, but he stopped before he could reach me. Anger still emanated from him, but there was more behind it, and I noticed him fisting his hands at his sides as if he was holding himself back.

  “Turn around,” he commanded, but I didn’t move.


  “I said turn the fuck around!” He yelled.

  I watched him carefully, but did as he asked. I somehow knew he wouldn’t hurt me, I felt it.

  I sighed as his hands glided across my waist and he pulled me up against his chest. His arousal was prominent along my lower back and his eagerness was palpable.


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