Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2) Page 30

by Statham, Mayra

  “I'm well aware of the boundaries you have sweetheart, thing is I’m done waiting.”

  “What?” I whisper, my body is rigid as I sit at the table.

  “I need pictures of him with his hands in the cookie jar. I don’t care what it is, something, and anything that will make him... not look so good.”


  “Now, next thing we have to talk about is my grandson,” his voice is slightly calmer, he knows that he has my full attention. I sit up straighter in the antique dining room table chair.

  “Parker’s a good kid. Smart. Has a knack for making money. I think you can understand why I would want you to stay away from him. His brother on the other hand… if you wanted to continue to act as his pretend girlfriend, when we both know he doesn’t swing that way, then please be my guest.” I frown at him, clenching my hands underneath the table, something in my face gives me away. “There is little that I don’t know about when it comes to my family, Elizabeth.”

  “Right.” I whisper, my eyes on his.

  Even terrified of being around him alone, scared of what he wants me to do, I can’t help wonder what made a person become like him. Remembering that Jake had said he was tired of not recognizing the man in the mirror and I wonder if Duke ever had that moment. If he had and instead of making amends, he’d made bad decision after bad until the person he once was, no longer existed.

  I’d met the whole Stone Clan, Gina, her husband Greg, their children and Parker. They’re great people. Each one is different and amazing. And he has no chance of having those wonderful people in his life. He’d lost that. I almost feel sad for him. But as sad as I feel for him, I hate him at the same time.

  Actually hate him for the pain he is causing.

  He stands and I watch him walk towards me, giving me his hand and I have no choice but to silently follow him. He takes me to a balcony area at the end of the dining room. He opens two beautiful French doors and we both step out.

  The view is beautiful. Almost as beautiful as it was the night I’d gone to dinner with Jake. Even with how beautiful the scenery is, I can’t enjoy it. My body is rigid and I’m nervous about being alone with him. I can feel his eyes on my body and they only make me feel dirty.

  Closing the space between us, he is now closer to me. I don’t move. I can hardly breathe. His large hand is on my bare shoulder, my teeth clench, and my stomach turns.

  “I could make things easier you know,” he says softly, his baritone voice at my ear sounds almost kind. My throat tightens in fear. His hand is caressing the bare skin I focus my vision on the building in front of me.

  “We can go back inside and I can cancel you having to go to Shine.” His voice thick, the front of his body is pressed completely to my back. His nose is at my neck, and I feel the little bit of food I ate, churn in my stomach. “I can get what I need from Davenport another way.” He lips touch my neck and I close my eyes in disgust, trying hard not to shake under his touch, so that he won’t know exactly how terrified I am of him.

  “I can send Helen and the boys away and we can have a good time….” His nose nuzzles against my skin, breathing me in and I feel disgust. "I can take care of you. This place is vacant most of the time. It’s a lot better than that old run down place you call home,” he offers and what he is suggesting makes me want to throw up. I don’t know how I hold still. Finding the courage I slowly turn, and he takes that as an opportunity to place his hands around my waist.

  “What do you mean take care of me?” I ask. My eyes are on his and I see the delight that my question gives him.

  “You wouldn’t have to worry about anything,” his deep voice tells me, a small hint of a smile beneath his thick dark mustache. “Just...take care of my… needs.” His dark eyes on mine, his nose flaring, his body is obviously aroused.

  I think about the women who are okay with arrangements similar to this. I’m not an idiot. I know those type of arrangements are common. Women who are more than okay living a life of luxury, in exchange for sexual favors with men who can give them every material thing their little gold digging hearts could ever desire. That is what Duke is offering me. Why he was so obsessed with wanting me is beyond me.

  The apartment is beautiful, and I figure a man his age, wouldn't take too long to ‘take care of’. But the thought of him touching me makes me physically ill, it always had. I touch his face, his dark eyes sparkling with triumph. His jaw is squared and slightly raspy beneath my hands. I reach up on my toes, lean in close, so close that my face is right in front of his.

  “Not even if the future of humanity counted on us fucking, would I take care of your needs.” I whisper, my words obviously surprising him. His hands let me go in his surprise and I take that opportunity to try to walk away, but I’m not fast enough. He grabs my arm hard, pulling me into him.

  “You little bitch…” He starts to hiss as his fingers dig deep into my flesh.

  “Boss?” A deep voice interrupts him. His fingers are digging tightly into my arm, I wince in pain.

  “What!” Duke snaps, not looking towards twiddle-hot, instead his eyes are burning bright into mine. He’s beyond mad, he’s beyond angry. I’d only seen one person with fire in their eyes like that in the past. Ugly anger that follows with fists and leaves you with bruises. His breathing is off, his nose flares, and I am so sick of him by this point I can’t seem to care.

  “Your next meeting is across town. Marco said he’s ready to take you when you are.” Still squeezing my arm, his grip goes harder and I let a whimper escape my lips.

  “Take her to Shine. Stay there. Make sure my grandson isn’t up to his heroics playing knight in shining armor for this little whore. Make sure you get what I need tonight. I’ll see you after I drop off Mrs. Keates after that charity event.” He says, his face slightly red now. His grip on me even tighter, but I don’t whimper or cower to him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Get this bitch out of my sight,” he roars, his face flushed as he pushes me towards Twiddle-hot, my body landing on his. His hands are gentle when I knock into him. Duke walks out barking at Marco, who I figure is twiddle-creep’s name.

  “You okay?” Twiddle Hot asks. He might be hot, but he is obviously fucking stupid. NO! I want to yell and scream. Instead of yelling everything I want to yell, I nod, looking down the entire time not meeting his gaze.

  “Weekends almost over sweet-cheeks, just hold on.” I look up at him and stare into his eyes for the first time, he almost looks like he’s being honest, and I want to laugh. I know better. I know this isn’t going to end this weekend. Duke is full of shit. He is going to keep holding shit over my head until he gets exactly what he wants or I disappear. Feeling completely defeated I give him a sad smile and nod.

  Silently, he drives us to Shine as I stare out the window. Watching the city pass by, all I can do is wish that I was anywhere but where I am. I feel his eyes glance at me, a couple of times, but I don’t look at him. I try to keep away from feeling as defeated as I do, but it’s hard. Too many emotions are swirling in me, mixing with one another.

  You need to focus a voice in me urges.

  Focus is good. Focus on the bakery. Focus on my girls. Forget Parker. Those three things go straight to the top of my to-do list. Focus on making sure Tess keeps the bakery. I could cut ties with the bakery. It would work for everyone involved. Even cutting ties from the girls, it would be better for them if I disappeared too. They couldn’t be hurt or used as leverage if I’m not close to them. The one that will be difficult is Parker. As much as I want him it’s painfully obvious I can’t have him.

  The longer I let my thoughts stew, the clearer it all is. It’s better for me to disappear from all of them, after this is done. I can start over somewhere. Somewhere that wouldn’t call too much attention to me. A place I could just disappear into. Colorado had always claimed my attention. My mind made up, it’s my stupid heart that’s having a tough time agreeing. Shifting, putting my hand into the pocket o
f my slacks, I hold the folded napkin in my hand and close my eyes. I can see the words in his writing.

  “We’re latched to one another.”

  I hold the napkin even tighter. I might have to give them up, but for now I’m holding onto the little bit I can to help me get through these next two days. I hold the stupid napkin, like a sentimental idiot, even after we arrive at Shine.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  My phone rings and I pick it up.

  “Stone,” I say, trying to keep my emotions at bay.

  “Park?” The familiar voice asks.

  “Evan?” I ask, even though I know it’s him, I’m surprised to hear from him.

  “Yeah man… what are you doing?” He asks, sounding strange.

  “I have a couple of things on my calendar, why what’s up?


  “Ev?” I ask wondering what my brother might need. I hear him sigh, and for some reason worry strikes me. Well more worry because I’m already swimming in a pool of worry over my angel.

  “I… Shit Park, I need to tell you something but… but you can't get mad. Not at her,” he says nervously. Her?

  “What’s going on?” I ask, not liking the cold tingle at my neck.

  “I think Duke’s up to something….”

  “How do you know about Duke?” sitting straighter, elbows at my knees.

  “I”m a member at Shine Park and Liz… Liz and I...well we know one another.” He admits, and I close my eyes.

  “Yeah, I introduced you.” I grit out, not liking where this might go.

  “No….shit… Park...look... “He starts to nervously mumble. Mumbling was NOT something Evan did. Ever!

  “Talk,” I snap and hear him sigh.

  “A couple of years ago, I hired her to escort me to a couple of places.”

  “Did you fuck her?” I hiss, my blood going from tepid to boiling. Had she fucking lied to me?


  “Evan. Did. You. Fuck. Her?” I roar.

  This might be the one thing I’m not sure I can look over, as stupid as it might seem. I know everyone has a past. Shit I have one a mile long. But sex in exchange for money with MY brother?

  “Park...I’m gay.” Evan says softly and my body goes solid, fully frozen. Not that I care, not really I hadn’t expected that or seen it coming. A complete surprise. Evan had been quarterback of the football team in high school. He’d always dated beautiful women.

  “Park?” His voice soft but worried.

  “Are you serious?” I ask my voice soft and surprised. I smile when I hear him chuckle.

  “Yeah Park, I'm sure. Look, I needed someone to go with me and it stopped feeling right asking women out without them knowing the truth. I’d met her before when I’d held meetings at Shine. She knew upfront that I was gay, I think that’s the only reason she agreed to go with me.”

  My heart calms down, I shake my head. How small can the world fucking get? First it is Jake, then Duke, now Evan?

  “Duke’s up to something.” Evan warns now sounding a little more like himself.

  “Yeah… he is,” I sigh, rubbing my face when I freeze. “Is he holding something against you?” I ask, and after a long silent moment, I hear him take a deep breathe.

  “Yeah.” Fuck.

  “Mom and Dad wouldn't care. The girls….”

  “I know…” He says sounding torn. I hear him sigh, “I’m just worried about Liz.”

  “I got her. I have it under control,” Taking a chance, “Evan, just… just keep cool. Whatever he has on you, don't worry. After tonight, the only thing Duke will have to worry about is finding a lawyer stupid enough to take him on.” I tell him as much as I can tell him. Evan stays silent for a minute.

  “Just keep her safe, Parker. I know she gives off this attitude of being tough but....” I smile for the first time today. I like my brother trying to look out for her. Especially when I know what it cost him to tell me his truth.

  “I know.” I tell him confidently.

  We stay quiet, as if neither of us knows what to say.

  “You love her.” He doesn’t ask me, he states it like fact and I smile again.

  “Yeah... She’s my one.” I admit, feeling slightly guilty telling him first instead of my angel. After a silent moment, he speaks.

  “How did you know?” He asks and I chuckle softly.

  “Believe it or not, it’s like Dad used to tell us. When you meet the just know. Felt like Las Vegas lights were pointing right at her. I saw her and I didn’t know my hand from my ass, but I knew she was it.”

  “Good.” Evan says soft, almost as if he got emotional about it and was trying to hide it.

  “Love you man, no matter what.” I tell him and meaning it.

  “Love you too. Have to go.” The call ends and I lean my head back on the couch, and stare at the ceiling. I pray that it will all play out exactly the way Agent Thornton had explained it to me. If it did by the end of tonight, my angel and I would be okay.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Gentlemen… how’s everything? “I ask, smiling brightly. The bachelor party has been going smoothly and without incident. In one of the larger private rooms that Shine has in the back, the guys are playing poker while Vikki and I serve food and drinks.

  A tall lean guy with shaggy brown hair and friendly brown eyes has been eyeing me the entire time, smiles at me.

  “Come over, sweetheart.” I shake my head as I walk, and he pushes his chair back and pats his lap asking me to sit.

  “Sorry handsome, I can’t.”

  “Oh come on…,” he pouts, making him look cute. He’s not my type, but he’s cute. “This guy….” He starts to say, “Do you know what this guy is doing?” He asks me, puppy dog brown eyes staring at me, clearly tipsy as he points at the groom. The groom who by the way thankfully hadn't recognized me, or if he has he isn’t saying anything. I’d met him a while ago when his bride, event coordinator Sabrina Miller had introduced me. Then a couple of months ago, Tess and I met with them to design their wedding cake. Michael Crown. He’d also been in a couple of times when I had worked the stage and floor with John Davenport back when I use to work here.

  “What?” I ask, not to be nosey, but because it seemed the cute puppy dog eyed guy needed to vent.

  “This guy...he’s...he’s marrying my best friend.” I smile. He’s Sabrina’s best friend. Nerdy but cute smiles at me and I can’t help but smile back.

  “Nick.” The handsome older guy in the group warns, smiling and shaking his head at him, John Davenport.

  “What it’s true! She’s my family and this asshole….” Oh no, nerdy but cute was about to make a scene.

  “So handsome, tell me about you.” I say sitting on his lap, trying to distract him from his whole spiel about losing his best friend. He was cute. Not more or less than Mike, just a different kind of cute, and he was obviously having a hard time with this. So desperate times, call for desperate measures.

  He grins at me, sitting back his arm loosely around my waist in a harmless kind of way.

  “I suck at poker,” he says smiling sheepishly and I laugh.

  Looking up at the crowd, John’s dark eyes are on me, trailing over my body, and I shiver.

  His dark eyes feel are hot on my skin. He’s handsome, I’d always thought it. He was older, maybe in his forties but hard to tell with men sometimes. He had rich brown hair, serious dark eyes, and a beautiful face. It was a masculine face, classic looking with a just a hint of ruggedness to him. With strong bone structure and he wore a suit as if it was made just for him. Perfectly!

  The way he held himself screamed control, power and success. He reminded me of the show Mad Men. As if he could have gone back in time and fit in just as perfectly in the past as he did in the present. Over the years at Shine, I’d seen him. He didn’t prefer one type of girl over another. He always tipped his waitresses well. Many would see a man like him
in a place like this and roll their eyes at the poor little rich guy, but there was a shadow in his dark eyes. Something sad and painful haunted him that he carefully hid. Something only others with similar pain could relate too. It’s it funny how loss doesn’t discriminate between the haves and the have not of the world.

  His eyes never waver from mine as he whispers something into Vikki’s ear, probably his order. Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I smile at Nick and stand from his lap. I take drink orders from the other guys in the room. The three mounted flat screen TV’s in the room play different sports channels, some of the guys not playing poker are busy watching the games. Vikki comes over to me.

  “Here,” she says, sounding grumpy, handing me her order list.


  “Get my orders, the hot older guy wants you to deliver his drink to him,” she says rolling her eyes. She was always on the prowl for a big hitter.


  “Go. Come on. I’ll wait here. Ginger’s supposed to come in for dances in like ten,” she tells me, not budging.

  “Fine.” Leaving the private room, I smile at Matt, who is standing at the door like a soldier at his post. Tonight he’s in a dark grey suit that fit him great, black dress shirt and a hunter green silk tie, his hair in a man bun at his nape.

  “Going to get drinks,” I tell him, showing him my round black tray and smiling at him. From the moment that Twiddle-hot dropped me off at Shine and throughout the night, I had somehow found myself calm. I know Matt is watching me close, worried I’ll have a panic attack but I’m okay. I have a plan. An idea of what I need to do after this weekend and how to go about cutting ties and getting the hell away from California.

  “Need help?” He asks smirking at me, his eyes hot as his gaze moves slowly from my shoes and back up to my eyes.

  I’m dressed in a bright jewel blue chemise that has a great built in push up bra that makes the girls look amazing. A chemise is usually pretty tame, this one is not. This one is bright blue silk in the front and back, but the sides are made of nothing but four thick delicate lace bands. It shows skin, but if you look around and really pay attention to what the rest are wearing, I’m way more covered up than they are. It’s sexy, but I feel covered… Shielded. It’s also another outfit I wish I could have only had to wear for Parker and not in front of all these men. I went dramatic with my makeup, another shield I guess. My eyes are outlined with black cat eyeliner, my smoky eyes, and pouty natural shiny lips. My skin had bronzer all over it, and my hair’s smooth, cascading down with lots of volume. All of it paired up with black heels that had a thick strap at the ankle and I look hot.


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